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Combat Maneuvers

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Name Points Degree Tradition Action Type Summary Source
Knee Strike None Basic maneuver Dueling Maneuvers Bonus Action Strike at a load-bearing point Gate Pass Gazette
Knockdown None Basic maneuver None Action Trip or push a creature down. Adventurer's Guide
Knockdown Assault 1 1st degree Mirror’s Glint Action Knock your target prone when you hit with a melee attack. Adventurer's Guide
Lancer Strike 1 1st degree Spirited Steed Action Deal extra damage and knock your target prone with a lance. Adventurer's Guide
Launched Strike 2 3rd degree Spirited Steed Action Leap from your mount to score a critical hit against an enemy. Adventurer's Guide
Leading Throw 1 1st degree Mirror’s Glint Reaction Use your reaction to throw an enemy who misses you. Adventurer's Guide
Lean Into It 2 1st degree Adamant Mountain Action Knock your target prone when you hit with a melee attack. Adventurer's Guide
Leaping Strike 1 2nd degree Tooth and Claw Action Move up to 40 feet and either push or knock your target prone. Adventurer's Guide
Legion Stance 1 1st degree Sanguine Knot Bonus Action (Stance) An ally can attack a foe you hit with a critical hit. Adventurer's Guide
Life Drinker 2 3rd degree Eldritch Blackguard Action With a baleful word and a vicious strike you draw the very lifeforce from your target. Gate Pass Gazette
Living Shadow 3 2nd degree Eldritch Blackguard Bonus Action Severing yourself from your own shadow, you place it at your opponent’s back! Gate Pass Gazette
Look At Me! 2 3rd degree Sanguine Knot Action Turn your weapon attacks into distractions that allow allies to move through the battlefield more freely. Adventurer's Guide
Low Blow None Basic maneuver Dueling Maneuvers Action Aim for the vulnerable point Gate Pass Gazette
Make Them Laugh 6 5th degree Comedic Jabs Action Make a fool of yourself for the delight of others Gate Pass Gazette
Malicious Mark 1 1st degree Arcane Knight Bonus Action (Stance) You shift your attention to magically make your opponent easier to combat. Gate Pass Gazette
Mercurial Striking Stance 1 4th degree Tooth and Claw Bonus Action (Stance) Focus on making every hit with a natural weapon, unarmed strike, or dual-wielding weapon have a satisfying impact. Adventurer's Guide
Mind Over Body 1 3rd degree Razor’s Edge Bonus Action Reduce the damage you take. Adventurer's Guide
Missile Volley 2 3rd degree Biting Zephyr Action Attack a group of creatures within 10 feet of a focal point. Adventurer's Guide
Mistaken Opportunity 2 4th degree Unending Wheel Reaction Use a reaction to turn a strike that misses into an attack against a different opponent. Adventurer's Guide
Mistfade Retreat 2 3rd degree Eldritch Blackguard Reaction As your foe’s deadly attack falls upon you, your form becomes mist and shadow. Gate Pass Gazette
Mounted Charge 2 1st degree Spirited Steed Action Move your mount’s Speed and gain advantage on your first attack. Adventurer's Guide
Mugging Hit 1 2nd degree Mist and Shade Bonus Action Make a Sleight of Hand check against a creature you have hit. Adventurer's Guide
Mundane Missile Stance 2 4th degree Biting Zephyr Bonus Action (Stance) Give nearly any weapon the thrown property. Adventurer's Guide
Mystic Feint 1 2nd degree Arcane Knight Reaction For a moment you distort your enemy’s perception, causing them to overextend themselves. Gate Pass Gazette
Necrotic Grip 2 2nd degree Eldritch Blackguard Reaction Your grip can wither flesh from bone. Gate Pass Gazette
Off-Balancing Strikes 1 2nd degree Mirror’s Glint Bonus Action Knock your target off-balance, reducing its Speed and agility. Adventurer's Guide
Old Pal 1 3rd degree Comedic Jabs Bonus Action putting on a friendly face and sidling up to an enemy thirsting for your blood is just unexpected enough to work. Gate Pass Gazette
Overconfident Gambit 2 2nd degree Gallant Heart Reaction Announce your impeding success with sheer audacity Gate Pass Gazette
Overrun None Basic maneuver None Action Force your way through a hostile creature's space. Adventurer's Guide
Painful Pickpocket 1 1st degree Mist and Shade Reaction Use your reaction to make a Sleight of Hand check against a target which hits you. Adventurer's Guide
