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Firearms of ZEITGEIST

Firearms of ZEITGEIST


Most armories will include pistols, carbines, shotguns, and muskets, with each nation’s manufactories producing subtle differences. Those who can afford costlier investments carry superior rifled firearms. Additional innovations such as metal cartridge ammunition are known to exist, but they are the domain of specialized gunsmiths, and as yet are only produced in limited quantities, almost never for sale.

Usually only soldiers bother to carry grenades. Most countries have restrictions on civilian use.

Compatibility with the Core Rules

For the specific period of firearm development of ZEITGEIST, we are not using the example firearm mechanics presented in the core rules. These firearms are slightly prone to occasional misfiring, and few people use them as a primary weapon.

For the sake of weapon proficiencies, everyone is proficient with grenades. Any character proficient with a hand crossbow is proficient with a pistol. Likewise a light crossbow is equivalent to a carbine and shotgun, and a heavy crossbow is equivalent to a musket. Effects such as feats that work with crossbows should function the same with firearms, with the exception of Crossbow Expert.

Similarly, if you’re using a starter kit for a character’s equipment, you can swap firearms for their comparable crossbows.

(Note that every class except druids is proficient at least with light crossbows, so everyone but druids are able to use carbines and shotguns.)

Muzzle Loading a Firearm

Reloading involves drawing and tearing open a paper cartridge, which contains firedust and a bullet. The gunner pours firedust down the barrel, then packs in the bullet with a ramrod. The gunner aims and pulls a trigger, which releases the firing hammer. The hammer strikes a firegem set at the back of the barrel, which acts as a percussion cap, producing a spark inside the barrel. The firedust ignites, and the expansion of gases propel the bullet at lethal speed. 

A typical firegem percussion cap must be replaced every few dozen shots or else there is a risk the gem will crack and misfire, but the cost is negligible.

Once a firearm is fired, a character must spend an action or bonus action to reload it. Thus you can only ever fire a single shot in a turn, regardless of how many attacks you can normally take with a single action. You might then holster your gun and use other attacks in melee, or perhaps if you don’t mind looking threatening you could carry multiple pistols.

The intention is that a firearm is a great weapon to open up an engagement with, such as by shooting and then moving into melee, but in the heat of battle you might not always have time to reload it.

Common Firearms

These weapons can be acquired easily in almost any small town.

Common Firearms
Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
Pistol 75 gp 1d10 piercing 3 lb Ammunition (range 20/60), muzzle-loading
Carbine 75 gp 1d12 piercing 5 lb Ammunition (range 50/150), muzzle-loading, two-handed
Musket 90 gp 2d8 piercing 10 lb Ammunition (range 60/180), heavy, muzzle-loading, two-handed
Shotgun 75 gp 1d10 piercing 6 lb Ammunition (range 30/90), muzzle-loading, two-handed, scatter


Advanced Firearms

These weapons are more expensive, and so are usually only available in cities. While a well-heeled gunner will likely want to arm themselves with one, common criminals and soldiers are unlikely to possess these firearms. Arcane fusils – sometimes called lantern blasters – are rare outside of Danor, and are illegal everywhere except Elfaivar.

Advanced Firearms
Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
Grenade 50 gp 3d6 bludgeoning* 1 lb Thrown (range 20/60), inaccurate
Target pistol 300 gp 1d10 piercing 3 lb Ammunition (range 40/160), muzzle-loading, rifled
Rifled carbine 300 gp 1d12 piercing 5 lb Ammunition (range 80/320), muzzle-loading, two-handed rifled
Rifled musket 315 gp 2d8 piercing 10 lb Ammunition (range 100/420), heavy, muzzle-loading, two-handed rifled
Arcane fusil, fire 300 gp 1 fire 3 lb Trigger charge (range 20/60), burn
Arcane fusil, lightning 300 gp 1d8 lightning 3 lb Trigger charge (range 20/60), shock

* Grenades do not add your ability score modifier to damage.


Simple Melee Weapons

Simple Melee Weapons
Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
Short bayonet 5 gp 1d4 piercing 2 lb Finesse, light
Standard bayonet 10 gp 1d6 piercing 3 lb Versatile (1d8)
Long bayonet 15 gp 1d8 piercing 4 lb Heavy, reach, two-handed


Ammunition and Explosives

Ammunition & Explosives
Item Price Weight
Ammunition, bullets and firedust (20 shots) 1 gp 2 lb
Firedust, cask 20 gp 20 lb


Weapon Descriptions

Pistol. A muzzle-loaded one-handed firearm with a firegem percussion cap. They fire lead ball ammunition.

Carbine. Like a pistol, but with a stock and barrel, with a total length of three to four feet.

Grenade. This heavy metal hand-thrown explosive resembles a somewhat rounded dodecahedron. Small firegem percussion caps at its vertices ignite the firedust inside when they are struck with sufficient force, which sends shards of metal in all directions. Sometimes these caps do not ignite at first impact, so grenades hold the risk of bouncing and exploding somewhere other than their intended target. Grenades are destroyed after use.

Musket. The extended barrel of this firearm, bringing it to a total length of over five and a half feet, is an attempt to grant long range accuracy. 

Rifled Carbine. Effectively just a carbine which has had the last few inches of the barrel rifled. These weapons use different ammunition – the Latimer bullet, which is more conical. The bullet’s hollow flared tail expands from the force of the ignited firegems, forcing the edges of the bullet against the spiral grooves of the inside of the barrel, imparting a spin that stabilizes the bullet and enhances accuracy at range.

Rifled Musket. This design is similar to the modern conception of a rifle, with a total length of three-and-a-half to four feet long, and a barrel that is fully rifled.

Shotgun. This smoothbore weapon fires pellets that spread out, striking a roughly 5-foot radius at a range of 90 feet. It is not particularly effective at distance, but can be devastating point-blank.

Target Pistol. A pistol with a rifled barrel.

Arcane Fusils. A few gunsmiths have learned to integrate planarite into their weapon designs, though these weapons are forbidden by international treaty. They resemble normal pistols, but the inside of their barrels are lined with planarite, and most are exquisitely decorated along their handles.

Bayonets. These weapons are affixed to a firearm. Short bayonets affix to pistols, standard affix to carbines or shotguns, and long affix to muskets. These hybrid weapons function as two distinct weapons, and each would need to be enchanted separately. Their main benefit is to allow a wielder to switch between ranged and melee attacks without having to draw a new weapon.

Some firearms integrate a bladed weapon into their designs, such as a dagger with a pistol that fires along the crosspiece. This functions identical to a bayonet, except it cannot be removed.

The Narrator can rule whether other combinations are feasible. A shotgun/axe that does d8 slashing damage could theoretically work, but a whip/musket is ridiculous. (Some groups might like ridiculous, though.)

New Weapon Traits

Inaccurate. Grenades do not add your ability score modifier to damage.

When you throw a grenade, choose a creature or an unoccupied 5-ft. space. (If the creature occupies more than one 5-ft. space, choose one of the squares it occupies.) Make an attack roll against AC 10. If the attack misses, the grenade veers off course, missing by 5 ft. in a random direction, or 10 ft. if the target area was at long range. Each creature in a 5-ft. radius of where the grenade lands must succeed a DC 12 Dexterity save or else take 3d6 bludgeoning damage.

If you targeted a creature and the attack roll is a critical hit, the grenade directly strikes that creature. The grenade does double damage to that creature without allowing a save. Other creatures in the area are affected normally.

Muzzle-Loading. After each shot, it takes an action or bonus action to reload the weapon.

Sometimes irregular packing of a barrel causes the weapon not to function properly. Whenever you roll a natural 1 on an attack roll with a firearm, the gun misfires – nothing happens, and the gun remains loaded. Clearing the barrel requires an action, and makes the gun safe to use. You can continue using the misfired gun without clearing the barrel, but attacks with the weapon have disadvantage , and if you roll a second natural 1, the weapon has a mishap and explodes. It is destroyed and deals its base damage die to you (e.g., 2d8 with a musket).

Magical guns never misfire or have mishaps.

Rifled. Rifling extends the range a firearm can accurately hit a target. You can spend an action to aim down the weapon’s sight, and choose a creature you can see. Until you stop aiming, quadruple the weapon’s short and long ranges for the purpose of attacking that target.

Each turn thereafter you can spend an action or bonus action to continue aiming at the same target or switch to another target you can see. If you move or take damage, your aim is ruined and you have to start over again.

Scatter. If you are wielding a shotgun and have advantage on an attack roll and both rolls hit the target, the weapon deals an extra 1d10 damage. If you have disadvantage, if one attack roll hits but the other misses, the target takes 1d4 damage. This graze damage is not increased by anything else (not ability modifiers, feats, smite spells, sneak attack, etc.), though resistances and vulnerabilities still apply.

Trigger Charge. An arcane fusil requires no ammunition, but you cannot simply shoot it by pulling the trigger. The planarite takes a moment to gather the necessary energy. To charge the fusil, you spend a bonus action and pull back a firing hammer. At the start of your next turn, the fusil is charged, and can be used for a single attack. 

The shot of an arcane fusil is either a pellet of flame that engulfs a target hit, or a shaft of crackling lightning.

Once fired, you cannot charge a fusil again on the same turn. It can only be fired every other turn.

If you charge a fusil but do not fire it on your next turn, the weapon suffers a misfire. Similar to a muzzle-loading weapon, you can clear the barrel by spending an action, but until you do the weapon has disadvantage on attacks. If you suffer a second misfire without clearing the barrel, the fusil explodes and deals its base damage die to you.

Burn. The fire fusil only deals a base of 1 fire damage, but the target also catches on fire. It takes 1d10 fire damage at the start of each of its turns, and can end this damage by using its action to extinguish the flames.

Shock. When you attack a creature wearing metal armor with a lightning fusil, you have advantage on the attack roll.

Firearm Enhancements

Gunsmiths can craft these items. Such custom work is in high demand, however, and finding a gunsmith capable of crafting these is as difficult as locating an uncommon or rare magic item. The price can be similarly exorbitant.

Alchemical launchers, sniper scopes, and suppressors can be retrofitted onto existing weapons. Ammunition cartridges and reinforced barrels can only be added when a weapon is crafted, not retrofitted.

Alchemical Launcher. As an action, you can load one grenade or similar item such as alchemist fire or holy water into this underslung launcher. You can use the item as if it were in your hand. If the item normally requires a ranged attack, it uses your gun’s attack bonus and range.

Ammunition Cartridge. For a pistol, a revolver cylinder lets you fire six shots before you need to reload. For a carbine, musket, or shotgun, a stripper clip instead holds five rounds. Replacing a cartridge requires an action or bonus action.

Reinforced Barrel. You’ve modified your barrel to fire heavier rounds. If your Narrator uses the alternate rules of attacks hitting cover, if you hit cover you deal half the weapon’s damage to its target, unless the attack fails to damage the cover.

You can also attack a creature with total cover ; you take a -5 penalty to your attack roll (and probably have disadvantage since you likely cannot see it), and if you hit you deal half damage.

These rounds usually only work through less than a foot of wood or dirt, a few inches of stone, or a half-inch of metal.

Cover-piercing ammunition costs twice as much as normal ammunition.

Sniper Scope. This enhancement is only effective on rifled weapons. You can aim down this finely-tuned telescopic sight without needing to spend an action. However, you are considered blind except against creatures in a direct line from you to your target. The blindness lasts until your next turn.

Suppressor. Your shots are relatively quiet. If you are hidden when you attack, you remain hidden from creatures more than 50 feet from you. A creature struck does, however, know the direction the shot came from.

Item Price Weight
Alchemical launcher 1,000 gp 5 lb
Ammunition cartridge 1,000 gp 1 lb
Reinforced barrel 500 gp 1 lb
Sniper scope 1,000 gp 2 lb
Suppressor 500 gp 1 lb


Explosive Alchemicals

Explosive Alchemicals

Early firearms used smoky black gunpowder as propellant for its ammunition, but alchemical advances produced ruby-red firedust. This powdered variant of alchemist’s fire produces no smoke when used in firearms, has a lower risk of fouling or corroding the weapon’s internals, and is hydrophobic, allowing it to burn even after immersion in water. 

Many other firearm accelerants exist, including magmite (a granular black substance rendered in alchemical furnaces) and phlogistite (transluscent red vapor slime that floats in globules if exposed to open air), but firedust is by far the most widely used. Steam engines use a variant, firegems, which burn slower but longer

While it is the source of a firearm’s deadly power, firedust is relatively harmless as a weapon in its own right, since it burns too fast to cause serious wounds like traditional alchemist fire. If someone ignites a cask full of firedust, though, the resulting explosion could seriously hurt those nearby. National militaries field grenadiers who use hand-held explosives, particularly in Drakr, but city-dwellers – even criminals – find little use for such indiscriminate destruction.

Example Explosion

A twenty pound cask of firedust, roughly a foot across, explodes in a 10-ft. radius, dealing 7d6 damage (Dexterity save DC 12 for half damage). A one-ton pallet that explodes deals 7d6 damage in a 30-ft. radius, while those within 10 ft. instead take 15d6 damage (Dexterity save DC 12 for half damage). Any attack that dealt at least 5 fire damage to a space containing the cask or pallet would be sufficient to cause an explosion; simply shooting firedust with a bullet won’t cause it to explode.


Civilized Gear

Civilized Gear

Fey Pepper. This rare plant only grows near paths to the Dreaming, and after the fall of the Elfaivaran empire five hundred years ago it became a black market item in most of Lanjyr.  When chewed or smoked, the pepper makes the user giddy and upbeat. With a sufficient dosage, the user begins to hallucinate, though many claim these visions are actually glimpses into the Dreaming.

Gentleman’s Outfit. This fine outfit includes tailcoat, vest, cane, tophat, and more. In Elfaivar, this might take the form of an ornate embroidered sherwani over a kurta, with an accentuating stole. Gentlemen do not wear goggles.

Goggles. Designed for working in factories or laboratories with searing chemicals or embers, these goggles are atrocious for peripheral vision. They’re also handy for airship crew. While wearing them, you have advantage on saving throws to resist effects that would blind you. However, you have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that involve sight.

Lady’s Outfit. This ornate dress has an excess of weight composed of frills, whalebone corseting, multiple layers of fabric, and possibly a small hat with a lace veil. Elfaivaran fashion is less weighty, consisting of a sari or anarkali dress with luxurious mixed patterns, possibly with veils of silk scarves. Still no goggles. Definitely no cogs either.

Leaf of Nicodemus. Monks cultivate this herb, which grows best on the islands of the Yerasol Archipelago. When crumbled, rolled, and smoked as a cigarette, the monk’s leaf soothes nerves and sharpens perception slightly. It can be addictive if used extensively, but has no social stigma, unlike fey pepper.

Photochemical Camera. This tripod mounted device has an aperture to keep out light until a picture is ready to be recorded. A treated photochemical plate is slid into the camera and the aperture is opened for about a minute, or longer in dimmer conditions. Exposure to light in the presence of a certain gas causes the image to set on the plate, and a quick saline rinse ensures the image will not develop further if exposed to more light. These photographs are popular among the lower classes, who cannot afford proper portrait paintings.

Pocket Watch. In addition to telling time, a pocket watch deters the attention of minor fey. Watches will occasionally stop, skip, or run backward in the presence of powerful fey creatures.

Surgeon’s Kit. This kit includes the following items: bone saw, debriding curette, ether, forceps, morphium, probes, retractors, scalpels, scissors, sutures, syringe. Whenever you treat an injured ally during a short or long rest , make a Wisdom (Medicine) check (DC 10). If you succeed, the first Hit Die that ally spends restores an additional 5 hit points. If you fail by 5 or more, that first Hit Die is wasted and restores no hit points. At the Narrator’s discretion this item might also aid the treatment of long-term afflictions.

Item Price Weight
Fey pepper, week's supply 10 gp


Gentleman's outfit 30 gp 6 lb
Goggles 5 gp 1 lb
Lady's outfit 30 gp 12 lb
Leaf of Nicodemus, week's supply 1 gp -
Pocket watch 25 gp -
Photochemical camera 100 gp 10 lb
Photochemical plates, 10 2 gp 1 lb
Surgeon's kit 50 gp 2 lb


Martial Scientist Techniques

Martial Scientist Techniques

The Martial Studies feat lets a character of any class make limited use of the Savant class’s tricks. Herein is a selection of renowned martial theses from around the world, and the tricks they let you acquire. A Savant or character with the Martial Studies feat that has a copy of one of these theses can spend a long rest to swap one of the tricks they know for the trick the thesis details.

As a reminder, there are two main categories of savant tricks – aegis and flourish.

An aegis is a technique that can turn the momentum of a fight by not only avoiding an attack, but also putting your opponent in a bad position. 

A flourish is a technique that you can add to an attack that meets a certain condition. 

Every graduate of a martial academy must defend their thesis from a group of challengers, and has been taught that scientific breakthroughs are born of both careful study and wild experimentation, so most graduates will have these Committee Defense and Experimental Flourish. However, amateurs or people who received private tutelage may start with other tricks known. Some examples follow.


Beran soldiers are often trained with a no-frills text called How Not to Get Shot, by Kenna Vigilante. This teaches the Serpentine Rush Aegis.


Before becoming Prime Cardinal of the Clergy in the 3rd century, Glorius Willis was a famed instructor at the College of Divine Trials in Sid Minos, where he penned Liturgical Lessons: Applications of Psalms in a Battlefield Context. This teaches the Saving Advice trick.


The late Lya Jierre, a scion of the prominent tiefling Jierre family, published her thesis Field Study of Melee Effectiveness and Foe Debilitation through Focused Limb Severance Techniques Contrasted with Mainstream Opportunistic Techniques. This teaches the Surgical Flourish.


A respected artillerism student at the Boehno Texhnyeconn made a splash with her text, Suppressing Dissent and Incentivizing Disengagement through the Fervent Deployment of Loud Weapons. This teaches the Frightful Suppression trick.


Though the fey do not have any organized academies of martial science, some powerful warriors of the Dreaming take it upon themselves to write up their often-nonsensical tactics as if they were war veterans. From among sheafs of pointless blathering, a handful of intelligible texts emerge, which give some insight into the way these beings think about battle.

A Record of the Applause at a Production of ‘The Burning Heart of a Warrior’ was composed by a fey lord named Karrest, who wished to record how well an audience received his autobiographical play. Excessive attention is paid to just how the actor was meant to appear to fall in battle in order to best persuade the onlookers that their hero had perished, suggesting that for this fey, at least, the story of the battle was at least as important as the threat to life and limb.

A derivative and simplified version of this technique was presented in the far less compelling thesis Unexpected Tactics of Fey Swordsmen.

Either version teaches the Sweeping Stride trick.


The oldest and deadliest Elfaivaran warriors were known as dreadnoughts, who fought implacably, using tactics to awe their enemies into submission, often capable of facing hordes of common soldiers and winning the day. One survivor of such an engagement published Lessons from a Battlefield Engagement between an Elfaivaran Dreadnought and Seven Riflemen. This teaches the Tangled Dance Aegis.

Malice Lands

The monster hunter Xavier Sangria mastered hunting malice beasts, and he learned to use the chaotic magic that once suffused the Malice Lands as a defensive shield. By training himself to intensely feel the emotion of malice at will, he could briefly create a sympathetic link to the region’s wild magic, and so cause magic that would harm him to instead suffer a mishap. However, holding a reservoir of such latent evil will was perilous. 

He recorded his insights in his thesis, Intentional Emotions as Sympathetic Invocation of Malice Mishaps, but mastering this technique requires practicing it in a place of wild magic. Older martial scientists might have visited the Malice Lands, but modern scholars can only find suitable conditions in the dead city of Methia, or in a few scattered pockets of wild magic around the region. This teaches a rare trick that is not normally available to Savants.

Malicious Deflection (Aegis)

As you prepare this trick, you build up a reservoir of seething malice and then tamp it down. While this trick is prepared, you have disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws.

When you succeed a saving throw against a spell or other magical effect, as a reaction you can use this technique to release your pent up malice, which causes a sudden wave of wild magic to disrupt that spell or effect. The magic does not affect you, but instead you choose a new target within 30 feet, which must save as if it were the original target.


A treatise often edited and amended, the original author of Methods of Extricating Warriors from a Variety of Tentacled and Tendriled Monsters is unclear. It is kept in collections in academies around the world, and many students have heard the humorous rumor that the first copy was dictated by a ghost who died facing horrors from other worlds. This teaches a rare trick that is not normally available to Savants.

Tentacle Technique (Aegis)

When you or an ally you’re aware of becomes grabbed by a creature, you can use this trick to let the grabbed creature spend a reaction to make a melee attack against the enemy that is grabbing it. If this attack hits, the grab ends in addition to the attack’s normal effect.


District Mayor Dale, tasked with protecting the city of Flint from the dark forces atop the infamous mountain Cauldron Hill, wrote Meditation, Coffee, and Cherry Pie: Unorthodox Salves Against the Supernatural. This teaches the trick Mindful Reason Aegis, and has tips on where to get excellent food in the city of Flint.


Strangers from beyond this world possess many fascinating fighting techniques. A sailor from the Yerasol Archipelago was inspired to enroll in the Jierre Sciens d’Arms after he witnessed an aged monk from Caeloon dodge a jaguar’s lunge and fling the cat thirty feet, an event he later recorded in Artistic Paper Folding and Humanoid Anatomy: Theories on Implicit Extradimensionality. This teaches a rare trick that is not normally available to Savants.

Stance of the Paper Wind (Aegis)

When a creature you have not attacked since the start of your previous turn attacks you in melee, you can use this trick to fold your body away from the attack’s full force, then unfold and use your enemy’s momentum against them to hurl them away. You gain resistance to that attack’s damage, and after the attack, you throw the attacker a distance equal to 5 feet times your proficiency bonus in the direction of your choice. The attacker can make a Dexterity saving throw to avoid being moved.

Godhand Investiture

Godhand Investiture

Supernatural gift, rare

Requirements: The requirements are up to the Narrator, but at minimum godhand investiture is only granted to members of the Clergy religion who are proficient with Culture and Religion, have some sort of ability to fight unarmed, and are at least 6th level.

Your unarmed strikes count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. You can ignore incorporeal creatures’ immunity to being grappled or restrained if you grab with an unarmed strike. While you are grabbing a creature (incorporeal or otherwise), it cannot teleport or travel to other planes, such as through a succubus’s Etherealness ability. 

Additionally, you gain one Godhand Halo of your choice. Each halo grants a special power which you can use when you use a reaction. The halo’s effect is in addition to the normal effect of whatever reaction you used.

Annulus of Heaven’s Succour

This decorated metallic ring spins slowly and soothingly. The halo has three charges, which recharge daily at dawn.

Whenever you use a reaction, you can expend a charge to have yourself or an ally within 60 feet heal a number of d6s of hit points equal to your proficiency bonus. 

Alternately, when you would interact with an object you can expend a charge to teleport an object to your hand or that of an ally within 60 feet. The object must be either one you own that is within three miles of you, or an unattended object you can see.

Corona of Burning Judgment

When you are angry, this halo flickers with fire as bright as candle light. The halo has three charges, which recharge daily at dawn.

Whenever you use a reaction, you can expend a charge to have the halo sear an enemy within 60 feet of you. That creature takes a number of d6s of radiant damage equal to your proficiency bonus. When you do, the halo glows as bright as a torch for one round. For the next hour you have advantage to Insight and Intimidation checks against that creature.

Halo of Rarefied Enlightenment

With but a thought, you can cause this halo to glow with clear light as bright as a torch, as dim as a candle, or not at all. The halo has three charges, which recharge daily at dawn.

Whenever you use a reaction, you can expend a charge to have the halo flash with blinding light. Choose a creature within 60 feet. That creature must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom or Charisma modifier) or be blinded until the end of the next turn of whichever creature triggered your reaction. When you use this ability, the halo sheds a sphere of bright light for 60 feet, and 60 feet of dim light beyond it, lasting for one round.

Nimbus of Gathered Courage

This halo is slightly translucent, like a cloud. The halo has three charges, which recharge daily at dawn.

Whenever you use a reaction, you can expend a charge to share your courage with an ally. Choose an ally within 60 feet to gain an inspiration die, a d6. This functions like a bardic inspiration die. While that ally is inspired, your halo expands to frame your entire physical body, and an identical halo frames your inspired ally.

Hand of Retribution

Hand of Retribution

ZEITGEISTYou gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill and the Elvish language.

Once per month you can cast sending without components, but only to contact Vekeshi mystics you are aware of.

In battle, a vestige of the power of Srasama waits to punish those who harm you or your allies. When an enemy you’re aware of deals damage to you or one of your allies, you can deal 2d10 radiant damage to the enemy who made the attack as a reaction. That enemy sees a faint burning outline of a six-armed goddess hovering behind you, armed with blades of fire. After you use this power you cannot use it again until you complete a short or long rest.

At 5th level, the damage increases to 3d10 radiant. At 11th level, the enemy also catches on fire, taking 1d10 fire damage at the start of each of its turns until it spends an action to put the fire out. At 17th level, the damage from being on fire increases to 2d10 fire.

Go to Ground

Go to Ground

ZEITGEISTYou gain proficiency in Nature.

Your trips and tribulations bond you with the environment. When you are prone , attacks against you don’t have advantage . (A character can intentionally fall prone on their turn without spending any actions or movement, but cannot intentionally fall prone when it is not their turn.)

Additionally, when you become prone you can gain a link to the normally quiescent spirits of nature. When you stand up, choose yourself or a creature you are aware of. That creature gains resistance to all damage and advantage on all saving throws until the start of your next turn. 

This might take the form of a tree branch blocking an attack, stones shifting under an ally’s feet to nudge him to safety, a tendril of water harrying an enemy, or even a gust of wind screaming a distraction. The link then ends. A given creature cannot benefit from this protection more than once per encounter.

When you fail a death saving throw in a natural area, you can gain the benefits of commune with nature when you regain consciousness. After you use this ability you cannot use it again until you complete a long rest .

Display of Heroism

Display of Heroism


ZEITGEISTYou unfortunately have great experience rescuing allies on the battlefield. As a bonus action, you can choose one or two creatures within 10 feet of you, potentially including yourself. The creatures must have half or less of their hit points. If they are at 0 hit points, your heroic example rouses them to 1 hit point. If they are prone, you move to the nearest open space and lift them to a stand. The creatures can each move their speed without provoking opportunity attacks , and until the end of your next turn, attack rolls against them have disadvantage , and they have advantage on saving throws .

Once you use this feat, you cannot do so again until you complete a short or long rest .

You are proficient with water vehicles.

Arctech Tinkerer

Arctech Tinkerer

ZEITGEISTYou are proficient in the Engineering skill and either smith’s tools or tinker’s tools.

Choose one gadget from the list available to the Gadgeteer fighter. You have a basic codex with instructions to create that gadget. You can also add more gadgets to your codex by learning from other inventors, typically by spending one day of down time with that inventor’s aid and spending 100 gp for the necessary materials to tinker.

Whenever you complete a short or long rest you can prepare one copy of any gadget you know how to make. If you prepare more gadgets, your previous gadgets cease to work. If you are also a fighter with the Gadgeteer archetype, the gadget from this feat stacks with the number you can prepare from your class.

Most gadgets can only be used once, then become inert. If a gadget calls for a saving throw, the DC is 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier.

You also can cast a special version of find familiar as a ritual, requiring 10 gp of arcanotechnological parts, which must be assembled together into a pet contraption. 

The contraption uses the same list of beasts as find familiar , but it is a construct instead of a beast. It is resistant to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical weapons that aren’t adamantine. It is immune to poison and psychic damage, and cannot be charmed , exhausted , frightened , paralyzed , petrified , or poisoned . It has darkvision out to 120 feet and understands your languages, but cannot speak. If the contraption is reduced to 0 hit points, you can repair it by using this ritual again.

You can spend an action to place a gadget into your contraption, or to remove or swap a gadget you had previously integrated. Even if you can make more than one gadget at a time, your contraption can hold at most one. The contraption can then spend the appropriate action, bonus action, or reaction to use the gadget, using your attack bonus or other stats to determine its efficacy.


Unfinished Business

Unfinished Business

ZEITGEISTYou possess a deep understanding of spirits and the ties that bind them to the mortal world.

With your urging, the spirit of a recently dead person will speak briefly with you. You can cast speak with dead . The body must be within three miles of where it died, and must not have died more than a day ago. You do not require a complete body as the ability speaks with the spirit and needs no corporeal connection. You can’t do so again until you finish a short or long rest.

At the Narrator’s prerogative, you could also use this power to communicate with uneasy spirits who have not yet moved on, regardless of how long ago they died. 

Using this power against undead, or in any combat situation for that matter, is possible but very difficult. By expending this power as an action, you can control an undead creature you can see until the end of your next turn, as the dominate monster spell, if it fails a Wisdom save (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifier). Alternatively, you can call up the spirit of a creature whose body you can see that died in the past five minutes. It does not receive a save to resist. Its spirit manifests in a space you choose within 25 ft. of you, and performs a single attack of your choice as if it were still alive, then disappears.
