The game and celebration of Tarphen has been enjoyed for time immemorial, but is nowadays considered part of a god of war’s festival, which has adopted the name. Held at the end of the week after the first frost, the game consists of several teams with each protecting a champion held aloft on a shield. A team loses when their champion or shield touches the ground or if their champion loses contact with their shield, with the last team standing declared the victors.
Held after the final harvest, Bondsday is an allday festival celebrating the connections between friends and family. The celebration sees families and friends across the land spend daylight hours together eating, sharing stories, and renewing their connections. Households hosting a Bondsday feast garland their buildings with strings of brightly colored flowers and prepare a large array of cold and preserved foods in the days before.
Junkyard Feats
Junkyard Feats
Learning to thrive amidst the scraps and pieces left behind or cast aside by indifferent or lost civilizations takes some particular feats of ingenuity and tenacity.
Communities of water elementaari form wherever water can be found in abundance: near quiet lagoons on tropical islands, along coastal sand dunes where ocean waves continually crash, atop arctic ice flows, or about large, natural waterfalls. Though these disparate climes can sometimes bring about striking differences, waterflow peoples share a healthy respect for both the life-giving and life-taking power of water.
Characters raised in the waterflow culture share a variety of traits in common with one another.
Open-Air Ascetic
Open-Air Ascetic
Small groups of air elementaari are often drawn to wide open spaces such as plains, buttes, and mountaintops, relishing the freedom from worldly concerns they offer. Such settlements value mental and physical discipline paired with simple living. They also claim a special connection to creatures of the air, such as birds, griffins, hippogriffs, and, most especially, rocs. In the spirit of this kinship, most settlements of this culture practice sky burial—a tradition where the bodies of the deceased are placed on mountain crags or other open areas to be eaten by such creatures.
Earthen Artisan
Earthen Artisan
Elementaari with a connection to the earth are natural builders and craftsfolk, finding joy in the construction (and sometimes destruction and reconstruction) of individual dwellings and communal working spaces. Mud bricks, field or quarry stones, and mined metals are their preferred mediums. They gather in places where these materials are plentiful and easily accessed.
Characters raised in the earthen artisan culture share a variety of traits in common with one another.
Cinder Chaser
Cinder Chaser
Fire has fascinated creatures since time immemorial, and fire elementaari in particular delight in the exciting and volatile nature of their inborn element. Raised near active volcanos or other such fiery hazards, where danger is a constant companion, individuals from this culture often seek out danger and thrills when venturing forth into the world.
Characters raised in the cinder chaser culture share a variety of traits in common with one another.
Planetouched: Elementaari
Planetouched: Elementaari
Rosy Spinehog
Rosy Spinehog
Tiny beast
Mundane; hazard
Speed 15 ft.
Regions: Country Shire, Feywood, Tangled Forest (gardens, hedgerows, forests)
Tiny dragon
Mundane; boon
Speed 10 ft., fly 60 ft
Regions: Country Shire, Feywood, Lofty Mountains, Tangled Forest, Unrelenting Marsh Urban Township (caves, rooftops, treetops)