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Halsyle Day

Halsyle Day

Though none now remember the name of the king he betrayed, Hals Lyle’s name lives on in infamy, and this tale—or something close to it—is taught to children across the land: Centuries ago a prince named Hals Lyle was discovered engaging in unholy practices and was cast out by his brother, the king. In his exile, he brooded and drew to himself the power-hungry, the disloyal, and those determined to overthrow the rightful king. Hals Lyle continued his studies in his banishment creating an army of clay guardians, with a plan to invade and make himself king.



The game and celebration of Tarphen has been enjoyed for time immemorial, but is nowadays considered part of a god of war’s festival, which has adopted the name. Held at the end of the week after the first frost, the game consists of several teams with each protecting a champion held aloft on a shield. A team loses when their champion or shield touches the ground or if their champion loses contact with their shield, with the last team standing declared the victors.



Held after the final harvest, Bondsday is an allday festival celebrating the connections between friends and family. The celebration sees families and friends across the land spend daylight hours together eating, sharing stories, and renewing their connections. Households hosting a Bondsday feast garland their buildings with strings of brightly colored flowers and prepare a large array of cold and preserved foods in the days before.

Make Them Laugh

Make Them Laugh

( points)

With unmatched enthusiasm you undertake a fantastic bit of comedic gymnastics—flipping off of walls, slipping into cartwheels, landing in splits, and otherwise making a grand fool of yourself to the absolute delight of those able to see your exhausting display.

Instant Allyship

Instant Allyship

( points)

The art of battle is driven as much by the minds of combatants as it is their muscles, and you have made it your business to get into a foe’s head, even if only for a brief moment

Really Very Funny

Really Very Funny

( points)

A little bit of slipping, an ungainly flip, or a teetering and unlikely turn disorients even the most perceptive of opponents.