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Ratling Equipment

Ratling Equipment

In the minds of most people, ratlings have two defining characteristics: ingenuity and mischief. Those traits are on full display with their choices of equipment.


Table: Ratling Equipment




Food Cannon 4 gp 8 lb.
Thing-Thing special special


Food Cannon. Named for its most common ammunition, this tube-shaped weapon uses black powder charges to fire whatever is packed into it. When loaded with foodstuffs or dirt., the food cannon blasts everything in a 15-foot cone with the contents of its barrel. Each creature in that area must make a DC 13 Dexterity save or be blinded until the end of its next turn. A creature can use an action to scrape off the debris from an affected creature, ending the condition early. The cannon isn't powerful enough to deal severe damage, but if hard debris is packed among the soft shot, each target also takes 1d4 bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, depending on the nature of the debris.

Thing-Thing. One of the most distinctly ratling pieces of gear is the thing-thing, a generic name for two items combined into one. Examples include the quarterstaff-ladder (a quarterstaff with pop-out rungs) and a dagger-lockpick (thieves' tools on strings packed into the hilt of a dagger), but the possibilities are endless and frequently seem nonsensical to non-ratlings. A thing-thing costs as much as both items combined and weighs as much as its heaviest component. If one item is smaller than the other, the smaller item may be unobtrusive, requiring a DC 18 Perception check to find. Neither piece of a thing-thing can be consumable.

Deep Dwarf Equipment

Deep Dwarf Equipment

Like the people that created it, deep dwarf equipment focuses on resilience and determination in the face of overwhelming odds.

Table: Deep Dwarf Equipment




All-Purpose Pick 20 gp 6 lbs.
Folding Armor 3,000 gp 70 lbs.
Stone of Resolve 50 gp -


All-Purpose Pick. The pick is obviously well-made, but the shape of its head and handle are a bit unusual. The wielder can treat the pick as a war pick or a miner's pick as they choose.

Folding Armor. This finely made plate armor is designed to work in conjunction with the wearer's size-altering magic. If the wearer is subjected to the enlarge effect of an enlarge/reduce spell, in addition to altering its size, the armor deploys vicious spikes concealed in the unfolding mechanisms, gaining an improved version of the Spiked property: a creature that begins its turn grappling or grappled by the wearer takes 1d4 piercing damage.
If the wearer is subjected to the reduce effect of an enlarge/reduce spell, the armor instead folds in on itself, reinforcing the vulnerable areas and raising its AC bonus by 1.

Stone of Resolve. This brittle, cloudy orange crystal is found only the deepest mines, but it is widely coveted for its mind-stabilizing properties. A creature can use an action to crush the crystal and inhale the dust, gaining advantage on saving throws against fear for 1 minute.

Grimlock Equipment

Grimlock Equipment

The highly advanced grimlocks have their own unique inventions, which leverage both their incredible hearing and other creatures' dependency on sight.

Table: Grimlock Equipment




Air Ink Grenade, Dangerous 150 gp 1/2 lb.
Air Ink Grenade, Safe 100 gp 1/2 lb.
De-Scenting Powder Bomb 40 gp 2 lbs.
De-Scenting Powder Shaker 10 gp 1/2 lb.
Portable Telegraph 75 gp 1/2 lb.
Sonic Tripwire 50 gp 2 lbs.


Air Ink. An odorless, pitch-black gas that blocks light, air ink is usually deployed in grenade form. As an action, a creature can throw an air ink grenade up to 30 feet at a point it can see. When it lands, the grenade detonates, filling a 10-foot-radius area with inky darkness.
Two varieties of air ink exist: a "safe" version that merely blocks light and a "dangerous" version that also interferes with breathing. A creature inside an area of dangerous air ink must hold its breath or it begins to suffocate. In either case, the air ink lasts for 10 minutes. While the ink remains, the area it fills is heavily obscured . Only blindsight can penetrate the ink; even creatures with traits such as Devil's Sight can't see through it.

De-Scenting Powder. Available in either a shaker or a "bomb" that fills a 10-foot square, de-scenting powder rapidly absorbs scents from everything it touches, making creatures to which the powder has been applied impossible to detect or track by scent for up to 1 hour. A shaker contains 10 uses, each enough to cover a Medium or smaller creature.

Portable Telegraph. This boxy device is usually worn on a belt clip. When activated, it emits a high-frequency sound that most humanoids can't hear. Grimlocks use these telegraphs as either echolocation devices or communication tools. When used for echolocation, the range of the grimlock's echolocation or blindsight increases by 10 feet, provided the grimlock doesn't move more than 10 feet on their turn. When used for communication, the telegraph can produce a sequence of long and short beeps, similar to those of traditional telegraphs. When used in this manner, the telegraph can transmit messages up to 500 feet. An experienced operator can use an action to transmit up to six words that only by grimlocks or other creatures with echolocation -based blindsight can hear.

Sonic Tripwire. Made up of two small metal boxes, a sonic tripwire can be used to trigger any trap or alarm that a normal tripwire could. Between the boxes, the device emits a beam of high-frequency sound that grimlocks can hear but most other creatures cannot. The tripwire triggers when the beam is interrupted.

Aboleth Equipment

Aboleth Equipment

Aboleths take a different approach to equipment than most other sapient creatures; rather than working with non-living materials, they prefer to shape living things to their purpose. This doesn't mean that they don't create equipment, just that aboleth-created gear is noticeably alive. These devices have heartbeats, living organs, and body heat.

Adventurers with the sunless mariner background can buy aboleth equipment during character creation.

Table: Aboleth Equipment




Gill Symbiote 50 gp 2 lbs.
Octopack 25 gp 5 lbs.
Parasite Launcher 500 gp 3 lbs.
Sleepless Masks 125 gp 1 lb.


Gill Symbiote. This bizarre, collar-like mask fits like a sleeve over the user's lower face and neck. It extends tendrils down the user's throat when donned, a process that requires the wearer to make a DC 11 Wisdom save to avoid gaining a level of strife . Once in place, the symbiote allows the user to breathe air and water, but it also distorts the wearer's voice. Whenever the wearer speaks, other creatures must make a DC 10 Intelligence check to understand what they are saying. In addition, a creature wearing a gill symbiote must make a DC 10 Intelligence check to cast a spell with vocalized components. On a failure, the creature expends the spell slot to no effect.

Octopack. This bulbous, fleshy mass attaches itself to the wearer's back and can sprout four tentacles on demand. The tentacles aren't able to hold items, but they grant advantage on checks to maintain a grapple and grant an expertise die on Athletics checks related to climbing.

Parasite Launcher. This bracer-shaped creature has ray-like skin and several rows of glowing, fluid-filled membranes on its "back," which typically sits atop the user's forearm. Swimming in the fluid are tiny, snake-like creatures with nasty, tooth-filled maws. The launcher is a ranged weapon with a range of 30/60. It is fired via mental commands rather than a physical trigger. On a hit, the parasite deals 1d4 piercing damage. A creature hit by the parasite launcher can use its reaction to make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw . On a success, the target tears off the parasite before it gains purchase. If the creature does not remove the parasite, the parasite begins burrowing into the target's flesh, dealing 1d4 piercing and 1d4 psychic damage at the start of each of the target's turns. A creature can use action to cut out the parasite, dealing 2d6 slashing damage to the target but ending the piercing and psychic damage. Unless removed, the parasite continues to burrow for a number of rounds equal to the proficiency bonus of the creature that fired the launcher. The parasite then dies inside the target, and the target suffers a level of strife from the trauma of the experience. The parasite launcher does not cover the user's hand, leaving it free to wield other devices or weapons. A parasite launcher can be fired from an arm that is wielding a weapon, but not a shield. The launcher holds eight parasites, and the "ammunition" regrows after 24 hours.

Sleepless Mask. This disturbing, fleshy mask covers the upper half of the wearer's face and features three, vertically placed eyes in the manner of an aboleth . While the mask is worn, each eye takes an 9-hour turn sleeping while the others remain awake, effectively sleeping for the wearer and allowing them to stay awake indefinitely. The wearer must still sleep or meditate to receive the benefits of a long rest . In addition, the tendrils that the mask sends into its wearer's brain subtly influence them toward obedience to aboleths. The wearer suffers a -1d4 penalty on saving throws against aboleth abilities and the Sea Change disease.

Dungeon Delver Equipment

Dungeon Delver Equipment

Table: New Equipment




Air Bladder 8 sp. 1 lb.
Alchemical Corrosive Oil 2,000 gp -
Alchemical Frigid Oil 500 gp -
Alchemical Glaring Oil 2,200 gp -
Alchemical Lifebane Oil 600 gp -
Alchemical Scorching Oil 500 gp -
Alchemical Shocking Oil 400 gp -
Ascender/Descender 50 gp 3 lbs.
Boat, Collapsible 100 gp 50 lbs.
Cave Tent 1 gp 10 lbs.
Luminescent Compass 65 gp

1/2 lb.

Pole (10-foot), Collapsible 1 gp 7 lbs.
Rope Ladder, Basic 2 gp 6 lbs.
Rope Ladder, Heavy Duty 30 gp 6 lbs.
Snorkel 3 sp -
Spore Netting 4 gp 1/2 lb.
Spring Holster 4 gp 1/2 lb.
Underwater Lantern 15 gp 1 lb.
Underwater Lantern, Alchemical 30 gp 1 lb.
Wand Bracer 5 gp 1/2 lb.


Air Bladder. An air bladder is similar to a water-skin but can hold up to 2 gallons of air when fully inflated, allowing for four breaths. It has a valve at the opening, eliminating the need for removing and replacing a cover or cap. When at least half inflated, an air bladder can also function as a flotation device, granting a creature holding it advantage on Athletics checks to avoid sinking.

Alchemical Weapon Oils. These oils can be applied to a weapon, increasing the damage the weapon deals and sometimes providing other benefits. Applying an alchemical weapon oil requires an action, and the effect lasts for 1 hour.

  • Corrosive Oil. A weapon coated with this pungent green liquid deals an additional 2d6 acid damage.
  • Frigid Oil. A weapon smeared with this bluish-white paste deals an additional 1d6 cold damage.
  • Glaring Oil. Sometimes called "portable sunlight," this cloudy, silvery-white oil sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. A weapon treated with glaring oil deals an additional 2d6 radiant damage.
  • Lifebane Oil. This viscous black liquid trails thing, mist-like tendrils of darkness at all times. A weapon coated with lifebane oil deals an additional 1d8 necrotic damage.
  • Scorching Oil. This thin red oil ignites when exposed to air. A weapon coated with scorching oil deals an additional 1d6 fire damage and sheds bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet.
  • Shocking Oil. This vibrant yellow oil arcs with a powerful electrical current. A weapon coated with shocking oil deals an additional 1d4 lightning damage and sheds dim light in a 20-foot radius.

Ascender/Descender. These small metal devices allow better control of ropes when climbing up (ascender) or sliding down (descender), granting a creature using them an expertise die on Athletics checks to move in the corresponding direction. Despite their similar names, ascenders and descenders work differently. Ascenders are mechanical devices that assist in climbing. Descenders are small metal loops that facilitate better control of ropes while rappelling. A creature can use only one of these devices at a time. The listed price is for a set of one of each device.

Boat, Collapsible. When deployed, this two-person boat resembles a kayak or canoe. It can hold up to 500 pounds without sinking and can fold up enough to be carried by a single humanoid. (While folded, the boat has the Bulky property; a creature can carry a number of bulky items equal to one plus its Strength modifier.) Setting up the boat (which comes with two folding paddles) or collapsing and packing it takes 20 minutes.

Cave Tent. This tent has a padded base and anchor points at the peak. It dampens sound and minimizes the vibrations produced by its occupants, which many underground predators use to hunt. Creatures sleeping or performing light activities inside the tent are invisible to tremorsense. However, a cave tent can keep out rain for only one hour before it starts to leak.

Luminescent Compass. The needled and directional markings of this compass are treated with a luminescent compound. It can be read easily in dim light or darkness .

Pole (10-foot), Collapsible. This lightweight but sturdy metal pole can telescope to a length of 10 feet but can also be locked at 3, 5, and 7 feet if desired. At its 5- and 7-foot lengths, it functions as a quarterstaff. At its 3-foot length, it functions as a club.

Rope Ladder. This collapsible ladder is made from two ropes connected to a series fo rungs, with a pair of hooks at the top to anchor it. Rope ladders are easier to climb while carrying a lot of gear and can be used by creatures who lack the strength or coordination to scale a rope. A rope ladder must hang from a solid anchor point to be useful.

Basic Rope Ladder. This rope ladder has hempen ropes and wooden rungs. It is 10 feet long when deployed and can support up to 500 pounds of weight without breaking.

Heavy-Duty Rope Ladder. This model has silk rope and metal rungs. It is 25 feet long and can support up to 750 pounds, but thanks to the lighter materials it weights as much as the 10-foot model.

Snorkel. This sturdy, angled tube allows a creature swimming beneath the surface of a body of water to breathe, provided the snorkel can poke above the water level. Snorkels are invaluable for cave swimming, where there may be pockets of air but the ceiling is too close to the water for a swimmer to position their head above the surface.

Spore Netting. Base on mosquito netting, spore netting is made from giant spider silk, allowing for an even finer weave. It can keep out toxic fungus spores as well as biting insects.

Spring Holster. This bracer-like device allows a creature to draw a very small weapon such as a dagger, shuriken, or derringer from a concealed position up the creature's sleeve. Drawing a weapon from a spring holster requires a reaction but can be done at any time.

Underwater Lantern. This sturdy metal lantern uses bioluminescent fungus in a sealable glass box to shed bright light in a 5-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. As long as the fungus is tended once every 7 days, it remains useful indefinitely.

Underwater Lantern, Alchemical. Using the same compounds as alchemical torches, this lantern can burn for 1 hour, shedding bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. It can be refueled for 25 gp.

Wand Bracer. This leather bracer has several channels (the usual number is five) along the underside. Each channel is sized to hold a wand or similarly shaped item, such as a throwing dagger or an individual lockpick. Once on your turn, you can draw an item stored in the bracer without using an action or interacting with the object. Stowing an item in the bracer requires an action.

Feats for Citified Heroes

Feats for Citified Heroes

From the most sprawling metropolises to brisk market towns, each urban settlement is a living thing. Every city has its own rhythm, a heartbeat that drives the thousands of lives, and with each rhythm comes unique peculiarities that adventurers need to deal with. Far from the remote, sometimes solitary life of the wilds, in the cities there are countless lives that can get in the way, both socially and physically, including the local watch trying to keep the peace—whatever that means for the city in question. Cities are also sources of intrigue, with well-hidden intentions and even more well-hidden knives. It takes a special kind of adventurer to navigate these complications, threats, and opportunities, and the following feats are meant for just such characters.

As always, players should make sure to consult the Narrator before deciding on a feat, as being skilled at crowds and influencing local politics will not be of much use in a campaign that focuses on exploring the wilderness.

Alley Adventurer

You’ve had your fair share of rough and tumble experiences in back alleys, sewers, and other urban environs.

City Survivor

You’re used to eking out a living in urban environments, finding ways to scrounge and scavenge everything you need to survive.

Face in the Crowd

You have a knack for blending into a crowd.

Familiar to the Watch

Whether you’re a former member of the constabulary or you’ve just had your share of run-ins with the city guards, you’ve developed a familiarity with how law enforcement tends to work.

Hidden Armorer

You become particularly adept at altering weapons to better hide them on your person and at sneaking them past most guards.

Neighborhood Figure

You have the look of someone even strangers can bring their troubles and gossip to.

Pillar of the Community

You’ve gone above and beyond for the community and everyone knows that you’re the person to go to for favors, advice, or getting something handled.


You seek a life in politics, or at least you’re pretending to be interested in it.

Office Holder

Whether elected or appointed, you’ve managed to secure a position of some political power within the city.

Second Story Worker

You’ve spent time as a specific kind of criminal: the sort that climbs drainpipes and grabs things from open windows.


You’re good at learning things in cities.

Tavern Fly

More than once has the joke been made about you that you hold up the bar as much as it holds up you, and it has become a badge you wear with pride.


On your adventures you’ve met more people than you can count, and have become familiar with many other cultures.

Map Marker

Map Marker

-level (

When casting this spell, touch a map. If you cast the spell in territory not depicted on the map, the spell fails. If you are in territory depicted on the map, your position is marked by a small glowing spot on the map. The spot continues to move with your position on it, updating once per minute. If you enter territory not marked on the map, the spell ends.

Fertilize Field

Fertilize Field

-level (

You bless the ground to accommodate a specific crop in a 130-foot square area. The soil alters its composition to become ideal for that specific plant, purging contaminants (such as salt or other undesirable minerals), instantly decomposing any bodies lying in its soil down to a depth of 5 feet, and dispelling curses of up to 4th level. For a year and a day, plants of the type specified at the casting of the spell produce 50% more yield than they normally would, potentially increasing the income of a farm if properly harvested.

Laundry Day

Laundry Day

-level (

When you cast this spell, choose a pile of laundry that you can see within range, weighing up to 25 pounds and occupying a single 5-foot square, to clean and repair. Threadbare or worn laundry is restored to as new condition, and even extremely damaged laundry (bloodstained, cut to tatters in a combat, etc.) is restored. As long as at least half the material that comprises an article of laundry is present, it can be restored by this spell. This spell leaves no trace that the object was damaged.

This spell may be cast as a ritual

Instant Window

Instant Window

-level (

You create a window roughly 4 inches square, centered on the point that you touch. If the surface is more than 1 foot thick or made of materials other than wood, dirt, or stone, the spell fails. The window is sufficiently braced to prevent any structural weakening to the surrounding structure, but otherwise is just a small hole you can look through. The hole lasts for 1 minute, then vanishes. The hole can also be dismissed by the caster as a bonus action.
