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Concentration ()

Until the power’s effects end, the target doesn’t benefit from any positive Strength, Constitution, or Dexterity modifiers.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to target 2 additional creatures; +1 psionic point to increase the power’s range to Medium (60 feet) [requires power rating III]; +2 psionic points to also cause the target to make attack rolls and Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution saving throws with disadvantage [requires power rating IV].

Slow Time

Slow Time

Concentration ()

You slow down time for yourself. For the duration of the power you gain the following benefits:

  • You gain one additional action on your turn
  • All attacks have disadvantage to hit you
  • You make all saving throws with advantage
  • Your Speed increases by +10 ft.

Surge. You can spend +1 psionic point to increase your Speed by +20 ft. instead, or +2 psionic points to increase it by +30 ft. Additionally, you can spend +2 psionic points to make all attacks with advantage [requires power rating V].

Read Mind

Read Mind

Concentration ()

You scan for thinking creatures in range and probe a creature’s mind to read its thoughts by focusing on it. The creature makes a Wisdom saving throw. On a successful save, you fail to read the creature’s thoughts, and the creature gains an expertise die on saves against this power for the next 24 hours; unlike normal, this expertise die has a maximum of 1d12.

Radiate Inertia

Radiate Inertia

Concentration ()

You reach out to everything that does not have a mind and immediately bring the world around you to a rapid stop. Objects of Huge size or smaller within range become fixed in place. Unlike held weapons and other attended items, worn items (like clothing and armor) are unaffected. Any creature can use an action to try and move an object fixed in place by making a Strength saving throw with disadvantage, ending your concentration on a success.

Power Grab

Power Grab

Concentration ()

You telekinetically reach out and hold a target within range. Make a ranged psionics attack. On a hit, the target is grappled. You can levitate the target 5 feet off the ground as part of the same action. While it remains grappled, you can use a bonus action to activate one of the following effects:



Concentration ()

You create a portal through space to a location you can see within range. While the portal remains in place, any creatures or objects of Large size or smaller can pass through it in either direction, appearing at the other end of the portal.

Point Singularity

Point Singularity

Concentration ()

You create a singularity–a miniature black hole–which remains in the target square for the power’s duration.

Any object or creature which begins its turn in that square and which is able to move makes a Strength saving throw. On a failure, or if it is unable to move, the creature or object takes 10d12 bludgeoning damage and is restrained until the start of its next turn; on a successful saving throw it moves into an adjacent square and is not restrained.

Move Object

Move Object

Concentration ()

You summon an unattended handheld object to your empty hand from a distance within range. Alternately, you levitate a creature or object and can move it a number of feet per round (within range) based on your power rating and the target’s size.

Unwilling creatures or those holding an object you are trying to affect can make a Strength check against your psionics save DC to avoid being affected (or a manifesting ability check, if it can use psionic powers).



Concentration ()

The target makes a manifesting ability saving throw or its thoughts turn inward upon itself creating an internal reality from which it cannot easily escape. If it does not have the ability to use psionic power, it rolls an Intelligence saving throw with disadvantage.

Mental Domination

Mental Domination

Concentration ()

You overpower your target’s mind, forcing it to do your bidding. The target makes a Wisdom saving throw. On a success, the power has no effect.

If the target fails the saving throw, for the duration of the power you may issue instructions (no action required) which it will do its best to obey. The target must be able to hear and understand the instructions.