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Giants tower over other mortals, standing between 15 and 30 feet tall. While they may look like large humanoids, they are in actuality beings with close ties to other planes.



Undead cursed with an eternal hunger for humanoid flesh, ghouls prowl graveyards and the ruins of dead cities. Though content to feed on corpses, ghouls prefer fresh meat. The unfortunate victim of a ghoul’s paralytic touch can’t struggle—or even scream—as the ghoul devours them alive.



Powerful spirits who command the elements as easily as a general might command a legion of soldiers, genies rule the Elemental Planes. Beings of air, earth, fire, and water, genies are as diverse in form and temperament as the elements they command. Their cities are bastions of relative safety amid the roiling torrents of the elements. On occasion, genies visit the Material Plane to explore or to meet with a powerful spellcaster.



In lightless caverns and fey forests, fungi appear in every color and shape. Some grow to prodigious size, choking pathways or forming looming fungal forests.



Faeries are luminous, elfin creatures with delicate wings resembling those of butterflies or dragonflies. Though they can appear deceptively non-threatening, faeries wield great power on their home plane, variously called the Dreaming, the Feywild, or Fairyland.

Silver Dragon

Silver Dragon

Silver dragons are graceful, majestic dragons that adopt humanoid forms to mentor good-hearted humanoids. They see potential for greatness everywhere, but demand nothing less than perfection from themselves and their students.

Gold Dragon

Gold Dragon

Haughty and regal, gold dragons carry themselves with the swagger of a gallant knight. They are both indispensable allies and terrifying foes. Should they deem a cause righteous, they take to it with absolute zeal, whether or not that cause aligns with the concerns of short-lived folk.

Copper Dragon

Copper Dragon

Playful and whimsical, copper dragons often involve themselves in the affairs of short-lived folk, though their contributions to history aren’t always positive. While copper dragons aren’t generally malevolent, they are incorrigible tricksters and rarely understand the different between a joke and outright cruelty. Of all dragons, copper dragons are the ones most likely to live near humanoids, as they are always searching for new targets for their pranks.

Bronze Dragon

Bronze Dragon

Fascinated by the endless rhythms of the sea, bronze dragons spend hours studying their seaside dominions, transfixed by the flight paths of birds, the migrations of fish, or the accumulation of sea foam against a mossy rock. Some bronze dragons even make their lairs near humanoid settlements, so as to more closely watch the ships as they sail in and out of port. 
