Court Magician
Last Raven
Street Magician
Warmages train for the battlefield, learning to fight alongside soldiers on the field of war. Mass-damage specialists, they are experts at area-of-effect damage, operating as magical artillery. Accustomed to such environments, warmages are vary capable of protecting themselves.
Arcane Shield
When you choose this archetype at level 2, you gain the benefits of a persistent arcane shield. This magical protective aura grants you a +1 bonus to your Armor Class. The arcane shield only operates while you are awake and conscious.
At level 10, the AC bonus increases to +2, and at level 14 it increases to +3.
Armored Wizard
Additionally at level 2, you gain proficiency in light and medium armor.
Sculpt Battlefield
At level 6 you gain the ability to alter the very terrain of the battlefield. As a bonus action you can render a 30 foot diameter area within 100 feet difficult terrain for 10 minutes. If you have already created difficult terrain using this feature, that effect is ended when you create new additional terrain.
If you expend a 3rd-level or higher spell slot when you activate this feature, you may choose one of the following enhancements:
The area of your difficult terrain is 50 feet in diameter.
The area of your difficult terrain is a 100-foot line.
The area of your difficult terrain is a 50-foot cone.
A number of allies equal to your proficiency bonus is unaffected by the difficult terrain.
Siege Mage
Additionally at level 6, your spells deal double damage to inanimate objects such as walls, doors, and structures.
Ironclad Wizard
Also at level 6, you gain proficiency in heavy armor.
Battlefield Blaster
At level 10, when you roll dice to determine the damage of a spell which does area-of-effect damage (circle, cone, cube, cylinder, line, sphere, or square), your damage dice explode. This means that you can reroll any dice that have the maximum result and add them to the total. For example, if you cast a fireball and roll three 6s among your damage dice, you roll an additional 3d6, and continue to reroll any 6s adding them to the total damage dealt.
Arcane Support
At level 14, you gain the ability to bolster your allies in battle. As a reaction you can do one of the following:
Grant a number of allies within 100 feet equal to twice your proficiency bonus the benefits of your Arcane Shield for up to 10 minutes. This effect requires concentration to maintain.
Enchant the weapons of a number of allies equal to your proficiency bonus, giving them a +1 bonus to hit and damage, and changing their damage type to your choice of fire, cold, or lightning for up to 1 minute. This effect requires concentration to maintain.
Once you have used this feature you cannot do so again until after you have taken a short rest.