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Spirits exist. It’s a simple fact of reality that most people forget until the specter of some long forgotten soul appears before them. But for you, it’s a constant reality. For some, the spirit that follows them has been there since childhood, as an imaginary friend or a monster in the dark. For others, the dead come at a later date, often in the wake of a terrible tragedy.



Perhaps you broke an oath or angered a god, or your parents promised their child’s soul to a fiend. Whatever caused it, you are cursed. The power that laid this upon you has not necessarily made itself known, but its effects are felt regardless. It has shaped your life and interactions with others, made you wary and careful. A tiny slip, a failed moment of etiquette, a dirty glance—any may trigger the curse.

How did you become cursed? Are there those who sympathize with your plight? What transgressions might trigger the curse’s worst effects? What does the curse do?



There are many in the world who fight terrible evils to protect others. They battle back the clutching hand of death for another day, then enjoy a well-earned, peaceful retirement. For the Slayer, however, these battles are their calling—whether they like it or not. Such people may be fated to battle a powerful being and their minions, a specific kind of monster, like werewolves, or an entire category of creature, such as the undead. Consult with the Narrator to come up with a foe suitable to the setting and campaign.



You are tangled in the threads of a prophecy foretold by the Fate Spinner, her cults, or another powerful prescient entity. This prophecy may promise you great riches and immense power, or it may threaten you with visions of a grim death. Nonetheless, you live each day with the knowledge that your destiny is both greater than yourself, and out of your hands. Consult with the Narrator to come up with a prophecy suitable to the setting and campaign.

Spinner Cult

Spinner Cult

While some Spinner cults are isolationist, just as many have woven themselves and their families into the thread of large cities. Regardless, such acolytes were pressured to be constantly alert to any small omen or sign of prophecy and to take them very seriously, and this pressure most likely still sticks with them long afterwards.
