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Quick, Drink This

Quick, Drink This

( points)

No matter how deadly or serious an opponent is, if they can drink, you can splash something down their throat with superlative timing.

Make a Persuasion check opposed by the Insight check of a creature within your reach. On a success, the creature drinks whatever item you are offering to it, whether that is a potion, poison, or otherwise. Any alchemical item (such as an acid flask or alchemist’s fire) deals four times as much damage as normal when a creature drinks it in this way, although any ongoing damage is only dealt twice.


Rolling With The Punches

Rolling With The Punches

( points)

Suffering in silence is the worst—pain is far easier to bear when you can laugh it off.

As long as you are able to speak, did not cast a spell with vocalized components on your last turn, and have an ally who can hear and respond to you, once per round you can reduce the damage you take from an attack or spell by an amount equal to your proficiency bonus.

Partner Fall

Partner Fall

( points)

The art of the pratfall is to make the dive to the floor spectacular, and nothing impresses like taking somebody down with you.

Old Pal

Old Pal

( points)

Sometimes putting on a friendly face and sidling up to an enemy thirsting for your blood is just unexpected enough to work.

Make a Deception check opposed by the Insight check of a creature able to see you. On a success, until the end of your next turn the creature treats you as an ally (instead of an enemy) for the purposes of traits and other effects. The creature can still target you with attacks, and the effects of this combat maneuver end early if you damage it.

Just A Giggle

Just A Giggle

( points)

Inversion is at the heart of humor, and nothing upends a no-holdsbarred fight faster than a solid joke.

This is Yours

This is Yours

( points)

A good warrior is ready for anything, but even the most experienced opponents don’t expect to receive a gift.

Make a Persuasion or nonmusical Performance check opposed by the Insight check of a creature within reach. On a success, as long as the creature has a free hand and is able to understand you, it takes the object you offer to it. On a success by 5 or more, the creature does not need to be able to understand you

Splash of Humor

Splash of Humor

( points)

There’s truth to the old adage that practice makes perfect—and you have endlessly practiced splashing people.

Pratfall Pull

Pratfall Pull

( points)

Physical comedy resonates best if performed in tandem, and with the right footwork even the unsuspecting can be made into an impromptu stage partner.

Quick Spill

Quick Spill

( points)

With daring-do and practiced grace you seamlessly fling an obstacle across the floor with surprising swiftness. With some extra effort, you can distract from the violent intent.

Pie To The Face

Pie To The Face

( points)

The extremely rapid delivery of food can be not only hilariously satisfying, but also give a warrior an edge in combat.