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Perplexing Flurry

Perplexing Flurry

( points)

A rain of short, sharp strikes disorients your enemy.

Painful Pickpocket

Painful Pickpocket

( points)

Sometimes a good diversion is presented to you and though a foe might bloody you, your light fingers find opportunity in the exchange.

When a creature hits you with a melee attack, you can use your reaction to make a Sleight of Hand check against it.


Deceptive Stance

Deceptive Stance

( points)

With practice and training you learn how to shut off your facial reactions amidst battle, taking on a passive countenance from which nothing can be easily gleaned.

You gain an expertise die on Deception and Sleight of Hand checks made in combat


Anticipate Spell

Anticipate Spell

( points)

You make your move while your foe is busy casting a spell.

Reflect Attack

Reflect Attack

( points)

You redirect your enemy’s attack back upon itself.

Strike the Cracks Stance

Strike the Cracks Stance

( points)

You focus on targeting your enemy’s weakest spots.

When you make melee weapon attacks, you score critical hits on a roll of 19–20. If you already have a feature that increases the range of your critical hits, your critical hit range increases by 1 (maximum 17–20).

You deal one additional weapon damage die when determining the extra damage for a critical hit with a melee weapon attack.


Retributive Blow

Retributive Blow

( points)

You return a blow so quickly that your opponent is shocked.

Discerning Strike

Discerning Strike

( points)

A probing blow allows you to take the measure of your foe.

When you activate this maneuver, you take the Attack action and make a weapon attack, as well as any additional attacks granted by Extra Attack. Until the start of your next turn, when you deal damage to a creature you learn its current hit points, hit point maximum, immunities, resistances, and vulnerabilities. 



( points)

Your opponent’s blow is not simply turned away but re-oriented entirely, forced into inflicting a wound against a foe unfortunate enough to be nearby.