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Trace Magic Aura

Trace Magic Aura

-level (

Until the spell ends, you sense the lingering aura of spells that were cast within the recent past. For you to detect a spell’s aura, it must have been cast within the radius of this spell and in a location you can see. You can pinpoint the location where the spellcaster stood at the time that they cast the spell, the spell’s schools of magic, and its area of effect (if it is within this spell’s radius). If the spell is one that you know, you can identify it as such.

Stone Sentinel

Stone Sentinel

-level (

You touch a statue and transform it into a



-level (

You touch the target and mark it with a glyph that acts as a scrying sensor. The glyph is visible and resembles a one-inch-tall drawing of an ear. The sensor can be covered or concealed without changing the function of the spell. A creature can wipe it away as an action, ending the spell. You can only have one such sensor active at once.

Reopen Rift

Reopen Rift

-level (

If any creature used teleportation or plane shift magic, such as

Identify Weapon

Identify Weapon

-level (

While casting this spell, you touch a wound on a creature or corpse.

Sky-Seeker Simirengo

Sky-Seeker Simirengo

Sky-seeker flocks live on the loftiest mountain peaks, seeing the high places as a representation of the last part of the hunter’s journey before their enlightenment. Such simirengo are focused on spiritual perfection and the time they don’t spend hunting is used for meditation and communion with birds and spirits alike. Skyseekers tend to be reclusive, actively hiding from the outside world so they can find greater spiritual understanding. They especially revere simirengo that are capable of true flight.

Characters raised in the sky-seeker simirengo culture share a variety of traits in common with one another.

Bird Speech. You have an innate ability to communicate simple thoughts and ideas with birds of size Small or smaller.

Divinely Gifted. You know a cantrip of your choice chosen from the druid spell list. Your spellcasting ability score for this cantrip is Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma (whichever is highest).

Mountain Spirit Guidance. When you are in mountainous terrain, you can always choose to use your Wisdom modifier for Athletics, Survival, and Stealth checks.

Skyborn. You’re acclimated to high altitudes, including elevations above 20,000 feet. You’re also naturally adapted to cold climates.

Ways of the Spirit. You are proficient in Arcana and Religion, as well as a musical instrument of your choice.

Languages. You can speak, read, write, and sign Common and Auran.

Far-Flyer Simirengo

Far-Flyer Simirengo

Some simirengo flocks leave their native mountains, seeking wisdom in the new skills, environments, and peoples of other lands as the hunter gained wisdom from Ibis. They settle in short-lived camps, learning, praying, and training as they wait for word from the spirits that they have gained what wisdom the area has to offer. Once such a sign appears, the group readies to leave for the next stage of their spiritual journey. Given their transient lifestyle, these flocks emphasize fighting skills and frequently do mercenary work for other communities in exchange for knowledge, tutelage, and the like. They also take on the job of escorting chicks to new flocks that better fit their talents.

Characters raised in the far-flyer simirengo culture share a variety of traits in common with one another.

Martial Training. You learn one 1st-level maneuver from the Tooth and Claw discipline.

Simirengo Weaponry. You are proficient with long bows and javelins.

Talented Student. You are proficient with your choice of any one tool proficiency or musical instrument.

Ways of the World. You gain proficiency in two of the following skills: Culture, Engineering, History, Insight, Religion.

Languages. You can speak, read, write, and sign Common, Auran and two additional languages.

Crag-Keeper Simirengo

Crag-Keeper Simirengo

Most flocks of simirengo live in their traditional nesting areas in high foothills or mountain crags, honing their bodies in continual pursuit of excellence. While all simirengo value the hunt, such communities apply it to other facets of their lives, focusing on physical competition from an early age to hone the next generation of hunters. Leadership roles in particular are points of fierce contention, causing some other cultures to consider them individualistic. Nothing could be further from the truth: such contention is merely to ensure the best possible candidate for the job. One’s position inside the community is an important concern,but very rarely does it go against the best concerns of the group. Crag-keepers consider themselves the heart of the simirengo people.


Characters raised in the crag-keeper simirengo culture share a variety of traits in common with one another.

Bird Speech. You have an innate ability to communicate simple thoughts and ideas with birds of size Small or smaller.

Crag Watch. You gain an expertise die on Perception checks made while keeping watch during a rest .

Patience of the Hunt. Once between long rests , you can do one of the following:

Concentrate: You gain an expertise die on a Constitution saving throw made to maintain concentration .

Persist: You may reattempt a failed ability check .

Skilled Hunter. Once per long rest , you can spend 4 hours of time to locate Supply for yourself and one other creature, or magical reagents worth up to 5 gold.

Ways of the Mountains. You are proficient in Nature and Survival, and either Animal Handling, Medicine, or Perception.

Languages. You can speak, read, write, and sign Common and Auran.
