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Restless Sea

Restless Sea

Rapid currents and quick trade routes make these waters popular with merchants, but only the bravest and most skilled sailors are willing to chance the frequent, dangerous, and unpredictable waves. Adventurers journeying through this region or along its coast have to overcome an unusually high number of weather event exploration challenges, as well as some combat encounters and social encounters.

Terrains. Coast, water.

Tiers. Regions with calm waters might be tier 1, but most adventurous seas are tier 2 or tier 3.

Weather. 1–7 clear, 8–11 overcast, 12–16 rain, 17–25 mist.

Journey Activities. Adventurers have disadvantage on checks made to Scout. Busking is possible on coastlines, but not the open sea. Checks made to Hide Tracks on the open sea automatically succeed, and those made to Track automatically fail. Checks to Hunt and Gather are made with advantage .

Rolling Mists. Adventurers gain an expertise die on Stealth checks if the weather is not clear.

Thick Fog. Without the sight of natural landmarks to guide them, adventurers have disadvantage on checks made to navigate the area if the weather is not clear.

Restless Sea Exploring Tier 0

1 Aboleth thrall (monster)
2–3 Crocodile (monster)
4–5 Flumph (monster)
6–7 Gelatinous cube (monster)
8–9 Giant crab (monster)
10–19 Travel scenery  
20–21 Giant octopus  (monster)
22–23 Giant poisonous snake (monster)
24–25 Giant seahorse (monster)
26–27 Gray ooze (monster)
28–29 Hunter shark (monster)
30–31 Hail storm (exploration)
32–34 Kobold  (monster)
35–37 Merfolk (monster)
38–42 Merrow (monster)
43–45 Ochre jelly (monster)
46–48 Octopus (monster)
49–51 Haze  (exploration)
52–54 Pirate ( bandit variant)  (monster)
55–57 Plesiosaurus  (monster)
58–60 Poisonous snake (monster)
61–63 Quipper (monster)
64–66 Reef shark (monster)
67–69 Lost item
70–71 Sahuagin (monster)
72–73 Sea hag (monster)
74–75 Seahorse  (monster)
76–77 Siren ( harpy variant) (monster)
78–79 Spark mephit  (monster)
80–81 Stampede (exploration)
82–83 Swarm of poisonous snakes (monster)
84–85 Swarm of quippers (monster)
86–87 Will-o-wisp (monster)
88–99 Social encounter   
100 Thunderstorm  (exploration)

Restless Sea Exploring Tier 1

1–4 Aboleth thrall (monster)
5–8 Black pudding (monster)
9–12 Gelatinous cube (monster)
13–18 Travel scenery  
19–22 Ghost (monster)
23–26 Giant lanternfish ( lamia variant) (monster)
27–30 Killer whale (monster)
31–34 Kobold broodguard or kobold sorcerer (monster)
35–38 Lacedon ghast (monster)
39–42 Lacedon ghoul (monster)
43–46 Pests (exploration)
47–50 Merfolk knight (monster)
51–54 Merrow (monster)
55–58 Merrow mage (monster)
59–62 Ochre jelly (monster)
63–66 Pirate captain ( bandit captain variant) (monster)
67–70 Private property (exploration)
71–74 Sahuagin (monster)
75–78 Sea hag (monster)
79–82 Siren ( harpy variant) (monster)
83–86 Will-o-wisp (monster)
87–90 Thunderstorm  (exploration)
91–99 Social encounter  
100 River rapids (exploration)

Restless Sea Exploring Tier 2

1–4 Aboleth thrall (monster)
5–8 Black pudding (monster)
9–13 Travel scenery  
14–17 Bunyip  (monster)
18–21 Chuul (monster)
22–25 Cursed temple  (exploration)
26–29 Ghost (monster)
30–33 Giant crocodile (monster)
34–37 Dense fog  (exploration)
38–41 Giant shark (monster)
42–45 Giant water elemental  (monster)
46–49 Hail deluge  (exploration)
50–53 Hydra (monster)
54–57 Merfolk knight  (monster)
58–61 River rapids  (exploration)
62–65 Pirate captain ( bandit captain variant) (monster)
66–69 Sahuagin champion (monster)
70–73 Tornado  (exploration)
74–77 Sea hag (monster)
78–80 Sea serpent (monster)
81–84 Voracious pests  (exploration)
85–88 Water elemental (monster)
89–92 Wild magic zone (exploration)
93–99 Social encounter   
100 Sunspots (exploration)

Restless Sea Exploring Tier 3

1–5 Caught in the crossfire (exploration)
6–10 Aboleth (monster)
11–12 Adult bronze dragon (monster)
13–16 Travel scenery  
17–22 Chuul (monster)
23–28 Marid (monster)
29–34 Choking smoke (exploration)
35–39 Merclops ( cyclops variant) (monster)
40–45 Pyrohydra ( hydra variant) (monster)
46–51 Cursed waterway (exploration)
52–57 Roc (monster)
58–63 Sahuagin champion (monster)
64–69 Lifeless desolation (exploration)
70–75 Scrag ( troll variant) (monster)
76–81 Sea serpent (monster)
82–87 Sunspots (exploration)
88–92 Storm giant (monster)
93–99 Social encounter   
100 Hallowed waters (as hallowed ground ) (exploration)

Restless Sea Exploring Tier 4

1–8 Divine war (exploration)
9–16 Aboleth (monster)
17–21 Travel scenery  
22–30 Adult gold dragon (monster)
31–38 Ancient bronze dragon (monster)
39–46 Hallowed waters (as hallowed ground ) (exploration)
47–54 Ancient aboleth (elite aboleth variant) (monster)
55–63 Dragon turtle (monster)
64–72 Hellscape (exploration)
73–80 Marid noble (monster)
81–88 Killing cloud (exploration)
89–91 Storm giant (monster)
92–94 Tsunami (exploration)
95–100 Social encounter   

Parched Sands

Parched Sands

Endless dunes and the baking sun make these deserts difficult and dangerous places in which to survive. Adventurers journeying through this region have very few social encounters.

Terrains. Desert, grassland, hills, mountains, ruins, settlement, subterranean, temple, tomb. 

Tiers. A desert region with numerous oases might be tier 1, but most are tier 2 or higher.

Weather. 1–25 clear.

Hot. Traveling at faster than a slow pace is dangerous in the region’s hot temperatures, and adventurers that do so suffer a level of fatigue when taking a long rest (even if they have Supply). The use of appropriate mounts (such as camels ) and keeping a light pack (less than half carrying capacity) allow for adventurers to travel as fast as a normal pace without suffering fatigue during a long rest]].

Unquenchable Thirst. Twice the usual amount of Supply is required when taking a long rest.

Journey Activities. It is not possible to Busk. Checks to Harvest or Hunt and Gather are made at disadvantage .

Parched Sands Exploring Tier 0

1–3 Acolyte (monster)
4–6 Ankheg spawn (monster)
7–9 Bandit  (monster)
10–12 Berserker (monster)
13–21 Travel scenery  
22–24 Bloodhawk (monster)
25–27 Camel  (monster)
28–30 Cockatrice (monster)
31–33 Cultist  (monster)
34–36 Counterfeit goods (exploration)
39–41 Death dog (monster)
42–44 Flying snake (monster)
45–47 Gnoll (monster)
48–50 Hyena G  (monster)
51–53 Landslide (exploration)
54–56 Jackal  (monster)
57–59 Kobold (monster)
60–62 Lizard G  (monster)
63–65 Mimic  (monster)
66–67 Lost item (exploration)
68–70 Poisonous snake G (monster)
71–73 Pseudodragon (monster)
74–76 Scorpion (monster)
77–79 Scout  (monster)
80–84 Sea of sand (exploration)
85–87 Swarm of poisonous snakes (monster)
88–90 Vulture G (monster)
91–92 Warrior (monster)
93–99 Social encounter  
100 Labyrinthine ravines (exploration)

G On an odd result, use the giant version of this creature instead.

Parched Sands Exploring Tier 1

1–2 Sea of sand (exploration)
3–4 Acolyte (monster)
5–6 Ankheg (monster)
7–8 Bandit captain (monster)
9–10 Basilisk (monster)
11–12 Bugbear (monster)
13–19 Travel scenery  
20–21 Couatl (monster)
22–23 Cult fanatic (monster)
24–25 Doppelganger (monster)
26–27 Druid (monster)
28–29 Flying lion (monster)
30–31 Labyrinthine ravines (exploration)
32–33 Ghast (monster)
34–35 Ghost (monster)
36–37 Ghoul (monster)
38–39 Giant scorpion (monster)
40–41 Pests  (exploration)
42–43 Gnoll (monster)
44–45 Goblin boss (monster)
46–47 Griffon (monster)
48–49 Guard squad (monster)
50–51 Half-red dragon veteran (monster)
52–53 Pit trap (exploration)
54–55 Harpy (monster)
56–57 Hell hound (monster)
58–59 Jackalwere (monster)
60–61 Knight (monster)
62–63 Lamia (monster)
64–65 Private property (exploration)
66–67 Magmin (monster)
68–69 Manticore (monster)
70–71 Mimic (monster)
72–73 Mummy (monster)
74–75 Ogrekin (monster)
76–77 Quicksand (exploration)
78–79 Priest (monster)
80–82 Scorpionfolk (monster)
83–85 Soldier (monster)
86–89 Warrior band (monster)
90–92 Veteran (monster)
93–99 Social encounter   
100 Lethal outgassing (exploration)

Parched Sands Exploring Tier 2

1–3 Alchemist (monster)
4–5 Acid field (exploration)
6–7 Ankheg queen (monster)
8–9 Assassin  (monster)
10–17 Travel scenery  
18–19 Blackguard  (monster)
20–21 Bugbear chief  (monster)
22–23 Cursed temple (exploration)
24–25 Bulette  (monster)
26–27 Cambion  (monster)
28–29 Flash flood (exploration)
30–31 Chimera  (monster)
32–34 Cyclops  (monster)
35–36 Flimsy rope bridge (exploration)
37–38 Doppelganger   (monster)
39–41 Gnoll demonfang  (monster)
42–44 Lethal outgassing (exploration)
45–47 Gorgon  (monster)
48–50 Guardian naga  (monster)
51–53 Rot grubs (exploration)
54–56 High priest  (monster)
57–58 Hobgoblin captain  (monster)
59–61 Sandstorm (exploration)
62–63 Jackalwere pack leader  (monster)
64–65 Kobold broodguard or kobold sorcerer  (monster)
66–68 Shattered earth (exploration)
69–70 Medusa  (monster)
71–72 Ogre  (monster)
73–74 Tornado (exploration)
75–76 Revenant  (monster)
77–78 Scorpionfolk  (monster)
79–80 Voracious pests (exploration)
81–82 Soldier squad  (monster)
83–84 Strider  (monster)
85–86 Wild magic zone (exploration)
87–88 Warrior band  (monster)
89–92 Wyvern  (monster)
93–99 Social encounter   
100 Sunspots (exploration)

Parched Sands Exploring Tier 3

1–3 Adult blue dragon (monster)
4–6 Adult brass dragon (monster)
7–9 Ascetic grandmaster (monster)
10–16 Travel scenery  
17–19 Assassin (monster)
20–22 Champion warrior (monster)
23–25 Djinni  (monster)
26–28 Caught in the crossfire (exploration)
29–31 Efreeti  (monster)
32–34 Fire giant   (monster)
35–37 Forgotten god (monster)
38–39 Choking smoke (exploration)
40–42 Gorgon (monster)
43–45 Guardian naga (monster)
46–48 Harpy  (monster)
49–51 Endless plummet (exploration)
52–54 Hobgoblin warlord (monster)
55–57 Medusa queen (monster)
58–61 Mummy lord (monster)
62–64 Lifeless desolation (exploration)
65–69 Ogre mage (monster)
70–73 Rakshasa (monster)
74–76 Sand ray (cloaker variant) (monster)
77–79 Primordial tornado (exploration)
80–82 Sand worm ( purple worm variant) (monster)
83–85 Scorpionfolk imperator (monster)
86–88 Sphinx (monster)
89–90 Sunspots (exploration)
91–92 Stone colossus ( stone guardian variant)
93–99 Social encounter  
100 Malfunctioning planar portal (exploration)

Parched Sands Exploring Tier 4

1–5 Divine war  (exploration)
6–10 Ancient brass dragon   (monster)
11–12 Ascetic grandmaster   (monster)
13–16 Travel scenery  
17–21 Djinni   (monster)
22–26 Djinni noble   (monster)
27–31 God corpse (exploration)
32–36 Efreeti   (monster)
37–42 Efreeti noble   (monster)
43–47 Hellscape (exploration)
48–53 Fire giant   (monster)
54–60 Hobgoblin warlord   (monster)
61–65 Killing cloud (exploration)
66–71 Master assassin   (monster)
72–76 Mummy lord   (monster)
77–81 Malfunctioning planar portal (exploration)
82–87 Rakshasa   (monster)
88–94 Sphinx (greater)   (monster)
95–100 Social encounter  

Open Roads

Open Roads

Well-traveled roads with wide tracks, and plentiful inns, villages, and other stopping points along the way make some journeys less arduous than others. Adventurers journeying along country roads have many social encounters, combat encounters with NPCs or the occasional wild beast, and circumstance and constructed terrain exploration challenges.

Terrains. Any; most road regions extend from at least one region into one or more other regions.

Tiers. It’s unusual (although not impossible) for open roads to be above tier 2.

Weather. 1–8 clear, 9–12 overcast, 13–16 rain, 17–19 mist, 20–25 snow. 

Fast Travel. Adventurers move one mile per hour faster when traveling along open roads.

Open Roads Exploring Tier 0

1 Awakened shrub (monster)
2–3 Bandit (monster)
4–5 Counterfeit goods (exploration)
6–7 Cockatrice (monster)
8–9 Cult fanatic (monster)
10–19 Travel scenery  
20–21 Cultist (monster)
22–23 Ettercap (monster)
24–25 Enchanted windmill (exploration)
26–27 Ghoul (monster)
28–29 Giant spider (monster)
30–31 End of hibernation (exploration)
32–34 Giant wolf spider (monster)
35–37 Goblin   (monster)
38–41 Falling net (exploration)
42 Kobold  (monster)
43–45 Lizard   (monster)
46–48 Hail storm (exploration)
49–51 Ogre zombie (monster)
52–54 Poisonous snake (monster)
55–57 Haze (exploration)
58–60 Rat (monster)
61–63 Skeleton (monster)
64–66 Landslide (exploration)
67–69 Specter (monster)
70–71 Swarm of rats (monster)
72–73 Lost item (exploration)
74–75 Wererat (monster)
76–77 Zombie (monster)
78–79 Public ceremony (exploration)
80–99 Social encounter  
100 Pests (exploration)

Open Roads Exploring Tier 1

1 Awakened tree (monster)
2–3 Bandit captain  (monster)
4–5 Counterfeit goods (exploration)
6–7 Banshee (monster)
8–9 Basilisk (monster)
10–19 Travel scenery  
20–21 Cult fanatic (monster)
22–23 Cutthroat (monster)
24–25 Enchanted windmill (exploration)
26–27 Doppelganger  (monster)
28–29 Ettercap (monster)
30–31 End of hibernation (exploration)
32–34 Ettin (monster)
35–37 Ghast (monster)
38–41 Stampede (exploration)
42 Ghost (monster)
43–45 Ghoul (monster)
46–48 Flood (exploration)
49–51 Goblin boss or goblin warlock  (monster)
52–54 Green hag (monster)
55–57 Mushroom ring (exploration)
58–60 Half-red dragon veteran (monster)
61–63 Kobold broodguard or kobold sorcerer (monster)
64–66 Pests (exploration)
67–68 Ogrekin (monster)
69–70 Ogre (monster)
71–72 Pit trap  (exploration)
73–74 Phase spider (monster)
75–76 Shadow (monster)
77–78 Quicksand (exploration)
79–80 Skeletal champion (monster)
81–82 Specter (monster)
83–84 Thunderstorm   (exploration)
85–86 Werewolf (monster)
87–88 Zombie knight (monster)
89–99 Social encounter  
100 Sinkhole (exploration)

Open Roads Exploring Tier 2

1–3 Cursed temple  (exploration)
4–5 Bandit captain  (monster)
6–7 Blackguard  (monster)
8–9 Bulette  (monster)
10–17 Travel scenery
18–19 Cambion (monster)
20–21 Cyclops (monster)
22–23 Doppelganger (monster)
24–25 Dense fog (exploration)
26–27 Ettercap (monster)
28–29 Ettin (monster)
30–31 Ghast (monster)
32–34 Flash flood (exploration)
35–36 Ghost (monster)
37–38 Ghoul (monster)
39–41 Goblin boss or goblin warlock  (monster)
42–45 Flimsy rope bridge (exploration)
46–48 Half-red dragon veteran (monster)
49–51 Half-shadow dragon assassin (monster)
52–54 Hill giant (monster)
55–56 Hail deluge (exploration)
57–58 Kobold broodguard or kobold sorcerer (monster)
59–61 Mage (monster)
62–63 Ogre mage (monster)
64–66 Lethal outgassing (exploration)
67–68 Ogre zombie (monster)
69–70 Revenant (monster)
71–72 Skeletal warhorse (monster)
73–74 Rot grubs (exploration)
75–76 Skeleton horde (monster)
77–78 Troll (monster)
79–80 Werewolf (monster)
81–82 Sinkhole (exploration)
83–84 Wraith   (monster)
85–86 Zombie horde   (monster)
87–88 Voracious pests (exploration)
89–90 Zombie knight  (monster)
91–99 Social encounter  
100 Caught in the crossfire (exploration)

Open Roads Exploring Tier 3

1–5 Archpriest (monster)
6–10 Blackguard (monster)
11–15 Travel scenery  
16–20 Champion warrior (monster)
21–25   Cyclops (monster)
26–30 Forgotten god (monster)
31–35 Caught in the crossfire (exploration)
36–40 High priest (monster)
41–45 Hill giant (monster)
46–50 Knight captain  (monster)
51–55 Choking smoke (exploration)
56–60 Malcubus (monster)
61–65 Soldier squad (monster)
66–70 Vampire (monster)
71–75 Endless plummet (exploration)
76–80 Wereboar (monster)
81–85 Werewolf (monster)
86–90 Wraith lord (monster)
91–99 Social encounter  
100 Divine war (exploration)

Open Roads Exploring Tier 4

1–5 Arcane blademaster (monster)
6–10 Archpriest (monster)
11–16 Travel scenery  
17–21 Ascetic grandmaster (monster)
22–26 Dread knight (monster)
27–31 Divine war (exploration)
32–36 Empyrean (monster)
37–42 Hill giant (monster)
43–47 God corpse (exploration)
48–53 Holy knight (monster)
55–60 Knight captain (monster)
61–65 Hallowed ground (exploration)
66–71 Master assassin (monster)
72–76 Troll or dread troll  (monster)
77–81 Killing cloud (exploration)
82–87 Vampire (monster)
88–94 Wraith lord (monster)
95–100 Social encounter  

Lofty Mountains

Lofty Mountains

Legends from all over the realm speak of remote passes, cataclysmic conflicts and relics of fell power within the ancient ruins of temples to defeated evils, the graves of terrible warlords, and sites of unspeakable rituals. Adventurers journeying through this region have few social encounters, a moderate amount of combat encounters, and many constructed terrain, natural terrain, and supernatural exploration challenges.

Tiers. Idyllic mountain ranges might be tier 1, while cliffs and crags ruled over by an ancient dragon would be tier 4.

Terrains. Arctic, hills, jungle, mountains, ruins, settlement, subterranean, temple, tomb.

Weather. 1–8 clear, 9–12 overcast, 13–16 mist, 17–18 rain, 19–25 snow.

Climbable. The terrain offers numerous footholds and pitted surfaces. Adventurers gain an expertise die on checks made to climb.

High Altitude. Breathing air gets harder at altitudes of 10,000 feet or higher above sea level, and adventurers not used to the reduced oxygen tire easily. Every hour spent traveling at high altitude counts as 2 hours of travel for the purposes of travel pace. For example, after 4 hours of travel a creature makes forced march checks every half hour.

After spending 30 days or longer at high altitude an adventurer becomes acclimated to it and can travel normally. Altitudes above 20,000 feet can only be acclimated to by creatures native to the environment.

Mountsbane. Travel time is doubled for mounts and pack animals.

Lofty Mountains Exploring Tier 0

1–3 Blinding blizzard (exploration)
4–5 Bandit  (monster)
6–7 Berserker (monster)
8–9 Black bear (monster)
10–19 Travel scenery  
20–21 Bloodhawk (monster)
22–23 Brown bear (monster)
24–26 Eagle G  (monster)
27–28 Bridge of stones (exploration)
29–31 Gnoll (monster)
32–34 Goat G (monster)
35–37 End of hibernation (exploration)
38–42 Goblin (monster)
43–45 Gray ooze (monster)
46–48 Grick (monster)
49–51 Hail storm (exploration)
52–54 Harpy (monster)
55–57 Hawk (monster)
58–60 Kobold  (monster)
61–63 Haze (exploration)
64–66 Pegasus (monster)
67–69 Peryton (monster)
70–72 Poisonous snake G (monster)
73–74 Landslide (exploration)
75–76 Pseudodragon  (monster)
77–78 Pteranodon (monster)
79–80 Swarm of bats  (monster)
81–82 Lost item (exploration)
83–84 Swarm of poisonous snakes (monster)
84–86 Wolf G (monster)
87–88 Poorly-repaired tunnel (exploration)
89–90 Worg (monster)
91–99 Social encounter   
100 Thunderstorm (exploration)

G On an odd result, use the giant version of this creature instead.

Lofty Mountains Exploring Tier 1

1–2 Allosaurus (monster)
3–4 Azer (monster)
5–6 Bandit captain  (monster)
7–8 Basilisk (monster)
9–10 Bugbear (monster)
11–17 Travel scenery  
18–19 Ettin (monster)
20–21 Flying lion (monster)
22–23 Gargoyle (monster)
24–25 Ghast  (monster)
26–27 Ghost  (monster)
28–29 Poorly-repaired tunnel (exploration)
30–31 Ghoul  (monster)
32–33 Gnoll (monster)
34–35 Goblin boss or goblin warlock  (monster)
36–37 Grick (monster)
38–39 Griffon (monster)
40–41 Labyrinthine ravines (exploration)
42–43 Guard (monster)
44–45 Half-red dragon veteran (monster)
46–47 Harpy  (monster)
48–49 Hell hound (monster)
50–51 Hippogriff (monster)
52–53 Pests  (exploration)
54–55 Hobgoblin (monster)
56–57 Knight (monster)
58–59 Kobold broodguard or kobold sorcerer (monster)
60–61 Magmin (monster)
62–63 Manticore (monster)
64–65 Pit trap  (exploration)
66–67 Ogrekin (monster)
68–69 Owlbear (monster)
70–71 Peryton (monster)
72–73 Phase spider (monster)
74–75 Pugilist  (monster)
76–79 Thunderstorm (exploration)
80–81 Scout  (monster)
82–83 Soldier  (monster)
84–85 Veteran (monster)
86–87 Warrior  (monster)
88–89 Warrior band (monster)
90–91 Werewolf (monster)
92–99 Social encounter   
100 Rockfall (exploration)

Lofty Mountains Exploring Tier 2

1–2 Air elemental G (monster)
3–4 Allosaurus (monster)
5–6 Cursed temple (exploration)
7–8 Azer forgemaster (monster)
9–10 Bandit captain  (monster)
11–17 Travel scenery  
18–19 Blackguard (monster)
20–21 Bugbear chief (monster)
22–23 Dense fog (exploration)
24–25 Bulette  (monster)
26–27 Chimera (monster)
28–29 Flimsy rope bridge (exploration)
30–31 Cloud giant (monster)
32–33 Cyclops (monster)
34–35 Green lake (exploration)
36–37 Fire elemental G  (monster)
38–39 Frost giant (monster)
40–41 Hail deluge (exploration)
42–43 Gnoll demonfang (monster)
44–45 Grick G  (monster)
46–47 Lethal outgassing (exploration)
48–49 Guard squad (monster)
50–51 Hill giant (monster)
52–53 Rockfall (exploration)
54–55 Hobgoblin captain (monster)
56–57 Manticore (monster)
58–59 Rot grubs (exploration)
60–61 Medusa (monster)
62–63 Ogre (monster)
64–65 Shattered earth (exploration)
66–67 Owlbear recluse (elite) (monster)
68–69 Remorhaz spawn (monster)
70–71 Treacherous tundra (exploration)
72–73 Roc juvenile (monster)
74–75 Soldier squad (monster)
76–79 Voracious pests (exploration)
80–81 Stone giant (monster)
82–83 Troll (monster)
84–85 White elk (exploration)
86–87 Warrior band (monster)
88–89 Wyvern (monster)
90–91 Wild magic zone (exploration)
92–99 Social encounter   
100 Choking smoke (exploration)

G On an odd result, use the giant version of this creature instead.

Lofty Mountains Exploring Tier 3

1–4 Bridge of sorrow (exploration)
5–7 Adult copper dragon (monster)
8–10 Adult earth dragon (monster)
11–16 Travel scenery  
17–19 Adult silver dragon (monster)
20–22 Ascetic grandmaster (monster)
23–25 Caught in the crossfire (exploration)
26–28 Cloud giant noble (monster)
29–31 Cyclops myrmidon (monster)
32–34 Choking smoke (exploration)
35–37 Dread troll (troll variant)
38–40 Efreeti (monster)
41–43 Cursed waterway (exploration)
44–46 Fire giant (monster)
47–49 Frost giant (monster)
50–52 Endless plummet (exploration)
53–55 Hill giant chief (monster)
56–58 Hobgoblin warlord (monster)
59–61 Lifeless desolation (exploration)
62–64 Medusa queen (monster)
65–69 Ogre mage (monster)
70–73 Perilous cliff path (exploration)
74–76 Purple worm (monster)
77–79 Remorhaz (monster)
80–82 Sphere of annihilation (exploration)
83–85 Roc (monster)
86–88 Stone giant stonetalker (monster)
89–90 Sunspots (exploration)
91–92 Wraith (monster)
93–99 Social encounter   
100 Malfunctioning planar portal (exploration)

Lofty Mountains Exploring Tier 4

1–4 Adult red dragon (monster)
5–7 Ancient copper dragon (monster)
8–10 Ancient earth dragon (monster)
11–16 Travel scenery  
17–19 Arcane blademaster ] (monster)
20–22 Ascetic grandmaster (monster)
23–25 Cloud giant (monster)
26–28 Divine war (exploration)
29–31 Cloud giant noble (monster)
32–34 Dread knight (monster)
35–37 Efreeti (monster)
38–40 God corpse (exploration)
41–43 Efreeti noble (monster)
44–46 Fire giant (monster)
47–49 Frost giant (monster)
50–52 Hallowed ground (exploration)
53–55 Frost giant jarl (monster)
56–58 Hill giant chief (monster)
59–61 Remorhaz (monster)
62–64 Hellscape (exploration)
65–69 Stone giant stonetalker (monster)
70–73 Storm giant (monster)
74–76 Troll or dread troll  (monster)
77–79 Killing cloud (exploration)
80–82 Vampire (monster)
83–85 Vampire spawn (monster)
86–88 Wraith (monster)
89–91 Malfunctioning planar portal (exploration)
92–94 Wraith lord
95–100 Social encounter   

Trials and Treasures

Trials and Treasures

This essential rulebook for Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition contains the full journey and exploration rules of the game, including details on regions, discoveries, and boons, dozens of exploration challenges, and rules for random encounters of all types.

Not only that, Trials & Treasures also contains over 500 magic items and rules for crafting them, from fantastically powerful artifacts to minor enchanted trinkets, and pages of advice and tools for creating encounters and running the game.

  • Gamemastery
  • Worldbuilding
  • Encounter Design
  • Exploration
  • Exploration Challenges
  • Maladies
  • Adventuring Rewards
  • Enchanted Gear




Adventurer's Guide

Adventurer's Guide

In this guide to Level Up, the advanced roleplaying game, you will find everything you need to play. Create diverse and unique heroes, engage in epic combat with villainous foes, cast powerful spells, and build mighty strongholds! 


  • A unique origin system which allows you to select your heritage, culture, background, and destiny! 
  • Details of adventuring gear, weapons, armor, vehicles, and strongholds. 
  • Full rules for combat and adventuring. 
  • Hundreds of spells, combat maneuvers, exploration knacks, and other exciting abilities! 
  • An advanced rule system which adds depth to the core 5th Edition rules while maintaining full compatibility. 

Level Up is a standalone game. Everything you need to create your character and start adventuring can be found in this rulebook.


Chapter 1:  Character Creation

Chapter 2: Origin

Chapter 3: Adventuring Classes

Chapter 4:  Equipment

Chapter 5: Feats and Multiclassing

Chapter 6: Ability Scores

Chapter 7: Adventuring

Chapter 8: Combat

Chapter 9: Combat Maneuvers

Chapter 10: Spellcasting


Haunted Lands

Haunted Lands

Settlements that have suffered a curse, or areas which are home to powerful undead beings, typically have effects that spread far from the source bringing woe to the people living nearby and attracting prowling monsters and ominous signs. Adventurers journeying through regions like this have plenty of combat encounters, some social encounters, and many circumstance or supernatural exploration challenges.

Terrains. Any.

Tiers. Haunted lands are often higher tier areas. The corrupted realm surrounding a dread knight’s castle or a county ruled over by a sinister vampire would likely be tier 3 or higher.

Weather. 1–5 clear, 6–10 overcast, 11–15 foggy, 16–25 rain.

Bleak Light. All light sources illuminate only half the area they would normally cover.

Night Terrors. It is difficult to get a restful night’s sleep in this area. Adventurers make a Wisdom saving throw against the region’s journey activity DC when taking a long rest or suffer a level of strife .

Suspicious Minds. The people who inhabit this area are wary and suspicious of strangers. Adventurers have disadvantage on Charisma checks made against people local to the region.

Journey Activities. The Entertain activity is made with disadvantage . The Pray activity is made with disadvantage if your deity has the Good alignment.

Haunted Lands Exploring Tier 0

1–3 Bandit (monster)
4–5 Cockatrice (monster)
6–7 Cultist (monster)
8–9 Cutthroat (monster)
10–19 Travel scenery  
20–21 Ettercap (monster)
22–23 Gelatinous cube (monster)
24–25 Ghoul (monster)
26–27 Giant centipede (monster)
28–29 Counterfeit goods (exploration)
30–31 Giant wolf spider (monster)
32–33 Goblin (monster)
34–35   Gray ooze (monster)
36–37 Grick (monster)
38–42 Grimlock (monster)
43–45 Enchanted windmill (exploration)
46–48 Hyena G (monster)
49–50 Jackal (monster)
51–53 Kobold (monster)
54–56 Lizard G (monster)
57–59 Haze (exploration)
60–61 Mimic (monster)
62–63 Ochre jelly (monster)
64–65 Ogrekin (monster)
66–68 Poisonous snake G (monster)
67–69 Lost item (exploration)
70–72 Rat G (monster)
73–74 Shadow (monster)
75–77 Skeleton (monster)
78–80 Spider G (monster)
79–81 Public ceremony (exploration) 
82–84 Swarm of poisonous snakes (monster)
85–86 Swarm of rats (monster)
87–89 Wererat (monster)
90–92 Zombie (monster) 
92–99 Social encounter    
100 Thunderstorm (exploration)

G On an odd result, use the giant version of this creature instead.

Haunted Lands Exploring Tier 1

1–3 Animated armor  (monster)
4–5 Bandit captain  (monster)
6–7 Banshee  (monster)
8–9 Basilisk  (monster)
10–11 Black pudding  (monster)
12–19 Travel scenery  
18–19 Cult fanatic  (monster)
20–21 Cutthroat  (monster)
22–23 Doppelganger (monster)
24–25 Ettercap  (monster)
26–27 Ettin  (monster)
28–29 Mushroom ring (exploration)
30–31 Gargoyle  (monster)
32–33 Gelatinous cube  (monster)
34–35 Ghast  (monster)
36–37 Ghost  (monster)
38–39 Ghoul  (monster)
40–41 Goblin boss or goblin warlock  (monster)
42–43 Green hag  (monster)
44–46 Pests (exploration)
47–48 Grick  (monster)
49–50 Grimlock  (monster)
51–52 Intellect devourer  (monster)
53–54 Kobold broodguard or kobold sorcerer  (monster)
55–56 Mimic  (monster)
57–58 Mummy  (monster)
59–61 Pit trap (exploration)
62–63 Ochre jelly  (monster)
64–66 Ogre  (monster)
67–68 Ogre zombie (monster)
69–70 Phase spider  (monster)
71–72 Shadow  (monster)
73–74 Skeletal champion  (monster)
75–76 Private property (exploration)
77–78 Skeleton horde  (monster)
79–80 Specter  (monster)
81–82 Walking statue  (monster)
83–84 Wererat  (monster)
85–86 Thunderstorm (exploration)
87–88 Zombie horde  (monster)
89–91 Zombie knight  (monster)
92–99 Social encounter  
100 Cursed temple  (exploration)

Haunted Lands Exploring Tier 2

1–4 Air elemental G  (monster)
5–7 Bandit captain  (monster)
8–13 Travel scenery  
14–15 Blackguard (monster)
16–17 Black pudding (monster)
18–19 Cambion (monster)
20–21 Cursed temple (exploration)
22–23 Clay guardian (monster)
24–25 Cyclops (monster)
26–27 Drider (monster)
28–29 Enchanted statue (exploration)
30–32 Earth elemental G (monster)
33–35 Ettin (monster)
36–38 Fire elemental G  (monster)
39–40 Faerie ring (exploration)
41–42 Flesh guardian (monster)
43–44 Ghast (monster)
45–46 Ghost (monster)
47–48 Living land (exploration)
49–51 Ghoul (monster)
52–54 Grick G (monster)
55–56 Grimlock (monster)
57–59 Magical overgrowth (exploration)
60–61 Intellect devourer (monster)
62–63 Mage (monster)
64–65 Mummy (monster)
66–67 Rot grubs (exploration)
68–69 Night hag (monster)
70–71 Ogre mage (monster)
72–73 Revenant (monster)
74–75 Voracious pests (exploration)
76–77 Shield guardian (monster)
78–79 Skeletal warhorse (monster)
80–81 Spirit naga (monster)
82–83 White elk (exploration)
84–85 Stone guardian (monster)
86–88 Water elemental G (monster)
89–90 Werewolf (monster)
91–92 Wild magic zone (exploration)
93–99 Social encounter   
100 Sphere of annihilation  (exploration)

G On an odd result, use the giant version of this creature instead.

Haunted Lands Exploring Tier 3

1–3 Bridge of sorrow (exploration)
4–6 Banshee (monster)
5–7 Blackguard (monster)
8–10 Cambion (monster)
11–16 Travel scenery  
17–19   Clay guardian (monster)
20–22 Cyclops myrmidon (monster)
23–25 Drider (monster)
26–28 Choking smoke (exploration)
29–31 Forgotten god (monster)
32–34 Guardian naga (monster)
35–37 Iron guardian (monster)
38–39 Cursed waterway (exploration)
40–42 Mummy lord (monster)
43–45 Night hag (monster)
46–48 Ogre mage (monster)
49–51 Endless plummet (exploration)
52–54 Sphinx (monster)
55–57 Spirit naga (monster)
58–61 Stone guardian (monster)
62–64 Fey glade (exploration)
65–68 Troll or dread troll (monster)
69–71 Ur-otyugh ( otyugh variant) (monster)
72–73 Vampire (monster)
74–76 Lifeless desolation (exploration)
77–79 Vampire spawn (monster)
80–82 Werewolf (monster)
83–85 Wraith (monster)
86–88 Sphere of Annihilation (exploration)
89–90 Wraith lord (monster)
91–92 Young red dragon zombie (monster)
93–95 Sunspots (exploration)
93–99 Social encounter   
100 Malfunctioning planar portal (exploration)

Haunted Lands Exploring Tier 4

1–4 Adult gold dragon (monster)
5–10 Travel scenery  
11–14 Ancient emerald dragon (monster)
15–18 Clay guardian (monster)
19–21 Corrupted druid grove (exploration)
22–25 Demilich (monster)
26–29 Dread knight (monster)
30–33 Divine war (exploration)
34–37 Elder vampire (vampire elite)
38–41 Empyrean (monster)
42–45 God corpse (exploration)
46–49 Lich (monster)
50–53 Mummy lord (monster)
54–57 Hallowed ground (exploration)
58–61 Stone guardian (monster)
62–65 Troll  or dread troll (monster)
66–69 Hellscape (exploration)
70–73 Vampire (monster)
76–79 Vampire spawn (monster)
80–83 Killing cloud (exploration)
84–87 Wraith  (monster)
88–91 Wraith lord (monster)
92–95 Malfunctioning planar portal (exploration)
96–100 Social encounter   

Frozen Wastes

Frozen Wastes

Endless fields of white and imposing mountains stretching towards the sky fill this icy land, and though it is rather devoid of life it is a place of great peril. Adventurers journeying through this region have to overcome many natural terrain and weather event exploration challenges, and perhaps a few combat or social encounters.

Terrains. Arctic, hills, mountains, ruins, subterranean, temple, tomb, water.

Tiers. Arctic-like tundra can range from tier 2 to tier 4 depending on the severity of its climate.

Weather. 1–6 clear, 7–12 overcast, 13–25 snow.

Chilly. Without the proper gear or magic to survive the cold temperatures (see Survival Gear in Chapter 4: Equipment), an adventurer suffers a level of fatigue when taking a long rest in this environment (even if it has Supply).

Journey Activities. Adventurers gain advantage on Survival checks made to find a target using tracks left in the snow. Checks made to hide tracks have disadvantage . It is not possible to Busk.

Frozen Wastes Exploring Tier 0

1–3 Bandit (monster)
4–6 Berserker (monster)
7–9 Bloodhawk (monster)
10–18 Travel scenery  
19–21 Dire wolf (monster)
22–24 Druid (monster)
25–27 Elk (monster)
28–30 Blinding blizzard  (exploration)
31–33 Ghoul (monster)
34–36 Giant elk (monster)
37–39 Goblin (monster)
40–42 Bridge of stones (exploration)
43–45 Harpy (monster)
46–48 Ice mephit (monster)
49–52 Kobold (monster)
53–55 Hail storm (exploration)
56–58 Ogrekin (monster)
59–61 Polar bear  (monster)
62–64 Saber-toothed tiger (monster)
65–67 Haze (exploration)
68–70 Scout (monster)
71–73 Snowman ( scarecrow variant) (monster)
74–76 Warrior (monster)
77–79 Landslide (exploration)
80–82 Wolf (monster)
83–85 Worg (monster)
86–88 Lost item (exploration)
89–99 Social encounter  
100 Labyrinthine ravines (exploration)

Frozen Wastes Exploring Tier 1

1–4 Bandit captain (monster)
5–8 Berserker (monster)
9–12 Druid (monster)
13–20 Travel scenery  
21–24 Ghast (monster)
25–28 Ghost (monster)
29–32 Ghoul (monster)
33–36 Labyrinthine ravines (exploration)
37–40 Goblin boss or goblin warlock  (monster)
41–44 Harpy (monster)
45–48 Kobold broodguard or kobold sorcerer (monster)
49–52 Pests (exploration)
53–56 Manticore (monster)
57–60 Ogrekin (monster)
61–64 Scout (monster)
65–68 Pit trap  (exploration)
69–72 Snowman ( scarecrow variant) (monster)
73–76 Warrior band (monster)
77–80 Wight (monster)
81–84 Thunderstorm (exploration)
85–86 Winter wolf (monster)
87–90 Yeti (monster)
91–99 Social encounter
100 Dense fog (exploration)

Frozen Wastes Exploring Tier 2

1–3 Cursed temple (exploration)
4–5 Blackguard (monster)
6–7 Champion warrior (monster)
8–15 Travel scenery  
16–17 Frost giant (monster)
18–19 Elktaur ( centaur variant) (monster)
20–21 Dense fog (exploration)
22–23 Frost giant (monster)
24–25 Ghast (monster)
26–27 Flimsy rope bridge (exploration)
28–29 Ghost (monster)
30–31 Ghoul (monster)
32–34 Green lake (exploration)
35–36 Mammoth (monster)
37–38 Manticore (monster)
39–42 Hail deluge (exploration)
43–45 Medusa (monster)
46–48 Ogre (monster)
49–51 Magical overgrowth (exploration)
52–54 Remorhaz spawn (monster)
55–56 Revenant (monster)
57–59 Rot grubs (exploration)
60–61 Scout (monster)
62–63 Strider (monster)
64–66 Shattered earth (exploration)
67–69 Tundra chimera ( chimera variant) (monster)
70–71 Warrior band (monster)
72–73 Sinkhole (exploration)
74–75 Werebear (monster)
76–77 Wight (monster)
78–79 Treacherous tundra (exploration)
80–81 Winter hag (monster)
82–83 Wyvern (monster)
84–85 Voracious pests (exploration)
86–87 Yeti (monster)
88–89 Young white dragon (monster)
90–91 White elk (exploration)
92–99 Social encounter  
100 Cursed waterway (exploration)

Frozen Wastes Exploring Tier 3

1–4 Abominable snowman (yeti elite) (monster)
5–7 Adult white dragon (monster)
8–13 Travel scenery  
14–17 Blackguard (monster)
18–21 Champion warrior (monster)
22–25 Bridge of sorrow (exploration)
26–29 Frost giant (monster)
30–33 Frost giant jarl  (monster)
34–37 Cursed waterway (exploration)
38–41 Harpy (monster)
42–45 Medusa (monster)
46–49 Endless plummet (exploration)
50–53 Medusa queen (monster)
54–57 Ogre mage (monster)
58–61 Hoar frost (exploration)
62–65 Remorhaz (monster)
66–69 Remorhaz spawn (monster)
70–73 Lifeless desolation (exploration)
74–77 Werebear (monster)
78–81 Winter hag (monster)
82–85 Perilous cliff path (exploration)
86–89 Wyvern (monster)
90–92 Yeti (monster)
93–99 Social encounter
100 Hallowed ground (exploration)

Frozen Wastes Exploring Tier 4

1–4 Corrupted druid grove (exploration)
5–12 Ancient white dragon (monster)
13–18 Travel scenery  
19–26 Frost giant (monster)
27–31 Divine war (exploration)
32–42 Frost giant jarl (monster)
43–47 God corpse (exploration)
48–60 Remorhaz (monster)
61–65 Hallowed ground (exploration)
66–76 Remorhaz spawn (monster)
77–81 Malfunctioning planar portal (exploration)
82–94 Winter hag (monster)
95–100 Social encounter

Flowing River

Flowing River

Rivers can provide a convenient and fast way to travel. Encounters are less frequent, and the journey is less arduous. 

Terrains. Any; most river regions extend from at least one region into one or more other regions.

Tiers. It’s unusual (although not impossible) for rivers to be above tier 2.

Weather. 1–8 clear, 9–12 overcast, 13–16 rain, 17–19 mist, 20–25 snow. 

Vehicles. Adventurers move at the speed of their water vehicles.

Journey Activities. Adventurers gain advantage on Survival checks made to Hunt and Gather due to abundant fishing opportunities. Checks made to Hide Tracks automatically succeed, and those made to Track automatically fail. It is not possible to Busk.

Flowing River Exploring Tier 0

1–3 Aboleth thrall (monster)
4–6 Crab G  (monster) 
7–10 Crocodile  (monster)
11–22 Travel scenery  
23–25 Flumph  (monster)
26–28 Giant frog  (monster)
29–31 Giant toad  (monster)
32–34 Counterfeit goods  (exploration)
35–37 Gray ooze  (monster)
38–39 Kobold   (monster)
40–42 Merfolk  (monster)
43–45 Hail storm  (exploration)
46–48 Ochre jelly  (monster)
49–51 Pirate ( bandit variant)  (monster)
52–54 Poisonous snake G  (monster)
55–57 Haze  (exploration)
58–61 Quipper (monster)
62–64 Sahuagin  (monster)
65–69 Spark mephit  (monster)
70–73 Lost item  (exploration)
74–76 Swarm of poisonous snakes  (monster)
77–79 Swarm of quippers  (monster)
80–82 Will-o-wisp  (monster)
83–85 Public ceremony  (exploration)
86–99  Social Encounter  
100 Labyrinthine ravines   (exploration)

G On an odd result, use the giant version of this creature instead.

Flowing River Exploring Tier 1

1–5 Aboleth thrall  (monster)
6–10 Black pudding  (monster)
11–20 Travel scenery  
21–25 Gelatinous cube  (monster)
26–30 Ghost  (monster)
31–35 Labyrinthine ravines  (exploration)
36–40 Kobold broodguard or kobold sorcerer  (monster)
41–45 Merfolk  (monster)
46–50 Pests  (exploration)
51–55 Merfolk knight  (monster)
56–60 Merrow  (monster)
61–65 Private property  (exploration)
66–70 Ochre jelly  (monster)
71–75 Pirate captain ( bandit captain variant)  (monster)
76–80 Thunderstorm  (exploration)
81–85 Sahuagin  (monster)
86–90 Will-o-wisp  (monster)
91–99  Social Encounter  
100 River rapids  (exploration)

Flowing River Exploring Tier 2

1–4 Bunyip  (monster)
5–7 Chuul  (monster)
8–17 Travel scenery
18–20 Ghost  (monster)
21–24 Giant crocodile  (monster)
25–28 Cursed temple  (exploration)
29–31 Giant water elemental   (monster)
32–34 Hydra  (monster)
35–37 Dense fog  (exploration)
38–39 Merfolk knight  (monster)
40–42 Merrow mage  (monster)
43–45 Green lake  (exploration)
46–48 Revenant  (monster)
49–51 Sahuagin champion  (monster)
52–54 Hail deluge  (exploration)
55–57 Scrag ( troll variant)  (monster)
58–61 Spell-warped chuul ( chuul variant)  (monster)
62–64 Marsh gas  (exploration)
65–69 Vengeful ghost ( ghost variant)  (monster)
70–72 Water elemental  (monster)
73–76 River rapids  (exploration)
77–79 Will-o-wisp  (monster)
80–82 Young river dragon  (monster)
83–85 Voracious pests  (exploration)
86–99  Social Encounter  
100  Sunspots  (exploration)

Flowing River Exploring Tier 3

1–5 Aboleth  (monster)
6–10 Adult bronze dragon  (monster)
11–19 Travel scenery  
20–24 Adult river dragon  (monster)
25–29 Champion warrior  (monster)
30–34 Chuul  (monster)
35–39 Caught in the crossfire  (exploration)
40–44 Marid  (monster)
45–49 Merclops ( cyclops variant)  (monster)
50–54 Merfolk knight   (monster)
55–59 Cursed waterway  (exploration)
60–64 Pyrohydra ( hydra variant)  (monster)
65–69 Roc  (monster)
70–74 Sahuagin champion  (monster)
75–79 Sunspots  (exploration)
80–84 Scrag ( troll variant)  (monster)
85–89 Storm giant  (monster)
90–99  Social Encounter  
100 Malfunctioning planar portal   (exploration)

Flowing River Exploring Tier 4

1–5 Aboleth  (monster)
6–14 Travel scenery  
15–18 Adult gold dragon  (monster)
19–22 Ancient bronze dragon  (monster)
23–29 Divine war  (exploration)
30–36 Ancient river dragon  (monster)
37–43 Ancient aboleth ( aboleth elite)  (monster)
44–52 God corpse  (exploration)
53–59 Dragon turtle  (monster)
60–66 Marid  (monster)
67–73 Killing cloud   (exploration)
74–80 Marid noble (elite)  (monster)
81–87 Storm giant  (monster)
88–94 Malfunctioning planar portal  (exploration)
95–100  Social Encounter
