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Skull Goblet

Skull Goblet

When you use this spellcasting focus to consume Supply during a long rest, if you have the Evil trait you gain an expertise die on your next Arcana or Religion check.

Zustramet Logboat

Zustramet Logboat

Size Gargantuan
AC 17; Hit Points 450
Speed 50 feet/5mph; Crew 1; Supply 1,000
Special Transport

Bog Stilts

Bog Stilts

While wearing this set of 5-foot stilts and using the accompanying staff for support, you have disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls the Narrator deems appropriate. Additionally, you can make a DC 10 Acrobatics or Athletics check to increase your Speed by 10 feet for 1 hour (on a failure you fall prone and take 1 bludgeoning damage). Donning bog stilts takes 1 minute.

Bog Sled

Bog Sled

This simple, high-sided wooden sled is the best way to evenly distribute the extra weight of goods and equipment on the wetlands, and keep them out of the muck. If empty they make for a helpful platform for a single Medium creature to lay a sleeping bag on, to prevent them from getting damp or sinking in the night. A bog sled can carry 50 pounds of goods, 15 Supply, and 2 bulky items.

Geistblock (5 uses)

Geistblock (5 uses)

This pungent salve smells like a mixture of citrus and clove, but it is made from local plants that have developed resistance to the spectral swarms.



This weapon resembles a cross with four razor-sharp blades on each end. A creature not proficient with the crossdagger takes 1d4 slashing damage when it uses the weapon to make an attack and rolls a natural 1.



This gauntlet fits over the wrist, binding tightly with cords of leather, and one side of it is adorned with a winged silver contraption that has a taut wire connected on the ends and set perpendicular to the bracer. When you take the Attack action using this weapon, you may choose to attack with disadvantage until the start of your next turn to make two additional ranged weapon attacks.



On each end of this sturdy cord is a weighted metal ball. A creature hit by a ranged weapon attack using bolas takes damage and makes a Dexterity saving throw against maneuver DC or is grappled. On a critical hit, a creature that fails its save is both grappled and knocked prone.

Endoran Militia

Endoran Militia

There is no high king or empress of Endora— instead each demesne provides annual tithes to the Endoran Militia and becomes responsible for its command for a given year. Endoran citizens born on the third Aluday of Parra are consigned into service from birth, sworn by their parents to serve their demesne when the time comes in an ancient practice drafted from rules established in the Imperial Age long ago. As one of the children born on the fateful third Aluday of Parra, you were handed over to one of the demesnes of Endora and raised along other infant conscripts.

Ability Score Increases
+1 to and one other ability score.
Suggested Equipment (Cost )
Connection and Memento. Roll 1d10, choose, or make up your own.
D10Endoran Militia CONNECTIONS
D10Endoran Militia MEMENTOS