Billy the Kid
Billy the Kid
Baba Yaga
Baba Yaga
Warlord Tactics
Warlord Tactics
Warlords throughout this book have the Tactical Focal Point feature. This allows them to apply Warlord Tactics to a designated area on the battlefield. The available benefits are
listed in a warlord's statistics; the details of those Tactics are found below.
Area Clear
When an ally inside the warlord’s tactical focal point hits a creature with an attack, the ally can move that creature 5 feet.
Cover the Flank
As many as three target creatures of the warlord’s choice can use a reaction to move up to their speed when an enemy that the warlord can see enters the tactical focal point, so long as that movement does not end in the tactical focal point. If a target creature is ending their movement adjacent to the enemy that triggered this feature, they do not have to use their reaction.
Lock Phalanx
Until the start of the warlord’s next turn, any allies that are within the tactical focal point and using a shield grant their shield bonus to the AC of other allied creatures they are
adjacent to. A creature can only benefit from one shield bonus.
Phalanx Sidestep
An ally inside of the warlord’s tactical focal point doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks as long as they move from a square adjacent to an ally and into another square adjacent to an ally. In addition, the warlord and their allies can end their movement in a space occupied by an ally. The ally immediately moves 5 feet away from the direction they came in and must end movement inside of the tactical focal point.
Run Away!
When an ally inside of the warlord’s focal point is forced to make a Dexterity saving throw , they move up to their speed by using their reaction and are no longer subjected to the triggering effect if their movement takes them outside of the area or range.
Warlords have some special actions called Tactical Maneuvers. The specific Maneuvers available to a Warlord are listed in the Actions section of their statistics; the details of those Maneuvers are found below.
Confounding Maneuvering
Enemy creatures that are inside of the warlord’s tactical focal point make an Intelligence saving throw against the warlord’s tactical DC or can’t leave that area until the end of the warlord’s next turn. In addition, the warlord can take the Attack action.
Coordinated Blows
The warlord takes the Attack action and uses deft commands to coordinate his companions to attack enemies and set them off-guard, knocking them down. Until the end of the warlord’s turn, enemies inside of the tactical focal point make a Strength saving throw against the warlord’s tactical DC whenever they are hit by an attack or they are knocked prone .
Fearsome Display
The warlord and their allies unleash their intimidating battle rage, forcing creatures within 60 feet that are not their allies to make Wisdom saving throws against the warlord’s tactical DC. A creature that fails its save is frightened of the warlord’s tactical focal point. At the end of each of its turns, a frightened creature repeats the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success. In addition, the warlord can take the Attack action.
Feinting Attack
The warlord takes the Attack action, and if they use a melee weapon attack to hit a creature on their turn, it makes a Wisdom saving throw against the warlord’s tactical DC. On a failure, the warlord and their allies are invisible to it until the end of the warlord’s next turn.
Group Assault
The warlord takes the Attack action and chooses a creature they can see within the tactical focal point. The creature makes a Constitution saving throw against the warlord’s tactical DC at the start of the warlord’s next turn provided that the warlord or an ally hits it with an attack after this feature is activated. The creature has disadvantage on the saving throw if it has been hit by 3 or more attacks this turn. On a failure, it is stunned until the end of the warlord’s next turn.
Move to Flank
The warlord takes the Attack action and calls out to as many as 2 allies that can see or hear them. These allies can use their reactions to move up to their speed. A creature makes a Strength saving throw against the warlord’s tactical DC if it is adjacent to these allies or the warlord and one of these allies at the end of their movement. On a failure, it is restrained until the end of the warlord’s next turn.