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Telekine Limbs

Telekine Limbs


Psychic energy flows out from your torso to form two psionic limbs that support and enhance your existing arms and legs. You choose what kind of psionic limbs this power grants when you manifest it.

Psionic Arm. You gain a climb speed equal to your Speed. In addition, on each of your turns you gain an expertise die to one of the following options for each psionic arm you possess: melee weapon attack roll, Strength check, Strength saving throw, melee weapon damage roll.




You teleport to an unoccupied space you can see within range.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to teleport twice this turn and take your action in between as long as the total distance traveled does not exceed 30 feet.

Summon Object

Summon Object


You teleport an object to your hand. You must have designated the object as the target of your summoning by holding it and imbuing it with psionic energy before leaving it. You may only have one designated object at a time.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to summon the object from a distance of up to 10 miles; +2 psionic points to summon the object from any location on the same planet [requires power rating III]; +3 psionic points to summon the object from any location in the same star system [requires power rating IV].

Silent Passenger

Silent Passenger

Concentration ()

You psychically inhabit the corporeal body of another creature, perceiving all its thoughts, actions, and sensations as if they are your own. While in this state you are unaware of your own physical surroundings. A creature that fails its initial saving throw may make an additional saving throw every 15 minutes; on a success your presence is ejected and the creature is aware it was inhabited, though not by whom or for how long.



Concentration ()

A buckler made of pure psychic energy forms on your forearm, lasting for the duration. The bucker counts as a light shield with the hands-free property. You are considered proficient with the buckler. The power’s effect ends early if you sacrifice the shield (see Shielding in Chapter 3: Equipment).

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to form a medium shield with the rebounding property, a heavy shield, or a tower shield instead [requires power rating III].

Move Object

Move Object

Concentration ()

You summon an unattended handheld object to your empty hand from a distance within range. Alternately, you levitate a creature or object and can move it a number of feet per round (within range) based on your power rating and the target’s size.

Unwilling creatures or those holding an object you are trying to affect can make a Strength check against your psionics save DC to avoid being affected (or a manifesting ability check, if it can use psionic powers).

Imbue Weapon

Imbue Weapon

Concentration ()

The target weapon is imbued with psychic energy, bonding with your psionic strength. The weapon gains a bonus of +2 to its damage, and you can use your manifesting ability instead of Strength for attack and damage rolls made using it. The effect ends if you use this reflex again or let go of the weapon. Beginning at 3rd level the weapon’s damage type can be psychic, and if the weapon is medium-sized or smaller it gains the thrown (10/30) property.




You gain a flying speed of 30 feet. On subsequent turns, you can use a bonus action to increase your flying speed by 30 feet up to a maximum of 90 feet. You can maintain flight for a number of turns equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum 1). Flight ends early if you become unconscious. When the power’s effect ends, you fall if you are off the ground. You can target one additional creature for each power rating you have gained above III.

This power can also be manifested as  1 reaction to falling from a height greater than or equal to 10 feet.

Enhance Mind

Enhance Mind

Concentration ()

The target gains an expertise die to one mental ability check (Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma) of its choice. The expertise die can be rolled before or after the ability check is made but before the outcome is determined.



Concentration ()

When you attempt to move through a space one size smaller than your own, you can do so without squeezing. When attempting to slip free of ropes, shackles, or other similar restraints, or to escape a grapple, you gain advantage on ability checks and saving throws to do so.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to manifest this power as a reaction to being grappled.