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Moonkeepers are a separatist religious sect who worship the moon, though there is disagreement as to how the moon is to be understood—whether it is merely a catalyst for blessings and curses, or if it is to be worshiped as the shadow elves’ moon goddess, a primordial nature spirit, or some other being entirely. Their traditions also vary depending on the outside influences a given sect has interacted with—some moonkeeper beliefs are ancient, but the influence of contemporary religious and druidic movements are undeniable.

Monster Slayer

Monster Slayer

Whether you were driven by personal vendetta, fueled by stories of renowned figures, or something else entirely, you’ve made a career out of hunting monsters. This is dirty, dangerous work, but not as fatal as the average person might believe—an individual skeleton or giant rat can pose a serious threat to a commoner, but with the right tools and preparation even an amatuer hunter stands a better-than-even chance. It’s a good living for those willing to put up with the risks…and the ichor.

Eccentric Experimenter

Eccentric Experimenter

Most researchers take a very slow, methodical approach to their studies, carefully changing one variable at a time and recording every boring result. You, however, take a far more proactive approach, often to unearthly—or even explosive—results. This disturbing, unconventional, or dangerous undertaking may have cost you friends, respect, and even a digit or two. Perhaps you conducted your experiments in secret because of the stigma attached to your field of study, or maybe you joyfully invited the entire academy to view your ongoing work.



You have done time. Quite a lot of time, in fact; enough to fully acclimate to the life of a prisoner, whether you deserv ed it or not. Your time incarcerated has shaped you as an individual and it is highly unlikely that you bear much resemblance to the person you were before you went inside.
