Some cultures spend their lives on the sea, whether they be merchant sailors, pirates, or ocean-faring nomads. These cultures sometimes drift between islands, but the deep blue is their true home.
Characters raised in the mariner culture share a variety of traits in common with one another.
Seafarer. You have proficiency in water vehicles, tinker's tools, and navigator's tools. You can use tinker’s tools to repair a water vehicle you, and gain an expertise die on any checks made to do so. Additionally, you gain an expertise die on checks made to control or navigate a water vehicle.
Sea Legs. You gain advantage on any saving throws made to resist being knocked prone, and on Athletics checks made to climb or swim.
Sense Weather. After observing an outside area for 1 minute, you can predict the weather within the next 24 hours. You cannot foresee magical changes, but you can use an action to make an Insight or Perception check to notice them.
Languages. You can speak, read, sign, and write Common and one other language.