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You ran a small shop, market stall, or similar business, buying from suppliers and selling on to others. You navigate markets and interactions, working to bring people closer together with what they need, or at least what they want.

Why did you step out from behind the shop counter? Is the business still going? Who tends to it while you’re away?

Local Muscle

Local Muscle

Whether for an upstanding bank, a riotous tavern, or a criminal organization, you made a living by cracking skulls and looking menacing.

Why did you leave this life? Do you still owe anyone anything? Was there anyone who begrudges you for your past work?

Ability Score Increases: +1 to Strength and one other ability score.

Day Laborer

Day Laborer

You kept a city running through the sweat of your brow, loading and unloading ships, serving as an extra pair of hands on a construction site, and performing other tasks. It isn’t always honest work, but it’s always hard work.

Why did you leave this life behind? How did you get your adventuring skills and equipment?

Ability Score Increases: +1 to Constitution and one other ability score.



Those that lack homes, ask for alms, and other impoverished folk have been, broadly, left behind by whatever society they are a part of. You were part of those huddled masses, doing everything you could to survive, but going to bed hungry more often than not.

How did you escape that life? What was the turning point for you? Who did you leave behind? What scars do you bear from that time?



( points)

Abilities: Charisma