Memories of Holdenshire: Party Crashers
Unfortunately it's not all merriment about Hengistbury. The rumors about town of kobolds are in fact well founded, and they've noticed that all the festivities have kept the townsfolk distracted. The evening of the second day of the festival they launch a three-pronged raid meant to test Hengistbury's defenses in preparation for future attacks.
All the attacking kobolds are different from the typical scaly humanoids: these are the dragon servitors . Any adventurer that makes a DC 13 Arcana check recognizes that while kobolds are normally a mottled brown color, these are a deep crimson, meaning they likely have some connection to a red dragon.

Encounter 1
The first attack is launched against the fishing and ferry boats. There are 10 kobolds scrambling about and trying to set everything they can alight— cargo, ropes, and the ships themselves. A few NPCs who were amongst the vessels have attempted to rally, but anyone trying to put out the flames became targets. All told 4 fisherfolk ( commoners ) have taken shelter underneath one of the docks and 3 of them are bloodied.
Ultimately this attack is a distraction, and when meaningful resistance shows up (namely the PCs) the kobolds only stay for a single round of combat before retreating.
Encounter 2
Not long after the flames are spotted by the boats a cry goes up that there are kobolds at the Bleeding Heart Tavern! There are 3 kobolds and 1 kobold sorcerer , and they also have arson on their minds. The structure's mead-splashed beams don't catch as quickly as they'd like though, so they quickly resort to stealing booze, burning the wall hangings, and generally causing havoc. When confronted, two of the kobolds flee, but the third stays to fight alongside the kobold sorcerer for 3 rounds (or until one of them is killed), at which point they both retreat.

Encounter 3
This last attack strikes at the symbol of Hengistbury's security: Hengistbury Keep. Lord and Lady Pemberton are both presiding over the festival and thankfully aren't at home, but a few servants are still here. They managed to spot the oncoming kobolds and have barred the main doors and shuttered the windows, but the keep wasn't built to withstand a concerted attack. Aharad, a traveling minstrel who had been in the midst of a tryst with one of the staff when the assault came, is alternating using her illusion magic to signal for help and helping lob projectiles (and in her case, vicious mockery ) down at the invaders from the second-floor windows.
There is 1 kobold dragon servitor and 1 kobold broodguard trying to break down the doors with a log clearly brought for the task, while 2 kobolds try to find an alternate way inside (a trio of the scaly attackers already lay dead or unconscious).
When the PCs arrive Aharad focuses on aiding them, providing what healing and magical support she can from the safety of the keep. These kobolds will stay for 3 rounds (or until one of them is killed) before retreating.
The True Mission
The point of all of this, it turns out, is to provide cover for a final broodguard to investigate the Sheriff's Office. The kobolds have plans that involve kidnapping Ariadne Torek—but that's for the To Slay A Dragon adventure!
The Aftermath
To say that the citizens are rattled is an understatement—the county has always been peaceful, and for an attack to come during the festival of all times? It was unthinkable. They're a resourceful and sturdy lot however, and by the time the adventurers get back from the keep there's already a medical tent set up in what had formerly been seating for the pie eating competition. Lady Pemberton is tending to these affairs as Lord Pemberton helps assess the damage inflicted upon the docks.
Once the chaos is down to a dull roar the rulers of Hengeistbury come together and decide that a reward for the PCs is in order. Thankfully the kobolds were unable to compromise their strongbox and they offer a candle of the surreptitious scholar , a vial of dust of sneezing and choking , and a faerie love letter as tokens of their thanks.