Dungeon Delver's Guide
Dungeon Delver's Guide
- Heritages || Doppelganger | Motley | Mycelial | Oozefolk | Ratling | Rockborn
- Cultures || Carven | Faceless | Grimlock | Meld-Member | Mischief Maker | Motley Crew | Sewer Rat | Sunless Mariner | Underharvester | Underlander
- Backgrounds || Deep Hunter | Dungeon Robber | Escapee from Below | Imposter
- Archetypes || Arachnid Guardian (adept) | Sound Sculptor (bard) | Troll Slayer (berserker) | Labyrinth Priest (cleric) | Decomposer (druid) | Dungeoneer (fighter) | Stone Warden (herald) | Expedition Leader (marshal) | Tenebrous Stalker (ranger) | Shadow Stalker (rogue) | Stoneheart (sorcerer) | Fatewoven (warlock) | Oozemancer (wizard)
- Equipment || Dungeon Delver Equipment | Aboleth Equipment | Grimlock Equipment | Deep Dwarf Equipment | Ratling Equipment | Tinker Gnome Equipment | Shadow Elf Equipment | Dungeon Mounts | Dungeon Vehicles
- Spells || 13 new spells
- Mapping the Dungeon
- Dungeon Theme
- Designing a Dungeon's Structure
- Stocking the Dungeon
- Running the Dungeon
- Traps || Over 100 new traps
- Random Dungeon Delves || Bastion | Caverns | Laboratory | Mine | Ruin | Sewer | Temple | Tomb
- 10 two-Page Dungeons
- Ability Scores
- Magic Items || 16 new magic items
- Monsters & NPCs || Over 30 new monsters & NPCs
Chapter 4: Underland Gazetteer
- Appendix A: 5E Races
- Appendix B: Conditions
- Appendix C: Stat Blocks by Challenge Rating
- Appendix D: Stat Blocks by Name
- Appendix E: Compatibility
Chained One
Chained One
Valuables include jewelry, equipment, art, and other objects, and can come in nearly limitless varieties. Each of the following tables contains some examples. Of all forms of treasure, valuables are the most useful for showing the characteristics and history of a treasure hoard or its owner. These may include items that point the way to further adventures, like letters and treasure maps.
1 Arms and armor. Rapier or shortbow
2 Artwork. Competent portrait or tavern sign
3 Bracelet. Bronze torque or silver bangle
4 Clothing. Fine fur-trimmed cloak or floppy feathered hat
5 Earrings. Silver and malachite pendants or tiny gold skulls
6 Equipment. A dulcimer or navigator’s tools
7 Useful object. Copper pot, silver hatpin, or nonmagical crystal ball
8 Ring. Copper and garnet ring or plain gold band
9 Statuary. Painted wooden knight or stone elephant statuette
10 Trade goods. Bolt of cloth or 7 pounds of cloves
11 Vial of liquid. Acid or holy water
12 Writing. Ordinary book or local map
1 Ring. Gold band set with a moonstone or lion-headed gold ring
2 Bracelet. Electrum chain or silver and obsidian band
3 Earrings. Chalcedony pendants or small gold or silver studs
4 Necklace. Gold locket or thick silver chain
5 Clothing. Stylish cap or gloves
6 Statuary. Marble figurine or pair of bronze dragon bookends
7 Artwork. Watercolors or worn tapestry of rare plants
8 Trade goods. 5 pounds of saffron or fifteen 1-pound silver bars
9 Arms and armor. Concealable boot dagger or silver-hilted longsword
10 Useful object. Gold-framed mirror, silver and quartz chalice, or silver snuff box
11 Writing. Bestiary or map of a distant land
12 Vial of liquid. Antitoxin or medicinal salve
1 Ring. Mithral band or pearl solitaire
2 Bracelet. Gold armlet or silver and pearl bracelet
3 Earrings. Gold hoops or pearl pendants
4 Necklace. Dragontooth necklace or fine gold chain hung with gold leaves
5 Clothing. Pointy-toed shoes or a stylish silk doublet
6 Statuary. Marble bust or small silver idol
7 Artwork. Excellent portrait of a famous person or fine tapestry
8 Trade goods. 5 grams of diamond dust or five 1-pound gold bars
9 Arms and armor. Gold-hilted sword or silver helmet
10 Useful object. Set of gold buttons, silver ewer, or silver jewelry box
11 Writing. Rare book or treasure map which leads to the discovery of a rare spell of at least 2nd-level
12 Vial of liquid. Faerie dragon euphoria gas (acts as the breath weapon if inhaled) or shadow elf poison (200 gp)
1 Ring. Black pearl nose ring or peridot ring carved with a family crest
2 Bracelet. Gold bangle or platinum chain
3 Earrings. Dangling platinum earrings or white and black pearl pendants
4 Necklace. Coral bead necklace or thick gold chain
5 Regalia. Gold tiara or silver scepter
6 Clothing. Gold-buckled belt or high fashion hat
7 Statuary. Gold idol or jade statuette
8 Artwork. Gold-threaded tapestry or masterpiece painting
9 Trade goods. Bolt of fine silk or 1-pound mithral bar
10 Arms and armor. Gold-handled sword stick (acts as rapier) or half plate
11 Useful object. Gold ewer, gold harp, or gold incense burner
12 Vial of liquid. Two doses oil of taggit (400 gp each) or pale tincture (650 gp)
1 Ring. Gold band set with a single emerald or with a dozen tiny opals
2 Earrings. Blue or yellow sapphire earrings
3 Necklace. Ruby pendant or string of pearls
4 Clothing. Royal dress or robe
5 Statuary. Figurine carved from emerald or gold idol
6 Useful object. Gem-studded gold goblet, gold jewelry box, or fine mithral-inlaid lute
7 Regalia. Platinum orb or silver and topaz crown
8 Vial of liquid. Purple worm poison (2,000 gp) or two doses of wyvern poison (1,250 gp each)
9 Writing. Undiscovered masterpiece play or deed to a fort
10 Arms and armor. Ceremonial gold-etched full plate or royal greatsword with gem-studded hilt
1 Ring. Diamond solitaire or ruby and platinum ring
2 Earrings. Diamond studs or platinum and black sapphire earrings
3 Necklace. Flawless jacinth pendant or string of black pearls
4 Statuary. Life-sized silver statue or platinum statuette
5 Useful object. Bloodstone and jade chess set, gold and ruby warhorn, or gold bejeweled ewer
6 Regalia. Gemmed gold crown or gold scepter
7 Writing. Full royal pardon for one unspecified crime or legendary tome of magical theory which leads to the discovery of a rare spell of at least 5th-level
8 Trade goods. 8-pound adamantine meteorite or ore of some exotic metal from a different plane (examples: cloudsilver, efreeti brass, glassteel)
1 Necklace. Necklace of rubies or diamonds
2 Jewelry. Adamantine mask or platinum armlet studded with jacinths
3 Statuary. Gold statuette with ruby eyes or life-sized masterpiece bronze statue
4 Regalia. Gemmed gold breastplate or mithral crown
5 Useful object. Black dragon egg, mithral and gold chest with a masterwork lock, or portable door which opens to a permanent demiplane
6 Writing. Bank note for 25,000 gp from a bank in a major city, map that leads to a fabled treasure, mythical city, or the discovery of a rare spell of at least 8th-level
Use the following tables to determine the specific types of gemstones found in a treasure. Most often, caches of gemstones contain only one or two types of gems. Large, flawless, or unusually colored gems might be worth as much as ten times the usual price for their type.
1 Agate. Usually translucent green, brown, and yellow (fire agate is iridescent)
2 Lapis lazuli. Deep blue, sometimes flecked with gold
3 Malachite. Opaque, mottled green, often found in copper deposits
4 Obsidian. Opaque black, produced from lava
5 Quartz. Usually clear or subtly colored and transparent (rose quartz is light pink)
6 Turquoise. Opaque, blue-green
1 Bloodstone. Opaque, dark green stone with blood-red spots
2 Carnelian. Opaque orange, red, or brown
3 Citrine. Transparent yellow or orange
4 Jasper. Opaque, sometimes banded, often green or brown
5 Moonstone. Translucent bluish-white
6 Onyx. Opaque black or white
1 Amber. Translucent yellow-orange, made of fossilized tree resin
2 Amethyst. Transparent purple
3 Coral. Opaque red, made of polished sea coral
4 Garnet. Usually transparent red, but other colors are possible
5 Jade. Translucent green
6 Jet. Opaque black, made of fossilized wood
7 Pearl. Opaque white, or very rarely black, produced by oysters and similar creatures
8 Tourmaline. Transparent, nearly any color
1 Aquamarine. Transparent pale blue
2 Peridot. Transparent green or olive
3 Spinel. Transparent red, blue, purple, or pink
4 Topaz. Transparent, any color but most often yellow to red
1–2 Opal. Transparent, iridescent, many colors including white, black, blue, red, and green
3–4 Sapphire. Transparent and usually blue, but can be green, pink, yellow, or purple (star sapphires have white star-shaped inclusions)
5–6 Emerald. Transparent green
1–2 Diamond. Transparent and clear (the most prized diamonds have no visible inclusions or flaws)
3–4 Jacinth. Transparent red-orange
5–6 Ruby. Transparent red (star rubies have white star-shaped inclusions)
Magic Item Tables
Magic Item Tables
When generating treasure hoards, use the following tables to randomly choose a magic item. The Narrator can customize magical treasure by choosing items instead of rolling randomly or by using items from other sources. An adventure—whether published or invented by the Narrator—may also feature unique magic items like a +1 weapon with a power related to the events of the adventure, or mysterious magical objects with which the adventurers can interact (such as a magic door that opens when a riddle is answered).
Expendable Magic Items. The first three magic item tables consist of expendable items like potions and scrolls, with Table: Magic Items #1 most suitable for beginning adventurers, Table: Magic Items #2 for mid-level parties, and Table: Magic Items #3 for high-level PCs.
Enchanted Trinkets. Table: Magic Items #4 consists of magical trinkets, which are minor items which can be given freely to characters without upsetting game balance.
Permanent Magic Items. Table: Magic Items #5–#10 are composed of successively more powerful permanent items. Items on Table: Magic Items #5 are appropriate for 1st level adventurers, while items on Table: Magic Items #10 are most often earned only with great difficulty by the highest-level characters.
When a roll on a treasure table calls for 3 or more expendable items, the items are often of the same type. For example, a result of 3 items on Table: Magic Items #1 might be 3 potions of healing or 3 spell scrolls which each contain a different spell.
Note that magic items marked with a C are cursed.
Magic Items #1
1–10 +1 ammunition
11–12 Dust of disappearance
13–14 Dust of dryness
15–16 Dust of sneezing and choking
17–20 Elemental gem
21–22 Fizzy lifter
23–24 Oil of slipperiness
25–26 Philter of love
27–28 Potion of animal friendship
29–30 Potion of climbing
31–32 Potion of giant strength (hill giant)
33–34 Potion of growth
35–63 Potion of healing
64–65 Potion of poison
66–67 Potion of resistance
68–69 Potion of water breathing
70–71 Pumpkin bomb
72–75 Restorative ointment
76–77 Skull liqueur
78–82 Spell scroll (cantrip)
83–87 Spell scroll (1st-level)
88–92 Spell scroll (2nd-level)
93–97 Spell scroll (3rd-level)
98–100 Vial of beauty
Magic Items #2
1–10 +2 ammunition
11–12 Bag of beans
13–14 Chime of opening
15–24 Feather token
25–26 Necklace of fireballs
27–28 Oil of etherealness
29–30 Potion of clairvoyance
31–32 Potion of diminution
33–34 Potion of gaseous form
35–36 Potion of giant strength (frost giant)
37–38 Potion of giant strength (stone giant)
39–58 Potion of greater healing
59–60 Potion of heroism
61–70 Potion of mind reading
71–85 Potion of superior healing
86–90 Spell scroll (4th-level)
91–95 Spell scroll (5th-level)
96–100 Spell scroll (6th-level)
Magic Items #3
1–10 +3 ammunition
11–15 Arrow of slaying
16–18 Bead of force
19–22 Candle of invocation
23–25 Liquid luck
26–28 Marvelous pigments
29–32 Oil of sharpness
33–36 Potion of flying
37–40 Potion of giant strength (cloud)
41–44 Potion of giant strength (storm)
44–48 Potion of invisibility
49–52 Potion of speed
53–77 Potion of supreme healing
78–81 Sovereign glue
82–86 Spell scroll (7th-level)
87–91 Spell scroll (8th-level)
92–96 Spell scroll (9th-level)
97–100 Universal solvent
Magic Items #4
1 Aerodite the Autumn Queen’s True Name
4 Amulet of the pleasing bouquet
5 Anthology of Enhanced Radiance
6 Archaic creed C
11 Barrow bread
14 Borrower’s bookmark C
15 Box of bees
16 Bubble wand
18 Candle of the surreptitious scholar
23 Contract of indentured service
24 Culdarath the Ninth Ring’s true name
25 Draconic diorama C
28 Essay on efficient armor management
35 Fizzy rocks
37 Focusing eye
39 Gallow hand
40 Glass ring
44 Humour realignment transfiguration
46 Inkpot of the thrifty apprentice
49 Jade tiger
50 Jarred brain
63 Oil of cosmetic enhancement
67 Perdita Ravenwing’s true name
69 Perfume vile
76 Satyr boots
84 Skeleton key
86 Stick awl
88 That Which Spies From Infinity’s true name
91 Tome of Triumphant Tavern Keeping
94 Unliving rune C
97 Waystone
Magic Items #5
1 Air charm C
2–15 Bag of holding
16 Bag of tricks (blue)
17 Bag of tricks (gray)
18 Bag of tricks (green)
19 Bag of tricks (rust)
20 Bag of tricks (tan)
23–25 Boots of elvenkind
26 Boots of striding and springing
31–33 +1 breastplate
35 Cantrip wand
36–38 +1 chain shirt
50–52 Gauntlets of ogre power
56 Gloves of swimming and climbing
58 Guide to Respecting Social Mores
59–61 Hat of disguise
62 +1 hauberk
63 Helm of comprehending languages
64 +1 hide
65 Ice riders
67 Ironweed rope (50 feet)
70 Magic mirror (pocket)
76–78 Pearl of power
87–88 +1 scale mail
90 Stone of good luck (luckstone)
94–99 Wand of the war mage +1
100 Wind fan
Magic Items #6
10 Berserker axe C
12–13 +2 chain shirt
14–17 Cloak of elvenkind
18–22 Cloak of protection
26 Earth charm C
28 Figurine of shared affliction
29 Figurine of wondrous power (silver raven)
30 Fire charm C
33–34 Headband of intellect
36 +2 hide
37 Horn of valhalla (silver)
38 Instrument of irresistible symphonies
39 Ioun stone (protection)
40 Ioun stone (reserve)
41 Ioun stone (sustenance)
43–45 Javelin of lightning
47 Periapt of proof against poison
50–54 Ring of protection
55–57 Ring of resistance
62–67 +1 shield
68 Slippers of spider climbing
69 Spellcasting symphony (harp of harmony)
71–72 Staff of the python
76–78 Wand of magic missile
79 Water charm C
80–100 +1 weapon
Magic Items #7
4–5 Belt of hill giant strength
6–8 Boots of speed
9 Bowl of commanding water elementals
11 Brazier of commanding fire elementals
12–13 +2 breastplate
15–17 Cape of the mountebank
18 Censer of controlling air elementals
27–28 +1 half plate
29–38 Handy haversack
39 +2 hauberk
40 +3 hide
43 Magic mirror (handheld)
58 Robe of eyes
62–64 Schooled weapon
66 Spellcasting symphony (defending drum)
67 +1 splint
72–76 Wand of the war mage +2
77–79 Wand of web
80–98 +2 weapon
99 Winged boots
100 Wings of flying
Magic Items #8
3 Amulet of proof against detection and location
5–6 Animated shield
13 Demon armor C
14 Echo force
15–16 Elven chain
17 Figurine of wondrous power (bronze griffin)
18 Figurine of wondrous power (ebony fly)
19 Figurine of wondrous power (golden lions)
20 Figurine of wondrous power (ivory goats)
21 Figurine of wondrous power (marble elephant)
22 Figurine of wondrous power (onyx dog)
23 Figurine of wondrous power (serpentine owl)
24–26 Flame tongue
28 Folding boat
29–30 +1 full plate
32–34 Giant slayer
35 +3 hauberk
37 Horn of valhalla (brass)
46 Necklace of hunger C
47–49 Oathbow
50–61 Portable hole
64–66 Ring of spell storing
68–70 Scimitar of speed
71–76 +2 shield
77 Shield of missile attraction C
78 Spellcasting symphony (triangle of terror)
79 +2 splint
88 Stone of controlling earth elementals
89–91 Sun blade
94 Wand of fear
95–97 Wand of fireballs
98–99 Wand of lightning bolts
100 Wand of wonder
Magic Items #9
4–5 Belt of frost or stone giant strength
7 Carpet of flying (3 ft. × 5 ft.)
8 Carpet of flying (4 ft. × 6 ft.)
12–14 Dragon scale mail
15–17 Dragon slayer
22 +3 elven breastplate (mithral)
26 Figurine of wondrous power (obsidian steed)
27–29 Frost brand
33 Goblin mask
37 Horn of valhalla (bronze)
41 Ioun stone (absorption)
42 Ioun stone (agility)
43 Ioun stone (awareness)
44 Ioun stone (greater absorption)
45 Ioun stone (insight)
46 Ioun stone (intellect)
47 Ioun stone (leadership)
48 Ioun stone (strength)
50 Magic mirror (wall)
54 Manual of Quickness of Action
60–63 Ring of telekinesis
65 Robe of scintillating colors
68 Sonic staff
69 Spellcasting symphony (flute of the wind)
71 +3 splint
75 Staff of thunder and lightning
76–77 Sword of sharpness
81–84 Wand of the war mage +3
85–100 +3 weapon
Magic Items #10
4 Belt of cloud giant strength
5 Belt of storm giant strength
6 Carpet of flying (5 ft. × 7 ft.)
7 Carpet of flying (6 ft. × 9 ft.)
8–12 Crystal ball
13 Cubic gate
15–16 Defender
18–19 +2 dwarven plate (stone)
22 Excalibur
26–27 +3 full plate
28–29 Hammer of thunderbolts
30 Harvest
31 Helm of brilliance (half charged)
32 Helm of brilliance (fully charged)
34–36 Holy avenger
37 Horn of valhalla (iron)
38 How to Make Fiends and Influence People
39 Ioun stone (fortitude)
40 Ioun stone (mastery)
41 Ioun stone (regeneration)
42 Iron flask
44–45 Luck blade
46 Mindrazor
49 Plate armor of etherealness
51 Ring of elemental command (air)
52 Ring of elemental command (earth)
53 Ring of elemental command (fire)
54 Ring of elemental command (water)
55–57 Ring of invisibility
58–59 Ring of regeneration
61–62 Ring of three wishes
64–65 Robe of the archmagi
66–67 Rod of absorption
71–75 +3 shield
76 Skrivena MocC
77–78 Spellcasting symphony (lute of legends)
80–82 Staff of power
83–85 Staff of the magi
86 Star heart C
92 Tome of Leadership and Influence
94 Transforming cloak (gnome)
95 Transforming cloak (salamander)
96 Transforming cloak (sylph)
97 Transforming cloak (undine)
98 Vorpal sword
99 Warpblade