Wind Up
Wind Up
You wind your power up like a spring.
Wind Walk
Wind Walk
The targets assume a gaseous form and appear as wisps of cloud.
Wind Wall
Wind Wall
A wall of strong wind rises from the ground at a point you choose. You can make the wall up to 50 feet long, 15 feet high, and 1 foot thick. You can shape the wall in any way you choose so long as it makes one continuous path along the ground.
This is the mightiest of mortal magics and alters reality itself.
The safest use of this spell is the duplication of any other spell of 8th-level or lower without needing to meet its requirements (including components).
You may instead choose one of the following:
Word of Recall
Word of Recall
Range: 5 feet
The targets instantly teleport to a previously designated sanctuary, appearing in the nearest unoccupied space to the spot you designated when you prepared your sanctuary.
You must first designate a sanctuary by casting this spell within a location aligned with your faith, such as a temple dedicated to or strongly linked to your deity.
Range: Special (150 miles
Writhing Transformation
Writhing Transformation
As part of the casting of this spell, you lay down in the coffin on a patch of bare earth and it buries itself.
Zone of Truth
Zone of Truth
You create a zone that minimizes deception. Any creature that is able to be charmed can't speak a deliberate lie while in the area.
True Polymorph
True Polymorph
The target is transformed until it drops to 0 hit points or the spell ends.
Tree Stride
Tree Stride
Until the spell ends, once per round you can use 5 feet of movement to enter a living tree and move to inside another living tree of the same kind within 500 feet so long as you end your turn outside of a tree. Both trees must be at least your size. You instantly know the location of all other trees of the same kind within 500 feet. You may step back outside of the original tree or spend 5 more feet of movement to appear within a spot of your choice within 5 feet of the destination tree.