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Merfolk Knight


AC 15 (scale)

HP 52 (8d8 + 16; bloodied 26)

Speed 10 ft., swim 40 ft.

Proficiency +2; Maneuver DC 13

Saving Throws Str +5, Con +4, Wis +2

Skills Athletics +5, Perception +2

Senses darkvision 30 ft., passive Perception 12

Languages Aquan, Common

Amphibious. The knight can breathe air and water.

Brave. The knight has advantage on saving throws against being frightened .


Multiattack. The knight makes two trident attacks.

Trident. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage if used with two hands to make a melee attack, or 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage if thrown.

Lance (Mounted Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d12 + 3) piercing damage. If the knight moves at least 20 feet straight towards the target before the attack, it deals an extra 6 (1d12) piercing damage, and the target makes a DC 13 Strength saving throw , falling prone on a failure. This attack is made at disadvantage against targets within 5 feet of the knight.

Knightly Inspiration (1/Day). The knight inspires creatures of its choice within 30 feet that can hear and understand it. For the next minute, inspired creatures gain an expertise die on attack rolls and saving throws . A creature can benefit from only one Knightly Inspiration at a time, and the knight cannot target itself.


Trident. The knight makes a trident attack.


If mounted, the merfolk knight charges with its lance. It then switches to its trident. It uses Knightly Inspiration only if it can affect at least three allies. The knight fights to the death unless ordered to retreat.


Adrina, Brizo, Merithen, Pearl, Surgeward, Zildas

Legends and Lore

With a History or Nature check, characters can learn the following:

DC 10 Merfolk are half-humanoid, half-fish. They build villages, towns, and even cities beneath the waves.

DC 15 Merfolk cultures are as varied as those of land-bound folk.

DC 20 Because they have no way of forging it themselves, merfolk value metal. They often trade pearls and other treasures for weapons and tools made of metal.


Aquatic humanoids with the torsos of humans and the tails of fish, merfolk build societies beneath the waves that few land-dwellers ever encounter. Most merfolk keep to the shallows, where light still filters through the water to mark the passage of time. Others, braver or stranger than their coastal cousins, venture into the ocean’s lightless depths. 

Far-Flung Kingdoms. Merfolk kingdoms span the globe and are as varied in culture and appearance as other humanoids. Their skin can be as many colors as a tropical fish. Merfolk who dwell in the shallows tend to be darker-skinned to protect themselves from the sun’s refracted rays, while those who live where the sun cannot reach them are so pale as to be almost truly white, with comfortable layers of body fat to protect them from the cold and pressure. 

Although they sometimes salvage metal from shipwrecks, merfolk rarely use metal in their clothing, jewelry, or tools. Instead, they clothe themselves in seaweed, fish scales, and shells, and use bones, carved coral, and sand-glass for tools. Similarly, they have little use for the writing implements of land-dwellers, relying instead on a capacious oral tradition that extends farther back than most written histories.


1 Herding fish

2 Peacefully crafting

3 Suspicious of strangers

4 On the way to join a war party

5 In league with a monster, such as an aboleth or sea hag

6 Pursued or enslaved by monsters such as merrow or sirens


1 A distant coral castle

2 Glowing jellyfish in cages

3 A blooming coral reef guarded by underwater shriekers

4 A merfolk sentry


Merfolk can be found in oceans and seas, as well as on the Elemental Plane of Water.

CR 0–2 1d8 merfolk ; 1d4 merfolk with giant octopus ; 1d4 merfolk with swarm of quippers

Treasure polished coral (100 gp), silver comb (25 gp), healing potion

CR 3–4 merfolk knight ; merfolk knight riding giant seahorse ; 3 merfolk with 3 reef sharks

Treasure 2 pearls (100 gp each), 5 sea coals that allow you to light a fire underwater (25 gp each)

CR 5–10 2 or 3 merfolk knights riding giant seahorses ; merfolk knight with 2d10 merfolk ; merfolk knight riding killer whale

Treasure 3 pearls (100 gp each), coral-studded scale armor (750 gp), potion of diminution , lantern of revealing that can be ignited underwater

CR 11–16 4 merfolk knights with 1d20 merfolk ; merfolk monarch (gladiator or mage with merfolk template applied) with 2 or 3 merfolk knights , all riding giant seahorses ; 3 merfolk knights riding hunter sharks

Treasure pearl necklace (2,500 gp), 2 potions of speed , trident of fish command

Monster Type Description

Humanoids include a number of different intelligent, language-using bipeds of Small or Medium size. Humans and elves are humanoids, and so are orcs and goblins. Humanoids may employ magic but are not fundamentally magical—a characteristic that distinguishes them from bipedal, language-using fey, fiends, and other monsters. Humanoids have no inherent alignment, meaning that no humanoid ancestry is naturally good or evil, lawful or chaotic.