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Heroes’ Feast

Heroes’ Feast

-level (

The spell summons forth a sumptuous feast with a cuisine of your choosing that provides 1 Supply for a number of creatures equal to twice your proficiency bonus.



-level (

The target’s spirit is bolstered.

Hideous Laughter

Hideous Laughter

-level (

The target is overwhelmed by the absurdity of the world and is crippled by paroxysms of laughter.

Holy Aura

Holy Aura

-level (

Holy radiance emanates from you and fills the area.

Hypnotic Pattern

Hypnotic Pattern

-level (

You conjure a swirling pattern of twisting hues that roils through the air, appearing for a moment and then vanishing.

Ice Storm

Ice Storm

-level (

Range: Special (300 feet)

Area: 20-foot radius cylinder that is 40 feet high



-level (

You learn the target item’s magical properties along with how to use them. This spell also reveals whether or not a targeted item requires attunement and how many charges it has. You learn what spells are affecting the targeted item (if any) along with what spells were used to create it.

Alternatively, you learn any spells that are currently affecting a targeted creature. 

This spell may be cast as a ritual

Illusory Script

Illusory Script

-level (

You inscribe a message onto the target and wrap it in illusion until the spell ends. You and any creatures that you designate when the spell is cast perceive the message as normal. You may choose to have other creatures view the message as writing in an unknown or unintelligible magical script or a different message. If you choose to create another message, you can change the handwriting and the language that the message is written in, though you must know the language in question.

If the spell is dispelled, both the message and its illusory mask disappear.