Moonkeepers are a separatist religious sect who worship the moon, though there is disagreement as to how the moon is to be understood—whether it is merely a catalyst for blessings and curses, or if it is to be worshiped as the shadow elves’ moon goddess, a primordial nature spirit, or some other being entirely. Their traditions also vary depending on the outside influences a given sect has interacted with—some moonkeeper beliefs are ancient, but the influence of contemporary religious and druidic movements are undeniable. Not all Moonkeeper adherents are religious experts, but even lay followers are deeply spiritual people who seamlessly weave ritual observances into ordinary life. This does not mean they are a dour group, however; moonkeepers are well known for their elaborate storytelling style, with honors and bragging rights going to those who can tell the most frightening, elaborate, or amusing tales.
A nearly universal moonkeeper tenet is to lead a largely nocturnal lifestyle. Members will make exceptions for vital needs, but for them the light of the moon is more hallowed than that of the sun, and all worthwhile endeavors should be done under its gaze. This way of life has many impacts on cultural values and practices, which are too many to list here. For one example, the night teaches not just the value of darkness but of quiet, and Moonkeepers often prefer to speak in whispers and murmurs (saving shouts and howls for appropriate, usually religious, moments). This tendency, which Moonkeepers find so practical, is often misunderstood by outsiders as weakness, subversion, or even aggression.
Characters raised in the moonkeeper culture share a variety of traits in common with one another.
Child of Night. You gain an expertise die on Stealth checks.
Ritualistic Focus. Many of the moonkeeper observances you’ve internalized have broader magical applications. You know two 1st-level spells of your choice. These spells must have the ritual tag and you may only cast them as rituals. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells. In addition, you may cast other spells you learn as rituals if those spells have the ritual tag.
Storyteller. Your people are especially known for their evocative, often chilling tales. Choose a skill from among Arcana, Deception, History, Intimidation, Performance, or Religion. You gain proficiency in the chosen skill.
Superior Darkvision. Your nocturnal lifestyle and connection to the moon have improved your ability to see without light. The range of your darkvision increases to 120 feet. If you didn’t have darkvision already, you gain darkvision to a range of 60 feet.
Languages. You can speak, read, write, and sign Common and one other language of your choice.
Blood Pack
Blood Pack
Blood packs are self-sufficient bands of nomadic hunters led by the garoul . They subsist by tracking game across a wide territory, all while avoiding monsters, gathering medicinal and diet-supplementary herbs, and raising the next generation. The bands’ traditional methods are finely honed, taking only as much as they need and practicing “nose to tail” methods with the game they hunt. Even large packs rarely risk over-hunting the land, and the emergence of political strife in their number means it is time for their factions to respectfully part ways.
Cooperation among the pack is paramount for surviving the wilds and maintaining political independence from the forces of “civilization.” One of the blood pack’s most important rites—one which is not lightly undertaken—is the declaration of a “blood hunt,” a combined effort by the pack’s best hunters to eradicate a threat to the community. A blood hunt can be declared against any predatory creature, and the victors are rightfully bestowed honor. Lethal confrontations against particularly powerful monsters—like vampires, lycanthropes, or even dragons—are only declared when other means of keeping the peace are exhausted. The packs have a long history of victory in the blood hunts, and the names of the heroes are howled to the full moon for generations to come.
Characters raised in the blood pack culture share a variety of traits in common with one another.
Conscientious Culling. While you are outdoors in a forested or mountainous area, you can spend 4 hours to find enough Supply for yourself and one other creature.
Hunter-Gatherer. You gain proficiency with shortbows, longbows, the Survival skill, and with the herbalism kit.
Prey Drive. When you attack a bloodied creature, you gain an expertise die on the attack roll . Once you have used this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, you cannot use it again until you finish a short or long rest .
Wilderness Awareness. While you are outdoors in a forested or mountainous area, you can spend 1 minute focusing on your surroundings to deduce the natural weather over the next 24 hours.
Languages. You can speak, read, write, and sign Common and one other language of your choice
The legends and sources of lycanthropy are famous throughout many civilizations, but less well-known are the garoul. Descended long ago from the children of werewolves, these lupine folk are free to embrace their wolfish nature without fear of losing control, making many good neighbors, fierce friends, and even fiercer enemies. This common lineage aside, they are as varied as any heritage: travelers in obscuring cloaks pull up in their covered wagon, their eyes glowing from the shadows; a furry child with pointed canines knocks at the door, offering a freshly picked pumpkin as a gift; lupine figures gather on a remote, starlit hill, lifting their hands to worship the moon. Each of these people are the garoul.
The garoul are wolf-folk of lycanthropic heritage, gifted with deft hunting instincts and a deep connection to the wilds. Werewolves transform between a variety of forms, and this shows up for the garoul by way of physical diversity. Most garoul resemble bipedal wolves, harkening back to their ancestors’ hybrid form. Other garoul present more on the humanoid side of their lineage, and would be able to pass as humans and elves if it weren’t for certain distinctive lupine features, such as yellow eyes or sharp canines.
Garoul tap into their bestial ancestry to enhance their strength, but how they do so varies. Some garoul are intimately connected to their lupine instincts at all times, while others focus this connection to physically turn into wolves.
Garoul Traits
Characters with the garoul heritage share a variety of traits.
Age. Garoul mature and age at a slightly faster rate than humans. Even from middle childhood, many garoul cubs are intelligent and tenacious, and some become adventurers well before adulthood.
Size. Tall, strong garoul are easily mistaken for gnolls and werewolves , while others (especially cubs) might be mistaken for dogs even without transforming. Your size is your choice of Small or Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Bestial Humanoid. You have both the humanoid and beast creature type.
Bloodhound. You gain an expertise die on checks made to detect or track bloodied creatures.
Claws. The claws on your hands are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes dealing 1d4 slashing damage. They have the dual-wielding and finesse properties.
Lesser Darkvision. Your ancestors were nocturnal hunters, allowing you to see in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 30 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Wily Hunter. You gain proficiency in your choice of either Deception, Intimidation, Perception, or Survival.
Garoul Gifts
Some garoul enhance their form by diving deeper into their bestial characteristics, while others shapeshift into beasts entirely. In addition to the traits found in your garoul heritage, select one of the following gifts.
Lupine Ascension
Some garoul are more in tune with the four-legged form of their ancestors.
Garoul with the gift of Lupine Ascension have the following trait:
Lupine Shift. You can use this trait as a bonus action to shapeshift into a wolf. When you transform, you maintain your own hit point total and your armor class becomes 10 + your Dexterity modifier. Features that allow you to add another attribute modifier to your AC, such as an adept’s Agile Defense, still apply if they do not require armor. Any equipment you are wearing or wielding merges into your new form and has no effect until you leave the form.
This transformation lasts for 1 hour, which you can extend by another hour by using another bonus action to expend another use of this feature. You can end the transformation early as a bonus action, and it also ends early if you fall unconscious . You can use this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain spent uses when you complete a long rest . At 10th level, your total uses equal twice your proficiency bonus.
If you gain the Wild Shape feature, this feature does not gain any of its benefits.
Lupine Vigor
For some garoul, their bestial ancestry is always present, granting them enhanced physical abilities. Garoul with the gift of Lupine Vigor have the following traits:
Enhanced Darkvision. The range of your darkvision extends to a total of 60 feet.
Thick Hide. Your dense coat and tough hide provides additional protection. While you aren’t wearing armor, your AC equals to 12 + your Constitution modifier even while not wearing armor. You can still use a shield and still gain this benefit.
Wolfish Fortitude. Once between long rests , you can use this trait as a bonus action to gain temporary hit points equal to 1d8 + your character level.
Garoul Paragon
When you reach 10th level, you are an exemplar among the wolf-folk, and you gain one paragon gift from the following list.
Huff and Puff
Choose one of the following: cone of cold , conjure elemental (air only), or wind wall . Once between long rests , you can use this trait to cast the chosen spell as a 6th level spell with no material components. Your spellcasting ability for this spell is Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma (whichever is higher).
The Better to Eat You With
Your natural weapons are enhanced. If you chose Lupine Vigor, your claws gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls , and they count as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. They also gain the parrying property.
If you chose Lupine Ascension, your bite attack in wolf form now deals 2d6 damage. Additionally, it gains a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls , and counts as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.
The Better to See You With
Once between long rests , you can use this trait to cast true seeing on yourself, requiring no material components. Your spellcasting ability for this spell is your choice of Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma.
Garoul Culture
As with many heritages, the origins of the garoul are shrouded in mystery. Nobody can truly define the cultural or magical moment when the children of lycanthropes were freed from their curse, but garoul oral traditions call this mythic moment “the First New Moon.” Each garoul group tells their own tales of the First New Moon—tales as varied as the garoul and as universal and undeniable as the moon.
Many garoul live at the edges of human and elf society—although some blend in with little issue. Others live in small enclaves, where they can pursue their own cultural priorities. Ubiquitous garoul cultural activities include hunting, storytelling, pranks, games of chase and hide-and-seek, and talking to the moon, but even garoul-led communities are diverse. Packs welcome found family as warmly as blood relations, and often recruit converts from other societies to their lupine lifestyle.
As an uncommon people, many garoul take care not to arouse suspicion in unfamiliar communities. Often this means lurking in the shadows of society or donning obscuring disguises (a frequently self-defeating tactic). Other times, garoul enclaves openly declare themselves to the neighboring community to differentiate themselves from the other canine-folk in their midst. While there is no inherent conflict between garoul an other canine-folk, garoul attempting to build public trust (especially with insular or xenophobic communities) often pledge their enmity against murderous lycanthropes and gnoll demon-cults. Otherwise, most garoul communities actively welcome beastfolk of all stripes (including gnolls and werewolves) who are willing and able to live as good neighbors.
Suggested Cultures
While you can choose any culture for your garoul character, the following cultures are linked closely with this heritage: caravanner , lone wanderer , nomad , wildling , as well as the new blood pack and moonkeeper cultures.
Rock Dragon
Rock Dragon
Sandpit Vipers
Sandpit Vipers
Mirage Effects
Mirage Effects
Level |
Mirage |
Effect |
1 |
Oasis |
The adventurer rushes ahead across the blistering terrain, only to discover there is no source of water. The adventurer loses 1 Supply in their haste. |
2 |
Wealth |
Seeing an unimaginable pile of wealth, the adventurer empties their backpack to hold it all. After 1 minute the adventurer comes to their senses and realizes the wealth is merely sand and rocks, but something they cast aside has been lost in the sand—a cherished trinket, common magic item, money pouch, or similar. Recovering the item takes 1d6 hours as they are forced to dig through the sand. |
3 |
Enemy |
A terrible enemy charges out of the sand towards the adventurer. Reacting on instinct, the adventurer fights ferociously with the enemy for several minutes before it disappears. The adventurer is rattled for the next 2(1d4) hours. |
4 |
Proclamation |
A vision of a god, patron, or ruler, demands the adventurer perform a meaningless task. Treat this as though the adventurer were targeted by a suggestion spell where the caster maintains concentration for the full duration and never deals damage to the adventurer. |