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Grasping Gauntlet

Grasping Gauntlet

( points)

Choose a creature of no more than one size category larger than you that is within 30 feet.

Flame Burst

Flame Burst

( points)

After dealing damage with a melee weapon, select three squares within your reach.

Reactive Ward

Reactive Ward

( points)

When you or an ally within 15 feet are targeted by a spell with a duration of 1 round or less, you may briefly manifest a 5-foot-square shield centered the target.



( points)

When you use this ability, choose an adjacent square.

Arcane Dismissal

Arcane Dismissal

( points)

Choose up to three creatures within your reach to make Strength



( points)

You can expend your reaction to gain

Duelist's Sigil

Duelist's Sigil

( points)

As part of this stance, you trace a rune onto a melee weapon. Your mark is transferred to the next creature you successfully hit with the inscribed weapon. If the marked creature attempts to attack any other target but you, it takes force damage equal to your Intelligence modifier, regardless of whether the attack hits. This stance ends early if you wish to mark another creature or if the target is more than 30 feet away from you.

Blazing Pursuit

Blazing Pursuit

( points)

If a creature moves out of your reach, you may expend your reaction to move in the same direction up to 20 feet and make a single melee attack against the creature if they are within your reach.