Security Specialist
These savants are fascinated by ancient sites and artifacts, equipped with versatile tools to uncover hidden treasures and decipher forgotten languages. Consequently, the life of an Archaeologist is full of strange discoveries (some of which would perhaps be better left forgotten).
Bonus Proficiencies
When you choose this archetype at 1st level, you gain proficiency with History, one language or tool, and one of the following: light armor, Arcana, Culture, Engineering, Investigation, Religion, or Survival.
Academic Exemplar
At 1st, 11th, and 19th level, you gain an expertise die in History. For you, expertise dice in History can be upgraded from d8 to d12, exceeding the usual limit on expertise dice. You also gain two additional specialties in History and an additional History specialty at 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th level. You can always choose to use Intelligence on History checks.
At 2nd level, your experience navigating ancient crypts and abandoned cities has taught you caution, perhaps the hard way. You gain proficiency in Investigation. If you are already proficient, you instead gain an expertise die . You have advantage on ability checks to detect traps and on saving throws against them.
Historical Reconstruction
Also at 2nd level, you are adept at understanding how others used to live and at recreating their techniques. You gain proficiency in a number of weapons or tools equal to half your Intelligence modifier, rounded up (minimum of 1). You may change your selections whenever you complete a long rest .
In addition, your store of historical knowledge helps you come up with surprising solutions on the fly. Once between each short and long rest , you may prepare a trick you do not know.
Finally, at 2nd level, you develop a knack for cracking linguistic mysteries. You learn two languages of your choice, and you can always choose to use History when attempting to understand an unknown language or cipher.
Professional Adventurer
At 6th level, your academic interests have led you directly into a life of adventure. Choose one of the following:
Attentive Explorer
When you take the Chronicle journey activity, critical failures count as failures, failures become successes, successes become critical successes, and critical successes also grant a point of Key Knowledge about the region. In addition, you can always choose to use History when performing the Research downtime activity and require only half the usual gold and time to do so.
Wide Expertise
You score a critical success on ability checks on a roll of 19–20. If you already have a feature that increases the range of your critical successes, your critical success range increases by 1 (maximum 17–20). Whenever you would roll on an Ability Check Critical Success table, roll twice and choose one of the results. If both rolls are identical, reroll one of them.
Relics of Ages Past
At 11th level, your nuanced appreciation for ancient objects allows you to access their secrets more readily. You can attune to one additional magic item, and you ignore culture, class, heritage, level, and alignment requirements for the purposes of using magic items, treating Intelligence as your spellcasting ability for any items that require one.
In addition, once per long rest , you can cast legend lore with no components.
At 14th level, you are on your guard against even the most subtle of ancient wards. you can make a History check to identify a magic item you can see as an action. On a success, you also learn whether the item is cursed, and on a success of 10 or more you learn the nature of the curse.
In addition, once between each short and long rest , you can cast either counterspell , dispel magic , or remove curse as if using a 3rd-level spell slot. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for spells cast in this way.
Master of Antiquities
At 17th level, your unparalleled study of historical artifacts allows you to rapidly access secrets hidden to all but the worthy. You can attune and unattune from a magic item using an action.
In addition, you gain one additional action, bonus action, or reaction between each short or long rest to use a magic item. If the magic item is a weapon, you can use this feature to take the Attack action with the magic item. If you would expend any of its charges, it expends one less charge when used this way (minimum of 0). This reduction does not apply to single-use magic items such as spell scrolls and potions.