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Brass Dragon

Brass Dragon

Of all dragons, none is more likely to talk your ear off than a brass. Gregarious creatures, brass dragons have been known to invite would-be dragons layers into their lairs simply to share gossip. They have a habit of losing track of time in pleasant company, however, so visitors too polite (or too fearful) to interrupt a brass dragon could find themselves trapped in its lair for days on end.

Metallic Dragons

Metallic Dragons

Fairy tales speak of noble dragons with glittering scales of precious metal, who act as guides and protectors to errant humans. And indeed, while metallic dragons are as greedy and power-hungry as any dragon, they are more likely to uphold the tenets of peace and order than to ravage the land with fire and fury.

Sapphire Dragon

Sapphire Dragon

From secret places deep in the earth, the minds of the sapphire dragons wander through space and time seeking answers. Their psionic powers allow them to see the future, albeit hazily, and their prescient warnings have prevented countless disasters. Of all gem dragons, sapphire dragons spend the least time attending to their physical bodies, their far-reaching minds achieving more than fangs or talons ever could. They hide their physical forms well, but if uncovered they are far from defenseless. A sapphire dragon does

Emerald Dragon

Emerald Dragon

Emerald dragons claim their kind once ruled the world—a loss the dragons still bemoan, despite the fact the claim has no historical merit. The plots of emerald dragons revolve around revenge directed at anyone the dragon believes to have slighted it. Gaining an audience with an emerald dragon is a herculean task, one often rewarded by death from the dragon’s ear-splitting screams.

Amethyst Dragon

Amethyst Dragon

Though still reclusive by draconic standards, amethyst dragons are the most diplomatic of the gem dragons. They favor nonviolent negotiations, but even deals they make in good faith seem to end in their favor. They make their lairs welcoming to humanoid guests and are always eager to resolve a conflict with words before resorting to talons or the earth-shattering force of their breath weapons.

Gem Dragons

Gem Dragons

In deep caverns on the Material Plane and the Elemental Plane of Earth shine the gem dragons. Gem dragons take their name from their multicolored scales and scintillating gemstone eyes. They are among the most intelligent of the true dragons, and certainly the most patient. Born schemers, their elaborate plots are often centuries in the making.

Shadow Dragon

Shadow Dragon

Shadow dragons inhabit places connected to shadowy realms, nations beset by constant war, and lands befouled by pollution and decay. They are neither conquerors nor despoilers. Rather, they are symptoms, signs that the soul of their land has succumbed to blight.

River Dragon

River Dragon

Linked to great, coursing rivers, these essence dragons embody the reckless, ever-changing power of water itself. Like a streak of quicksilver or a pennant fluttering in the wind, a river dragon is always moving, running an endless circuit from the river’s source to the ocean and back again. Like the rivers they exemplify, these dragons are fickle things. A ship or passerby that catches the attention of a river dragon might find fortune or ruin, depending on the fleeting whims of the river.

Earth Dragon

Earth Dragon

Inexorably tied to monuments of rock and stone, earth dragons share the quiet patience and the harsh indifference of the land itself. Most earth dragons are slow to action, and even slower to anger. All things pass, and the rise and fall of civilizations are like the flowers, beautiful in their time but not to last. Only threats to their bonded lands are given  consideration—but when roused to anger, earth dragons devastate their enemies like a landslide.

Essence Dragons

Essence Dragons

Whereas chromatic dragons reshape the land and metallic dragons cultivate it, essence dragons embody the land. Every essence dragon reflects the nature of its home; ancient mountain ranges, great rivers, and even accursed wastelands all have their draconic counterparts.
