Rock Troll
Rock Troll
Ethereal Scout
Ethereal Scout
Most spiderfolk live on the move, whether it’s to gather knowledge, connect destinies, or widen their web of influence. Others are driven by an even deeper ancestral urge: to patrol where the border between the Material and Ethereal Planes is thin and uncover what mysteries can be found there.
Moving in small bands consisting of a handful of families, ethereal scouts travel along ley lines, to sites of great magic, or where the spirits of the dead are particularly restless. They study and gather information on the magical and mundane threats present and, if possible, seek to close stray portals and put the dead to rest. Such wanderings can bring them into conflict with the nastier elements of the Ethereal Plane, such as vengeful ghosts, malcubi, and even night hags, so experienced scouts are often sought out for their expertise.
Characters raised in the ethereal scout culture share a variety of traits with one another.
Discerning Mind. You have grown used to the uncertainties of the Ethereal Plane. You have advantage on saving throws against illusions and being charmed .
Marked by the Ethereal. Your pilgrimage along the planar border has given magic time to sink into your bones. You know one cantrip of your choice from the wizard spell list. Your spellcasting ability for this cantrip is Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom (whichever is highest).
Specialized Scouting. During your travels you’ve picked up knowledge of both mundane and supernatural threats. You gain proficiency in Arcana and Survival.
Languages. You can speak, read, write, and sign in Common, Abyssal, and Infernal.
Cannibal Reaver
Cannibal Reaver
Tools List
Tools List
This is a list of useful online tools.
Random character origin. Quickly selects a random heritage, culture, background, and destiny.
Random social encounter. Based on the table in Trials & Treasures.
Random travel scenery. Based on the table in Trials & Treasures.
Stronghold builder. Based on the stronghold rules in the Adventurer’s Guide.
Encounter builder. Based on the encounter tables in the Monstrous Menagerie.
Random treasure generator. Based on the treasure tables in Trials & Treasures.
Monster builder. Based on the guidelines in the Monstrous Menagerie.
Random Boons & Discoveries. Based on the rules in Trials & Treasures.