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Redirection Portal

Redirection Portal


You create a pair of tiny space-time portals which intercept a moving missile or energy attack and redirect it in another direction. As a reaction, select one ranged attack whose target is within range of the power and make a ranged psionic attack. The attack is redirected at any other target within the power’s range, using your ranged psionic attack as the attack roll.




You tweak the trajectory of a moving object. Mundane ranged ammunition or melee weapon attacks redirected in this way gain an expertise die to hit, or the target increases its AC against the attack by 1d4 (your choice).

Read Mind

Read Mind

Concentration ()

You scan for thinking creatures in range and probe a creature’s mind to read its thoughts by focusing on it. The creature makes a Wisdom saving throw. On a successful save, you fail to read the creature’s thoughts, and the creature gains an expertise die on saves against this power for the next 24 hours; unlike normal, this expertise die has a maximum of 1d12.

Reactive Boost

Reactive Boost

Concentration ()

You move a leaping creature or thrown object. It travels an extra 20 feet. If ammunition was fired as part of an attack, this extended range counts as long range (instead of out of range), and the attack roll has disadvantage.

Surge. You can spend additional psionic points to increase the effect’s boost distance by 20 feet per psionic point.

Radiate Inertia

Radiate Inertia

Concentration ()

You reach out to everything that does not have a mind and immediately bring the world around you to a rapid stop. Objects of Huge size or smaller within range become fixed in place. Unlike held weapons and other attended items, worn items (like clothing and armor) are unaffected. Any creature can use an action to try and move an object fixed in place by making a Strength saving throw with disadvantage, ending your concentration on a success.

Pyrotechnic Conduit

Pyrotechnic Conduit


A burst of flame explodes in a 10-foot radius around a spot you choose within range. The fire spreads around corners and ignites unattended flammable objects. Each creature in the area takes 6d6 fire damage. On a successful Dexterity saving throw, a creature takes half damage.

The damage increases by 1d6 each time your power rating increases beyond III.

Push Thought

Push Thought

Concentration ()

Creatures that cannot be charmed are immune to this power. Suggest an activity phrased in a sentence or two. The target is psychically influenced to follow that course of activity. The suggestion must be worded to sound reasonable. Asking the target to perform an action that is obviously harmful to it ends the effect of this power.

The target carries out the activity suggested by you as well as it can. The effect of this power ends early once the target has carried out the activity.



Concentration ()

A buckler made of pure psychic energy forms on your forearm, lasting for the duration. The bucker counts as a light shield with the hands-free property. You are considered proficient with the buckler. The power’s effect ends early if you sacrifice the shield (see Shielding in Chapter 3: Equipment).

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to form a medium shield with the rebounding property, a heavy shield, or a tower shield instead [requires power rating III].

Psychic Barrier

Psychic Barrier

Concentration ()

You create a psychic barrier which blocks extrasensory intrusion. While the power remains active, no clairsentience power can view, sense, or detect the area covered.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to put the barrier in place for the duration of a long rest [requires power rating IV].




You learn a single piece of important information from an object you touch or a location you are in. The size of the location is at the discretion of the Narrator, but is usually not bigger than a single room.
