Analyst | Hotshot | Loremaster | Lore Weaver
Mentalist | Minstrel | Mountebank | Orator
Sound Sculptor | Vagabond | Warchanter
Bards are known for the telling of epic tales, thrilling acts of legerdemain, and beautiful musical renditions, but none more so than minstrels. Traveling the land to ply their musical and theatrical trades, a minstrel soaks up the world around them so that their future retellings of their travels are as detailed, evocative, and interesting as possible.
Bonus Proficiency and Specialties
When you select this archetype at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with Culture and Performance. If you are already proficient with either skill, you instead gain an expertise die . In addition, you gain additional specialties equal to your proficiency bonus, and you gain another specialty whenever your proficiency bonus increases. These bonus specialties must be in Culture or Performance.
Better Bardic Inspiration
Also at 3rd level, your ability to inspire can help an ally overcome deleterious effects. When you have granted a creature Bardic Inspiration, if the creature would make a saving throw at the end of its turn to end an effect on it, it can use the Bardic Inspiration to attempt a saving throw at the start of its turn instead.
In addition, you can use Bardic Inspiration on yourself, but only to make Performance checks.
Endless Legends
Beginning at 6th level, your archive of heroic exploits and legendary tales reaches a new threshold. You can use your Bardic Inspiration an additional number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier. In addition, when a creature rolls your Bardic Inspiration die, it gains a bonus equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Act of Unison
At 14th level, your ability to motivate others actually spurs them into action. On your turn, you can use your action and bonus action to expend a use of Bardic Inspiration and choose a creature you can see within 60 feet. If the chosen creature can see or hear you, it gains one additional action. This action must be used before the end of your turn. A creature can only benefit from this feature once between long rests .