Security Specialist
Found everywhere from aristocratic drawing rooms to seedy, smoke-filled offices, Detectives, public or private, are the ultimate investigators, always hungry for a puzzle, and always alert to the little details others tend to miss.
Bonus Proficiencies
When you choose this archetype at 1st level, you gain proficiency with Investigation, one language or tool, and one of the following: light armor, Deception, Insight, Medicine, Perception, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, or Survival.
Academic Exemplar
At 1st, 11th, and 19th level, you gain an expertise die in Investigation. For you, expertise dice in Investigation can be upgraded from d8 to d12, exceeding the usual limit on expertise dice. You also gain two additional specialties in Investigation and an additional Investigation specialty at 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th level. You can always choose to use Intelligence on Investigation checks, and Investigation is considered a lore skill for you for the purposes of gaining bonus knowledge on account of your Intelligence modifier.
Methods of Investigation
At 2nd level, you’re always equipped to follow a lead, whether through observation, intuition, or underhanded dealings. You learn the Deceptive Stance , Perceptive Stance , and Wary Stance combat maneuvers. You may activate any of these stances without spending exertion. While you are benefiting from an expertise die in a skill because of one of these stances, you can choose to use Intelligence for that skill.
Leading Hunch
Also at 2nd level, you’ve learned to trust your instincts when working a case. At the end of each short or long rest , choose one individual, creature, event, organization, or place of which you are aware. You gain one point of Key Knowledge about your selection, which lasts until the end of your next rest. At 11th and 17th level, the number of points of Key Knowledge you gain after each rest increases by 1. These points may each be about different subjects, but how specifically they are applied is at the discretion of the Narrator. For example, your suspicion about the thieves in the ally doesn’t necessarily apply to other members of the guild they belong to, especially if you’re not aware of the guild itself.
In addition, you require only half the usual gold and time to perform the Gather Information downtime activity.
At 6th level, you are always on your guard against suspicious persons. You cannot be surprised while you are conscious, and you can prepare a trick without a bonus action whenever initiative is rolled. When you make an initiative check and the d20 shows a natural result of less than 10, you can count the d20 result as being 10.
Just As I Surmised
At 11th level, your logical prowess allows you to anticipate and prepare for events before they occur. You gain a number of Planning Points equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1), and you may spend 1 or more Planning Points to contrive a circumstance of equal power and complexity to a favor of the same level (see Optional Rule: Calling in Favors in Chapter 7: Adventuring of Adventurer’s Guide) as though you had planned for it in advance. The circumstance must be one you could feasibly arrange with no more than one day of planning and preparation, and the maximum number of Planning Points you may spend on a single circumstance is equal to your Prestige rating.
When you propose a circumstance, explain to the Narrator how you could have feasibly arranged for it in advance and what level of favor it is equivalent to. If the Narrator agrees your plan is feasible, they determine whether your plan required you to expend any resources (such as gold for a bribe) and may potentially decide this plan costs more or fewer points than you proposed. If you agree to and pay the costs, your plan takes effect as you described. If the Narrator does not believe your plan is feasible or if you do not agree to the costs, no Planning Points or other resources are spent and events unfold as usual. You regain all spent Planning Points whenever you finish a long rest .
Table: Planning Point Examples
Test | Example |
1 |
Abandoned an incriminating item prior to being searched. |
2 |
Arranged for tavern staff to have chased off your enemies’ horses while they slept. |
3 |
Procured an antidote to a specific poison. |
4 |
Arranged for a major city official be in the right place at the right time to witness a crime. |
5 |
Rigged a bridge or other major structure to collapse on cue. |
Not So Fast
At 14th level, you can use your anticipatory powers to disrupt the plans of your adversaries. You can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on an attack roll or ability check of one creature within 30 feet of you. In addition, you are immune to damage from sneak attacks and critical hits while you are not incapacitated.
At 17th level, you have mastered the art of inferring critical information from extremely subtle clues. After spending 1 minute observing a creature, object, or location within 30 feet of you, you can infer significant information about it and its recent history. The exact information you learn is up to the Narrator (although you may ask to learn about particular information), but in general, you learn what an average observer would know about the target after watching it both for a typical day and for the last 24 hours specifically. You learn more detailed information if the target is familiar to you, and less if it is particularly alien or bizarre.
This feature does not reveal information that would have required hearing or knowledge of a language to observe. If this feature would reveal secret information, the target secretly makes a Deception check against a DC equal to your Intelligence score. If the target is an object or location, the Narrator uses the statistics of the creature most closely associated with the secret information for the check. On a success, the Narrator does not reveal the secret information, but also does not reveal false information.