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Furious Barrage

Furious Barrage

( points)

You unleash blow after blow, striking your opponent again and again, oblivious to your surroundings.

Make a melee weapon attack against a creature. On a hit, make another melee weapon attack. You can keep attacking until you miss. You cannot make more attacks than your proficiency bonus in this manner. 

Attack rolls against you have advantage until the beginning of your next turn.

Mercurial Striking Stance

Mercurial Striking Stance

( points)

By tapping into your basic survival instincts you not only unleash your potential—you make certain that every strike counts.

The minimum result on a damage die rolled with a natural weapon, unarmed strike, or weapon with the dual-wielding property is a 3.

Bloody Roar

Bloody Roar

( points)

A victorious battle cry strikes fear in the heart of your foes.

Blind Instinct

Blind Instinct

( points)

You use all your senses to focus your attacks on a single enemy.

You gain blindsight out to a range of 30 feet. 

If a creature leaves the range of your blindsight, you can use your reaction to mark it as prey and move up to your Speed. The next melee weapon attack you make against that creature before the end of your next turn deals an additional weapon damage die.

Wild Capering

Wild Capering

( points)

You move through the environment like a cat, running along walls and easily leaping across gaps.

Move 30 feet. Until the start of your next turn, you gain a climb speed equal to your Speed and your minimum jump distance increases to 10 feet vertically and 15 feet horizontally. 



( points)

With two deft attacks you rend at your opponent, striking at them first to diminish their defenses then delivering a ferocious second blow.

When you activate this technique, you take the Attack action and make a weapon attack, as well as any additional attacks granted by Extra Attack. Until the start of your next turn, when you hit a creature with two or more melee weapon attacks, each hit after the first deals 1d8 extra damage.

Gut Strike

Gut Strike

( points)

You instinctively know when you hit an opponent’s weak spot and can muster an extra bit of force to devastating effect, causing your foe to suffer momentary fatigue.

Primal Intercept

Primal Intercept

( points)

The instant you sense an opponent has moved within your guard you immediately attack in response.

Leaping Strike

Leaping Strike

( points)

Like a stalking predator you run down your prey and pounce with a lethal attack that throws your opponent to the ground or knocks them back.

Expert Tumble

Expert Tumble

( points)

You throw your body across the battlefield, careening around opponents in a route and manner that makes it difficult to anticipate where you’ll move next.