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Mask Presence

Mask Presence

Concentration ()

You mask your presence from visible forms of detection, effectively rendering yourself invisible. This effect ends early if you exceed your Speed when moving, make an attack, or force another creature to make a saving throw.

When your power rating is equal to or greater than III, the power’s effect does not end when you exceed your Speed or make an attack. When your power rating is equal to or greater than V, you can target up to 4 willing creatures at once.



Concentration ()

Your movements are like flowing water. Your Armor Class increases by 2. You can spend 5 feet of movement to escape from restraints or grapples. Your movement and attacks aren’t penalized from squeezing or being underwater.

Kinetic Barrage

Kinetic Barrage


With immense psionic power you fling down a storm of psychic force that barrages a 20-foot radius dealing 35 (10d6) force damage to each creature in the area.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to deal psychic damage and force targets to make an Intelligence saving throw instead [requires power rating VI].

Horrifying Hallucination

Horrifying Hallucination

Concentration ()

You tap into the mind of the target to create a fearsome illusion so complete it can cause psychic harm. Only the target can see this illusion. When you manifest this power and at the end of each of its turns, the target makes a Wisdom saving throw.

On a failed save the target takes 2d10 psychic damage as you manifest one of the following (the effect persists for the duration unless you use a reaction to choose another):



Concentration ()

Mundane objects (like rope, vines, blankets, or loose clothing) in a 20-foot square area centered on the target begin writhing and undulating like living creatures. For the duration of the power’s effect, the area is difficult terrain.

A creature in the area when you manifest this power makes a Strength saving throw or becomes restrained as the objects wrap around it. A restrained creature can use its action to make a Strength check against your psionics save DC, freeing itself on a success.

When the power ends, the objects drop harmlessly to the ground.




Psychic power makes you taller and faster. Your size increases by one category and you gain an expertise die on weapon attacks. In addition, your reach increases by 5 feet, your Speed increases by 10 feet, you gain advantage on saving throws against combat maneuvers, and creatures have disadvantage on saving throws made against your maneuver DC.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to target one willing creature instead.

Gravitic Fling

Gravitic Fling


You grab your target with the power of your mind and repeatedly smash it into the ground, the ceiling, walls, or nearby objects. The target makes a Strength saving throw. On a failure the target takes 10d8 bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing (your choice) damage and is knocked prone. On a successful saving throw, the target takes half damage and is not knocked prone.

Fortress of Iron Will

Fortress of Iron Will


You can exert your will to manifest a floating safehouse to guard you and those under your protection. The structure counts as a haven and can take any form you imagine (such as a building, garden, spaceship, or the like) that comfortably accommodates 4 Medium creatures and 1 Large creature. The structure occupies a physical space with up to 200 square feet of floor space. Creatures within the safehouse cannot be targeted by a psionic or other supernatural attack.



Concentration ()

You fortify yourself with psychic energy. You gain resistance to all damage types, immunity to poison, and advantage on all saving throws. Additionally, when you would take half damage from an effect which deals half damage on a successful  saving throw, you instead take no damage.

Force Field

Force Field

Concentration ()

You create an invisible forcefield at a point you choose. The forcefield is 1/4 inch thick and can be free floating or resting or connected to a solid surface. You may form it into a hemispherical dome or sphere, either with a radius of up to 10 feet. Alternatively, you may create a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal surface made up of up to a contiguous group of ten 10-foot square sections.