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-level (

You utter the target's name and attempt to bind them for eternity. On a successful save, a target is immune to any future attempts by you to cast this spell on it. On a failed save, choose from one of the forms of bindings below (each lasts until the spell ends).

Incendiary Cloud

Incendiary Cloud

-level (

A cloud of burning embers, smoke, and roiling flame appears within range.

Inescapable Malady

Inescapable Malady

-level (

You infect your target with an arcane disease. At any time after you cast this spell, as long as you are on the same plane of existence as the target, you can use an action to deal 7d10 necrotic damage to the target. If this damage would reduce the target to 0 hit points, you can choose to leave it with 1 hit point. As part of dealing the damage, you may expend a 7th-level spell slot to sustain the disease. Otherwise, the spell ends. The spell ends when you die.

Infernal Weapon

Infernal Weapon

-level (

A weapon formed from the essence of Hell appears in your hands. You must use two hands to wield the weapon. If you let go of the weapon, it disappears and the spell ends.

When you cast the spell, choose either a flame fork or ice spear. While the spell lasts, you can use an action to make a melee spell attack with the weapon against a creature within 10 feet of you. On a hit, you deal 5d8 damage of a type determined by the weapon’s form. On a critical hit, you inflict an additional effect.

Inflict Wounds

Inflict Wounds

-level (

You impart fell energies that suck away the target’s life force, making a melee spell attack that deals 3d10 necrotic damage.

Insect Plague

Insect Plague

-level (

Range: Special (300 feet)

Instant Summons

Instant Summons

-level (

Until the spell ends, a mystical bond connects the target and the precious stone used to cast this spell. Any time after, you may crush the stone and speak the name of the item, summoning it instantly into your hand no matter the physical, metaphysical, or planar distances involved, at which point the spell ends. If another creature is holding the item when the stone is crushed, the item is not summoned to you. Instead, the spell grants you the knowledge of who possesses it and a general idea of the creature’s location.

This spell may be cast as a ritual

Invigorated Strikes

Invigorated Strikes

-level (

You allow long-forgotten fighting instincts to boil up to the surface. For the duration of the spell, whenever the target deals damage with an unarmed strike or natural weapon, it deals 1d4 extra damage.



-level (

You wreathe a creature in an illusory veil, making it



-level (

You imbue a target with the ability to make impossible leaps. The target’s jump distances increase 15 feet vertically and 30 feet horizontally.