Hidden Armorer
You become particularly adept at altering weapons to better hide them on your person and at sneaking them past most guards. This alteration may consist of flattening out a blade, adding elaborate decoration to a weapon to disguise its utility, concealing a weapon inside another object, or similar tactics.
You gain the ability to rework certain existing weapons to have the Stealthy quality, provided you have the appropriate tools. This alteration takes half as long as crafting a new weapon of its kind but requires the same DC (see Between Adventures in Chapter 7: Adventuring, Adventurer’s Guide). You gain advantage on such crafting checks and gain a 1d6 expertise die on checks to craft a new item with the Stealthy quality.
Altering existing weapons to give them the Stealthy quality costs 25 gp or half the item’s cost, whichever is higher. You can alter the following: brass knuckles, daggers, dueling daggers, punching daggers, throwing daggers, whips, short swords, slings, darts, hand crossbows and garottes. Work with the Narrator to decide what form this alteration takes.
As a rule, weapons can have no more than three properties unless one of those properties is a restriction.
Finally, you gain an expertise die on checks to hide a weapon on your person and on Sleight of Hand checks to discreetly draw or use such a weapon.