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Adventuring means surviving the elements, desperately searching for your next meal after rations have run out while traveling far from civilization, and overcoming other rigorous obstacles that are part of any epic journey. In games where the minutiae of travel is an integral part to the adventure, the Narrator may want players to keep track of where they are keeping all of their various equipment. Table: Containers has the most common types of containers, though it's typical for many adventurers to get by with just a backpack and a waterskin.

Table: Containers

Bulky Items

Bulky Items

A bulky item weighs 40 pounds or more (for example a bag with 2,000 or more gold coins) or is greater than 4 feet in any direction (like a large ornate rug). Any creature can carry one bulky item plus one additional bulky item for every point of its Strength modifier. When a creature is not carrying any Supply, it can carry one additional bulky item.

Survival Gear

Survival Gear

Adverse weather and gnawing hunger can claim just as many lives as monsters and traps. The following items are necessities when facing inhospitable environments and harsh journeys:

Bedroll. This essential commodity provides insulation and comfortable sleep on  rocky, wet, or uneven terrain.

Blanket. Provides warmth while resting in cold environments. 

Common Poisons

Common Poisons

While some poisons require exotic or expensive ingredients, many effective concoctions can be obtained or made with little effort. The following poisons may be commonly available from apothecaries and herbalists, at the Narrator’s discretion.

Spellcasting Foci

Spellcasting Foci

Many spellcasters rely on a magical focus, an item that allows them to channel their power. Using a spellcasting focus allows a spellcaster to forgo many material components for their spells. A wide variety of items can be turned into magical foci, which fall into three primary categories:



Not everyone has access to magical healing spells. The following herbal remedies and potions may be commonly available from apothecaries and herbalists, at the Narrator’s discretion.

Drinking or administering a potion or remedy takes an action. 



These wizards embody the traditional ideals of a mage, studying the eight classical schools of magic and their methods. They usually come to their magics by way of a mentor or schooling, where they learned the arcane arts from a pragmatic, historical lens.



The wizard most classically associated with war, firemages can manipulate powerful conflagrations against their foes. Despite its roots in battle however, these mages are often far more complex than many expect—much like how fire destroys but also gives warmth, firemages tend to be highly spiritual and understand the cycle of creation and destruction more intimately than any other wizard.
