Adventuring means surviving the elements, desperately searching for your next meal after rations have run out while traveling far from civilization, and overcoming other rigorous obstacles that are part of any epic journey. In games where the minutiae of travel is an integral part to the adventure, the Narrator may want players to keep track of where they are keeping all of their various equipment. Table: Containers has the most common types of containers, though it's typical for many adventurers to get by with just a backpack and a waterskin.
Table: Containers
Container |
Capacity |
Cost |
Weight |
Backpack* |
30 pounds of gear or 1 cubic foot |
2 gp |
5 lbs. |
Barrel |
40 gallons liquid or 4 cubic feet solid |
2 gp |
70 lbs. |
Basket |
40 pounds of gear or 2 cubic feet |
4 sp |
2 lbs. |
Bottle, glass |
1 1/2 pints liquid |
2 gp |
2 lbs. |
Bucket |
3 gallons liquid or 1/2 cubic foot solid |
5 cp |
2 lbs. |
Case, crossbow bolt |
20 crossbow bolts |
1 gp |
1 lb. |
Case, map or scroll |
10 paper sheets or 5 parchment sheets |
1 gp |
1 lb. |
Chest |
300 pounds gear or 12 cubic feet |
5 gp |
25 lbs. |
Flask or tankard |
1 pint liquid |
2 cp |
1 lb. |
Jug or pitcher |
1 gallon liquid |
2 cp |
4 lbs. |
Pot, iron |
1 gallon liquid |
2 gp |
10 lbs. |
Pouch |
6 pounds of gear or 1/5 cubic foot |
5 sp |
1 lb. |
Quiver |
20 arrows |
1 gp |
1 lb. |
Sack |
30 pounds of gear or 1 cubic foot |
1 cp |
½ lb. |
Vial |
4 ounces liquid |
1 gp |
— |
Waterskin |
4 pints liquid |
2 sp |
5 lbs. (full), ½ lb. (empty) |
* You can also strap items, such as a bedroll or a coil of rope, to the outside of a backpack.
Bulky Items
Bulky Items
A bulky item weighs 40 pounds or more (for example a bag with 2,000 or more gold coins) or is greater than 4 feet in any direction (like a large ornate rug). Any creature can carry one bulky item plus one additional bulky item for every point of its Strength modifier. When a creature is not carrying any Supply, it can carry one additional bulky item.
Survival Gear
Survival Gear
Adverse weather and gnawing hunger can claim just as many lives as monsters and traps. The following items are necessities when facing inhospitable environments and harsh journeys:
Bedroll. This essential commodity provides insulation and comfortable sleep on rocky, wet, or uneven terrain.
Blanket. Provides warmth while resting in cold environments.
Climbing Gear. A climbing gear set includes special pitons, boot tips, gloves, and a harness. You can use the climbing gear as an action to anchor yourself; when you do, you can't fall more than 25 feet from the anchor point, and you can't climb more than 25 feet away from that point without undoing the anchor.
Cold Weather Gear. Cold weather gear includes special boots, gloves, warm padding, and face protection. This gear can be worn over or under any armor and takes 5 minutes to don or remove. While wearing cold weather gear you automatically succeed on saving throws against effects caused by an environment of extreme cold, but have disadvantage on saving throws against effects from environments of extreme heat and spells or effects that deal fire damage. This gear can also be worn to provide warmth while resting in cold environments.
Compass. This device has a free-turning needle that always points towards the magnetic north.
Fishing Trap. Whenever you retrieve this arrangement of netting, wires, and weights from a body of water with aquatic life, roll a d20 and add a bonus equal to the number of hours the trap has been set. On a 21 or higher the trap has captured fish or other aquatic animals totaling 1d4 Supply.
Hunting Snare. This simple arrangement of stakes, wires, and ropes can be set for catching small game in woodlands, forests, or other hunting grounds. Whenever you retrieve the snare, roll a d20 and add a bonus equal to the number of hours the snare has been set. On a 21 or higher the snare has captured and killed a Tiny game animal with 1d4 Supply.
Hunting Trap. Once you use your action to set it, this trap forms a saw-toothed steel ring that snaps shut when a creature steps on a pressure plate in the center. The trap is affixed by a heavy chain to an immobile object, such as a tree or a spike driven into the ground. A creature that steps on the plate makes a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or it takes 2d4 piercing damage and stops moving. On a failed save, until the creature breaks free of the trap its movement is limited by the length of the chain (typically 3 feet long). A creature can use its action to make a DC 13 Strength check, freeing itself or another creature within its reach on a success. Each failed check deals 1d4 piercing damage to the trapped creature. Hunting traps of higher quality are more complex and effective, increasing the DC of each saving throw and ability check (by 2 for fine hunting traps, or by 4 for masterwork hunting traps).
Map. When using a map, you may travel at a fast pace without taking a penalty to your passive Perception while within the area it depicts. If you also use a compass in conjunction with a map, you gain an expertise die on checks made to avoid becoming lost.
Local: This map depicts an area that is well known to its makers and shows the full details as well as routes within the realm, including the names of hamlets, villages, and towns.
Distant: This map depicts a region far-flung from those that made it, and it only shows the major geographical features and best known routes within the realm.
Frontier: This map depicts an area only recently explored by those that made it and the information is often incorrect or incomplete. When consulting this map, the Narrator rolls a secret d20. On a result of 5 or less, the outdated or false information wastes travel time turning around and doubling back and the party only progresses half as much distance towards their destination.
Mosquito Netting. This thin mesh cloth provides protection from small insects while sleeping in jungles, swamps, or similar environments.
Marshland Gear. Marshland gear includes special boots, gloves, and clothes designed to repel moisture and muck. This gear can be worn over light armor and takes 5 minutes to don or remove. While you are wearing marshland gear, you can move at a normal pace through nonmagical swamps and marshes, but you have disadvantage on Dexterity checks and saving throws made on dry or rocky terrain.
Rations. Rations can vary wildly depending on the culture, but they usually consist of a day’s worth of water and dry foods suitable for extended travel like jerky, dried fruit, hardtack, or nuts. One unit of rations provides 1 Supply.
Tent. These stitched together canvases, hides, or tarps provide protection from the elements so long as there is a flat space for them to be deployed.
One Person: Suitable for a Medium-sized creature. Occupies a 5-foot by 10-foot space when set up.
Two Person: Suitable for up to 2 Medium-sized creatures. Occupies a 10-foot by 10-foot space when set up.
Communal: Suitable for up to 6 Medium-sized creatures. Occupies a 15-foot by 15-foot space when set up.
Torch. A torch burns for 1 hour, providing bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. When you use a burning torch as a club to make a melee attack, it deals an extra 1 fire damage on a hit.
Torch (Alchemical). The rough, sticky tar at the end of this torch burns through even the most adverse conditions. An alchemical torch burns for 1 hour even in heavy rains, strong winds, and underwater (albeit poorly when submerged, shedding only dim light in a 5-foot radius). Dimmer than a normal torch, it sheds bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet.
Rations and Supply
Basic rations include food and water, typically costing 5 silver for 1 Supply. At the Narrator’s discretion, food and water may cost more or less than this, especially if an adventurer is choosing to purchase finer foodstuffs or in a locale where resources are scarce.
Table: Survival Gear
Item |
Cost |
Weight |
Bedroll |
1 gp |
7 lbs. |
Blanket |
5 sp |
3 lbs. |
Climbing gear |
25 gp |
12 lbs. |
Cold weather gear |
15 gp |
12 lbs. |
Compass |
60 gp |
½ lb. |
Fishing trap |
5 gp |
10 lbs. |
Hunting snare |
5 gp |
5 lbs. |
Hunting trap |
5 gp |
25 lbs. |
Map (local) |
20 gp |
— |
Map (distant) |
75 gp |
— |
Map (frontier) |
200 gp |
— |
Marshland gear |
10 gp |
6 lbs. |
Mosquito netting |
2 gp |
½ lb. |
Rations (1 Supply) |
5 sp |
2 lb. |
Tent (one person) |
1 gp |
10 lbs. |
Tent (two person) |
2 gp |
20 lbs. |
Tent (communal) |
15 gp |
40 lbs. |
Torch |
1 cp |
1 lb. |
Torch (alchemical) |
25 gp |
1 lb. |
Common Poisons
Common Poisons
While some poisons require exotic or expensive ingredients, many effective concoctions can be obtained or made with little effort. The following poisons may be commonly available from apothecaries and herbalists, at the Narrator’s discretion.
Applying a poison takes an action. A creature immune to the poisoned condition is immune to any effects from poisons.
Curare. You can use the poison in this vial to coat one slashing or piercing weapon, or up to three pieces of ammunition. The poison retains its potency for 1 minute or until you hit with the weapon or ammunition. When a creature takes damage from the coated weapon or ammunition, it makes a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or is stunned until the end of its next turn.
Ether. You can use the chemicals in this flask to soak a rag or other small cloth item. An open flask of ether or an ether-soaked rag retains its potency for 1 minute or until you hit with it. While you are grappling a creature, you may make a special melee weapon attack against it using ether. On a hit, the creature makes a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or fall unconscious . The creature remains unconscious for 1 minute, until it takes damage, or until an action is used to shake or slap the creature awake.
Poison. You can use the poison in these vials to coat one slashing or piercing weapon or up to three pieces of ammunition. The poison retains its potency for 1 minute or until you hit with the weapon or ammunition.
Basic: When a creature takes damage from the coated weapon or ammunition, it makes a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or takes 2d4 poison damage and is poisoned until the end of your next turn.
Advanced: When a creature takes damage from the coated weapon or ammunition, it makes a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or takes 2d6 poison damage and is poisoned until the end of your next turn.
Potent: When a creature takes damage from the coated weapon or ammunition, it makes a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or takes 2d8 poison damage and is poisoned until the end of your next turn.
Table: Simple Poisons
Item | Coat | Weight |
Curare (vial) |
100 gp |
— |
Ether (flask) |
20 gp |
1 lb. |
Poison, basic (vial) |
25 gp |
— |
Poison, advanced (vial) |
50 gp |
— |
Poison, potent (vial) |
100 gp |
— |
Spellcasting Foci
Spellcasting Foci
Many spellcasters rely on a magical focus, an item that allows them to channel their power. Using a spellcasting focus allows a spellcaster to forgo many material components for their spells. A wide variety of items can be turned into magical foci, which fall into three primary categories:
- Arcane Focus: These foci are soaked in arcane power and often engraved or painted with eldritch symbols and cosmic iconography. Orbs, crystals, grimoires, staves, or wands are often used as spellcasting foci by sorcerers, warlocks, and wizards.
- Divine Focus: These foci (often called holy symbols) are representations of a deity, pantheon, or ideal. They usually depict the crest or icon of a specific god or are of symbolic importance to a particular faith. Reliquaries, censers, amulets, emblems, or tattoos are often used as spellcasting foci by clerics and heralds.
- Nature Focus: These foci typically incorporate furs, feathers, living plants, sacred wood, or the bones or teeth of sacred animals. Staves, wands, wonders, fetishes, or totems are typically used as spellcasting foci by druids and rangers.
Table: Spellcasting Foci
Item |
Cost |
Weight |
Amulet |
5 gp |
1 lb. |
Censer |
15 gp |
2 lbs. |
Crystal |
10 gp |
3 lbs. |
Emblem |
5 gp |
— |
Focus tattoo |
75 gp |
— |
Grimoire |
25 gp |
5 lbs. |
Orb |
10 gp |
3 lbs. |
Reliquary |
5 gp |
2 lbs. |
Rod |
10 gp |
2 lbs. |
Staff |
5 gp |
4 lbs. |
Totem |
1 gp |
— |
Wand |
10 gp |
1 lb. |
Wonder |
30 gp |
— |
Focus Tattoo. Some spellcasters permanently mark their bodies with symbols of their deity, eldritch runes, or ritualistic symbols. You can apply a focus tattoo over the course of a long rest , after which it functions as a spellcasting focus. Focus tattoos draw on a bearer’s own magics, and must be attuned like a magic item in order to function and require an attunement slot. When you cast spells with a focus tattoo in this way, you must briefly touch your focus tattoo with your free hand.
Grimoire. These large and imposing tomes can function both as a spellbook and as a spellcasting focus.
Staff. In addition to its use as a spellcasting focus, a staff can also be used as a quarterstaff.
Wonder. A wonder is an unusual spellcasting focus such as a sacred flower that never wilts, a prismatic crystalized skull, or a polished burl that whispers with the language of the trees. If you lose a wonder, you can replace it as a ritual that takes 10 minutes and requires 5 gold worth of rare materials. You must be able to cast ritual spells to restore a lost wonder in this way. When you do so, any previous wonders created this way are destroyed.
Not everyone has access to magical healing spells. The following herbal remedies and potions may be commonly available from apothecaries and herbalists, at the Narrator’s discretion.
Drinking or administering a potion or remedy takes an action.
Expertise dice granted by the use of medicine can only be gained from that type of medicine once between long rests .
Adderwort Roots. Chewing these dark roots bolsters your body’s natural defenses, and after you eat it you gain an expertise die on Constitution saving throws for 1 hour.
Antitoxin. Consuming the dark bitter liquid in this vial removes the poisoned condition and you gain advantage on saving throws against poison for 1 hour.
Bandage. These strips of sterilized cloth staunch bleeding and cover wounds. You can use an action to apply a bandage to yourself or another creature to end ongoing piercing or slashing damage. When using improvised bandages there is a 50% chance of exposure to a disease .
Dried Yewclaw Bark. Eating strips of this dried yellow bark calms and clarifies the mind, and after consuming this bark you gain an expertise die on Intelligence saving throws for 1 hour.
Fairy Cap. Consuming this small red mushroom cap removes inhibitions and creates confidence, and after you eat it you gain an expertise die on Charisma saving throws for 1 hour.
Healer's Satchel. This leather pouch contains medical implements used to patch up wounds. As an action, you can expend one use of this item to stabilize a creature that has 0 hit points, without needing to make a Medicine check.
Healing Potion. These potions have auras of evocation magic invisible to mundane eyes.
Basic: When you drink the bright red liquid in this flask, you regain 2d4 + 2 hit points.
Greater: When you drink the pure red concoction in this flask, you regain 4d4 + 4 hit points.
Superior: Requiring rare ingredients, the recipes for these potions are jealously guarded by master herbalists. When you drink the glowing crimson liquid in this vial, you regain 8d4 + 8 hit points.
Supreme: Only a few herbalists every generation master the precise artistry required to brew these serums. When you drink the iridescent liquid in this vial you regain 10d4 + 20 hit points.
Ironwood Acorn. This tough acorn must be swallowed whole to fortify your muscles and sinews, and after you eat it you gain an expertise die on Strength saving throws for 1 hour.
Jar of Leeches. This jar contains bloodthirsty medicinal worms useful for curing many maladies. You can expend one use of this jar during a
short rest
to administer leeches to yourself or a willing creature. A creature who has leeches administered to them cannot regain hit points during this short rest due to blood loss, but it may repeat a saving throw to remove the poisoned condition or a blood-borne disease (DC equal to the original effect).
Alternatively, as an action you can throw this jar up to 20 feet, shattering it on impact.
Make a ranged attack
against a creature or object, treating the jar as an improvised weapon. On a hit, if the target is a Large or smaller creature it takes 1d4 ongoing damage. A creature can end this damage by using its action to remove the leeches.
Laudanum. This mixture of ambergris, saffron, and other rare ingredients can calm the nerves and ease mental pain. When you drink the bitter reddish-brown concoction in this vial you recover a level of strife. Roll 1d10. On a 1, you gain a short-term mental stress effect . Once a creature benefits from laudanum, it cannot do so again until it finishes a long rest .
Lavender Paste. Mixing lavender petals with herbs creates a natural insect repellent. You can use an action to apply the paste to yourself or a willing creature, granting immunity to insect-based hazards in swampy terrain. In addition, the creature gains benefits equivalent to mosquito netting for the next 24 hours.
Medicinal Salve. Made from herbal ingredients, this tin of soothing salve can help mend grievous injuries. You can apply medicinal salve to your or a willing creature’s wounds during a short rest . A creature treated with medicinal salve rolls a bonus Hit Die and adds the result to the total number of hit points regained during the short rest. When used with a bandage, the bonus Hit Die from a medicinal salve restores the maximum amount of hit points. Once a creature benefits from a medicinal salve, it cannot do so again until it finishes a long rest .
Pressed Spiderbulb. Consuming this dried flower grants you energy and tightens your reflexes, and after you eat it you gain an expertise die on Dexterity saving throws for 1 hour.
Sycamore Petal Poultice. Consumption of these pulped petals heightens your senses, and after you eat it you gain an expertise die on Wisdom saving throws for 1 hour.
Table: Medicinals
Item |
Cost |
Weight |
Adderwort roots |
10 gp |
— |
Antitoxin |
75 gp |
— |
Bandage |
1 sp |
— |
Dried yewclaw bark |
5 gp |
— |
Fairy cap |
5 gp |
— |
Healer’s satchel (10 uses) |
5 gp |
3 lbs. |
Healing potion (basic) |
50 gp |
½ lb. |
Healing potion (greater) |
150 gp |
½ lb. |
Healing potion (superior) |
550 gp |
¼ lb. |
Healing potion (supreme) |
1,500 gp |
¼ lb. |
Ironwood acorn |
5 gp |
— |
Jar of leeches (5 uses) |
25 gp |
1 lb. |
Laudanum |
35 gp |
¼ lb. |
Lavender paste (5 uses) |
10 gp |
½ lb. |
Medicinal salve (3 uses) |
75 gp |
½ lb. |
Pressed spiderbulb |
10 gp |
— |
Sycamore petal poultice |
10 gp |
— |
These wizards embody the traditional ideals of a mage, studying the eight classical schools of magic and their methods. They usually come to their magics by way of a mentor or schooling, where they learned the arcane arts from a pragmatic, historical lens.
Scholarly Specialty
When you choose this archetype at 2nd level, choose one classical school of magic as your Scholarly Specialty: abjuration, conjuration, divination, enchantment, evocation, illusion, necromancy, or transmutation. The gold and time you must spend to copy spells from this school into your spellbook is halved. If a feature refers to your chosen school, it refers to the school selected in this feature.
Esoteric Talent
Also at 2nd level, you gain one of the following benefits, which represents a minor talent you’ve picked up over the course of your studies.
Bend Magic
When you cast a wizard spell that deals damage to an area, you can choose a number of creatures equal to your Intelligence modifier in the area that you can see. The chosen creatures take no damage from the spell.
Flash of Insight
You can use a bonus action to roll a d20, record the result, and choose a creature you can see within 30 feet. The next time that creature makes an ability check, attack roll , or saving throw , it takes that d20 result instead of rolling. If you use this feature again before finishing a short rest , you must sacrifice a spell slot of 1st-level or higher to do so.
Quick Step
After you cast a wizard spell of 1st-level or higher, you can immediately move up to 15 feet without provoking opportunity attacks or spending any of your normal movement.
Refined Learning
At 6th level, you’ve developed an impressive expertise in spells of your chosen school. Choose one of the following benefits:
Arcane Armor
When you cast a wizard spell of 1st-level or higher, you store some of its magic to protect yourself, gaining temporary hit points equal to twice the level of the spell, or three times the spell’s level if the spell is from your chosen school. Instead of gaining these temporary hit points yourself, you can use your reaction to grant them to a creature within 30 feet.
Energy Retention
When you expend a spell slot of 2nd-level or higher to cast a wizard spell from your chosen school, you regain one expended spell slot. The regained spell slot must be of a level no more than half the level of the expended spell slot.
War Magic
When you deal damage with a wizard spell from your chosen school, you deal additional damage equal to your Intelligence modifier on the first damage roll for that spell.
Superior Talent
At 10th level, you’ve discovered even greater ways to use your magic to your advantage. Choose one of the following benefits:
Perfect Control
When concentrating on a wizard spell of your chosen school, you only need to roll to maintain concentration when you take damage from an attack, effect, or spell equal to or greater than your Intelligence score + your wizard level.
Secondary Learning
Choose a second school to count as your Scholarly Specialty, and an additional feature from either Esoteric Talent or Refined Learning.
Splinter Spell
When you cast a wizard spell from your chosen school that only affects one creature, you can have it affect an additional creature within range. Once you have used this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a short or long rest .
Specialized Mastery
At 14th level, you’ve reached the pinnacle of your chosen magics. Choose one of the following benefits:
Battle Hardiness
When concentrating on a wizard spell from your chosen school, you reduce incoming bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage by an amount equal to the level of the spell.
Heightened Potency
When you cast a wizard spell from your chosen school, it is always treated as though it were cast with a spell slot one level higher than the one you used, so long as you expended a spell slot to cast it. The slot you use to cast the spell must still be at least equal to the level of the spell.
Precise Understanding
When you see a creature cast a spell from your chosen school, you automatically know what spell it’s casting. You also have advantage on saving throws against spells.
The wizard most classically associated with war, firemages can manipulate powerful conflagrations against their foes. Despite its roots in battle however, these mages are often far more complex than many expect—much like how fire destroys but also gives warmth, firemages tend to be highly spiritual and understand the cycle of creation and destruction more intimately than any other wizard.
Cleansing Fire
When you choose this archetype at 2nd level, you learn how to use flame to not just harm but heal. When you cast a spell of 1st-level or higher that deals fire damage, you can choose one creature that would take damage from the spell. Instead of taking damage from the spell, it is healed for a number of hit points equal to the spell’s level plus your proficiency bonus.
Rituals of Fire
Also at 2nd level, you can peer into flames to learn of what lies ahead. By spending 10 minutes meditating while staring into a flame that fills at least a 5-foot cube, you can cast augury without spending any spell slots.
At 6th level, by burning an object with a connection to a creature and spending 10 minutes in meditation, you can cast locate creature in this way.
At 10th level, by creating a fire large enough to fully immerse yourself in and stepping into it (taking no damage), you can cast dream , with yourself as the messenger. If the fire goes out before you end the spell, you take 4d6 psychic damage and the spell ends. After casting it in this way, you cannot do so again until you finish a short or long rest .
Clinging Flames
At 6th level, when you cast a spell that deals fire damage and forces a saving throw , creatures that fail their first saving throw against it suffer ongoing fire damage equal to your Intelligence modifier. At the start of each of its turns a creature repeats the saving throw, ending the ongoing fire damage on a success.
Blazing Mastery
At 10th level, your flames can scorch even those typically resilient to them. Fire damage from your spells treats immunity to fire as though it were fire resistance , and ignores fire resistance entirely. Additionally, you gain resistance to fire damage, and you ignore fire damage dealt by your own spells.
Offerings in Kind
At 14th level, you can seek the aid of higher powers in your time of need. As an action, you urge the spirits of fire to intervene, and roll 1d100. If the result is equal to or lower than your wizard level, the intervention comes immediately. If not, the spirits make a demand in turn (which may be a high price) and do not intervene until the price is paid. The Narrator determines the price, and the exact nature of the intervention, though a wizard spell of any level is usually appropriate. If intervention occurs, this feature can’t be used again for 7 days. Otherwise, you can try again after a long rest. The complete scope of this power is dependent on the Narrator’s discretion—for a high enough price, anything is possible.
Finally, your insight into fire magic deepens as a result of your connection to fire spirits. If you can find a written record of it, you can copy any fire spell into your spellbook as if it were a wizard spell. Once you do, it is a wizard spell for you.
Holy Champion
Holy Champion
Anomalous Knight || Executore ||
Dragon Knight || Green Knight || Holy Champion
Inquisitor || Knight of the Fey || Revoker
Stone Warden
A holy champion is a herald who draws their power from their devotion to a deity, whether good or evil (in which case the herald is an unholy champion). Some are called to serve their deity for a higher purpose, while others fly the banner of their deity to invoke fear.
Tenets of the Holy Champion
All holy champions hold similar tenets, regardless of the deity they serve.
- Lead by Example. Strive to embody the principles of your deity, and inspire others to do the same.
- Life In Service. When your deity calls, you answer, and all you do is in dedication to them.
- Quick of Mind. Steel yourself against psychic attacks that may sway you from service.
- Strong of Body. Peak physical condition must be maintained, in order to serve to the best of your abilities.
Archetype School
Add the good and radiant schools of magic to your list of herald spells (or if you are an unholy champion, the evil and necrotic schools of magic).
Channel Divinity
At 3rd level when you choose this archetype, you learn how to reach into the river of divine power that cycles between the Lower Planes and the Upper Planes, able to employ it to astounding effect. You gain the following two Channel Divinity options.
Negative Energy Flood. As an action, you can use your Channel Divinity to unleash a flood of negative energy on your foes. Hostile creatures within 30 feet of you make a Constitution saving throw . On a failed save, a hostile creature takes 2d8 necrotic damage and is pushed back 5 feet, or on a success it takes half damage and is not pushed back.
Positive Energy Flood. As a bonus action, you can use your Channel Divinity to send out a flood of positive energy to heal your allies. Friendly creatures (including yourself) within 30 feet regain hit points equal to your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier.
Aura of the Champion
Beginning at 7th level, you gain a third aura that is active alongside your Sacred Aura and has the same range. Choose one of the following options.
Aura of Darkness. After initiative is rolled, when a hostile creature first enters into your aura, it makes a Wisdom saving throw or becomes frightened of you until the end of its next turn. Once a creature has been frightened by this aura, it is immune to the aura’s effects for 24 hours.
Aura of Light. An unconscious ally with 0 hit points that starts its turn in your aura automatically succeeds on one death saving throw each turn. Once a creature has succeeded on three death saving throws while in your aura, it cannot benefit from this effect until it has finished a long rest .
Divine Protection
Starting at 15th level, you have performed enough deeds in service of your deity that they’ve found you worthy of their divine protection. When you are bloodied at the end of your turn, you regain hit points equal to half your herald level + your Charisma modifier.
Champion of Legend
At 20th level, the legends of your deeds have achieved great renown for both you and the deity you serve. Whether out of awe or intimidation, people hang on your every word and action, granting you one of the following benefits.
Emissary of Darkness. You gain the Evil alignment trait. You can use an action to call upon your deity and emit an aura of magical darkness . For 1 minute, magical darkness fills the area around you in a 30-foot radius. You and a number of creatures equal to your Charisma modifier can see in this darkness as if it were dim light . When a hostile creature starts its turn in your aura or first enters into your aura on a turn, it takes necrotic damage equal to 10 + your Charisma modifier.
Emissary of Light. You gain the Good alignment trait. You can use an action to call upon your deity and emit an aura of sunlight. For 1 minute you shine bright light in a 30-foot radius, and dim light for an additional 30 feet. When a hostile creature starts its turn in your aura or first enters into your aura on a turn, it takes radiant damage equal to 10 + your Charisma modifier.
Sun Priest
Sun Priest
Aspirant || Anointer || Exorcist
Healer || Hecatomb || Labyrinth Priest
Oracle || Preserver || Sun Priest || Warpriest
Whether it’s the first hopeful rays of sunrise, the roar of flame in darkness, or the gentle glow of a candle, sun priests wield and worship the power that illuminates and warms the world.
While sun priests are bound by this common archetype, their intentions, methods of worship, and philosophies differ greatly. Some may see the light as symbolic, choosing to add warmth and light to the world with joyful acts, feasts, and fun, while others choose to illuminate new knowledge and discoveries, enlightening minds and changing the world. Still more revere the homely hearthfire or cherish the cleansing properties of a white-hot flame.
Sun Priest Spells
3 continual flame , scorching ray
Favored Illumination
Starting at 1st level when you choose this archetype, you learn the dancing lights , light , or produce flame cantrip. This does not count against your number of known cantrips.
Flash Fight
Also at 1st level, you learn that light is everything on the battlefield. You can use an action to touch a hostile creature within your reach, gently illuminating it with your divine will and granting advantage on attacks made against it before the start of your next turn.
Alternatively, you can use an action to touch an ally within reach, surrounding them with a coruscating shimmer of bright light. Until the start of your next turn, creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls against the touched ally.
Once you have used this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest .
Channel Divinity: Radiant Burst
Starting at 2nd level, you can use an action to clutch your holy symbol and emit a bright blast. In addition to dispelling any magical darkness within 30 feet, enemy creatures within 30 feet make a Constitution saving throw or are blinded by the light for 1 minute. A blinded creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Alternatively, you can choose to make the light more harmful. On a failed saving throw a creature takes radiant damage equal to 2d10 + your cleric level, or half damage on a success.
Fierce Flash
Beginning at 6th level, you can use Flash Fight on creatures within 30 feet of you in addition to creatures you can touch.
Harness the Flame
Starting at 8th level, when you deal damage with a cleric cantrip or a weapon, add fire or radiant damage equal to your Wisdom modifier. You must choose the damage type at the beginning of each long rest, and may not change it until you have completed another long rest .
Channel Divinity: Summon the Stars
At 17th level, you are able to manipulate the burning brilliance of the stars themselves. Choose an object or creature within 60 feet. For 1 minute the target emits bright light in a 60-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. When a creature starts its turn within 30 feet of the target or first enters into a space within 30 feet of the target on its turn, it makes a Constitution saving throw or becomes blinded for 1 minute. A blinded creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
The first time this feature is used per long rest , any creature within 30 feet of the target takes 12d6 radiant damage on a failed save, or half damage on a success. Magical auras within the light’s radius become visible for 1 hour, shedding dim light in a 5-foot radius for 1 hour. An invisible creature that fails its saving throw against the radiant damage is also revealed and it sheds dim light in a 5-foot radius for 1 hour.