Maw Swarm
Maw Swarm
Aboleth Champion
Aboleth Champion
To Save A Kingdom
To Save A Kingdom
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Dungeon Delver's Cultures
Dungeon Delver's Cultures
The following cultures are more often encountered beneath the earth than above it. Some of these cultures are closely identified with a particular heritage, while others are more general. No heritage is monocultural, however; any culture may include creatures of any heritage, and vice versa.
Dungeon Delver's Heritages
Dungeon Delver's Heritages
Many of the species that dwell in Underland’s winding caverns are little known on the surface world. Only the most well-traveled grimlocks, mycelials, oozefolk, rockborn, or motley have seen the light of the sun. Ratlings and doppelgangers, on the other hand, are familiar to, though rarely welcomed by, aboveground communities.
Aboleth Fallen Ascendant
Aboleth Fallen Ascendant
Aboleth Brute
Aboleth Brute
Inhabitants of the surface world don’t usually give much thought to aboleths, but no society in Underland has the luxury of being able to ignore them. The insidious aquatic schemers have their tentacles in everything, but that doesn’t mean they present a unified threat. In fact, while aboleths in general wish to rebuild their lost empire, individually each believes that they should be the ruler of that empire, a notion that frequently draws them into conflict with one another.
Sinister Designs. In rare instances, groups of aboleths cooperate with each other, and they can be terrifying adversaries when they do. These more organized pods of aboleths often dwell together in domed underwater cities, pursuing grandiose goals such as flooding the world, opening gates to other realms, or triggering an aboleth apotheosis. Rather than engaging in violence directly, they dispatch humanoid agents like aboleth champions and thralls to recruit expendable forces of mercenaries and adventurers to fight on their behalf.
Enemies and Allies. Aboleths have a special hatred for grimlocks. The grimlocks’ geostabilization machines often complicate or outright thwart the aboleths’ schemes to sink the continents of the surface world. The two groups are in a perpetual state of war, a conflict that dates back to the time before the grimlocks lost their sight. Aboleths have a much more amicable relationship with the deep dwarves. Neither group trusts anyone much, which makes their transactional dealings reassuringly familiar to both parties. Deep dwarves also tend to be exceptionally tough, which makes them prized as mercenaries.
Heritage Gifts
Heritage Gifts
This page contains a list of all the heritage gifts from official published heritages. Gifts marked with an asterisk (*) are from heritages which choose two gifts.
With your Narrator’s approval, you can choose a heritage gift from a heritage other than the one you originally chose; this allows for the easy creation of adventurers with parents of two different heritages, or use of bases other than human for heritages such as tieflings. For more flavor, you and your Narrator may even decide that this affects things such as physical appearance, life span, or size in a way that is unique to your character.
Aasimar ( Planetouched )
This heritage of planetouched is created through some sort of divine intervention, or when a bloodline contains celestial blood. These planetouched often have a color scheme that is brighter than those of other heritages, with lots of golds and warm hues being found among them. Their divine blood also twists their features into something frighteningly angelic, resulting in horns that resemble halos or headdresses, and occasionally even planetouched with extra sets of eyes. You have the following traits:
Celestial Legacy. You know the guidance cantrip. In addition, you can use an action to touch a willing creature and restore a number of hit points equal to your level. Once you use this trait, you must finish a long rest before doing so again.
Divine Protection. You have resistance to radiant damage.
Language. You have an innate ability to recognize Celestial, and are able to speak, read, write, and sign it.
Acclimatized ( Orc )
Your family hails from an area known for its extreme conditions, such as the arctic, desert, or even a particularly treacherous swamp. Even if you have not spent much time there, the ability of your family to adapt to their living conditions has been passed down to you. Orcs with this gift can vary wildly in appearance due to the area which they are from; those from the desert may have taken on a paler, dusky skin tone in order to survive the heat, while those from the arctic may have a coating of fine hairs and darker skin tones in order to retain heat.
Just Like Home. Choose one type of terrain, reflecting the area from which your family hails: arctic, desert, mountain, or swamp. You ignore all naturally created difficult terrain of that type. Additionally, you gain an expertise die on Survival checks made within this terrain type, and gain a type of damage resistance related to your chosen terrain: arctic—cold, desert—fire, mountain—lightning, swamp—poison.
Adaptability ( Mycelial )
You can change your body to survive various environments. You gain resistance to poison damage. In addition, whenever you finish a long rest, you can choose one of the following forms:
- Amphibious. You can breathe underwater and gain a swim speed equal to your walking speed.
- Arboreal. You gain a climb speed equal to your walking speed. When you fall, you can use your reaction to float gently to the ground, taking no damage from the fall.
- Cold Adapted. You gain resistance to cold damage.
- Heat Adapted. You gain resistance to fire damage.
You remain in your new form until you use this ability again. You can benefit from only one form at a time.
Adaptive Fortitude (Goblin)
You gain an expertise die on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance to poison damage.
At 3rd level, you gain the ability to cast enhance ability once per long rest . Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell.
Adult Pode ( Pode )
What younger podes lack in physical size, they make up for with their deft movements. You gain the following traits:
Rapid Growth. Unlike many heritages, podes continue to grow once they reach adulthood. The metaphorical growth that comes with adventuring can speed this physical change. At 5th level you may, if you choose, undergo a growth spurt and swap all the traits in this gift for those of Mature Pode. Alternately, you may delay this growth until a later level up.
Size. Your size is Small.
Squirmy. You gain an expertise die on saving throws to avoid being grappled .
Teeny-Tiny Tentacles. The tips of your tentacles are so tiny that they fit inside most mechanisms. You are always considered equipped with thieves’ tools and are proficient in their use. You also gain an expertise die to checks to use your tentacles in this way. At the Narrator’s discretion, this trait may allow you to perform tasks not covered by the Handy Tentacles trait, such as Sleight of Hand checks, with your tentacles.
Amorphous Body ( Oozefolk )*
While you are unarmored and not carrying any items, you can pass through an opening as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing.
Ancestral Blessing ( Orc )
Orcs with this gift are believed to have been blessed by their ancestors. Every family has their own beliefs for why this occurs; it could be to honor the good deeds of their parents, the success of their clan in battle or the arts, or even to take pity on a child in a desperate situation. Orcs with this heritage often seem to have a sort of divine aura that sets them apart. You have the following traits:
Divine Protection. You have resistance to radiant damage.
Touch of Divinity. You know the resistance cantrip. In addition, you can cast the shield spell once per long rest.
Animate Objects ( Dreamborn )*
Once per short rest you can cast animate objects , but only to animate a number of Tiny objects equal to your proficiency bonus. These objects have a speed of 30 feet and cannot fly. Additionally, you must spend your action to maintain concentration on the spell each round. Once you reach 3rd level, you can instead spend your reaction to maintain concentration. At 5th level, you can animate Small objects as though they were 2 Tiny objects.
Aspect of the Hunt ( Birdfolk )
Birdfolk especially in tune with birds of prey are never unarmed. You gain the following trait:
Sharp Talons. Your talons are sharp enough to be used as deadly weapons. The talons are natural weapons with the finesse trait, which you can use to make unarmed strikes that deal slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier. They do not require an empty hand to use.
Darkvision. You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Aquatic ( Dreamborn , Lizardfolk )*
You have a swimming speed of 30 feet and you can hold your breath for up to 15 minutes at a time.
Autotomous ( Lizardfolk )*
As a reaction you can detach one of your limbs, typically a tail, to escape from a grab. At the Narrator’s discretion, this might also help you end other conditions as well. This detachment does no hit point damage to you. Without intervention, you can regrow a limb to full functionality after a week. However, if you receive 20 hit points worth of magical healing when you are already fully healed, your limb will regenerate during your next long rest.
Bottomless Appetite ( Ratling )
Your appetite is insatiable. Although you enjoy fine cuisine as much as anyone else, you can also eat foods that others can’t stomach. Even when you’re at death’s door, food restores your strength and vitality.
Grab a Quick Bite. You can eat and digest huge quantities of food in seconds. If you have sufficient food for one day (1 Supply ), you can eat it as an action. When you do so, you gain temporary hit points equal to twice your proficiency bonus. You can use this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain any expended uses when you finish a long rest .
Burrowing Claws ( Halfling )
If their creation myth is to be believed, halflings have a primordial form still represented by a trait sometimes seen today. You are significantly more hirsute than most halflings, and prone to patches of scruffy hair along your forearms and back. Your irises are often quite wide and deeply black, and your rocklike fingernails tend to grow with flattened edges. In halfling communities, these traits often come with insulting nicknames like “shovel-claws” or “scruffs”. You have the following traits:
Burrow. You have a burrowing speed of 10 feet. You can use your burrowing speed to move through nonmagical sand, loose earth, loamy soil, mud, or snow, but not solid rock. You do not naturally leave any sort of tunnel behind but you can attempt to create a 5-foot by 5-foot wide tunnel in earth, soil, or snow by spending extra time and effort shoring it up and adding support. This reduces your burrowing speed to 5 feet every 15 minutes.
Claws. Your nails grow into strong shovel-like claws. The claws are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes that deal slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier.
Chameleon ( Lizardfolk )
You can change the patterns and colors on your scales, and with effort you can extend that ability to your equipment. You can spend an action to become invisible until the end of your next turn. This invisibility ends if you attack, cast a spell, or move more than 5 feet.
Change Size ( Dreamborn )*
You can spend an action to become Small or Medium size as though you had chosen that option with Fey Logic. All items you are wearing or carrying also change size; however, any items that you drop, sell, or give away return to their original size if it has changed because of this gift.
Climber ( Lizardfolk )*
You have a climb speed of 30 feet.
Close Quarters ( Kobold )
You have advantage on melee attacks made against a creature whose space you are in.
Also, your sensitive whiskers grant you blindsight with a range of 5 feet.
Darkvision ( Dreamborn )*
You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light , and in darkness as if it were dim light. You cannot discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Diehard Survivor ( Human )
Foes of humanity may see them as ants, but humans are equally difficult to eliminate. The ancestors of human beings learned to survive through the harshest conditions, including drought, winter, and famine. Humans, in their stubbornness, can even pull themselves back from the brink of death to fulfill their dreams. You have the following traits:
Feast and Famine. You can tighten your belt during hard times. You can go a number of days equal to your Constitution modifier without suffering any fatigue from lack of Supply . Afterward you require twice as much Supply for as many days as you went without.
Radical Perseverance. Through your sheer stubbornness and will to live, you sometimes manage to wriggle out of death’s grasp. You die after 4 failed death saving throws instead of 3.
Draconian Wings ( Kobold )
You have a flying speed of 30 feet. To use this speed you can’t be wearing medium or heavy armor. Whenever you spend 3 consecutive rounds airborne without landing, you gain a level of fatigue . Any fatigue gained in this way is removed upon finishing a short or long rest .
Draconic Armor ( Dragonborn )
Some dragonborn grow tougher scales and sharper claws. These dragonborn tend to have short tails, wide faces, and broad shoulders, all of which are usually ridged with hardened scales or tipped with spikes. You have the following traits:
Claws. You grow retractable claws from the tips of your fingers. Extending or retracting the claws requires no action. The claws are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes that deal slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier.
Resistance. You have resistance to the damage type dealt by your Dragon Breath.
Scales. You have tough interlocked draconic scales. While you aren’t wearing armor, your AC equals 13 + your Dexterity modifier. You can use a shield and still gain this benefit.
Draconic Fins ( Dragonborn )
Some dragonborn seem naturally adapted to aquatic environments with sleek, hydrodynamic, and often reflective scales. These dragonborn tend to have webbed hands and feet, and long serpentine tails. They also tend to grow soft fin-like scales along their legs and forearms. You have the following features:
Swimmer. You have a swimming speed of 30 feet and you can hold your breath for up to 15 minutes at a time.
Deep Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. In addition, your eyes are perfectly adapted for spotting movement at depth, and the radius of your darkvision increases to 120 feet while underwater.
Hard to Hit. You either have a tough shell or your quick movements and reflective scales make you difficult to strike. While you aren’t wearing armor, your AC equals 12 + your Dexterity modifier. You can use a shield and still gain this benefit.
Draconic Wings ( Dragonborn )
Some dragonborn are born with draconian wings. They tend to have slender frames and smooth scale patterns, along with a long rudder-like tail to help them fly with their stocky wings. They’re far too heavy and lack the strength to really soar like true dragons, but their wings still allow them to lift off and fly a considerable distance before tiring.
Flight. You have a fly speed of 30 feet. To use this speed, you can’t be wearing medium or heavy armor. Whenever you spend 3 full consecutive rounds airborne without landing, you gain a level of fatigue . Any fatigue gained in this way is removed upon finishing a short or long rest .
Driving Horns ( Minotaur )
You can use your horns as a natural weapon to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with your horns, you deal bludgeoning or piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier. Also, whenever you hit with a melee attack (with your horns or otherwise), you may immediately spend a bonus action to Shove the creature you hit. If you make multiple attacks in the same turn, one bonus action suffices to let you shove with each horn attack that hits.
Dwarven Stability ( Dwarf )
You gain an expertise die on saving throws against effects that would knock you prone, and on saving throws made to resist being shoved.
Dwarven Toughness ( Dwarf )
As a bonus action, you gain a number of temporary hit points equal to 1d10 plus your level. These temporary hit points last for 1 minute. You can’t use this trait again until after you finish a long rest .
You gain an expertise die on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage.
Fey Whimsy ( Dreamborn )*
You know one of the following cantrips: dancing lights , druidcraft , mage hand , minor illusion , prestidigitation , thaumaturgy . Your spellcasting ability for these spells is Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma (whichever is highest).
Flight ( Dreamborn )*
You gain a fly speed of 30 feet as long as you are no more than 10 feet off the ground. To use this speed, you can’t be wearing medium or heavy armor. Additionally, if you attempt to go higher, or if you have spent 3 full consecutive rounds flying, on your next turn you instead fall safely for 30 feet or until you touch the ground. All falling damage beyond 30 feet (if you exceeded your height restriction by flying over a cliff, for instance) is still calculated.
Gnomish Agility ( Gnome )
Adept at avoiding the attacks of the “Big Folk”, you gain +1 to your Armor Class against creatures of a size category larger than your own.
Guard Instinct ( Minotaur )
You gain an expertise die on initiative checks. Also, you can spend an action to stamp a hoof and sense vibrations and reverberations in the ground, granting you tremorsense with a range of 30 feet until the start of your next turn or until you move, whichever comes first.
Ingenious Focus ( Human )
Not all human minds work the same—some have a nearly miraculous level of focus. People with this intellectual mode often bring a surprising level of insight and passion to almost any topic they engage. In spite of their brilliance, they typically have difficulty with more general awareness. You have the following traits:
Inexorable Concentration. When you fail a Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration, you can immediately reroll it, taking the new result. You may use this trait a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1), and regain all expended uses after a long rest.
Resident Expert. You have a reputation for painstaking detail on certain tasks and subjects. Choose two tools with which you are proficient , or a skill with which you are proficient from Animal Handling, Arcana, Culture, Engineering, History, Medicine, Nature, or Religion. When you make a check with that tool or skill and the d20 shows a natural result of less than 10, you can count the d20 result as being 10.
Into Mist ( Gnome )
As a bonus action, or as a reaction immediately after taking damage, you can turn invisible . The invisibility lasts until the end of your next turn, and it ends early if you attack, deal damage, cast a spell, or force a creature to make a saving throw. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before doing so again.
Jelly-Faced ( Oozefolk )*
You gain an expertise die on Deception checks. In addition, expertise dice you gain on Deception checks can be upgraded from a d8 to a d10 or from a d10 to a d12.
Long Arms ( Motley )
During your turn, your reach with melee weapons is 5 feet greater than normal.
Long Legs ( Motley )
Your Speed increases to 40 feet. In addition, you gain an expertise die on saving throws made to resist being knocked prone .
Lupine Ascension ( Garoul )
Some garoul are more in tune with the four-legged form of their ancestors.
Garoul with the gift of Lupine Ascension have the following trait:
Lupine Shift. You can use this trait as a bonus action to shapeshift into a wolf. When you transform, you maintain your own hit point total and your armor class becomes 10 + your Dexterity modifier. Features that allow you to add another attribute modifier to your AC, such as an adept’s Agile Defense, still apply if they do not require armor. Any equipment you are wearing or wielding merges into your new form and has no effect until you leave the form.
This transformation lasts for 1 hour, which you can extend by another hour by using another bonus action to expend another use of this feature. You can end the transformation early as a bonus action, and it also ends early if you fall unconscious . You can use this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain spent uses when you complete a long rest . At 10th level, your total uses equal twice your proficiency bonus.
If you gain the Wild Shape feature, this feature does not gain any of its benefits.
Lupine Vigor ( Garoul )
For some garoul, their bestial ancestry is always present, granting them enhanced physical abilities. Garoul with the gift of Lupine Vigor have the following traits:
Enhanced Darkvision. The range of your darkvision extends to a total of 60 feet.
Thick Hide. Your dense coat and tough hide provides additional protection. While you aren’t wearing armor, your AC equals to 12 + your Constitution modifier even while not wearing armor. You can still use a shield and still gain this benefit.
Wolfish Fortitude. Once between long rests , you can use this trait as a bonus action to gain temporary hit points equal to 1d8 + your character level.
Magic Adept ( Orc )
The true origin of the magic adepts—the odanti—has been lost to time, but the elders tell tales of fey-touched ancestors and the tribe’s proclivity for magic.
Magic Adept. You are born with magic coursing through your veins, and are able to utilize it in a number of ways. You learn one cantrip of your choice from the wizard spell list. At 3rd level, choose one 1st- or 2nd-level spell from the wizard spell list. You can cast the chosen spell without any material components once per long rest. A 1st-level spell chosen this way can be cast at 2nd-level using this trait, if the spell allows. Your spellcasting ability for this trait is the same as the ability score used in the spellcasting class in which you have the highest level, or Charisma if you have no levels in a spellcasting class.
Magic in the Blood ( Gnoll )
You know one cantrip of your choice from the sorcerer spell list. At 3rd level, choose one 1st- or 2nd-level sorcerer spell, which you can cast once per long rest without any material components. A 1st-level spell chosen this way can be cast as if using a 2nd-level spell slot, if the spell allows. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
Mature Pode ( Pode )
While older podes lose the advantages of their smaller kin, they have their own gifts. You gain the following traits.
Color Change. As a bonus action, you may change your appearance to match your surroundings. While in this environment, you gain an expertise die on Stealth checks for one minute, at which point you return to your normal coloration. You may also return to your normal coloration without spending an action.
Ink Cloud. As an action, you may spray noxious black ink into a 20 feet cone in front of you. Underwater, the area is considered heavily obscured (see Vision and Light in Chapter 7: Adventuring, Adventurer’s Guide) for one minute. Out of water, this area lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Constitution modifier and counts as
difficult terrain . Each creature that starts its turn in it or moves into it must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or fall prone. The DC for this saving throw equals 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. Once you have used ability a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier, you can’t use it again until you have finished a long rest .
Size. Your size is Medium
Sucker Grip. You gain expertise die to your maneuver DC when a creature is attempting to resist you performing the Grab On basic maneuver, and you gain an expertise die to your saving throw when resisting an attempt to disarm you using the Disarm basic maneuver.
Military Frame (Constructed)
Designed for war, you have been pre-configured with tactical advantages in combat situations.
Battle Readiness. Your Speed increases to 30 feet and you are proficient with clubs, spears, and light crossbows
In addition, you have a melee weapon built into one of your arms that is immediately swapped out for a hand when sheathed. Choose one melee weapon that does not have the heavy, two-handed, or versatile property. When attached in this way, you are proficient with the weapon, it cannot be thrown, and you cannot be disarmed of it. The weapon can be replaced with another weapon with 10 minutes of work and a DC 13 Engineering or tinker’s tools check.
Military Augments. Choose two of the following customizations to enhance your military frame.
Cavalry: Your Speed increases by 5 feet, and you are proficient withgain proficiency in Animal Handling or land vehicles.
Heavy Artillery: You have a pop-up shoulder cannon that functions as the acid splash , fire bolt , or ray of frost cantrip (chosen when you select this customization and using your highest ability score as its spellcasting ability) but its effects are nonmagical.
Infantry: You have a crawl speed equal to your Speed, proficiency with shields, one martial melee weapon, and one martial ranged weapon.
Light Artillery: You replace one hand with a hand crossbow. You are proficient with the weapon and can ignore its loading property.
Navy: You have a swim speed of 20 feet and proficiency with water vehicles.
Mindsight ( Doppelganger )
Your deceptions and manipulations are aided by your eerie ability to understand what people are thinking. You gain an expertise die on Deception and Insight checks.
Mystic Rapport ( Elf )
Some elves are so attuned to the arcane that they can see magical energy with their eyes, sense the presence of nearby elves, and communicate mentally.
Elves with the gift of Mystic Rapport have the following traits:
Arcane Sensitivity. You gain proficiency in Arcana.
Arcane Empathy. Your sensitivity to the flow of magic lets you speak to the hearts of others. You have a limited ability to communicate telepathically with those within 30 feet of you. Though this grants the target no ability to respond telepathically, they can understand you as long as you share a language with them.
Nature Skin ( Dreamborn )*
Whether stone, wood, or some other element, your magical skill grants you an AC of 13 + your Dexterity modifier when you’re not wearing armor. You can use a shield and gain this benefit.
Overactive Enzymes ( Mycelial )
You can release a splash of digestive enzymes to harm your foes. You gain the acid splash cantrip, which you can cast without requiring components. Your spellcasting ability for this cantrip is your choice of Charisma, Constitution, Intelligence, or Wisdom.
You can also use your digestive enzymes to dig. You have a burrowing speed of 10 feet and can move through nonmagical earth and stone, but not solid rock. You don’t leave a tunnel behind unless you spend time and effort to shore up the tunnel, reducing your burrow speed to 5 feet every 15 minutes.
Pluripotent Form ( Deva )
You have one or more extra sets of spiritual arms, which are clearly magical and not attached to your torso, but instead float a short distance away. You can dismiss them or manifest them with a thought. You still only have two limbs that can wield weapons, shields, and the like, and you don’t gain any extra actions. However, these limbs allow you to hold many extra hands’ worth of items, and are quite useful at confounding those who would tie you up.
Additionally, you count as one size larger for the purpose of grabbing and shoving. Your unarmed strikes count as magical. Once per round when you hit with an unarmed strike, you can deal an extra 1 radiant damage.
Prescient Vision ( Elf )
Some elves don’t live in the present moment, their spirits shifting back and forth in the currents of time. Although mainly used for contemplation, this mystical experience is also useful for predicting what may yet come to pass—though like sand in the waves, the future is always churning.
Elves with the gift of Prescient Vision have the following trait:
Glance the Future. Your eyes can see a few moments into the future, and your mind apprehends the divergent possibilities. Once between rests you can use a bonus action to roll a d20 and record the result. Before the end of your next short or long rest , when a creature you can see within 60 feet makes an ability check , attack roll, or saving throw , you can use your reaction to replace their roll with your recorded result. When the creature is also rolling an expertise die , only the d20 roll is replaced. When the creature is rolling more than one d20, such as when it has advantage or when a halfling is using their Lucky trait, the replacement applies to the creature’s final roll.
Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Predatory Body ( Gnoll )
You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell. Additionally, your fanged maw is a natural weapon, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with it, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.
While you aren’t wearing armor, your AC equals 13 + your Dexterity modifier. You can use a shield and still gain this benefit.
Prehensile Tail ( Motley )
You have a tail that grants you an expertise die on checks made to balance, climb, or make Sleight of Hand checks. Your tail can carry objects weighing up to 5 pounds, but it can’t wield a weapon or use a shield. In addition, you gain advantage on saving throws to avoid falling.
Presence of the Divine ( Deva )
You also know one cantrip of your choice from the cleric spell list. At 3rd level, choose one 1st- or 2nd-level cleric spell, which you can cast once per long rest without any material components. A 1st-level spell chosen this way can be cast as if using a 2nd-level spell slot, if the spell allows. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
Preternatural Awareness ( Elf )
The conventional senses of elves are thought to be more finely tuned than those of other mortals. Some scholars debate whether it is merely a matter of sensitivity, or if the elvish trance meditation heightens their awareness in a way other mortals simply are unable to rival.
Elves with the gift of Preternatural Awareness have the following traits:
Keen Senses. You gain proficiency in Perception.
Prophetic Instincts. Your ability to detect danger is nearly supernatural. You gain a bonus to initiative rolls equal to your Wisdom modifier, and you can’t be surprised while conscious (including during your Trance).
Psychic Resistance ( Oozefolk )*
You have resistance to psychic damage. Additionally, you gain proficiency with Intelligence saving throws.
Rockamouflage ( Rockborn )
You are proficient with Stealth. You gain an expertise die on Stealth checks made to hide in a rocky environment. Your companions also gain this expertise die , provided you can see them and they are within 30 feet of you.
Runner ( Lizardfolk )
You can Dash as a bonus action.
Service Frame (Constructed)
Your humanoid-like appearance makes you well suited to being unobtrusive and facilitating social interactions.
Social Grace. You have precise control of your facial, bodily, and vocal expressions and can detect minute changes of expression in others. You are proficient in know two languages, are proficient with one artisan’s tool, gaming kit, instrument, or vehicle, and you gain an expertise die on either Deception checks or Insight checks.
Service Augments. Choose two of the following customizations to enhance your service frame.
Anticipatory Nimbleness: You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours.
Knowledge Archive: When you become proficient in your first lore skill (Arcana, Culture, Engineering, History, Nature, Religion; as bonus knowledge), you gain two of its skill specialties.
Mathematically Mnemonics Inclined: You gain proficiency in Engineering, its mathematics skill specialty, and you learn the calculate cantrip and can cast it without the need for components.
Needle Gun: Your frame is equipped with a concealed, integrated blowgun that has the hand-mounted property. You are proficient with the weapon and can fire a needle as a bonus action.
Self-defense Specialist: You have an assassin's gauntlet/boot dagger built into your wrist, toe, or heel and are proficient with the weapon gain proficiency with one rare melee weapon or one rare ranged weapon.
Soothe the Beast (Goblin)
You can call upon instincts to calm a dangerous creature. Beasts and monstrosities with Intelligence 3 or less have disadvantage on attack rolls against you.
At 3rd level, you gain the ability to cast animal friendship once per long rest , except it can also work on monstrosities with Intelligence 3 or less. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell.
Speak with Beasts ( Dreamborn )*
Choose one: birds, fish and amphibians, mammals, reptiles, or creepy crawlies (like bugs and spiders). You can cast speak with animals a number of times per day equal to your proficiency modifier, but only to speak with the chosen animal type.
Spiderling ( Spiderfolk )
Some spiderfolk are more in touch with their arachnoid nature and have the following traits:
Arachnoid Movement. You gain a climb speed of 30 ft.
Web Walker. You ignore movement restrictions imposed by webs.
Chitinous Defense. Your body is protected by plates of chitin. While you aren’t wearing armor, your AC equals 12 + your Dexterity modifier. You can use a shield and still gain this benefit.
Spiky ( Lizardfolk )*
When a creature grabs you it takes piercing damage equal to your proficiency bonus. Each turn it maintains the grab, it takes this damage again.
Spinner-Touched ( Spiderfolk )
The influence of the Fate Spinner is strong, even after eons of the creation of the First Spawn. Spiderfolk who are Spinner-touched have the following traits:
Alien Mind. You gain an expertise die on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against magic.
Ethereal Sight. You can cast see invisibility once per long rest. However, casting the spell in this way shortens its duration to a number of rounds equal to your proficiency modifier.
Spirited Traveler ( Human )
The power of movement is one of humanity’s evolutionary advantages. An ancient human hunting strategy for killing fast game is persistence hunting—following prey relentlessly, shifting between walking and running endlessly until a beast became too exhausted to defend itself. Many humans maintain their health through running, and foot races are a universal favorite game. In a word, humans gifted at running will go far. You have the following traits:
Desperate Dash. When you take the Dash action, your movement this turn does not provoke opportunity attacks. During this movement, you gain an expertise die on Athletics checks made to jump, and Dexterity saving throws. Once you use this trait, you cannot use it again until you finish a short rest .
Marathon Runner. The first time between each long rest you would gain a level of fatigue , you do not gain that level of fatigue. You still suffer a level of fatigue from finishing a long rest without any Supply .
Sojourner’s Fortitude. You gain an expertise die on saving throws made to resist fatigue for marching longer than 8 hours.
Strength in Numbers ( Ratling )
You are adept at working in a team. Whether in combat or in other pursuits, you are quick to exploit any advantage your companions create.
Group Tactics. You can make an ability check with advantage as part of a group check. Once you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you’ve taken a short or long rest .
Rat Swarm. Once on your turn, you can reroll an attack roll against a target within 30 feet if another creature has made a melee attack against the same target since the end of your last turn. You can use this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain any expended uses when you finish a long rest .
Stone Armaments ( Rockborn )
Stone speaks to you in a way that’s hard to describe. You can repair stone weapons and armor by making a DC 15 mason’s tools check. In addition, if you have an expertise die on an attack roll made using a stone weapon, you increase that die one step (from 1d4 to 1d6, 1d6 to 1d8, and so on).
Telepathy ( Doppelganger )
You can speak telepathically to any creature within 30 feet of you that you can see. The creature understands you only if the two of you share a language. You can speak telepathically in this way to one creature at a time.
Tiefling ( Planetouched )
The most common reason for planetouched born to nonmagical parents is having an archdevil somewhere in the family tree. Tieflings can be spotted by the horns growing from their skulls and they often have skin colored like their fiendish ancestors, some also smelling faintly of sulfur or brimstone. You have the following traits:
Hellish Resistance. You have resistance to fire damage.
Infernal Legacy. You know the produce flame cantrip. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast arcane riposte (fire damage only) once per long rest. At 5th level, you can cast heat metal without material components once per long rest . Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
Tough-Scaled ( Lizardfolk )*
When you aren’t wearing armor, your AC is 13 + your Dexterity modifier. A shield’s benefits apply as normal while you use your natural armor.
Tuft Feet ( Halfling )
You have thick patches of bushy hair that grow atop your proportionally large feet. You don’t need to wear shoes, or any sort of foot covering, as your big hairy feet are usually calloused and tough enough to tread on most anything. You have the following traits:
Big Feet. You gain an expertise die on checks and saving throws made to resist being knocked prone.
Thick Soles. You are immune to damage from sharp terrain hazards (such as caltrops, broken glass, or the spike growth spell) and ignore difficult terrain caused by them. Additionally, other kinds of difficult terrain reduces your movement speed by 5 feet instead of halving it.
Twilight-Touched ( Halfling )
You are blanched of both emotion and color with wide, alarmingly pure white eyes, and skin that is either starkly pallid or disquietingly sallow. There’s no hair at all atop your head or you have only a few bedraggled locks of hair. You form stronger communal bonds than other halflings, and can speak without the need for words. You have the following traits:
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 30 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Telepathy. You can speak telepathically to any creature within 30 feet of you that you can see. The creature understands you only if the two of you share a language. You can speak telepathically in this way to one creature at a time.
Utility Frame (Constructed)
Your function-based form provides unique ways to interact with the world around you, and your finely-tuned motor skills grant you an expertise die when using one tool set (chosen when you become proficient with it)with which you are proficient with navigator’s tools, thieves’ tools, and tinker’s tools.
Crane Arm. Instead of two arms, you only have a single arm designed for a specialized use, including one extension. For holding, grasping, and using objects, you can use a bonus action to swap your extension out for an articulated hand. While not wielding a shield, you can use your arm to wield a weapon with properties that would normally require two hands (loading, two-handed) or if wielding a versatile weapon to be treated as wielding it two handed. Choose one of the following.
Arc Welder Extension: This extension functions as the shocking grasp cantrip (using your highest ability score as its spellcasting ability) but its effects are nonmagical.
Flamethrower Extension: This extension functions as the produce flame cantrip (using your highest ability score as its spellcasting ability) but its effects are nonmagical.
Multi-Tool Extension: You are proficient with and can deploy built-in navigator’s tools, thieves’ tools, andor tinker’s tools with this extension.
Utility Augments. Choose two of the following customizations to enhance your utility frame.
Gear Shift: Your Speed increases by 5 feet.
Gyroscopic Balance. You gain an expertise die on saving throws made against being knocked prone .
Immutable Form: You gain advantage on saving throws made against effects that would alter your form.
Insectile Limbs: You have a climb speed of 20 feet, and you gain an expertise die on checks made to climb.
Treads: You ignore difficult terrains caused by ice, snow, sand, or mud, and you gain an expertise die on checks made to balance.
Vanish ( Dreamborn )*
As a reaction immediately after taking damage, you can turn invisible . The invisibility lasts until the end of your next turn, and it ends early if you attack, deal damage, cast a spell, or force a creature to make a saving throw . Once you use this feature, you must finish a long rest before doing so again.
Venomous ( Lizardfolk )*
When you deal damage with your bite, you can inject venom. The creature you bit takes poison damage equal to your proficiency bonus. At the end of each of that creature’s turns, it must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier) or else takes that poison damage again. If it succeeds its save, the effect ends.
After you use this ability, you cannot produce venom again until you complete a short or long rest .
You can alternately spend a bonus action to release venom onto a weapon you’re wielding, which will have the same effect when it damages a creature.
Your venom loses potency within an hour once it leaves your fangs, but someone proficiency with a poisoner’s kit can use it as one of the ingredients needed to create a vial of basic poison . This reduces the cost of the vial of poison from 100 gold to 90 gold.
Vicious Maw ( Galeoni )
Some galeoni are especially shark-like. You have the following traits:
Rending Bite. Your jaws are especially effective. Your bite attack is a natural weapon that deals piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier and must make a Constitution saving throw or take ongoing damage equal to your Strength modifier. At the end of each of its turns, the target can make a Constitution saving throw to end the effect. The DC for these saving throws equals 8 + your Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus.
To the Bitter End. When you take massive damage that would kill you instantly, you can use your reaction to make a death saving throw . If the saving throw succeeds, you instead fall unconscious and are dying.
Watchful Power ( Galeoni )
Sharks may be predators, but there’s always a bigger fish. Sometimes the best defense is spotting trouble before it happens. You have the following traits:
Sharp Eye. You are considered proficient in the Wary Stance maneuver and do not have to spend exertion to activate it.
Stocky. You can grapple or shove creatures up to two size categories larger than yourself. In addition, when determining your carrying capacity and the weight that you can push, drag, or lift, your size is considered to be Large.
Vigilant. A creature attacking you does not gain advantage from being hidden from you or unseen by you.
Wild Senses ( Dreamborn )*
You gain advantage on skill checks that rely on hearing or smell.
Wind Mastery ( Birdfolk )
Rarely, a birdfolk is born with true wings sprouting from their back, as well as tail feathers to help them fly. While not capable of sustained flight, such chicks are considered blessed and often go on to hold roles of spiritual or political significance. You gain the following trait:
Flight. You gain a fly speed of 30 feet. To use this speed, you can’t be wearing medium or heavy armor. Whenever you spend 3 full consecutive rounds airborne without landing, you gain a level of fatigue. Any fatigue gained in this way is removed upon finishing a short or long rest .
You can use your Wind Rider trait to glide on a following round, but if you resume flying before landing you gain fatigue as normal. Similarly, you can begin flying during a glide but are still subject to gaining fatigue if you resume gliding.