While abilities provide broad descriptions of a character’s capabilities, a skill represents their training in a particular task such as Acrobatics or Deception. A character who has training in a skill is said to be proficient in it. Most skill proficiencies are acquired by adventurers during character creation from their choice of culture, background, and class.
Using Skills
When a character attempts an ability check, the Narrator may decide that a specific skill is relevant to the check. If a character is proficient in that skill, they may add their proficiency bonus to their ability check. For instance, if a character is attempting to fool a palace guard, the Narrator might call for a Charisma check using the Deception skill. For this ability check, a character proficient in the Deception skill may add their proficiency bonus to their ability check. A character not proficient in Deception simply makes a Charisma check.
Any skill can be used with any ability check, although some pairings are more common than others. For instance, the Deception skill is commonly used with Charisma ability checks, although a character who is attempting to encode a written message might instead make an Intelligence check using the Deception skill.
Sometimes the Narrator will ask for an ability check using a certain skill: for instance, “Make a Charisma (Deception) check.” Other times, a Narrator may ask for an ability check, and a player might ask whether one of their skills applies to the check. The Narrator is the sole arbiter of which skill, if any, applies to an ability check. The rules sometimes refer to a check with a skill but no ability specified—for example, “Your character has advantage on Deception checks.” This refers to all ability checks using the Deception skill regardless of which ability score is used.
Skill Specialties
In addition to having proficiency in a skill, a character may be an expert at a narrow area of specialization within that skill. For instance, a character proficient in the Deception skill may be particularly adept in communicating through written code.
- A character gains two skill specialties at 1st level (plus bonus knowledge; see Intelligence), and gains an additional specialty whenever their proficiency bonus increases (at levels 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th level). A character may choose any specialty in a skill in which they are proficient. A character may not gain the same skill specialty twice.
- If your Intelligence is 12 or higher, you gain extra skill specialties (see Intelligence).
When a character makes an ability check to which their skill specialty applies, they gain an expertise die for that ability check. The Narrator determines whether the skill specialty applies.
While the list of skills below is fairly comprehensive, the Narrator may expand the list of skill specialties to meet the needs of the campaign world. Each of its cultures, historical eras, important organizations, and other unique details might furnish a specialty.
List of Skills
Characters can gain proficiency in the following skills. Each skill description includes examples of uses with several ability scores. The Narrator determines which ability score is called for in a given situation.
An Acrobatics check allows a character to perform gymnastic feats such as rolling under a closing gate, swinging across a chasm on a rope, or keeping their balance on a narrow ledge. The most commonly used ability score is Dexterity. A character might use Strength to perform acrobatics while carrying a heavy burden, Constitution to do so against a heavy wind, or any other ability score as circumstances warrant.
Specialties: balancing, escape artistry, swinging, tumbling.
Animal Handling
Animal Handling allows a character to train or control a domesticated animal, to handle a steed, or to communicate nonaggression to a wild beast. The most commonly used ability score is Wisdom. A character might use Charisma to command an animal’s attention, Strength to stay mounted on a rampaging bull, or Dexterity to stand on the back of a galloping horse.
Specialties: calming, driving, farming, riding, training.
Arcana measures a character’s knowledge of magic and magical creatures. It can also be used to sense whether an area has magical qualities. The most commonly used ability score is Intelligence. A character might use Dexterity to trace a complicated magical rune, or Wisdom to read very carefully and protect their sanity while interpreting forbidden eldritch secrets.
Specialties: aberrations, constructs, detection, dragons, elementals, fey, forbidden knowledge, monstrosities, oozes, the planes.
A character makes an Athletics check to perform unusually difficult feats of swimming, running, climbing, or jumping. The most commonly used ability score is Strength. A character might use Dexterity to climb a smooth wall for a short distance or to jump onto a moving creature, Constitution to perform an athletic activity for more than a minute, or Intelligence to keep track of opposing players in a complex sport.
Specialties: climbing, jumping, lifting, running, swimming, throwing.
A Culture check allows a character to know the customs, laws, trade in regional products, and etiquette of cultures other than their own (a character is presumed to know about their own culture and background without requiring an ability check.) Culture can also be used to communicate simple concepts with creatures whose language is unknown to a character. The most commonly used ability score is Intelligence. A character might use Wisdom to avoid social blunders, Dexterity to perform an unfamiliar dance, or Charisma to track down a seller of a hard-to-find item.
Specialties: etiquette, laws, linguistics, regional goods, streetwise, courtly manners, trade.
The Deception skill is used when a character lies, misleads, or hides the truth whether verbally or otherwise. This ability check may be made against a DC set by the Narrator or may be opposed by a target’s Insight check. The most commonly used ability score is Charisma. A character might use Intelligence to compose a cipher or Constitution to conceal the effect of a wound or attack.
Specialties: boasting, ciphers, concealing emotions, mimicry.
An Engineering check allows a character to know a fact or advance a project involving building, invention, or mathematics. The most commonly used ability score is Intelligence. A character might use Dexterity to construct a tiny device or Strength to build a wall without assistance.
Specialties: architecture, chemistry, explosives, gadgetry, mathematics, mechanical traps, siegecraft.
The History skill measures a character’s knowledge of past events. Intelligence is nearly always the ability score used with this skill.
Specialties: arts, empires, genealogy, legends, wars.
An Insight check can be used for reading a creature’s intentions or motives. The most commonly used ability score is Wisdom. A character might use Dexterity to interrupt an enemy’s sudden action or Strength when squeezing an object to see how hard it will be to break.
Specialties: detecting lies, reading emotions, sensing motives.
A character makes an Intimidation check to alter someone’s behavior by frightening or threatening them. A single Intimidation check can also be used as part of an interrogation, though further checks rarely offer different results. The Narrator sets the DC of the check based on the target’s bravery and the circumstances of the check; some creatures can’t be intimidated. The most commonly used ability scores for Intimidation checks are Charisma (for verbal threats) and Strength (for physical threats). A character might use Wisdom to discern a creature’s weak point, and a spellcaster might use their spellcasting ability score to summon frightening energies.
Specialties: authority, ferocity, interrogation, subtle threats, weapon displays.
Investigation is used for actively searching, looking for clues, gathering information, experimentation, and research. The most commonly used ability score is Intelligence. A character might use Charisma to gather rumors or Wisdom to intuit which tomes and books in a library will be the most efficacious.
Specialties: appraisal, deciphering, forensics, gathering rumors, research, trapfinding.
A character can perform a Medicine check to stabilize a dying creature, treat or diagnose a disease or poison, or determine a cause of death. The most commonly used ability score is Wisdom. A character might use Intelligence to diagnose a rare poison or Constitution to nurse someone through a lengthy and dangerous illness.
Specialties: animals, autopsy, diseases, herbalism, poisons.
The Nature skill measures a character’s knowledge of natural terrains, beasts, plants, and hazards. It can also be used to sense whether a creature is the product of this world or of another plane of existence. Unlike Survival, the Nature skill doesn’t necessarily imply practical experience with a phenomenon. The most commonly used ability score is Intelligence. A character might use Wisdom to recognize a hazard or Charisma to bring calm to an errant elemental presence disrupting an abandoned druid’s grove (or other place of great natural power).
Specialties: astronomy, beast lore, farming, fey, plant lore, weather.
A character’s Perception measures what they are able to see, hear, or otherwise sense (unlike Investigation, Perception doesn’t involve approaching, searching, or handling an object of study.) The most commonly used ability score is Wisdom. A character might use Constitution for a long stretch of sentinel duty, or Intelligence to pick up on changes to the type of stone bricks used deeper than elsewhere in a dungeon.
Specialties: farsight, invisible objects, listening, scent.
A Performance check allows a character to entertain an audience with singing, acting, or the like. It also allows a character to write or compose music, literature, or other artistic endeavors to entertain future audiences. The most commonly used ability score is Charisma, especially for performances before an audience. Writing, composing, or painting might instead use Intelligence or Wisdom. A display of martial prowess might require Dexterity or Strength.
Specialties: acting, composing, dancing, fine art, singing, speaking, writing.
A character makes a Persuasion check to convince or influence someone through logic, flattery, or negotiation (unlike a Deception check, a Persuasion check is made in some degree of good faith.) The Narrator sets the DC of the Persuasion check based on what the character is asking for and how the target feels about the character; some persuasion attempts may be impossible.The most commonly used ability score is Charisma. Wisdom might be used for gauging what offers would sway a creature, or Intelligence if it is a matter entirely about logic.
Specialties: bribery, flattery, leadership, negotiation, peacemaking.
Religion measures a character’s knowledge of gods, religions, rites, and systems of morality. A character can also try to use it to sense if a place, person, or object has the Good or Evil alignment traits or a holy or unholy aura. The most commonly used ability score is Intelligence. Wisdom is used for sensing alignment and determining whether an action is moral according to a particular philosophy. Charisma can be used for preaching.
Specialties: alignment, celestials, cults, fiends, holy symbols, gods, morality, prophecy, undead.
Sleight of Hand
A character makes a Sleight of Hand check to perform legerdemain, pickpocket, hide an object on another creature, make a concealed hand signal, or otherwise deceive the eyes with feats of agility. Dexterity is nearly always the ability score used with this skill.
Specialties: distraction, pickpocketing, legerdemain.
Stealth is used to hide or avoid notice. A creature’s Stealth check is usually opposed by a potential observer’s Perception check. The most commonly used ability score for Stealth is Dexterity. Constitution might be used for staying still for a very long time, Intelligence for casing out an unfrequented route, and Charisma for blending anonymously into a crowd.
Specialties: anonymity, camouflage, casing.
The Survival skill allows a character to perform the tasks necessary to thrive in the wilderness: hunting, tracking, avoiding natural hazards, and traveling without getting lost (unlike Nature, a Survival check doesn’t imply knowledge of the trouble you’re avoiding or tracking.) The most commonly used ability score is Wisdom. A character might use Constitution to weather a storm or Intelligence to follow a route marked on an old map.
Specialties: dungeoneering, foraging, hunting, tracking, wayfinding.
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Demo Redirect Page
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The initiative step sets the order of everyone's turn throughout the encounter. Each participant makes an ability check to determine their place in the initiative count, from the highest check total to the lowest. This ability check is typically Dexterity. The Narrator might determine that one or more participants should instead roll a different ability check, potentially utilizing a relevant skill or tool. In the event of a tie, the tied participants each roll a d20 to determine the order amongst themselves (the highest roll goes first.)
If any creatures have already made an ability check during the surprise step, they use that existing score for initiative.
Ability Score | Situation |
Wisdom (Perception) | Spotting a hidden threat |
Strength (Athletics) | Climbing a cliff during a landslide |
Charisma (Deception) | Being unassuming before suddenly taking action |
Wisdom (Insight) | Noticing when an unassuming participant is about to take action |
Dexterity (Land Vehicles) | Participating in a wagon race |
Berserker (class)
Berserker (class)
While they are classically thought of as wandering nomads or members of remote villages, berserkers do not restrict themselves to such environs. A highway robbers’ camp, a coliseum’s sands, an elite strike force, and a tavern’s common room brawl are all places that would appeal to their skills. No matter where they are berserkers cut imposing figures even in repose, causing many to give them a wide berth—a wolf is still a wolf, even if it runs with the watch dogs.
A Life Lived Fully
Queen Bee
Troll Slayer
Berserkers are terrors on the battlefield, wading into the fray where they rely on their reflexes and ability to shrug off massive damage to keep them alive for another day. It’s a dangerous life, but one that a berserker lives to its utmost. Let it not be said that berserkers do not practice strategy, however. Their ability to control their adversary’s place in the battlefield by stunning, frightening, or just plain knocking down enemies makes them invaluable at one’s side and a nightmare to face.
Creating a Berserker
How did you discover the rage inside you and what do you do with it? Were you raised to focus your anger and channel it in specific situations? Were you instead set upon by hungry wolves in the forest, forced to feats of strength and stamina in order to protect your younger sibling?
Consider your call to adventure. Is it merely a way to make money in the trade that suited you best? Did a primal patron call you to a destiny beyond the horizon? Perhaps the people you grew up around become fearful of your abilities.
Table: Berserker
Level |
Proficiency |
Features |
Rages |
Rage |
Talents |
Maneuvers |
Maneuver |
1st |
+2 |
Battle Defense, Developed Talents, Rage |
2 |
+2 |
1 |
— |
— |
2nd |
+2 |
Combat Maneuvers, Danger Sense, Furious Critical |
2 |
+2 |
1 |
2 |
1st |
3rd |
+2 |
Versatile Exploration, Warrior Borne, Way of Wrath |
3 |
+2 |
2 |
3 |
1st |
4th |
+2 |
Ability Score Improvement, Furious Critical |
3 |
+2 |
2 |
3 |
1st |
5th |
+3 |
Crushing Blows, Extra Attack |
3 |
+2 |
2 |
4 |
2nd |
6th |
+3 |
Furious Critical, Martial Presence, Way Feature |
4 |
+2 |
3 |
4 |
2nd |
7th |
+3 |
Advanced Battle Defense |
4 |
+2 |
3 |
5 |
2nd |
8th |
+3 |
Ability Score Improvement, Furious Critical |
4 |
+2 |
4 |
5 |
2nd |
9th |
+4 |
Battle Moxie |
4 |
+3 |
4 |
6 |
3rd |
10th |
+4 |
Furious Critical, Way Feature |
4 |
+3 |
5 |
6 |
3rd |
11th |
+4 |
School of the Open Road |
4 |
+3 |
5 |
7 |
3rd |
12th |
+4 |
Ability Score Increase, Crushing Blows, Furious Critical |
5 |
+3 |
5 |
7 |
4th |
13th |
+5 |
Notable Reputation |
5 |
+3 |
6 |
8 |
4th |
14th |
+5 |
Furious Critical, Way Feature |
5 |
+3 |
6 |
8 |
4th |
15th |
+5 |
Prickly Mind |
5 |
+3 |
7 |
9 |
4th |
16th |
+5 |
Ability Score Increase, Furious Critical |
6 |
+4 |
7 |
9 |
4th |
17th |
+6 |
Crushing Blows, Reliable Might |
6 |
+4 |
7 |
10 |
5th |
18th |
+6 |
Furious Critical |
6 |
+4 |
8 |
10 |
5th |
19th |
+6 |
Ability Score Increase |
6 |
+4 |
8 |
11 |
5th |
20th |
+6 |
Paragon of Rage |
Unlimited |
+5 |
9 |
11 |
5th |
As a berserker, you gain the following class features.
Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d12 per berserker level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d12 (or 7) + your Constitution modifier per berserker level after 1st
Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution
Skills: Choose four from Animal Handling, Athletics, Intimidation, Nature, Perception, Stealth, and Survival
You begin the game with 120 gold which you can spend on your character’s starting weapons, armor, and adventuring gear. You can select your own gear or choose one of the following equipment packages. Also consult the Suggested Equipment section of your chosen background.
- Rugged Explorer’s Set (Cost 118 gold): Greatsword, 4 javelins, spear, hide, medium shield, climbing gear, explorer’s pack
- Tracker’s Set (Cost 116 gold): Greataxe, shortbow and 20 arrows, chain shirt, explorer’s pack
Battle Defense
Starting at 1st level, you decide on how best to protect yourself on the battlefield—relying on barbaric might or encased in weighty armaments. Choose one of the following options.
You gain proficiency with heavy armor. In addition, your speed is not reduced by wearing heavy armor, you can still benefit from raging while wearing heavy armor, and you do not count the weight of any worn armor when determining your carrying capacity.
Rugged Defense
While you are not wearing any armor, your armor class equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Constitution modifier. You can use a shield and still gain this benefit.
In addition, your speed increases by 5 feet while you aren’t wearing heavy armor. At 5th level, your speed increases by an additional 5 feet.
Developed Talents
Whether in the ruins of an ancient civilization, the barren terrain of the hinterlands, or the back alleys of a prosperous city, berserkers are adept at surviving and interacting with their environments.
At 1st level you gain a developed talent of your choice. Your developed talents are detailed at the end of the class description. The Talents Known column of the Berserker table shows when you learn more developed talents.
In battle, you give yourself over to the fury within. Starting at 1st level, on your turn you can use a bonus action to enter a rage.
While raging, you gain the following benefits if you aren’t wearing heavy armor:
- You have advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws .
- Every round that you remain in rage, at the start of your turn you gain a number of rage hit points that increases as you gain levels as a berserker, as shown in the Rage Hit Points column of the Berserker table. Whenever you take damage, you reduce your rage hit points first, then your regular hit points. Rage hit points stack each round until your rage ends, at which point they dissipate.
The maximum number of rage hit points you can have at one time is equal to 5 × your berserker level. - You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
- If you are able to cast spells, you can’t cast them or concentrate on them while raging.
- You gain no benefit from temporary hit points.
While raging, you cannot choose to use the Fall Back reaction.
Your rage lasts for 1 minute. It ends early if you are knocked unconscious . You can also end your rage on your turn as a bonus action.
Once you have raged the number of times shown for your berserker level in the Rages column of the Berserker table, you must finish a long rest before you can rage again.
Combat Maneuvers
At 2nd level, you gain the ability to use combat maneuvers. You gain proficiency in two combat traditions from the following list: Adamant Mountain, Mirror’s Glint, Rapid Current, Tempered Iron, Tooth and Claw. You learn two maneuvers of your choice from traditions you are proficient with.
You gain an exertion pool equal to twice your proficiency bonus, regaining any spent exertion at the end of a short or long rest. You use your maneuvers by spending points from your exertion pool. The Maneuvers Known column of the Berserker table shows when you learn more maneuvers from a tradition you are proficient with, while the Maneuver Degree column shows the highest degree you can select maneuvers from at a given level.
Additionally, whenever you learn a new maneuver, you can choose one of the maneuvers you know and replace it with another maneuver of the same degree from a tradition you are proficient with.
Danger Sense
At 2nd level, you gain an uncanny sense of when things nearby aren't as they should be, giving you an edge when you dodge away from danger. You have advantage on Dexterity saving throws against effects that you can see, such as traps and spells. To gain this benefit, you can't be blinded , deafened , or incapacitated .
Furious Critical
Also at 2nd level you learn to maximize the effects of your mightiest blows, empowering your critical hits. Choose one Furious Critical. At 4th level and every even berserker level after, you learn an additional Furious Critical.
Simple damage isn’t all that a berserker can deal in combat. With just the right application of force, a berserker can inflict a number of conditions on their opponent. Unless otherwise noted, the DC to resist such effects is equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier. The attack must use a melee weapon that has the Heavy, Two-Handed, or Versatile property. Each Furious Critical can only be taken once and only one Furious Critical can be used per critical hit, unless otherwise stated.
Blinding Maneuver
Your attack flings debris into the target’s eyes, causes blood to run into their eyes, or otherwise impedes their vision. When you score a critical hit, the target is blinded for a number of rounds equal to your proficiency bonus.
Dazzling Prowess
Prerequisite: 6th level
Your show of martial skill is so stunning that the target can only gape. When you score a critical hit, the target makes a Wisdom saving throw or is stunned until the end of your next turn.
Deafening Blow
The force of the blow leaves the target with a ringing sensation in their ears, muffling the world around them. When you score a critical hit, the target is deafened for a number of rounds equal to half your proficiency bonus. If the target attempts to cast a spell it must make a Constitution saving throw in order to do so successfully. The DC equals 10 or half the damage the creature took from the attack that inflicted the condition, whichever number is higher.
Disorienting Strike
The force of your attack leaves your target seeing double. When you score a critical hit, your target treats all creatures as though they have half cover (+2 to AC, Dexterity saving throws , and ability checks made to hide). This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to your proficiency bonus and does not stack with subsequent critical hits.
Elemental Wrath
Your fury is so great that it incites the very elements to join you. When you score a critical hit, after dealing damage the weapon that dealt the blow is charged with acid, cold, fire, or lightning, chosen when you take this Furious Critical.
The weapon now deals an additional 1d6 damage of the chosen type. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to your proficiency bonus and does not stack with successive critical hits.
This Furious Critical can be taken multiple times as you gain berserker levels, increasing the damage each time; 2d6 at 10th level, 3d6 at 16th level, and 4d6 at 20th level.
Furious Momentum
Seizing on the fervor of a well-struck blow, you use your fury to fight all the harder. When you score a critical hit, the next melee weapon attack you make before the end of your next turn is a critical hit on a roll of 17–20. Once you have used this feature, you cannot do so again until you have finished a short rest . Alternatively, you can expend one use of Rage to use this feature. The effects of this Furious Critical can be combined with any other.
Inspiring Flair
Your sheer competence inspires your companions. When you score a critical hit, choose a creature that can see you. That creature gains an expertise die on its next attack roll.
Jockeying Blow
When you score a critical hit, you can move up to 30 feet. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks from the target of your attack. In addition, you gain advantage on any ability checks made to jump as part of this movement. The effects of this Furious Critical can be combined with any other.
Knockdown Strike
With the right angle, your attack knocks the target sprawling. When you score a critical hit, the target makes a Strength saving throw or is knocked prone . This Furious Critical can be taken a second time to combine its effects with Overbearing Hit.
Mighty Blow
Prerequisite: 6th level
You know how to hit so it hurts the most. You can roll one additional weapon damage die when determining the extra damage for a critical hit with a melee weapon attack. This Furious Critical can be taken again at 13th level and 17th level.
Overbearing Hit
The sheer strength behind your blow sends the target staggering backwards. When you score a critical hit, the target is pushed 15 feet away from you in a straight line. This Furious Critical can be taken a second time to increase this distance to 30 feet.
Pinning Strike
The profound force of your blow breaks the environment, crumbling the stone beneath your target’s feet or knocking shattered timber over their legs. When you score a critical hit, the target is grappled (escape DC equal to your Furious Critical DC).
Relentless Attack
Your blows fall down mercilessly. When you score a critical hit, you may immediately make an additional melee weapon attack (no action or reaction required). If this subsequent attack is also a critical hit, this feature can be activated again for a number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus. No other Furious Critical can be activated for these additional attacks.
Terrifying Force
You focus your rage, unleashing a fear-inspiring strike. When you score a critical hit, each creature you choose within 60 feet that can see you makes a Wisdom saving throw or is frightened of you for a number of rounds equal to half your proficiency bonus. The effects of this Furious Critical can be combined with any other.
Vitalizing Force
The thrill of your attack drives you to greater feats. When you score a critical hit your base speed increases by 20 feet for 1 minute or until you use this Critical Focus again.
Versatile Exploration
Beginning at 3rd level, whenever you learn a new developed talent or replace an existing one, you can instead choose from fighter soldiering knacks.
Warrior Born
Also at 3rd level, the ways of combat that have come naturally to you bring new and unexpected lessons. Choose one of the following.
Many battles have taught you how to spot aggressive body language like a pursed eyebrow, tensed temple, or protruding vein, and you’ve mastered using these cues to unsettle others outside of combat. Make an Intimidation check opposed by the Insight check of a creature you can see and hear within 20 feet. On a success, you subtly press the creature to act out. What exactly the creature does—back away quickly, blurt out something compromising, draw a weapon, look towards a concealed or disguised companion, protectively touch something it is carrying—is at the Narrator’s discretion.
Once you have used this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a short or long rest .
Fearsome Reputation
Word spreads of your prodigious strength or how terrifying you can be in battle. Whenever you are in a settlement, at least one commoner approaches you with a modest gift or bribe and beseeches you to help settle a feud, move a large obstacle, or otherwise make use of your impressive might. In addition to their offering, they are eager to tell you about their home and neighbors.
Imposing Prowess
When an ally you can see and hear makes a Deception or Persuasion check, you can use your reaction to support them with an intimidating display of strength or unsettling glower. Your ally rerolls the check, gaining an expertise die on the roll.
Once you have used this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest .
Way of Wrath
For every berserker there is the spark of rage, ready to be fanned to inferno. The ways they use it however and how it came to be there can differ wildly. Some call upon their bloodline for inner strength, while others force it to a point of furious focus; many attribute it to the spirits that surround them. Still more gain their fury from a far more mundane source, such as betrayal or ill-treatment.
At 3rd level, you choose an archetype that defines the source of your rage. Berserker archetypes are detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 6th, 10th, and 14th level.
Ability Score Improvement
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Crushing Blows
By 5th level your martial prowess is such that you are able to land attacks to best effect, dealing devastating amounts of damage. Your melee weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.
At 12th level, your melee weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 18–20.
At 17th level, your melee weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 17–20.
Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Martial Presence
At 6th level your methodology to battle seeps further into the way you interact with others—and how they interact with you. Choose one of the following:
People respond favorably to your vigor. You can always choose to use Constitution when making Persuasion checks.
In addition, in every settlement you visit you inspire a number of followers equal to your proficiency bonus. Your followers perform minor tasks to help you while you are there, feed you and your allies, carry your belongings to nearby destinations, share their mount animals, reveal some of their secrets to try and gain your favor, and ask you for help before turning to the authorities with a problem
You turn your toughness into a tool when imposing upon others. You can always choose to use Constitution when making Intimidation checks.
In addition, when you enter a tavern or other social gathering, you can make a DC 15 Intimidation check while loudly declaring that you are looking for something or someone. On a success, most of the people there look at and otherwise point out whoever they believe is the person you are looking for or the person most likely to know about what you are seeking.
It’s commonly thought that it’s best not to ask you for too much clarification or detail. You can always choose to use Constitution when making Deception checks.
In addition, when you fail a Deception check against a creature, it makes a Wisdom saving throw against a DC equal to your passive Deception score. On a failure, it thinks twice about your dishonesty and your Deception check becomes a success.
Archetype Feature
At 6th level you gain another archetype feature.
Advanced Battle Defense
By 7th level you have doubled down on your battle defense style. Choose one of the following.
Enhanced Vitality
Choose Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. When you make the chosen saving throw against an effect that deals half damage on a success, you can choose to instead make a Constitution saving throw.
Preternatural Agility
You can evade danger to an unbelievable degree. When you make a Dexterity saving throw against an effect that deals half damage on a success, you take no damage on a success and half damage on a failure.
Battle Moxie
At 9th level, your experiences in combat teach you more about how to live in the world. Choose one of the following.
Provoking Attitude
You know how to piss people off. You can expend one use of Rage and choose a creature within 60 feet that can hear or see you. The creature makes a Charisma saving throw against your Furious Critical DC. On a failure, it makes or accepts a challenge. The nature of this challenge is at the Narrator’s discretion but is usually a duel or opposed check: archery with Dexterity, arm-wrestling with Strength, competing with a gaming set, distance running with Constitution, wrestling with Athletics, and so on.
Roaring Pause
When initiative is rolled you can expend one use of Rage to make an Intimidation check (DC 8 + number of creatures that rolled initiative) to briefly unveil the boundless fury within in a furious roar. On a success each creature stops what it is doing and can only make statements and a Deception, Intimidation, or Persuasion check on its turn. On a success by 5 or more initiative is rerolled, and you choose a number of creatures equal to your Constitution modifier to gain advantage on their initiative roll.
Takes One To Know One
You know another warrior when you see one. When you see a creature, you know if it is proficient with more than simple weapons or has access to combat maneuvers
Archetype Feature
At 10th level you gain another archetype feature.
School of the Open Road
At 11th level your journeys have given you a wealth of practical experience and helpful bits of information. Choose one of the following.
Don’t Get Fooled Again
You’ve heard and seen (and perhaps told) enough lies that you spot them as easily as tells in battle. You can always choose to use Constitution for Insight checks and gain an expertise die when rolling to detect a falsehood.
In addition, you are seen as an arbiter of truth by those who have heard of your reputation and you may be called in to mediate a trial or question a suspected wrong-doer, even in larger settlements.
You have an ear for interesting events, places, and people of the past. You can always use Constitution when making History checks and gain an expertise die when the subject has something to do with war, battle, or martial prowess.
In addition, your reputation means that people assume that you want to know the history (or perhaps gossip) of the settlement you’re visiting. When you are at a tavern or social gathering they are likely to approach you with tales of the baroness’ last stand 50 years ago, or mention ‘history in the making’ in the form of the Duke’s child being rumored to be a werewolf. Mechanical bonuses are at the Narrator’s discretion but could include gaining an expertise die on Insight checks made against a particular NPC, or advantage on checks when seeking out a local tomb.
Trial and Error
Between learning from both your own mistakes and those of others, you’ve collected a considerable knowledge about the natural world. You can always choose to use Constitution when making Nature checks and gain an expertise die on checks made to identify a plant or beast.
In addition, people see you as someone who loves a good survival story. When you are at a tavern or social gathering they are likely to approach you with information about local hazards or wildlife. This insight grants boon at the Narrator’s discretion, such as gaining an expertise die on Survival checks to track a creature, additional beneficial effects from using a medicinal , or advantage on checks made to know a beast or plant creature’s weakness.
Notable Reputation
At 13th level your name has spread far and wide, gaining you the respect of even important figures you’ve yet to meet. Choose one of the following.
Armed Assistance
Mercenary groups make a point of making your acquaintance, especially in larger towns. As part of their hospitality they feed you and your companions, and provide a safe place to sleep, as well as offer to trade information and word of any jobs your group may be interested in. When these meetings go particularly well they might offer more tangible help in the form of scouting the area around a monster’s den or distracting a group of bandits to give you an edge.
Noble Curiosity
Your reputation and ferocity have sparked the fascination of the nobility. A liveried servant is likely to approach you when you enter the holdings of such a noble and invite you to take part in their employer’s hospitality. This includes lavish feasting, introductions to the rich and powerful, and offers of assistance such as mounts, the repair of your armor and weapons, and miscellaneous items worth less than 5 gold.
Token of Gratitude
Word of your deeds is not just advantageous to you: many merchants are eager to capitalize on having done business with someone of your reputation. Upon recognizing you, they offer up to 15% off of the listed price of a particular item in exchange for some sign of your presence such as a small token or autograph.
Archetype Feature
At 14th level you gain another archetype feature.
Prickly Mind
Starting at 15th level, your reactions are so honed that you react even to magic trying to affect your mind. When you make a saving throw to resist being charmed, you can use your reaction to deal an amount of psychic damage equal to your proficiency bonus to the creature attempting to charm you. This backlash does not reveal the creature that tried to charm you.
In addition, you gain proficiency with Wisdom saving throws .
Reliable Might
Also at 17th level, if your total for a Strength or Constitution check is less than the corresponding score, you can use that score in place of the total.
Paragon of Rage
At 20th level, you have reached the peak of brawn and stamina. Your Strength and Constitution scores increase by 4. Your maximum for those scores is now 24.
In addition, while raging you gain the following benefits:
- Your size increases by one category (from Small to Medium, or Medium to Large), to a maximum size of Large. Your size doubles in all dimensions and your weight increases eightfold.
- You gain twice as many rage hit points as normal.
- Creatures have disadvantage on saving throws made to resist your basic combat maneuvers.
- You deal double damage to objects.
- Your horizontal jump distance increases by 40 feet and your vertical jump distance increases by 20 feet.
- You gain a 1d8 expertise die on Strength and Constitution ability checks and saving throws .
Developed Talents
When you gain access to a new developed talent, choose one of the following.
Agile Sprinter
You are adept at traversing obstacles while running, able to efficiently and rapidly climb and leap between trees, vines, rooftops, and ropes. You gain an expertise die on Athletics and Acrobatics checks made to climb, run, and swing.
Flock Step
You are adept at reading the flow of creatures grouped together and can effortlessly sync into a herd or crowd. You gain an expertise die on Stealth checks made to hide amongst or blend in with a group of 5 or more creatures.
Lead the Pack
Prerequisite: 5th level
Your unfaltering actions inspire your teammates to greater efforts. You gain an expertise die on Athletics or Acrobatics checks made to climb, jump, run, and swim. When your party makes a group Athletics or Acrobatics check, you may apply the results of your roll to yourself and one ally. You can choose which ally to apply your result to after everyone has rolled, but must do so before the Narrator says whether you succeed or fail.
Mark of the Wilderness
You have traveled far and seen much, and those around you can tell. You gain an expertise die on Intimidation checks. In addition, you may always choose to use Strength when rolling an Intimidation or Persuasion check.
Natural Tracker
After making a connection with another creature, however tenuous, you make a connection that gives you an edge when pursuing it. After you spend at least 1 minute observing a creature, you gain an expertise die on checks made to track that specific creature.
Path of Blustery Autumns
Instead of fighting the sharp winds you have learned from them. You gain a +10 foot increase to your speed when calculating your Travel Pace. Additionally, you can choose to ignore difficult terrain outside of combat.
Path of Drowning Springs
Prerequisite: 5th level
The rains have taught you the ways of the overflowing rivers. You gain a swim speed equal to your Speed and can hold your breath for a number of minutes equal to 1 + twice your Constitution modifier.
In addition, while swimming you can use a bonus action and spend one use of Rage to move your swim speed in a straight line.
Path of Lean Winters
The lessons of the snows have put you beyond mere cold and hunger. You gain advantage on saving throws made to resist the effects of cold weather as though you were wearing cold weather gear, but without the disadvantages in hot weather. Additionally, you can go without Supply for a number of days equal to 3 + your Constitution modifier (minimum 1) before suffering a level of fatigue .
Path of Scorching Summers
By emulating the beasts of the desert you are above the concerns of heat and thirst. You gain advantage on saving throws made to resist the effects of hot weather as though you were wearing hot weather gear, but without the disadvantages in cold weather. You also gain advantage on saving throws made to resist the effects of thirst.
Sharpened Senses
Your time spent drawing on your rage has brought the world into sharp, relentless focus. You gain an expertise die on Investigation, Perception, or Survival checks made to follow a creature’s trail.