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You might be a criminologist on the city payroll, a public prosecutor, part of a military tribunal, or a private amateur whom the local authorities rely on to help solve crimes. Consider what case might have most affected you, and whether you are still in contact with any of the victims or perpetrators.

Ability Score Increases: +1 to Intelligence and one other ability score.

Skill Proficiencies: Investigation, and either Insight or Perception.

Manifest Antimatter

Manifest Antimatter


You target one creature or object within 30 feet and create antimatter in the same space. A targeted creature makes a Dexterity saving throw or takes 10d8 force damage and until it receives healing equal to the initial damage, it cannot benefit from rest as the antimatter continues to interact with the creature’s matter over time. A creature reduced to 0 hit points is obliterated, leaving behind nothing but atomic particles, along with anything it was wearing or carrying (except indestructible items).

Pact of the Cauldron

Pact of the Cauldron

Aware of your knack for divination, your patron bestows on you a mystical cauldron. As an action, you can summon a cauldron, which appears in an unoccupied square adjacent to you. If there is no such square, it can’t be summoned. The cauldron is Medium and can contain a Medium creature if it squeezes. The cauldron is always filled with a mist-like substance, which you can use a bonus action to order to heat up, allowing you to cook with it as though it were water, although the mist itself doesn’t provide any sustenance and can’t be used to inflict damage.

Pact of the Censer

Pact of the Censer

Approving of your desire to obfuscate and deceive, your patron has granted you a magical censer. As a bonus action, you can summon a Tiny censer; it appears in your hand or hanging from your clothing. This censer is destroyed if you use this feature to create another censer. You can also dismiss this censer without an action.



Your life has been chiefly defined by your charge to protect a great treasure or secret which must be kept from the prying eyes of outsiders. Whether you were tasked with protecting a sacred artifact, concealing the true heir to the throne, or maintaining the seal on an ancient curse, the time has come to step into the wider world.



Whether they stumbled upon the demiplane by accident as a child or were born among the towering shelves, Lexicans are those who have been brought up within the interplanar Labyrinthe Library. Nearly as unmoored from reality as the library itself, the very being of such humanoids interacts strangely with the Material Plane.



While one may be tempted to write off corruption as a particularly virulent curse, it’s quite different and has the potential to be more far-reaching. Unless the surrounding areas are purified by powerful holy energies, corruption left unchecked can and often will spread, overrunning and infecting everything in its path. As it has the potential to permeate the very land in which it is found, simply traveling through corrupted lands can be enough to twist an individual’s mind or body.
