ZEITGEIST Backgrounds
ZEITGEIST Backgrounds
Most backgrounds are still suitable to the Zeitgeist setting, though might warrant a few small changes. Guilds have fallen out of favor outside of Crisillyir and Drakr, so “guildmember” could be replaced with “factory worker.” An “entertainer” might actually be a journalist, and the “charlatan” background could represent someone spying on behalf of a politician or industrialist.
Also, modern society and scholarship leads to a few new backgrounds.
The modern great nations of ZEITGEIST offer some new cultures.
Bloodmarked | De Guerra | Dialectician | Elfaivaran | Harimau | Pedresco | Steelmarked
These cultures are generally specific to ZEITGEIST . The Adventures in ZEITGEIST hardcover contains more setting-specific information.
Most people won’t blink at the sight of a gnome or halfling, though outside of Risur they might not be able to tell the difference at a glance. Dragonborn, gnolls, goblins, kobolds, lizardfolk, and minotaurs all are respected in Ber. Devas have spread from a single battlefield in Crisillyir to every corner of the world. Many other peoples have homelands of their own, unknown to all but the wellread and the adventurous.
Despite their small population, two of the most well-known uncommon heritages are deva and gnolls. We also present brief entries for common Beran races not present in the core rules.
Deva | Gnoll | Goblin | Kobold | Lizardfolk | Minotaur
These heritages can be used in any Level Up game world. The Adventures in ZEITGEIST hardcover contains more setting-specific information, as well as setting information on humans, dwarves, elves, orcs, and tieflings.
Lycanthrope Synergy Feats
Lycanthrope Synergy Feats
Lycanthropes are defined by their ability to transform. While every lycanthrope receives specific traits depending on the animal their curse is related to, their transformations share some traits.
Involuntary Change
You undergo a draining and painful involuntary change every full moon that leaves you hungry, unable to speak, and often confused and frightened. During the 1 minute transformation your statistics are replaced by those of a lycanthrope ( werebear , wereboar , wererat , weretiger , werewolf ), the Narrator takes control over your actions, and your thoughts are filled with predatory instincts.
When an involuntary change happens, you can either embrace the beast within or try to tame it.
Embrace: You lose all control over your actions until sunrise, but you retain your full memories the following day.
Tame: You make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw . On a success, you regain control over your actions for 1 hour. At the end of every hour, you repeat the saving throw. On a failure, you lose all control over your actions until sunrise and have no memories of what you did during the night.
Hybrid Form
As an action, you can transform into animal form or into a half-humanoid, half-animal hybrid form. This transformation is no less painful than an involuntary change, but you retain full control over your actions. You can revert to your normal form by using a bonus action on your turn. You automatically revert if you fall unconscious, drop to 0 hit points, or die. You can transform into hybrid form and back once per long rest with no ill effects, and you suffer a level of fatigue for every subsequent transformation.
While transformed into animal or hybrid form, your statistics change in the following ways.
- Your Armor Class is 13 + your Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus.
- You cannot speak or cast spells.
- Any features or traits from your class, destiny, or culture are unaffected if your current form is physically capable of using them. However, you can’t utilize any traits gained from your heritage while transformed.
- Your equipment does not transform with you. Any clothes or armor are destroyed if you transform while wearing them.
Wolfsbane Weakness
While in hybrid or beast form you are poisoned while within 10 feet of a living or dried wolfsbane flower that you can smell. For more information on lycanthropes and lycanthropy, see the Monstrous Menagerie .
Curse Bearer
Prerequisites: Alpha Wereboar , Eye of the Tiger , Moonhowler , Rodent Embraced , or Werebear Emerged
Your Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.
You can transfer your curse to others. When you damage a living creature with your bite attack, it makes a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier) or becomes afflicted with lycanthropy.
Howl at the Moon
Prerequisites: Hibernating Affliction , Pack Initiative, Rat Within , Striped Soul , or Swineheart
Increase your Charisma by 1, to a maximum of 20.
You can speak with animals (as the spell) of the same type as your curse (bears for a wereboar, boars for a wereboar, and so on). You can also cast animal friendship without spending material components, but are only able to target animals of the same type as your curse. Once you have used this feature to cast animal friendship , you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest. In addition, you have advantage on Charisma checks made against animals when the moon is full.
Moon Speech
Prerequisites: Hibernating Affliction , Pack Initiative, Rat Within , Striped Soul , or Swineheart
Your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.
You can speak and cast spells in hybrid form.
Moon Style
Prerequisites: Hibernating Affliction , Pack Initiative, Rat Within , Striped Soul , or Swineheart , proficient in the Tooth and Claw tradition
You learn a new Tooth and Claw maneuver.
When you use a Tooth and Claw maneuver with your lycanthrope natural weapons in hybrid form, you deal an extra 1d8 damage.
New Moon Werebear
Prerequisites: Must have been bitten by a werebear
You have learned to tame the bear raging within you since contracting lycanthropy. On full moon nights you involuntarily change into a bear or bear-humanoid hybrid. While you are transformed, you gain the following features.
Fang and Claw. You gain a bite natural weapon and claw natural weapons which you are proficient with. You can use Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack rolls of your bite or claw. On a hit your bite or claw deals slashing damage equal to 1d6 plus your Strength modifier or Dexterity modifier (whichever is highest).
Keen Smell. You gain advantage on Perception checks that rely on smell.
Tree Climber. You gain a climb speed of 30 feet.
Hibernating Affliction
Prerequisites: New Moon Werebear
Your control over the ursine spirit within yourself improves. You can transform one additional time without suffering a level of fatigue. While you are transformed, you gain the following features.
Bear Grab. If you hit a Medium or smaller creature with your claw attack, it is grappled. Until this grapple ends, you can’t use two-handed weapons and can’t attack a different target with your claw.
Crescent Moon Defense. You gain resistance against slashing, bludgeoning, and piercing damage from weapons that are not magical or silvered.
Frenzied Bite. You can use your bite attack as a bonus action.
Werebear Emerged
Prerequisites: Hibernating Affliction
You have completely mastered the bear within. You can transform one additional time without suffering a level of fatigue. When you choose to tame the beast in an involuntary transformation, roll 1d8; you gain control over that many hours. While you are transformed, you gain the following features.
Deadly Implements. Your bite and claw attacks both deal an extra 1d6 slashing damage.
Full Moon Defense. You gain immunity against slashing, bludgeoning, and piercing damage from weapons that are not magical or silvered.
Heightened Senses. You gain an expertise die on Perception checks.
New Moon Wereboar
Prerequisites: Must have been bitten by a wereboar
You have learned to tame the boar rampaging within you since contracting lycanthropy. On full moon nights you involuntarily change into a boar or boar-humanoid hybrid. While you are transformed, you gain the following features.
Fleet of Foot. Your Speed increases by 10 feet.
Relentless. Once between long rests when you take damage that would reduce you to 0 hit points, you are instead reduced to 1 hit point.
Tusks. You gain tusk natural weapons you are proficient with. You can use Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack rolls of your tusks. On a hit, your tusks deal slashing damage equal to 1d6 plus your Strength modifier or Dexterity modifier (whichever is highest).
Prerequisites: New Moon Wereboar
Your control over the porcine spirit within yourself improves. You can transform one additional time without suffering a level of fatigue . While you are transformed, you gain the following features.
Boar Charge. Once per turn when you move at least 20 feet straight towards a target before attacking with your tusks, the attack deals an extra 2d6 slashing damage. If the target is a creature, it makes a Strength saving throw against your maneuver DC, falling prone on a failure.
Crescent Moon Defense. You gain resistance against slashing, bludgeoning, and piercing damage from weapons that are not magical or silvered.
Frenzied Tusks. You can use your tusks attack as a bonus action.
Alpha Wereboar
Prerequisites: Swineheart
You have completely mastered the boar within. You can transform one additional time without suffering a level of fatigue . When you choose to tame the beast in an involuntary transformation, roll 1d8; you gain control over that many hours. While you are transformed, you gain the following features.
Deadly Tusks. The damage of your tusks increases to 1d8.
Full Moon Defense. You gain immunity against slashing, bludgeoning, and piercing damage from weapons that are not magical or silvered.
Full Moon Ferocity. If you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with a tusks attack, you regain your use of the Relentless feature. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a short or long rest .
New Moon Wererat
Prerequisites: Must have been bitten by a wererat
You have learned to tame the rat within and gained some control over the curse of lycanthropy. On full moon nights you involuntarily change into a rat or rat-humanoid hybrid. While you are transformed, you gain the following features.
Bite. You gain a bite natural weapon you are proficient with. You can use Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack rolls of your bite. On a hit your bite deals piercing damage equal to 1d4 plus your Strength modifier or Dexterity modifier (whichever is highest).
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. If you already have darkvision, its range increases by 30 feet.
Keen Smell. You have advantage on Perception checks that rely on smell.
Rat Within
Prerequisites: New Moon Wererat
Your control over the murine spirit within additional time without suffering a level of fatigue. While you are transformed, you gain the following features.
Crescent Moon Defense. You gain resistance against slashing, bludgeoning, and piercing damage from weapons that are not magical or silvered.
Frenzied Bite. You can use your bite attack as a bonus action.
Pack Tactics. Once per turn, you gain advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of your allies is within 5 feet of the creature and not incapacitated.
Rodent Embraced
Prerequisites: Rat Within
You have completely mastered the rat within and learned tricks to make your lycanthropy an even greater asset in combat. You can transform one additional time without suffering a level of fatigue. When you choose to tame the beast in an involuntary transformation, roll 1d8; you gain control over that many hours. While you are transformed, you gain the following features.
Full Moon Defense. You gain immunity against slashing, bludgeoning, and piercing damage from weapons that are not magical or silvered.
Nose for Opportunity. When an ally strikes a creature you can see with a melee attack, you can use your reaction to move up to your Speed, ending your move adjacent to that creature and making a melee weapon attack against it. If the creature is bloodied and the attack hits, you score a critical hit. Once you have used this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Wererat Trickery. When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with a bite attack, you can use your reaction to take the Disengage, Dodge, or Hide action.
New Moon Weretiger
Prerequisites: Must have been bitten by a weretiger
You have learned to tame the tiger within and gained some control over the curse of lycanthropy. On full moon nights you involuntarily change into a tiger or tigerhumanoid hybrid. While you are transformed, you gain the following features.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. If you already have darkvision, its range increases by 30 feet.
Fang and Claw. You gain a bite natural weapon and claw natural weapons which you are proficient with. You can use Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack rolls of your bite or claw. On a hit your bite or claw deals piercing damage equal to 1d6 plus your Strength modifier or Dexterity modifier (whichever is highest).
Keen Hearing and Smell. You have advantage on Perception checks that rely on hearing or smell.
Striped Soul
Prerequisites: New Moon Weretiger
Your control over the feline spirit within yourself improves. You can transform one additional time without suffering a level of fatigue. While you are transformed, you gain the following features.
Crescent Moon Defense. You gain resistance against slashing, bludgeoning, and piercing damage from weapons that are not magical or silvered.
Frenzied Bite. You can use your bite attack as a bonus action. In addition, the damage of your bite increases to 1d8, and when taking the Attack action you can only use your bite for one of your attacks.
Heightened Senses. You gain an expertise die on Perception checks.
Tiger Pounce. Once per turn when you move at least 20 feet straight towards a target before attacking with your claws, the target makes a Strength saving throw against your maneuver DC, falling prone on a failure.
Eye of the Tiger
Prerequisites: Striped Soul
You have completely mastered the tiger within. You can transform one additional time without suffering a level of fatigue . When you choose to tame the beast in an involuntary transformation, roll 1d8; you gain control over that many hours. While you are transformed, you gain the following features.
Deadly Implements. The damage of your bite increases to 1d10 and the damage of your claws increases to 1d8.
Full Moon Celerity. When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with a bite attack, you can use your reaction to move your speed.
Full Moon Defense. You gain immunity against slashing, bludgeoning, and piercing damage from weapons that are not magical or silvered.
New Moon Werewolf
Prerequisites: Must have been bitten by a werewolf
You have learned to tame the wolf within and gained some control over the curse of lycanthropy. On full moon nights you involuntarily change into a wolf or wolfhumanoid hybrid. While you are transformed, you gain the following features.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. If you already have darkvision, its range increases by 30 feet.
Fang and Claw. You gain a bite natural weapon and claw natural weapons which you are proficient with. You can use Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack rolls of your bite or claw. On a hit your bite or claw deals piercing damage equal to 1d6 plus your Strength modifier or Dexterity modifier (whichever is highest).
Keen Hearing and Smell. You have advantage on Perception checks that rely on hearing or smell.
Pack Initiate
Prerequisites: New Moon Werewolf
Your control over the lupine spirit within yourself improves. You can transform one additional time without suffering a level of fatigue. While you are transformed, you gain the following features.
Crescent Moon Defense. You gain resistance against slashing, bludgeoning, and piercing damage from weapons that are not magical or silvered.
Deadly Implements. The damage of your bite and claw attacks increases to 1d8.
Frenzied Bite. You can use your bite attack as a bonus action.
Pack Tactics. Once per turn, you have advantage on attack rolls against a creature if at least one of your allies is within 5 feet of the creature and not incapacitated.
Prerequisites: Pack Initiate
You have completely mastered the wolf within. You can transform one additional time without suffering a level of fatigue.
When you choose to tame the beast in an involuntary transformation, roll 1d8; you gain control over that many hours. While you are transformed, you gain the following features.
Cursed Wounds. Your bite and claw attacks both deal an additional 1d6 necrotic damage.
Full Moon Defense. You gain immunity against slashing, bludgeoning, and piercing damage from weapons that are not magical or silvered.
Heightened Senses. You gain an expertise die on Perception checks.
No matter their origins, constructs are built for a purpose and the constructed are products of their original creation—to a certain extent. With the gift of life also came a mind and a will of their own. Some constructed hold close to their original purpose while others reject it outright, choosing to forge their own path forward.
Constructed Traits
While each constructed is unique and different (despite how similar they might appear externally), characters with constructed heritage share a variety of traits in common.
Age. Constructed do not age, many beginning life fully physically mature, self-aware, and extremely functional. While the materials that comprise a constructed’s body may degrade over time, they can also be repaired, their parts replaced or even upgraded—with proper maintenance they can be immortal.
Size. Constructed are engineered from metal, hardwood, and other dense (often expensive) materials that make them heavy, most weighing between 175 and 400 pounds and standing anywhere from 3 to 7 feet tall. Your size is Small or Medium.
Speed. Your Speed is 25 feet.
Constructed Nature. You are resistant to poison damage and gain one of the following benefits.
You don't require air.
You gain an expertise die on saving throws made to avoid being charmed or frightened .
Mechanical Metabolism. Certain types of healing are less effective or even wholly ineffective. Sources of nonmagical healing other than taking a rest have no effect. Magical healing only restores half as many hit points as normal unless you are also repaired in the same round (with an Engineering check, the mending cantrip, or similar).
In addition, you don’t require Supply in the typical sense; instead of eating food, you rely on a specific substance to refuel. Every 24 hours without the substance you suffer a level of fatigue and strife as your inner machinations begin to decay. Select one of the following.
Combustibles: 1 pound of coal or hemp, or 2 pounds of wood.
Darkness: 2 hours of complete darkness.
Liquid: 1 flask of lamp oil, grease, or an alchemical liquid of your choice.
Metal: 1 pound of copper or roughly 50 copper pieces. The Narrator may also allow you to consume silver, gold, or other precious metal in an amount of equivalent worth instead.
Sunlight: 3 hours of full sunlight or 6 hours of partial (shaded or cloudy) sunlight.
Mechanical Lift. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and you can carry a number of additional bulky items equal to your proficiency bonus.
Planar Energy. Your spark of life may be magical, mystical, or divine in nature, but what forms the basis of that life is planarite: raw essence of the planes captured, refined, and encapsulated in crystalline form.
Choose the type of planarite that serves as your primary life force from the following list: air, death, earth, fire, life, space, time, water. You gain resistance to a specific damage type based on this source.
Regardless of planarite type, the planar energy contained within allows you to forgo sleep. When you take a long rest , you spend 4 hours in a state of inactivity (instead of sleeping for 6 hours). While powered down in this way, you suffer no penalty to passive Perception. A long rest remains 8 hours for you as normal, and the remainder of the time must be filled only with light activity.
Pranarite Resistance
Air thunder
Death necrotic
Earth lightning
Fire fire
Life radiant
Space psychic
Time force
Water cold
Constructed Gifts
Each constructed begins with a basic frame for its original purpose. While some constructed may originate from the same basic design, the wide variety of available options makes each individual unique. In addition to the traits found in your constructed heritage, choose one of the following frames as your heritage gift.
Cross-Functional. With the Narrator’s permission, you can choose an augment trait from a different frame instead of an augment trait for your chosen frame (for example, choosing a Utility Augment for your Service Frame).
Military Frame
Designed for war, you have been pre-configured with tactical advantages in combat situations.
Battle Readiness. Your Speed increases to 30 feet and you are proficient with clubs, spears, and light crossbows
In addition, you have a melee weapon built into one of your arms that is immediately swapped out for a hand when sheathed. Choose one melee weapon that does not have the heavy, two-handed, or versatile property. When attached in this way, you are proficient with the weapon, it cannot be thrown, and you cannot be disarmed of it. The weapon can be replaced with another weapon with 10 minutes of work and a DC 13 Engineering or tinker’s tools check.
Military Augments. Choose two of the following customizations to enhance your military frame.
Cavalry: Your Speed increases by 5 feet, and you are proficient withgain proficiency in Animal Handling or land vehicles.
Heavy Artillery: You have a pop-up shoulder cannon that functions as the acid splash , fire bolt , or ray of frost cantrip (chosen when you select this customization and using your highest ability score as its spellcasting ability) but its effects are nonmagical.
Infantry: You have a crawl speed equal to your Speed, proficiency with shields, one martial melee weapon, and one martial ranged weapon.
Light Artillery: You replace one hand with a hand crossbow. You are proficient with the weapon and can ignore its loading property.
Navy: You have a swim speed of 20 feet and proficiency with water vehicles.
Service Frame
Your humanoid-like appearance makes you well suited to being unobtrusive and facilitating social interactions.
Social Grace. You have precise control of your facial, bodily, and vocal expressions and can detect minute changes of expression in others. You are proficient in know two languages, are proficient with one artisan’s tool, gaming kit, instrument, or vehicle, and you gain an expertise die on either Deception checks or Insight checks.
Service Augments. Choose two of the following customizations to enhance your service frame.
Anticipatory Nimbleness: You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours.
Knowledge Archive: When you become proficient in your first lore skill (Arcana, Culture, Engineering, History, Nature, Religion; as bonus knowledge), you gain two of its skill specialties.
Mathematically Mnemonics Inclined: You gain proficiency in Engineering, its mathematics skill specialty, and you learn the calculate cantrip and can cast it without the need for components.
Needle Gun: Your frame is equipped with a concealed, integrated blowgun that has the hand-mounted property. You are proficient with the weapon and can fire a needle as a bonus action.
Self-defense Specialist: You have an assassin's gauntlet/boot dagger built into your wrist, toe, or heel and are proficient with the weapon gain proficiency with one rare melee weapon or one rare ranged weapon.
Utility Frame
Your function-based form provides unique ways to interact with the world around you, and your finely-tuned motor skills grant you an expertise die when using one tool set (chosen when you become proficient with it)with which you are proficient with navigator’s tools, thieves’ tools, and tinker’s tools.
Crane Arm. Instead of two arms, you only have a single arm designed for a specialized use, including one extension. For holding, grasping, and using objects, you can use a bonus action to swap your extension out for an articulated hand. While not wielding a shield, you can use your arm to wield a weapon with properties that would normally require two hands (loading, two-handed) or if wielding a versatile weapon to be treated as wielding it two handed. Choose one of the following.
Arc Welder Extension: This extension functions as the shocking grasp cantrip (using your highest ability score as its spellcasting ability) but its effects are nonmagical.
Flamethrower Extension: This extension functions as the produce flame cantrip (using your highest ability score as its spellcasting ability) but its effects are nonmagical.
Multi-Tool Extension: You are proficient with and can deploy built-in navigator’s tools, thieves’ tools, andor tinker’s tools with this extension.
Utility Augments. Choose two of the following customizations to enhance your utility frame.
Gear Shift: Your Speed increases by 5 feet.
Gyroscopic Balance. You gain an expertise die on saving throws made against being knocked prone .
Immutable Form: You gain advantage on saving throws made against effects that would alter your form.
Insectile Limbs: You have a climb speed of 20 feet, and you gain an expertise die on checks made to climb.
Treads: You ignore difficult terrains caused by ice, snow, sand, or mud, and you gain an expertise die on checks made to balance.
Constructed Paragon
As ageless beings the constructed understand what it is to go without change for years at a time, but they are far from stagnant. When you reach 10th level, you make significant modifications to enhance your constructed self. You gain one paragon gift from the following list.
Advancement Upgrade
You gain one new lore skill specialty (as bonus knowledge), one additional magical item attunement slot (to a maximum of 4) and 1 additional frame augmentation.
Chassis Upgrade
You gain an expertise die on concentration checks and your Armor Class increases by 1.
Engine Upgrade
You have a fly speed of 30 feet. To use this speed, you can’t be encumbered. Whenever you spend 3 full consecutive rounds airborne without landing, you gain a level of fatigue. Any fatigue gained in this way is removed upon finishing a short or long rest.
Warframe Upgrade
You gain an expertise die on attack and damage rolls for unarmed strikes and any built-in weapons that are part of your frame.
Constructed Culture
To say the constructed have a single homogeneous culture would be far from true, yet to say they are altogether free from a common cultural influence would be just as false—their forms are the result of and a response to a cultural need. Whether that need be defense, conquest, or convenience, the animation of inanimate objects does not occur in a vacuum nor is it a spontaneous outcome of natural events. Someone designs and creates a construct to serve a purpose, often a mindless and menial existence that saves effort, spares hardship, or even preserves life.
When those lifeless drones become living beings themselves, sentient and self-aware persons who can choose their own purpose, they tend to disrupt the prior order of things. While it’s true that some constructed continue to find their intended work meaningful and fulfilling, many others are excited about the prospect of discovering a greater destiny.
There are constructed that have been sentient for centuries (perhaps even millennia) though usually they are newly self-aware—whether life is new or old to them may affect how an individual constructed perceives and interacts with the culture in which it resides.
Suggested Cultures
While you can choose any culture for your constructed character, the forsaken , imperial , and steamforged cultures are linked closely with this heritage.
Gate Pass Gazette
Gate Pass Gazette
The Gate Pass Gazette is the official monthly magazine for Level Up: Advanced 5th Edition. You can subscribe to it on Patreon. The content below includes mechanical elements of the magazine, but not the full text or context of the articles.
The first issue (which we called Issue #0) of the Gate Pass Gazette included the artificer class, lycanthropy rules, the construct heritage, and the jabberwock monster. We release an issue every month, including new heritages, archetypes, monsters, magic items, and much much more.
Issue #0 (January 2022)
- Artificer (class) | Bombardier archetype | Machinist archetype | Stitcher archetype
- Constructed (heritage)
- Lycanthrope Synergy Feats || Curse Bearer || Howl at the Moon || Moon Speech
- Jabberwock | Jabberwocky
ISSUE #1 (March 2022)
- Fateholder (monster)
- Foretold Prowess || Lore Weaver (bard archetype) | Defiant (berserker archetype) | Bladeseer (fighter archetype) | Revoker (herald archetype)
- Weaving Prophecy || Spinner Cult (culture) | Prophecy | Ring of Inspiration Storing
- The Fellspire
- Exploration Challenges || Festering Sewer Tunnels | Fellspire Gloaming
- Magic Items || Bloodiron Band | Gloam Bread | Mindblade
- Monsters || Askwise Keeper , Earless Hungerer , Sewer Walker
ISSUE 2 (April 2022)
- Avenging Archetypes || Charging Shield (fighter archetype) | Fantastic Fletcher (ranger archetype) | Quickstepper (adept archetype) | Mutant (warlock archetype)
- Well-Quipped: Steampunk Gadgets & Gear || Defensive Umbrella | Bicycle Bell of Flight | Murderous Straight Razor | Spectral Camera | Spirit-Trapping Camera | Useful Top Hat
- Living at the Edge of Night || Cursed (background | Haunted (background) | Slayer (destiny)
- I Heard You Like Monsters || Trapped Sarcophagus (exploration challenge) | Fouled Sluice (exploration challenge) | Stuffed Crab (monster)
ISSUE 3 (May 2022)
- Those of the Web || Spiderfolk (heritage) | Ethereal Scout (culture)
- Paths of Courtly Intrigue || Courtier (rogue archetype) | Court Magician (wizard archetype) | Militarist (fighter archetype) | Tranquil Master (adept archetype)
- Cunning Curses || Ring of Battered Courage | Cipher Sword | Glory's Glaive | Circlet of the Apprentice | Crown of the Crystal Sovereign
- Mount Jino
- Exploration Challenges || Sucking Bog | Crumbling Masonry
- Monsters || Rock Troll | Canicore | Aracnecore
ISSUE 4 (June 2022)
- Ways to be Fey || Dreamborn (heritage) | Dreaming Wilds (culture) | Fey Court (culture) | Fey Servant (background)
- Lone Rangers || Monster Hunter (archetype) | Partisan (archetype) | Skilled Survivalist (archetype)
- Battlefield Horrors: Cadaver Gorgers || Blood Maggot | Misery of Blood Maggots | Corpse Fly | Scourge of Corpse Flies | Gorger Zombie | Gorger Zombie Horde | Blood Maggot Infestation (disease)
- Well-Equipped: Items of Intrigue || Armored Corset | Bouquet of Wisdom | Brighella's Guitar | Butterfly Clips | Chariot a la Calabaza | Cravat of Strangling | Dancing Shoes | Fan of Whispering | Fool's Hat | Harlequin's Cards | Heartbreak's Dagger | Letter-Lift Paper | Ring of the Vengeance Seeker | Mask of Anonymity | Parasol of the Blade | Secret-catching Pearls | Signal Rings | Unparalleled Pianoforte
ISSUE 5 (July 2022)
- Synergy Feats for Extraordinary Heroes || Bronze Protector | Steel Protector | Adamantine Protector | Dimensional Step | Teleporting Combatant | Crawling Teleporter | Hulking | Tremendously Hulking | Impossibly Hulking | Iceborn | Frozen Steps | Subzero Soul | Talented Telepath | Mental Mastery | Boundless Mind
- The Western Shore || Grip Current (exploration challenge) | Giant Crab Traps (exploration challenge) | Lance Crab (monster) | Bay Witch (monster) | Kraken Scale (magic item) | Sail of the Black Opal (magic item)
- Canticle of the Wing || Birdfolk (heritage) | Crag-Keeper Simirengo (culture) | Far-Flyer Simirengo (culture) | Sky-Seeker Simirengo (culture)
- The Zephyr's Complement || Contriver (rogue archetype) | Hotshot (bard archetype) | Eldritch Gunslinger (warlock archetype)
ISSUE 6 (August 2022)
- Playing Against Type || Bodyguard (rogue archetype) | Bruiser (adept archetype) | Steel Renegade (druid archetype)
- Pet Chaos || Beast Unity (combat tradition/maneuvers)
- Forensic Magic: Spells of the School of Law || Eavesdrop | Identify Weapon | Reopen Rift | Silver Shield | Stone Sentinel | Trace Magic Aura
- The Mechanoskulls || Assaultskull (monster) | Decoyskull (monster) | Gobletskull (monster) | Serviceskull (monster) | Spyskull (monster)
ISSUE 7 (September 2022)
- Cunning Curses 2: Hauntingly Hexed || Axe of Chilling Fear | Crest of Putrid Endurance | Hand of the Night | Hope's Final Light | Mask of Relentless Fury | Shackle of the Ghostheart Covenant
- Streamlining Your Dungeons: Delving Activities
- To Go On Account: Archetypes for a Pirate Crew || Lionheart (marshal) | Seadog (fighter) | Stormwalker (druid)
- Sea of Sand || Heat Haze Mirage (exploration challenge) | Guardians of the Forgotten Kingdom (exploration challenge) | Bow of the Viper (magic item) | Scale Milk (magic item) | Stalking Cat (magic item) | Sandpit Vipers (monster) | Rock Dragon (monster)
ISSUE 8 (October 2022)
- When Warlocks Take Note || Dread Knight (archetype) | Unnaturalist (archetype)
- Grim Beginnings || Convict (background) | Eccentric Experimenter (background) | Monster Slayer (background)
- Howl! || Garoul (heritage) | Blood Pack (culture) | Moonkeeper (culture)
- Halloween Haunt || Poltergeist (monster)
ISSUE 9 (November 2022)
- Heritages of the Coral Climes || Galeoni (heritage) | Pode (heritage)
- The Arcane Knight || Arcane Knight (combat tradition/maneuvers)
- Heaven's Roof || Altitude Sickness (exploration challenge) | Elsenian Span (exploration challenge) | Lip-Service Potion (potion) | Chotion (potion) | Concentrated Tincture (potion) | Skywing (magic item) | Heaven's Roof Ring (magic item)
- Heirs of Command: Marshal Archetypes || Chief Enforcer (archetype) | Knight Commander (archetype) | Sea Scourge (archetype) | Ship (stronghold) | Sailor (follower)
ISSUE 10 (December 2022)
- Extraordinary Archetypes || Concordant Commander (marshal archetype) | Ghostly Soul (adept archetype) | Songweaver (sorcerer archetype) | Throwing Ace (rogue archetype)
- Useful Utility Spells || Beautify Creature | Chef's Plate | Convenient Retrieval | Fertilize Field | Housekeeping | Instant Window | Laundry Day | Map Marker
- Feats For Citified Heroes || Alley Adventurer || City Survivor || Face in the Crowd || Familiar to the Watch || Hidden Armorer || Neighborhood Figure || Pillar of the Community || Politician || Office Holder || Second Story Worker || Snoop || Tavern Fly || Urbane
- Primeval Destinies || Darkness | Death | Fire | Ice | Light
ISSUE 11 (January 2023)
- The Icefields of Rhinam || Glacial Collapse (exploration challenge) | Icefield Fever (exploration challenge) | Gauntlet of Dominion (magic item) | Rhinam Life Gem (magic item) | Rime Ant (monster) | Rime Ant Queen (monster) | Rhinam Guardian (monster)
- Pets to Please Any Party || Bear-Bonded (berserker archetype) | Gyre Gazer (warlock archetype) | Houndmaster (fighter archetype)
- Cervids: Power and Grace || Cervid (heritage) | Hedge Witch (background)
- The Eldritch Blackguard || Eldritch Blackguard (combat tradition)
- Once Upon a Time on the Rugged Frontier || Ghost Town (exploration challange) | Locust Swarm (exploration challenge) | Passing Warband (exploration challenge) | Lost Prospector (monster) | Minotaur Conqueror (monster) | Luz Mala (monster)
- Legendary Weapons of the Frozen North || Angurvadal | Gram | Skofnung | Tyrfing
- Underland Ranchers || The Cuberos || Cubero (culture) | Cube Herder (background) || Cube Herder Equipment
- Exemplars of the Academy || Avantist (savant archetype) | Diplomat (savant archetype) | Naturalist (savant archetype)
ISSUE 13 (MARCH 2023)
- Life of a Combatant || Martial Artist (background) | Scrapper (background) | Strategist (background)
- Those of the Astral Sea || Zevite (heritage) | Children of Zev (culture) | Zevanchist (Culture)
- The Mines of Herekda || Ensorceled Labyrinth (exploration challenge) | Hateful Mist (exploration challenge) | Dial of Dal (magic item) | Iron Foe Mace (magic item) | Mykand (monster) | Kanos Spawn (monster)
- Tertiary Casters || Arcane Officer ( marshal archetype) | Fanatic ( berserker archetype) | Oaken Fist ( adept archetype)
ISSUE 14 (APRIL 2023)
- The Magic of Art || Abstraction (spell) | Animate Painting (spell) | Chromatic Beam (spell) | Glamour (spell) | Pigment Cloud (spell) | Prismatic Mess (spell) | Resplendent Refraction (spell)
- Going to the Dogs || Madrai (heritage) | Rover (culture)
- Otherworldly Knights || Anomalous Knight (herald archetype) | Dragon Knight (herald archetype) | Knight of the Fey (herald archetype)
- Nature's Protectors || Abtazri the Brutal (monster) | Kadderia the Ferocious (monster) | Xeraz the Vicious (monster)
ISSUE 15 (MAY 2023)
- The Forest of Davek'dran || Soporific Spores (exploration challenge) | Unseen Gateways (exploration challenges | Eltare's Malaise (malady) | Paper Armor (magic item) | Valency's Essays (magic item) | Swarm of Sickle Bats (monster) | Spore Thrall (monster)
- Pipes and Tactics || Pied Piper (bard archetype) | War Falconer (marshal archetype)
- Children of the Sun and Moon || Chrysalian (heritage) | Solar Chrysalian (culture) | Lunar Chrysalian (culture)
- Magics of the Weary Tower || Burst of Strength (spell) | Consume Vigor (spell) | Dementing Touch (spell) | Draining Nova (spell) | Enervating Light (spell) | Fatigued Bargain (spell) | Fortified Will (spell) | Gate from Beyond (spell) | Inner Solace (spell) | Muddle (spell) | Reckless March (spell) | Sufferer's Pact (spell) | Sufferer's Strike (spell) | Transmute Exhaustion (spell) | Transfer Exhaustion (spell)
ISSUE 16 (June 2023)
- Out of Retirement || Former Adventurer (Background) || Retiree (Background) || Return to Glory (destiny) || Optional Rules for Out of Retirement
- Home on the Prairie: Origins from the Rugged Frontier || Oxfolk (Heritage) || Keeper of the Land (Culture) || Preservation (destiny) | Foundation (destiny)
- Favored Hands of Divinity: Cleric Archetypes || Anointer || Exorcist || Hecatomb
- The Zephyr's Legacy: An Airship and Her Crew || Airship (stronghold) || Skysailor (Follower) || Zephyr (Airship) || Aeronaut (Background) || Airship Crew (Culture)
ISSUE 17 (July 2023)
- The Court of Dawn & Tribunal of Twilight || Planar Shifts (Exploration Challenge) || Promises Given (Exploration Challenge) || Promises Unfulfilled (Exploration Challenge) || Fey Tongue (Spell) || Spellbound Oath (Spell)
- Origins of the Southern Seas: The Reef Singer Culture and Beachcomber Background || Reef Singer (Culture) || Beachcomber (Background) || Glowing Body Paint (Magic Item) || Jaunty Sea Anemone (Magic Item)
- Scourge of the Sea: The Blastfire Pirates || Blastfire Crewmate (Monster) || Blastfire Captain (Monster) || Bonnie Blastfire (Monster)
- Hands of the Deliverers: Protector Archetypes || Preserver (cleric archetype) || Security Specialist (savant archetype) || Warder (sorcerer archetype)
ISSUE 18 (August 2023)
- Curious Creatures: Endemic Life
- If By Sea: Oceanic Exploration Challenges || Battle in the Depths | Becalmed | Dead Air | Coral Reef | Floating Carcass | Naval Battle Aftermath
- Exemplars of the Academy 2: Seekers of Secrets || Archaeologist (savant archetype) | Detective (savant archetype) | Philosopher (savant archetype)
- Elementary, My Dear Water Son || Elementarii (planetouched gifts) | Cinder Chaser (culture) | Earthen Artisan (culture) | Open-Air Ascetic (culture) | Waterflow (culture)
ISSUE 19 (September 2023)
- Enter Stage Left || Comedic Jabs (combat tradition) || Don't Hit Me || Jovial Stance || Pie To the Face || Quick Spill || Pratfall Pull || Splash of Humor || This is Yours || Just A Giggle || Old Pal || Partner Fall || Rolling With the Punches || Quick, Drink This || Really Very Funny || Instant Allyship || Make Them Laugh
- Well-Equipped: Cultural Gear || Cosmopolitan Gear | Eladrin Gear | Lone Wanderer Gear | Stoic Orc Gear | Tyrannized Gear | Wood Elf Gear
- Fall Festivals || Bondsday || Tarphen || Halsyle Day || Erstwin
- Making Do || Scrap Crafter (artificer archetype) | Improvisational Genius (feat) | Item Intuition (feat) | Vermin Supreme (feat)
ISSUE 20 (October 2023)
- Harrowing Haunts || Blood Storm (exploration challenge) | Creeping Wood (exploration challenge) | Ghostlights (exploration challenge) | Grasping Fog (exploration challenge) | Hungry Shadows (exploration challenge) | Insidious Paranoia (exploration challenge) | Stalking Doll (exploration challenge)
- Monarch of Misery || Gourd Empress (monster) | Gourdling (monster) | Squashling (monster)
- Perverse Contamination || Corruption (condition) | The Blighted Battlefield (exploration challenge)
- The Labyrinthine Library || Lexican (culture) | Keeper (background)
- Extra Witchy || Pact of the Censer | Pact of the Cauldron | Cauldron of Holding (invocation) | Dimensional Cauldron (invocation) | Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble (invocation) | Path of Ashes (invocation) | Part the Veil (invocation) | Smoke Cloud Conjurer (invocation) | Shade of Smoke (invocation) | Trail of Embers (invocation)
ISSUE 21 (November 2023)
- Chivalry is Alive || Gallant Heart (combat tradition) | Fixated (condition) | Rally Point Warrior (feat)
- Harvest Hall || Call of the Feast (exploration challenge) | Leaving the Hall (exploration challenge) | Wild Revelry (exploration challenge) | Rubyglow Wine Bottle (magic item) | Fortune Sharer's Pie (magic item) | Dancing Feet (spell) | Sleeplessness (spell)
- Baleful Behemoth || Wailrus (monster) | Giant Walrus (monster) | Walrus (monster)
- Mindwalkers: Cerebral Archetypes || Mentalist (bard archetype) | Synaptic Surgeon (artificer archetype)
ISSUE 22 (December 2023)
- Winter Wassails || Hearthenflame | Longnight | Feast of the Forgotten Hero | Snowharvest
- Eccentric Arcana || Antiquarian (wizard archetype) | Geomancer (wizard archetype) | Street Magician (wizard archetype)
- Mastering the Elements || Rare Skills | Uncommonly Skillful (feat) | Prodigy (follower) | Gifted Gloves (magic item)
- Beneath the Canopy || Carnivorous Fish (exploration challenge) | Corpse Plant Stench (exploration challenge) | Follow the Waystones (exploration challenge) | Maddening Twilight (exploration challenge) | Perpetual Twilight (exploration challenge) | Sacred Garden of the Ancients (exploration challenge) | Treetop Bridge (exploration challenge) | Wilderness Garden (exploration challenge)
ISSUE 23 (January 2024)
- Cultural Gear || Caravanner Cultural Gear | Circusfolk Cultural Gear | Itinerant Cultural Gear | Nomad Cultural Gear
- Shadows of the Self || Shadowcast | Shadower | Replacer
- Mighty Mini Mounted Marshals || Archetype Feature: Unusual Mount | Burrowrider | Wallrider | Waverider | Wingrider | Dire Mole | Dire Sparrow
- One-on-One: Mechanics for Duels and Single Combat || One-on-One Combat Rules | Spectator Actions | Dueling Maneuvers | Blinding Diversion | Block | Center | Deflect | Gain the High Ground | Goad | Knee Strike | Low Blow | Reposition | Taunt
ISSUE 24 (February 2024)
- Humble Beginnings || Beggar | Day Laborer | Local Muscle | Shopkeeper
- Ingenious Synergy Feats || Strategic Thinker | Game Theorist | Grandmaster | Audio Engineer | Amped Up | Go To Eleven | Divine Spark | Haleg Scepen | Imago Dei | Mischief Maker | Mystical Trickster | Protean Persona | Infiltrator | Intelligence Officer | Covert Operative | Secret Agent | Espionage Expert
- Tangle of Bridges: The Trolkin || Trollkin | Underbridge
- Nature's Reflections: Druid Archetypes of the Mirror Planes || Blinkwitch | Shade Collector | Ghasthopper | Cloud of Ghasthoppers
ISSUE 25 (March 2024)
- Cultural Gear: No Place Like Home || Collegiate Cultural Gear | Imperial Cultural Gear | Settler Cultural Gear | Villager Cultural Gear
- Villain Spotlight: Everficer and Direnaut || Direnaut | Everficer | Mage Cuffs
- Year of Celebration: Spring Holy Days || Dawnsong | Fallsday and Kassag | Cirani | Artificial Avalanche | Firsthunt | Feast of Cats | Heshgarat Cat
- Expected, Unexpected, Bizarre || Arcano-Pugilist | Botanotechnitian | Wandmaker
ISSUE 26 (April 2024)
- Control the Battlefield: Fire and Movement || Mounted Pistoleers | Dragoon | High Elf Spell Slinger | Mounted Gunslinger | Mounted Pistoleer Squad | Door Breaker | Bugbear Door Breaker
- Scheming Tricksters: New Savant Class Features || Aegises | Flourishes | Other Tricks | New Clever Schemes | Ingenious Training
- Court of Groves: The Dryadborn Heritage || Dryadborn (Heritage) | Fixated (Condition) | Grovekept (Culture)
- Theory into Practice: Bard Archetypes || Analyst | Orator | Whisperkeeper
ISSUE 27 (May 2024)
- Year of Celebrations: Summer Celebrations || Igananfeast | Summer-Forge | Summer Blade | Festival of Bridges | Tidecall | Tidecull Coral
- Signature Spells of D'Amandre: The Infamous Hypnotist || Acquiring D'Amandre's Spells | Dizziness | Gish Gallop | Nervous Recoil | Stumble | Precious Item | Subliminal Messenger | Compulsive Urge | Inflict Paranoia | Deadly Beckoning | Charm Crowd | D'Amandre's Charm Likeminded Person
- Birds of a Feather: Variant Birdfolk || Flightless Birdfolk | Mystic Birdfolk
- Tinker, Tailor: Archetypes for Artisan Artificers || Tinker | Tailor
ISSUE 28 (June 2024)
- Ways of the Rhode Wardens: The Unerring Hawk Combat Tradition || Rhode Warden Organization | Rhode Warden | Unerring Hawk Combat Tradition | Hamstring | Resteady | Stoic Stance | Thread the Needle | Harrying Shots | On Task | Run Down | Overwatch | Singular Focus | Stalking Crouch | Hunting Stance | Merciless Ambush | Predict Movements | Blood Tracking | Split the Arrow
- Cats' Grace: The Pantheran Heritage || Pantheran | People of the Snows | Ka-Teni Equipment | Ka-Teni Culture
- Hellish Descent: Infernal Exploration || Breach of Contract | Court Summons | Diabolical Toll Road | Infernal Court | Stygian Ferry Crossing
- Tavern Crawl Mechanics: Activities for a Night Out || Night Out Activities (optional mechanic) | Brawl | Competitively Drink | Dance | Look for Romance | Gamble | Join Intellectual Discussion | Perform | Pickpocket | Rumormonger | Bar Trophies | Friends We Made Along the Way
With the careful grafting of flesh and a dash of lightning, what once was dead may live again! Stitchers are artificers who delve into the marvelous mysteries of life, death, and reanimated flesh. Many stitchers begin in medical fields but once they see that dead flesh move for the first time it’s hard to ignore the potential of arcano-science. Stitchers may continue to work as doctors and mend the sick, though their true passion now requires corpse flesh as raw material for their experiments.
Bonus Proficiencies
When you select this archetype at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with the sewing kit and leatherworker’s tools. If you already had any of these proficiencies you gain an expertise die with that type of tool instead.
Stitcher Spells
At 3rd level, when you prepare your artificer spells you can prepare certain spells and create spell inventions for them (or forgo them for modifications) in addition to your normal number of prepared spells. These spells count as artificer spells for you, even if they aren’t on the artificer spell list.
Table: Stitcher Spells
3rd corpse explosion , false life
5th gentle repose , lesser restoration
9th revivify , venomous succor
13th fabricate , private sanctum
17th greater restoration , raise dead
Monstrous Minion
Also at 3rd level you learn the secrets of giving life to dead flesh and become able to create a monstrous minion.
You can create this monstrous minion by spending 8 hours of uninterrupted work on a humanoid corpse that has been dead no more than 24 hours. This monstrous minion is unique and its exact appearance is up to you. It follows you and is loyal to you, but it acts independently. In combat, it rolls its own initiative and acts on its own turn. Your monstrous minion won’t attack except as a reaction to being attacked, but it can take other actions as normal and makes death saving throws. You can only have one monstrous minion at a time, and any previously created monstrous minion collapses into a corpse when you create another.
On your turn you can use a bonus action to order your monstrous minion to perform an action.
Your monstrous minion is a zombie with the following improvements.
- Your monstrous minion’s type changes to monstrosity.
- Whenever your monstrous minion rolls initiative, it gains a number of temporary hit points equal to your artificer level × your proficiency bonus.
- Your monstrous minion’s Armor Class increases by an amount equal to your proficiency bonus.
- Your monstrous minion adds your proficiency bonus to its attack and damage rolls.
- Your monstrous minion regains all lost hit points at the end of a long rest so long as you can tend to it with leatherworker’s tools or a sewing kit.
Whenever you finish a long rest, you can graft modifications onto your monstrous minion at the cost of infusion uses. These modifications only remain functional due to your infusions, and you can maintain these modifications as if they were infused items. Any modifications you fail to maintain are removed whenever you finish a long rest. You can install any of the following modifications at the cost of 1 infusion each.
Exploding Bile
Your monstrous minion does not make death saving throws , and the first time it would make a death saving throw it instead explodes and is destroyed. Creatures within 10 feet of your monstrous minion when it explodes make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d6 poison damage on a failure, or half damage on a success. This damage increases by 2d6 when you reach 11th level.
Extra Arms
Your monstrous minion gains a climb speed of 20 feet. In addition, the maneuver DC to escape from a grapple by your monstrous minion increases by an amount equal to your Intelligence modifier. You must have access to at least one additional humanoid corpse that has been dead no more than 24 hours to graft this modification.
Extra Legs
Your monstrous minion’s Speed increases by 15 feet. You must have access to at least one additional humanoid corpse that has been dead no more than 24 hours to graft this modification.
Fine Stitchwork
Your stitchwork is barely noticeable and with a heavy coat or similar accoutrements your monstrous minion can pass for a living creature. When you graft this modification, make a leatherworker’s tools or sewing kit check. Creatures must make a Perception check with a DC equal to your check result to visually determine that your minion is a monstrosity.
Grafted Spell Invention
When you prepare your spell inventions and modifications to your monstrous minion, you may choose to graft a spell invention into the monstrous minion. You may order your monstrous minion to cast a spell using its grafted spell invention, using your spell save DC and spell attack modifier. You must roll a fizzle die as normal. Any grafted spell inventions are destroyed if the monstrous minion is destroyed.
Grafted Weapon
When you prepare your spell inventions and modifications to your monstrous minion, you may choose to graft a melee weapon onto one of its arms in place of a hand. The melee weapon must be able to be wielded with one hand. Your monstrous minion loses its grab attack and gains an attack with the grafted weapon, which it becomes proficient with. You may retrieve weapons grafted in this way the next time you prepare modifications for this monstrous minion by removing it, or from its remains if it is destroyed.
Infectious Bite
Your monstrous minion’s bite attack deals an additional 1d4 ongoing necrotic damage that persists until the target regains hit points or is medically administered to with a DC 15 Medicine check. This damage increases by 1d4 when you reach 11th level.
If the target is a beast, dragon, giant, humanoid, or monstrosity and it dies while suffering from this effect, it rises as a zombie after 1 minute, gaining the zombie template . Zombies created in this way are hostile to all non-undead and are not under your control.
Shocking Coils
Your monstrous minion has sparking coils protruding from its back. A creature takes 1d6 lightning damage when it hits your monstrous minion with a melee attack. This damage increases by 1d6 when you reach 11th level.
Thicker Skin
Your monstrous minion’s Armor Class increases by 2.
Vigor Mortis
Your monstrous minion can take the Dash action as a bonus action. It can’t do so again until it moves 0 feet on its turn.
Medical Sutures
Starting at 5th level you’ve turned your arcano-science expertise towards first aid. You can create the following additional items using Tactical Chemistry:
- bandage
- healing satchel (1 use)
In addition, you can reattach a severed limb or body part. The limb or body part must be relatively intact and the injury must be no more than 8 hours old. The reattaching process takes 1 hour and requires a DC 14 leatherworker’s tools or sewing kit check. On a success the limb or body part is attached and functional with no further complications. On a failure the limb cannot be saved.
Alternatively, you can replace a lost limb or body part with a donor part. This donor part must be analogous to a missing part (an arm for an arm, a leg for a leg), and it must be from a humanoid creature of the same size. The reattaching process requires a DC 20 leatherworker’s tools or sewing kit check when performed in this way.
Advanced Grafting
At 9th level you’ve grown tired of wasting so many perfectly good monster parts and have learned how to integrate them into your creations. The following modifications are added to your list of modification options using your Monster Minion feature at the cost of two infusion uses instead of one.
Dragon Gullet
You must have access to the corpse of a dragon that has been dead no more than 24 hours to graft this modification. Your monstrous minion gains the following breath weapon attack.
Stolen Breath (Recharge 5–6). The monster exhales the putrid and infected gullet of a fallen dragon in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in the area makes a Dexterity saving throw . A creature takes 3d6 necrotic damage and 3d6 damage of the type the dragon breathed in life on a failed saving throw, or half damage on a success.
Giant Muscles
You must have access to the corpse of a giant that has been dead no more than 24 hours to graft this modification. Your monstrous minion’s Strength increases by 6.
Grim Duplicate
You must have access to the corpse of a humanoid that has been dead no more than 24 hours to graft this modification. Your monstrous minion has the face and features of the humanoid used to make this modification. When you graft this modification, make a leatherworker’s tools or sewing kit check. Creatures must make a Perception check with a DC equal to the result or your check to visually determine that your minion is not the humanoid used to create it, realizing it is a monstrosity on a success by 5 or more.
Monstrous Part
You must have access to the corpse of a monstrosity with a CR no greater than half your artificer level that has been dead no more than 24 hours to graft this modification. Your monstrous minion gains a trait or attack unique to that monstrosity, such as the barbed tail (and tail attack) of a manticore or the head (and gaze attack) of a yeti. The parts of a monstrosity that can grant an attack or trait are at the Narrator’s discretion.
Risen Beast
You must have access to the corpse of a beast with a CR of 1 or less that has been dead no more than 24 hours to graft this modification. Your monstrous minion uses the statistics of the beast with the zombie template , gaining the other improvements found in the Monster Minion feature as normal.
It’s Alive!
At 15th level you’ve beaten death—mostly. You gain the resurrection spell and when you prepare your artificer spells you can prepare it and create a spell invention for it (or forgo it for a modification) in addition to your normal number of prepared spells. This spell counts as a 5th-level artificer spell for you and you can cast it without the usual material components, but a creature you target with it gains the monstrosity type and cannot be targeted by this feature again.
A machinist is a mechanic, a pilot, a shipwright, a grease monkey—a master of motion and all the intricate work needed to make it happen. They know every inch of every vehicle they work on and are able to identify an errant gear or joint by ear alone, and most importantly the miraculous things that a little elbow grease can make happen.
Bonus Proficiencies
When you select this archetype at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with air vehicles, land vehicles, and water vehicles. If you already had any of these proficiencies you gain an expertise die with that type of vehicle instead.
Custom Vehicle
At 3rd level you gain the ability to create your own custom personal vehicle, a marvel of engineering that you constantly improve upon and redesign. Your custom vehicle is a land vehicle with statistics as shown on Table: Machinist's vehicle.
You can create this custom vehicle over the course of 8 hours of uninterrupted work. This vehicle is unique and its exact appearance is up to you. Your custom vehicle requires your regular care, and if you attempt to create another vehicle using this feature any vehicles you’ve previously constructed in this way fall apart into useless scrap. So long as you have access to your tools of artifice, you can restore your custom vehicle to full hit points and remove any malfunctions during a long rest.
For more detailed information regarding vehicles, see Chapter 4: Equipment in the Adventurer’s Guide.
Whenever you finish a long rest , you can make modifications to your custom vehicle by expending infusion uses. These modifications only remain functional due to your infusions, and you can maintain these modifications as if they were infused items. Any modifications you fail to maintain are removed whenever you finish a long rest. You can install any of the following modifications at the cost of 1 infusion each.
Table: Machinist's Vehicle
* The damage caused by collisions with Medium vehicles is 2d6.
Armor Plating
Your custom vehicle’s AC increases by 2.
Your custom vehicle ignores difficult terrain .
Chemical Boosters
While driving your vehicle, you can use a bonus action to increase its speed by 30 feet for 1 minute. Once the vehicle’s speed is increased in this way it cannot benefit from this modification again until you finish a long rest maintaining or reinstalling this modification.
Enhanced Brakes
Your custom vehicle can take the Stop action even if it has momentum. When it stops in this way it loses momentum.
Integrated Spell Invention
When you prepare your spell inventions and modifications to your custom vehicle, you may choose to integrate a spell invention into it. You may only cast spells using integrated spell inventions while you are driving your custom vehicle. If an integrated spell invention would burn out and be destroyed, instead your custom vehicle suffers the integrity malfunction (the integrity malfunction can be suffered multiple times). Any integrated spell inventions are destroyed if your custom vehicle is destroyed.
Mechanical Legs
Your custom vehicle gains a climb speed of 30 feet or 3 miles per hour.
Motorized Wheels
Your custom vehicle’s Speed increases to 50 feet or 5 miles per hour.
Passenger Seat
Your custom vehicle loses its personal property. It can carry you plus one Medium-sized or smaller passenger.
Whenever a collision occurs with your custom vehicle, the damage it takes is reduced by 1d6, and damage dealt to other impacted objects and vehicles is increased by 2d6.
Your custom vehicle becomes a water vehicle (with a swim speed of 30 feet or 3 miles per hour) in addition to being a land vehicle. When making checks for your custom vehicle, treat it as a water vehicle while it travels over water and as a land vehicle when it travels overland.
Shielded Cockpit
While driving your custom vehicle, you gain the benefits of half cover .
Machinist Spells
Also at 3rd level, when you prepare your artificer spells you can prepare certain spells and create spell inventions for them (or forgo them for modifications to your custom vehicle) in addition to your normal number of prepared spells. These spells count as artificer spells for you, even if they aren’t on the artificer spell list.
Table: Machinist Spells
3rd expeditious retreat , grease
5th heat metal , levitate
13th freedom of movement , stone shape
17th animate objects , creation
Pinpoint Maneuvering
Starting at 5th level, your driving skills allow you to swerve around obstacles and through tight spaces where vehicles couldn’t normally function. While driving a vehicle, whenever an action would allow you to change the vehicle’s facing up to 90 degrees, you may change it up to 180 degrees instead.
In addition, whenever an attack hits a vehicle you’re driving or a collision occurs involving a vehicle you are driving, you can use your reaction to avoid the worst of it, reducing the damage your vehicle would take by the result of a vehicle check (air, land, or water as appropriate to the vehicle).
Advanced Vehicle Modifications
At 9th level you’ve been inspired to stretch your custom vehicle to the limits of technology and magic. The following modifications are added to your list of modification options using your Custom Vehicle feature at the cost of two infusion uses instead of one.
The vehicle becomes an air vehicle (with a fly speed of 50 feet or 5 miles per hour) in addition to being a land vehicle. When making checks for your custom vehicle, treat it as a land vehicle while it is grounded and an air vehicle while it is airborne.
Your custom vehicle gains inbuilt defenses in the form of motorized saws. While driving your custom vehicle you can make an attack using the saws as an action at any time during the vehicle’s movement. They are a 2d12 weapon, they can target any creature adjacent to the vehicle, and they add your Intelligence modifier for their attack and damage rolls.
Enclosed Cockpit
While driving your custom vehicle, you gain the benefits of three-quarters-cover .
Grabbing Claws
Your custom vehicle has a pair of mechanical claws that you can attack with by using an action while driving it. You gain proficiency with the claws and may use your Intelligence when making attack and damage rolls with them. On a hit the claws deal 2d6 bludgeoning or piercing damage (chosen when you make the modification) and a creature makes a Strength or Dexterity saving throw against a DC equal to your passive Engineering score or becomes grappled . Creatures can attempt to escape this grapple as normal, using your passive Engineering score instead of your maneuver DC. Your custom vehicle’s movement is not impeded by grappling a creature, and your vehicle may grapple a maximum of 1 creature at a time.
In addition, while driving your custom vehicle you may use the mechanical claws to lift or manipulate objects. The mechanical claws use your Intelligence to determine their carrying capacity, and when using them to make an Athletics check you may make an Engineering check instead.
Your custom vehicle becomes a water vehicle (with a swim speed of 40 feet or 4 miles per hour, or an existing swim speed increased by 20 feet or 2 miles per hour) in addition to being a land vehicle. When making checks for this vehicle, treat it as a water vehicle while it travels over water and as a land vehicle when it travels overland. In addition, your custom vehicle gains the three-dimensional vehicle property when traveling in water. You and any passengers you take can breathe normally for up to 1 hour while your custom vehicle is submerged, after which it must surface or else any occupants begin to suffocate.
Mobile Fortress
At 15th level you’ve expanded on your initial designs and what was once a small prototype has been upgraded into a full-fledged mobile fortress.
Whenever you make modifications to your custom vehicle, you may choose to expand it into a Huge-sized vehicle. If you do, it gains the following benefits.
- 50 additional hit points.
- Your custom vehicle can carry up to 80 Supply.
- Your custom vehicle loses the personal property and can carry up to 6 passengers in addition to you.
- In combat your custom vehicle grants you and other passengers the benefits of half cover.