Analyst | Hotshot | Loremaster | Lore Weaver
Mentalist | Minstrel | Mountebank | Orator
Sound Sculptor | Vagabond | Warchanter
The twisting of words is itself a kind of art—the mastery of which is the purvey of mountebanks. Throughout the course of any adventure there are plenty of trials where a sufficiently delivered boast can be more effective and useful than the mettle required to follow through on it, and the eloquent experience of a mountebank pulls its worth then so sufficiently that their frequent self-centered accolades are worth the trouble.
Bonus Proficiency and Specialties
When you select this archetype at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with Deception and Persuasion. If you are already proficient with either skill, you instead gain an expertise die . In addition, you gain additional specialties equal to your proficiency bonus, and you gain another specialty whenever your proficiency bonus increases. These bonus specialties must be in Deception or Persuasion.
Rapid Response
Also at 3rd level, you are always ready to wield your magic at the drop of a hat. When initiative is rolled, as long as you are not surprised you can choose to cast a spell with a vocalized component and casting time of 1 action. If you do so, the effects of the spell occur at the start of the first creature’s turn, and on your first turn you do not receive an action.
Honeyed Words
Starting at 6th level, you learn to weave magic directly into your very words and gesticulations. When you cast a bard spell, you can replace any vocalized components with speech and any seen components with gestures. Any observers with a passive Insight score equal to or less than your passive Deception score or passive Persuasion score do not see or hear you cast the spell. If you are making a Deception, Intimidation, or Persuasion check as part of your speech or gestures, the effects of the spell occur before the check is made.
Once you have used this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest .
Kill Me Last
At 14th level, you are exceptionally good at convincing your foes to attack someone other than yourself. When a creature you can see targets you with an attack or spell, you can use your reaction to focus its attention on a creature you choose within its reach or within range of it. It makes a Charisma saving throw and on a failure, it instead targets the chosen creature with its attack or spell (gaining advantage if the chosen creature is an ally).
Once you have used this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest .