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Floating Thought

Floating Thought

Concentration ()

Grasping upon the air itself, you imbue a gust of wind with psychic energy. You are able to see and hear the world within 30 feet of the floating thought, but you are blind and deaf to your body’s surroundings for the duration. The floating thought travels with the wind and you have no control over its movement.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to gain control of the floating thought’s movement, moving it up to 10 feet each turn; +2 psionic points to not be blind and deaf to your own surroundings [requires power rating IV].



Concentration ()

You can clearly see details of things at a distance as if they were nearby. Focus on a spot in the distance to which you have line of sight (in ideal environmental conditions on a planet with a breathable atmosphere line of sight can generally reach up to 3 miles). You can see as if you are standing in that spot.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to target one willing creature instead.



Concentration ()

You have advantage on ability checks, attacks, and saving throws and gain a number of temporary hit points equal to your level.

Surge. You can spend +3 psionic points to target one additional creature you can see within short range (30 feet). The creature may later move out of range, become hidden, or turn invisible and still benefit from this power [requires power rating V].



Concentration ()

You target a creature within range and overtax its psyche. The target makes an Intelligence saving throw or suffers the enervated condition until the end of your next turn. If the target is able to use psionic powers, it can make a manifesting ability saving throw instead.

Empathic Sense

Empathic Sense

Concentration ()

You gain an expertise die on ability checks made to detect or identify hidden emotions, imminent danger, and the use of supernatural powers.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to target one willing creature instead; +1 psionic point to increase duration to 1 hour [requires power rating III].



Concentration ()

You can covertly communicate simple concepts with the target via basic emotions, without needing to share a language. You are not able to convey complex ideas via this reflex.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point per creature to affect up to 3 targets; +1 psionic point to increase the duration to 1 hour [requires power rating III].

Drain Power

Drain Power


Make a melee psionic attack against an adjacent creature. On a success you reduce that creature’s current psionic points total by 1d4+1 psionic points.

If the target has no psionic points, this power has no effect.

Delay Inertia

Delay Inertia

Concentration ()

The target becomes immune to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. Any damage that the target would take is delayed, and at the end of the power’s duration it is dealt all at once.

Surge. You can spend +2 psionic points to target an object of Gargantuan size [requires power rating V]; +4 psionic points to target an object of Titanic size [requires power rating VII].

Cryogenic Conduit

Cryogenic Conduit

Concentration ()

Sheets of freezing cold blast outward from your hands in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in the area takes 4d6 cold damage and is slowed. On a successful Dexterity saving throw, a creature takes half damage and isn’t slowed.

The damage increases by 1d6 each time your power rating increases beyond III.

Crushing Psyche

Crushing Psyche

Concentration ()

You drop the full weight of your psychic consciousness upon a creature, erasing its identity from its own mind. The target makes a Charisma saving throw or immediately loses all memory of who they are (creatures with a CR higher than your level gain advantage on this save). They retain all skills and abilities but cannot recall how they got them. Roll a d20 on the New Identity table to determine its new self-identity. This power only affects creatures with an Intelligence of 6 or higher.