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Rime Ant

Rime Ant


Light (Destiny)

Light (Destiny)

Light is that which reveals and purifies, merciless and true. Light exposes and tears away at all deception until only the bare and naked reality is left shivering at the universe’s attention. Truth is the highest calling, a purifying radiance that burns away lies and leaves only what is real.

Ice (Destiny)

Ice (Destiny)

The ice is quiet, a still and solemn thing content to merely be. Ice is uncaring, stubborn, and somber. Those with a destiny of ice are harsh and calculating, slow and purposeful. They tend towards the distant and the calm, unnerved by the bustle of activity and reassured by isolation and stillness.

Fire (Destiny)

Fire (Destiny)

Fire can be put to work, but it has no goal in mind, no plans for the future beyond spreading and burning bright. Fire is impulsive, destructive, and beautiful. Those with a destiny of fire tend to be rabble rousers and instigators, brash and bold. They take up causes as burning beacons, only to abandon them once passions have cooled.