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Death (Destiny)

Death (Destiny)

All things end. This is right, this is nature. Death is a part of life, defending others often requires death, and unnaturally extended lives often require ending. Those with a destiny of death are deliverers of finality.

Darkness (Destiny)

Darkness (Destiny)

Darkness is not good or evil, it is that which obscures. Darkness is the unknown and the fear of discovery. Darkness is a veil, a barrier that can mask the predator or guard the innocent from what they can’t understand.

Feats for Citified Heroes

Feats for Citified Heroes

From the most sprawling metropolises to brisk market towns, each urban settlement is a living thing. Every city has its own rhythm, a heartbeat that drives the thousands of lives, and with each rhythm comes unique peculiarities that adventurers need to deal with. Far from the remote, sometimes solitary life of the wilds, in the cities there are countless lives that can get in the way, both socially and physically, including the local watch trying to keep the peace—whatever that means for the city in question.

Map Marker

Map Marker

-level (

When casting this spell, touch a map. If you cast the spell in territory not depicted on the map, the spell fails. If you are in territory depicted on the map, your position is marked by a small glowing spot on the map. The spot continues to move with your position on it, updating once per minute. If you enter territory not marked on the map, the spell ends.

Fertilize Field

Fertilize Field

-level (

You bless the ground to accommodate a specific crop in a 130-foot square area. The soil alters its composition to become ideal for that specific plant, purging contaminants (such as salt or other undesirable minerals), instantly decomposing any bodies lying in its soil down to a depth of 5 feet, and dispelling curses of up to 4th level. For a year and a day, plants of the type specified at the casting of the spell produce 50% more yield than they normally would, potentially increasing the income of a farm if properly harvested.

Laundry Day

Laundry Day

-level (

When you cast this spell, choose a pile of laundry that you can see within range, weighing up to 25 pounds and occupying a single 5-foot square, to clean and repair. Threadbare or worn laundry is restored to as new condition, and even extremely damaged laundry (bloodstained, cut to tatters in a combat, etc.) is restored. As long as at least half the material that comprises an article of laundry is present, it can be restored by this spell. This spell leaves no trace that the object was damaged.

This spell may be cast as a ritual

Instant Window

Instant Window

-level (

You create a window roughly 4 inches square, centered on the point that you touch. If the surface is more than 1 foot thick or made of materials other than wood, dirt, or stone, the spell fails. The window is sufficiently braced to prevent any structural weakening to the surrounding structure, but otherwise is just a small hole you can look through. The hole lasts for 1 minute, then vanishes. The hole can also be dismissed by the caster as a bonus action.



-level (

When you cast this spell, select a 10-foot square section within range. If it is a hard, treated, or manufactured surface (such as wood, fabric, leather, stone, glass, or metal) it becomes spotlessly clean. Any foreign substances on the surface of the square that you specify such as dirt, blood, toxic chemicals, paint, ink, and so on vanish harmlessly, leaving the surface clean and sanitary. This cleaning makes it impossible to track a creature through the affected areas via mundane means, but the utter cleanliness may itself be suspicious.

This spell may be cast as a ritual

Chef's Plate

Chef's Plate

-level (

You instantly learn the ingredients list and preparation method for the item of food or drink targeted by this spell. For one hour after you cast the spell you retain perfect, detailed knowledge sufficient to perfectly recreate the serving of food or drink, including an accurate awareness of any contaminants (including vermin and poisons, but not disease) in the fare. Identifying such contaminants as harmful usually requires a DC 10 Perception check, but the Narrator may use DC 15 for those that are uncommon, DC 20 for rare, or DC 25 for those that are truly unique.

Beautify Creature

Beautify Creature

-level (

The creature is immediately and beautifully groomed, as if it had been lovingly attended to by a group of no less than 4 highly-skilled servants. Its clothing (if it has any) will be spotlessly clean with any minor damage mended and, at the creature’s option, it may also be festooned with ribbons, be perfumed, and have makeup, face paint, or body paint applied. If the creature desires, its hair, beard, fur, and/or feathers can be styled or cut by this spell.