Beautify Creature
Beautify Creature
The creature is immediately and beautifully groomed, as if it had been lovingly attended to by a group of no less than 4 highly-skilled servants. Its clothing (if it has any) will be spotlessly clean with any minor damage mended and, at the creature’s option, it may also be festooned with ribbons, be perfumed, and have makeup, face paint, or body paint applied. If the creature desires, its hair, beard, fur, and/or feathers can be styled or cut by this spell.
Convenient Retrieval
Convenient Retrieval
You reach into the container and instantly retrieve an object, regardless of its position in the container.
Concentrated Tincture
Concentrated Tincture
Concentrated to increase duration or effect, potions brewed this way can be hard to swallow. When consuming a concentrated tincture, make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw . On a success, you are able to swallow the bitter liquid and the potion’s duration (if applicable) is extended by half. Alternately, you may roll the dice for the potion’s effect a second time, keeping either result. On a failure, you splutter away some of the potion and it has no additional effect. Costs 150% of the normal potion price.
These are potions infused into non-liquids forms like jerky, flatbread or flapjacks without losing their potency. Designed for those who live dangerous lifestyles, these potions stay magically preserved for decades and run none of the risks of broken bottles. Costs 10 gold in addition to the normal potion price.
Lip-Service Potion
Lip-Service Potion
Small threads hold what looks like a blue peapod around the wearer’s neck, but this entirely edible wrapper contains a dose of potion. While wearing the pod in this way you may consume such a potion as a reaction to taking damage. Additionally, this potion may be administered to a creature as a bonus action. If the wearer suffers a critical hit, roll 1d4. On a 1, the potion is destroyed. Costs 150% of the normal potion price.
Growing from tiny podelets, podes are capable of great physiological change, and can attain truly prodigious girth. While their upper halves resemble that of humanoids, the lower half of their bodies have between 8 and 10 tentacles. Though they have little in the way of hair, what they do have is usually the same color as their rubbery skin, which ranges from inky black to fish-belly white and nearly every color in-between.
Pode family life starts in a challenging fashion, with pode parents producing dozens of eggs that hatch into podelets, which then swim off to grow, eat, and get eaten over the next 20 years. At the end of this time, something stirs within them, an emptiness that can only be filled by others of their kind. The juvenile podes, now known as podesti, form loose groups called consortiums and start to seek out their adult counterparts. The podesti observe and mimick the actions of their elders, who leave out food for them but otherwise do not acknowledge the adolescents.
Over the course of the next decade the podesti hone their speech and knowledge amongst themselves until they finally come forward and announce their names to the adults, whereupon they become full members of pode society. For this reason, a pode’s name is highly personalized and is usually representative of their values and interests, as well as the older pode they most admire.
Pode Traits
Characters with the pode heritage share a variety of traits.
Age. Podes reach adulthood at age 30 and can live up to 160 years.
Size. Podes vary greatly in size and can be between 3 and 12 feet tall and weigh between 45 and 600 pounds Your size is your choice of Small or Medium (see Pode Gifts below).
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. You also have a swim speed of 30 feet.
Handy Tentacles. The tentacles of your lower body are surprisingly strong and dexterous. These tentacles have a reach of 5 feet and you may, as an action, use them to manipulate an object, including loading and unloading projectile weapons, open an unlocked container or door, or stow or retrieve items from an unlocked container. Your tentacles can push, drag, or lift a weight in pounds up to your Strength score.
However, these tentacles mean you cannot wear regular footwear, such as boots and other shoes.
Soft-Bodied. You can squeeze through openings and passages one size category smaller than normal without incurring penalties.
Vacuum Lung. You can hold your breath for up to 15 minutes.
Pode Gifts
In addition to the traits found in your pode heritage, select one of the following gifts
Adult Pode
What younger podes lack in physical size, they make up for with their deft movements. You gain the following traits:
Rapid Growth. Unlike many heritages, podes continue to grow once they reach adulthood. The metaphorical growth that comes with adventuring can speed this physical change. At 5th level you may, if you choose, undergo a growth spurt and swap all the traits in this gift for those of Mature Pode. Alternately, you may delay this growth until a later level up.
Size. Your size is Small.
Squirmy. You gain an expertise die on saving throws to avoid being grappled .
Teeny-Tiny Tentacles. The tips of your tentacles are so tiny that they fit inside most mechanisms. You are always considered equipped with thieves’ tools and are proficient in their use. You also gain an expertise die to checks to use your tentacles in this way. At the Narrator’s discretion, this trait may allow you to perform tasks not covered by the Handy Tentacles trait, such as Sleight of Hand checks, with your tentacles.
Mature Pode
While older podes lose the advantages of their smaller kin, they have their own gifts. You gain the following traits.
Color Change. As a bonus action, you may change your appearance to match your surroundings. While in this environment, you gain an expertise die on Stealth checks for one minute, at which point you return to your normal coloration. You may also return to your normal coloration without spending an action.
Ink Cloud. As an action, you may spray noxious black ink into a 20 feet cone in front of you. Underwater, the area is considered
heavily obscured
(see Vision and Light in Chapter 7: Adventuring, Adventurer’s Guide) for one minute. Out of water, this area lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Constitution modifier and counts as
difficult terrain
. Each creature that starts its turn in it or moves into it must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or fall prone. The DC for this saving throw equals 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. Once you have used ability a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier, you can’t use it again until you have finished a
long rest
Size. Your size is Medium
Sucker Grip. You gain expertise die to your maneuver DC when a creature is attempting to resist you performing the Grab On basic maneuver, and you gain an expertise die to your saving throw when resisting an attempt to disarm you using the Disarm basic maneuver.
Pode Paragon
When you reach 10th level you become a metaphorical—and potentially literal—titan among pode. If your size is Medium, you can choose to gain mass equal to that of an elder pode and become Large size. You can use two-handed or heavy melee weapons sized for Medium creatures with one hand, but may not use non-magical weapons with the ranged property or other equipment (subject to the Narrator’s discretion) unless they are specially crafted for you. The price of these specially crafted items is that of the original cost multiplied by four. For example, a suit of armor worth 25 gold would cost 100 gold if it were specially-crafted. Magic items adjust their size as normal. You now require 2 Supply per day to benefit from a long rest in a haven. Your carrying capacity, including for Supply and bulky items, is doubled. Alternately, you may delay this growth until a later level up.
In addition, you gain one of the following paragon gifts.
Kraken Strength
Prerequisite: Large size
You gain an expertise die in attempts to grapple and are considered proficient with improvised weapons. As a bonus action, you may now attempt to grapple a creature within 5 feet of you with your tentacles, but this reduces your speed to zero. Upon successfully grappling a creature one or more Size categories smaller than you, you may use it as an improvised weapon as bonus action.
You deal damage based upon the size category of the grappled creature. The creature used in this way also receives damage equal to the amount and type dealt. The creature is considered to be sharing your space whilst being wielded in this way until it escapes your grapple, or dies, and is then moved to a space adjacent to you of its choice. You may grapple another creature with your humanoid arms whilst you are doing this and may target it with a creature grappled by your tentacles.
Creatures as Improvised Weapons
Size | Damage |
Tiny | 1 + Strength Modifier |
Small/Medium | 1d6 + Strength modifier |
Large | 1d8 + Strength Modifier |
Superior Tentacles
Your tentacles can be used as natural weapons that deal magical bludgeoning damage equal to 2d6 + your choice of your Strength of Dexterity modifier. You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls made with this natural weapon.
Pode Culture
While you can choose any culture for your pode character, the following cultures are linked closely with this heritage: collegiate , cosmopolitan , imperial , steamforged .
The galeoni are a shark-like people with mysterious origins—some suspect they are the
result of sorcerous experiments, while others cite a migration from the Plane of Water. Able to breathe air and water with ease, galeoni are a restless people, often happiest with lifestyles that bring them close to the water or those that feature constant travel or change, such as work on ships, caravans, or traveling troupes.
A typical galeoni has eyes so dark they seem to be without pupils and, much like the sharks they resemble, a pale belly reaching up to their jaw line, with darker blue or gray on the rest of their bodies. Many are be brown or rust-colored, however, and some may even have spots or stripes. Galeoni often have a reputation as blood thirsty killers, but this is largely undeserved, and as many seek loving, peaceful lives as in any other people group. Far from exhibiting sharklike cannibalism, galeoni are fiercely protective of their families.
Galeoni Traits
Characters with the galeoni heritage share a variety of traits.
Age. Galeoni mature at 15 and usually live to be 45.
Size. Galeoni range from 3 to 4 feet tall and weigh between 40 and 50 lbs. Your size is Small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet and you have a swim speed of 35 feet.
Darkvision. You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Frenzy. When you become bloodied , you cease to care about your safety and attacks against you gain advantage . During this time you are immune to the frightened condition. If you were frightened before becoming bloodied, this feature suppresses the condition, though it resumes once you are no longer bloodied (time spent suppressed counts against a condition’s duration).
Predatory Senses. You gain an expertise die for any Perception checks related to detecting blood.
Versatile Breathing. You can breathe both air and water.
Galeoni Gifts
In addition to the traits found in your galeoni heritage, select one of the following gifts
Vicious Maw
Some galeoni are especially shark-like. You have the following traits:
Rending Bite. Your jaws are especially effective. Your bite attack is a natural weapon that deals piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier and must make a Constitution saving throw or take ongoing damage equal to your Strength modifier. At the end of each of its turns, the target can make a Constitution saving throw to end the effect. The DC for these saving throws equals 8 + your Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus.
To the Bitter End. When you take massive damage that would kill you instantly, you can use your reaction to make a death saving throw . If the saving throw succeeds, you instead fall unconscious and are dying.
Watchful Power
Sharks may be predators, but there’s always a bigger fish. Sometimes the best defense is spotting trouble before it happens. You have the following traits:
Sharp Eye. You are considered proficient in the Wary Stance maneuvre and do not have to spend exertion to activate it.
Stocky. You can grapple or shove creatures up to two size categories larger than yourself. In addition, when determining your carrying capacity and the weight that you can push, drag, or lift, your size is considered to be Large.
Vigilant. A creature attacking you does not gain advantage from being hidden from you or unseen by you.
Galeoni Paragon
When you reach 10th level you achieve the pinnacle of your kind and gain one paragon gift from the following list.
Frightening Jaws
As an action, you bare your teeth at a creature that you can see within 30 feet and let out a terrifying cry. If the creature can see or hear you, it must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier) or become frightened of you until the beginning of your next turn. When you become bloodied , you can use this feature as a bonus action. On a successful save, a creature is immune to this feature for 24 hours.
Additionally, when bloodied, you are now also immune to the charmed condition. If you were charmed before becoming bloodied, this feature suppresses it, though it resumes once you are no longer bloodied (time spent suppressed counts against a condition’s duration).
Knife Through Water
Your swim speed increases to 50 feet, and the range of your darkvision increases to 120 feet (or 240 feet underwater). You also gain an expertise die to your maneuver DC when attempting the Grapple and Knockdown basic maneuvers in water.
Galeoni Culture
While you can choose any culture for your galeoni character the following cultures are linked closely with this heritage: caravanner , circusfolk , cosmopolitan , itinerant , lone wanderer , stoneworthy , wildling .
Phantasmal Poltergeist
Phantasmal Poltergeist
Moonkeepers are a separatist religious sect who worship the moon, though there is disagreement as to how the moon is to be understood—whether it is merely a catalyst for blessings and curses, or if it is to be worshiped as the shadow elves’ moon goddess, a primordial nature spirit, or some other being entirely. Their traditions also vary depending on the outside influences a given sect has interacted with—some moonkeeper beliefs are ancient, but the influence of contemporary religious and druidic movements are undeniable. Not all Moonkeeper adherents are religious experts, but even lay followers are deeply spiritual people who seamlessly weave ritual observances into ordinary life. This does not mean they are a dour group, however; moonkeepers are well known for their elaborate storytelling style, with honors and bragging rights going to those who can tell the most frightening, elaborate, or amusing tales.
A nearly universal moonkeeper tenet is to lead a largely nocturnal lifestyle. Members will make exceptions for vital needs, but for them the light of the moon is more hallowed than that of the sun, and all worthwhile endeavors should be done under its gaze. This way of life has many impacts on cultural values and practices, which are too many to list here. For one example, the night teaches not just the value of darkness but of quiet, and Moonkeepers often prefer to speak in whispers and murmurs (saving shouts and howls for appropriate, usually religious, moments). This tendency, which Moonkeepers find so practical, is often misunderstood by outsiders as weakness, subversion, or even aggression.
Characters raised in the moonkeeper culture share a variety of traits in common with one another.
Child of Night. You gain an expertise die on Stealth checks.
Ritualistic Focus. Many of the moonkeeper observances you’ve internalized have broader magical applications. You know two 1st-level spells of your choice. These spells must have the ritual tag and you may only cast them as rituals. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells. In addition, you may cast other spells you learn as rituals if those spells have the ritual tag.
Storyteller. Your people are especially known for their evocative, often chilling tales. Choose a skill from among Arcana, Deception, History, Intimidation, Performance, or Religion. You gain proficiency in the chosen skill.
Superior Darkvision. Your nocturnal lifestyle and connection to the moon have improved your ability to see without light. The range of your darkvision increases to 120 feet. If you didn’t have darkvision already, you gain darkvision to a range of 60 feet.
Languages. You can speak, read, write, and sign Common and one other language of your choice.