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While most shadowcasts prefer not to contemplate their counterpart, you are deeply curious about them, even going as far as finding a portal to the Material Plane, planning to find and observ e them—perhaps not unlike a naturalist studying a rare animal. However, something happened along the way that led you to adventure.



Hailing from the grim landscape of the Bleak Gate, shadowcasts are a unique heritage in that an individual’s physical appearance and many of their inherited features are those of their “counterpart”, a sapient creature from the Material Plane. Like everything in the Bleak Gate, shadowcasts are a distorted reflection of those who reside on the Material Plane, identical in name and physical features, but opposite in many ways. Many interpret this as shadowcasts being inherently evil, but that is not the case.

Nomad Cultural Gear

Nomad Cultural Gear

Nomads typically move between multiple areas where they set up for a season or two and then move on, typically on a circuit between grazing grounds and other useful locations. Because they are not constantly on the move, nomads value equipment that lets their temporary settlements and the often harsh environments around those settlements be made more comfortable, and, because nomads are not always welcomed with open arms, they often try to maintain at least some level of secrecy around their camps.

Itinerant Cultural Gear

Itinerant Cultural Gear

Itinerants are typically those with skilled or semi-skilled professions such as tradespeople, doctors, and spiritual guides like clergy. They tend to receive a warm welcome from the communities they travel to, but that welcome comes at least partially because they make active efforts to fit in.


Table: Itinerant Cultural Gear


Circusfolk Cultural Gear

Circusfolk Cultural Gear

Circusfolk not only spend their lives traveling, but entertaining. Unfortunately, not all communities are equally-receptive to the shows they put on, and stigmas around circusfolk can sometimes escalate into dangerous situations requiring a fight or a speedy escape. Their equipment reflects this tension.


Caravanner Cultural Gear

Caravanner Cultural Gear

Caravanners typically have beasts of burden and wagons, so while their equipment needs to be as rugged as that of any traveling culture, they can often deal with a little bit of extra weight if some other concern makes it worth it. Still, every pound of equipment carried is a pound of carrying capacity that can’t be devoted to trade goods, so a balance must be struck.

Orc Urk

Orc Urk




The saying goes that when the snowpears can be harvested the winter is ending and new journeys can begin. These odd, squat trees appear dead for much of the year, but they leaf and flower briefly following the first thaw and produce their fruits quickly afterward. Growing in clusters, each snowpear is no larger than a grape. They have pale pink skin covering jelly-like purple flesh and taste like a ripe pear long soaked in honey. Unfortunately, they spoil quickly and have proved difficult to preserve or ferment into alcohol.



If Hearthenfalme is meant to be a joyous occasion, the longest night of the year is often a source of fear, as undead and evil powers are thought to take advantage of the extended darkness to further their vile plans. The Dunwell Rising, which saw the ghosts of that accursed and abandoned town appear to kill thousands, started on Longnight a little over twenty years ago. The devastating plague known as the Gray Blight took its first victim on a Longnight centuries past before going on to ravage the continent.
