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Zidi Wheatling

Zidi Wheatling

Class Fighter ; Level 1; XP (0/0)

Heritage  Halfling ; Culture  Forsaken ;  Background Fey Servant; Destiny  Underdog

Size Small; Speed 30 ft.

Languages Common, Goblin, Primordial, Sylvan

Maneuver DC 13


16 (+3)* 


18 (-1) 


14 (+2)*


10 (+0)


14 (+2)


12 (+1)

  * saving throw proficiency (+2)



Hit Points 12 (Hit dice d10+2)

Fatigue 0; Strife 0

Armor Class 16 (iron hauberk)

Armor Proficiencies all armor



  Bastard SwordMelee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d8+3 slashing damage, or 1d10+3 slashing damage if wielded in two hands.

  HandaxeMelee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6+3 slashing damage.

Combat Maneuvers

Maneuver Save DC 13; Exertion 4/long rest

Adamant Mountain: heavy stance (1st), lean into it (1st)

Mirror’s Glint: leading throw (1st)

Proficiency Bonus (+2)



  • Arcana (fey*)
  • Athletics (throwing*)
  • Insight
  • Intimidation


  • smith's tools

Saving Throws

  • Strength
  • Constitution
* specialty (+1d4)    

Heritage Features


You are immune to the effects of the frightened condition , whether caused by magic or by natural phenomena. You might still feel fear, but you are able to ignore it; alternatively you might be unable to even experience that emotion, and are unable to understand it in others.

Halfling Nimbleness

You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours. 


When you roll a 1 on the d20 for an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll. 

Big Feet

You gain an expertise die on checks and saving throws made to resist being knocked prone. 

Thick Soles

You are immune to damage from sharp terrain hazards (such as caltrops, broken glass, or the spike growth  spell) and ignore difficult terrain caused by them. Additionally, other kinds of difficult terrain reduces your movement speed by 5 feet instead of halving it. 

Culture Features

Fleet of Foot

Your Speed increases by 5 feet. 

Eat Like a Bird

You grew used to eating very little. You can go a number of days equal to half your Constitution modifier without suffering any fatigue from lack of Supply.

Improvised Tools

During a long rest, when you have access to raw materials you can jury-rig an improvised tool kit. If you roll a 1 while making a check using the improvised tools or the next time you take a long rest, they break. 

Pack Rat

You can carry your whole house on your back. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity. 

Roll With the Punches

After you fail an ability check, you have advantage on your next ability check. You can’t use this trait again until after you finish a short or long rest. 


You can speak, read, write, and sign Common, and two additional languages.

Class Features


When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the off-hand attack.


You have the ability to go for the long haul, carrying heavy equipment across long distances. You double your Strength score when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can lift, push, or drag. You may also add your proficiency bonus to the number of hours you can march before you risk fatigue from a forced march.


At 1st level, you gain the ability to use combat maneuvers. You gain proficiency in two combat traditions of your choice. You learn three maneuvers of your choice from traditions you are proficient with.

You gain an exertion pool equal to twice your proficiency bonus, regaining any spent exertion at the end of a short or long rest. You use your maneuvers by spending points from your exertion pool. The Maneuvers Known column of the Fighter table shows when you learn more maneuvers from a tradition you are proficient with, while the Maneuver Degree column shows the highest degree you can select maneuvers from at a given level.

Additionally, whenever you learn a new maneuver, you can choose one of the maneuvers you know and replace it with another maneuver of the same degree from a tradition you are proficient with.

Other Features

Gremlin Curse. You can never gain an expertise die on attacks made using crossbows and other weapons with more than a single moving part, but creatures wielding such a weapon can never gain an expertise die when using it to make attacks against you In addition, you gain an expertise die (+1d4) on ability checks and attack rolls made to destroy objects.


Source of Inspiration

Defiance. You draw inspiration from striking out against oppression, defying long odds, and placing hope in the impossible. You gain inspiration whenever you score a critical hit against a creature larger than you are, roll a natural 20 on a death saving throw, openly defy a powerful being, or succeed after taking a risk with long odds.

Inspiration Feature

A Nose for Trouble. Get kicked around long enough and you start to know when trouble’s brewing. Whenever you or an ally you can see fails an Insight check, you can use your reaction to spend your inspiration and learn any information that would have been gained by a successful Insight check.

Fulfillment Feature

Expendable and Invulnerable. While being kicked around and batted from adventure to adventure, somehow you always seem to scramble out of the rubble. Whenever you would make a saving throw you may spend your inspiration to automatically succeed instead.


Supply 10 (max 16)

Backpack, bedroll, broken pocket watch, hempen rope (50 feet), iron bastard sword, iron hauberk, handaxes (2), mess tin, mosquito netting, smith’s tools, tent, tinderbox, torches (10), traveler’s clothes, waterskin


   Gold 2



Class Adept ; Level 1 (XP 0/0)

Heritage  Human ; Culture  Dragoncult ;  Background  Acolyte ; Destiny  Devotion

Size Medium; Speed 30 ft.

Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic

Maneuver DC 13


16 (+3)* 


13 (+1)* 


14 (+2)


10 (+0)


14 (+2)


8 (-1)

  * saving throw proficiency (+2)



Hit Points 10 (Hit dice d8+2)

Fatigue 0; Strife 0

Armor Class 14 (padded cloth)

Armor Proficiencies -



  Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d4+3 bludgeoning damage.

  Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6+3 piercing damage.

  Dart. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 1d4+3 piercing damage.

  Weapon Proficiencies Simple weapons, punching daggers, shortswords, throwing daggers

Proficiency Bonus (+2)



  • Acrobatics (tumbling*)
  • Athletics (jumping*)
  • Insight
  • Perception
  • Persuasion
  • Religion
  • Stealth


  • flute

Saving Throws

  • Dexterity
  • Strength
* specialty (+1d4)    

Heritage Features

Fast Learner

With their shorter life spans, humans can acquire knowledge at a higher rate than more long-lived heritages (although not all acquire the wisdom to use it). You gain proficiency in one additional skill of your choice. In addition, you require half as much time as normal to train yourself in the use of a suit of armor, tool, or weapon during downtime.


Your survival instinct is remarkably strong. When you make an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, you can choose to gain an expertise die on that roll. Once you use this trait, you cannot use it again until you finish a short or long rest. 

Desperate Dash

When you take the Dash action, your movement this turn does not provoke opportunity attacks. During this movement, you gain an expertise die on Athletics checks made to jump, and Dexterity saving throws. Once you use this trait, you cannot use it again until you finish a short rest . 

Marathon Runner

The first time between each long rest you would gain a level of fatigue , you do not gain that level of fatigue. You still suffer a level of fatigue from finishing a long rest without any Supply .

Sojourner’s Fortitude

You gain an expertise die on saving throws made to resist fatigue for marching longer than 8 hours. 

Culture Features

Draconic Umbra

As a bonus action, you can cause draconic power to course around you in a draconic umbra. This draconic umbra lasts for 1 minute or until you use a bonus action to end it. Once you have used this trait, you cannot use it again until after you finish a long rest. Common amongst the chromatic dragons, this umbra burns with draconic power. Once on each of your turns while this umbra is active, you can deal extra fire damage to one target when you deal damage to it with an attack or a spell. The extra damage equals half your level (minimum 1). If you are not dragonborn, you may choose the damage type dealt by your umbra from those available in the Dragon Breath trait.

Secrets of the Wyrm

Draconic cults require diverse skill sets and the utmost secrecy. Choose two skills from among Arcana, Deception, Persuasion, Religion, or Stealth. You have proficiency in the chosen skills. 


You can speak, read, write, and sign Common and Draconic..

Class Features


You are proficient with light armor. While you are wearing light armor, you replace your Dexterity modifier with your Strength modifier for AC. If you know the Adept Speed practiced technique or any other that has it as a requirement, you can use them while wearing light armor.

Martial Arts

Your trail to perfection gives you mastery of combat styles that use unarmed strikes and adept weapons, which are quarterstaffs, punching daggers, shortswords, and any simple melee weapons that don’t have the two-handed or heavy property. 

You gain the following benefits while you are unarmed or wielding only adept weapons and you aren’t wielding a shield:

  • You can use Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack and damage rolls of your unarmed strikes and adept weapons.
  • You can roll a d4 in place of the normal damage of your unarmed strike or adept weapon. This die changes as you gain adept levels, as shown in the Martial Arts column of the Adept table.
  • When you use the Attack action with an unarmed strike or an adept weapon on your turn, you can make one unarmed strike as a bonus action. For example, if you take the Attack action and attack with a quarterstaff, you can also make an unarmed strike as a bonus action, assuming you haven’t already taken a bonus action this turn.

Other Features

OrdinationYou are expected to perform the religious ceremonies of your faith, including weddings and funerals. In exchange, members of your faith will provide you and your companions food, lodging, and a moderate lifestyle. 


Source of Inspiration

Its Own RewardYou draw inspiration from seeing your duty through to the end. You gain inspiration whenever you complete a quest, fulfill a difficult promise, or commit an act of self-sacrifice that includes grievous injury to yourself.

Inspiration Feature

Selfless Aid. Your aid is a lifeline and a steadying source of resolve. Whenever you take the Help action to aid an ally attacking a creature, you may spend your inspiration. If you do, in addition to the normal benefits of the Help action, that creature has disadvantage on attack rolls against creatures other than you until the start of your next turn. 

Fulfillment Feature

Miraculous Revival. Universal forces are often inclined to restore those who die heroically for noble causes, blessing their sacrifice by making them better than they were before. As long as you have not died of old age, 24 hours after you die (or in 24 hours, if your death triggered gaining this feature) you miraculously revive intact with full hit points. You appear after “narrowly surviving” the circumstances that killed you—climbing out of the chasm you fell down, crawling from the rubble of the structure that collapsed over you, waking up from impossibly lethal wounds that prove superficial, or magically transporting from the plane of existence you were caught in. In addition, the first time you are revived in this way, you gain a +1 bonus on all future attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws.


Supply 10 (max 16)

Backpack, bedroll, clothes (common), darts (10), hempen rope (50 feet), holy symbol, mess tin, robe, padded cloth, prayer book, prayer beads, shortsword, tinderbox, torches (10), waterskin


   Gold 0

Fenjomistaraxis (Fenjo)

Fenjomistaraxis (Fenjo)

Class Wizard ( arcanist - evocation); Level 7 (XP 23,638/34,000)

Heritage Elf ; Culture  Eladrin ; Background  Cultist ; Destiny  Knowledge

Size Medium; Speed 30 ft. (jump 15 ft.; see air lift)

Languages Elvish, Sylvan, Common, Draconic

Maneuver DC 14; Spell DC 15


8 (-1) 


16 (+3)


10 (+0)


18 (+4)*


14 (+2)*


8 (-1)

  * saving throw proficiency (+3)



Hit Points 31 (Hit dice d6)

Fatigue 0; Strife 0

Armor Class 14 (17 with mage armor )

Armor Proficiencies -



  Fire bolt . Ranged Spell Attack. +7 to hit, range 120 ft., one target. Hit: 2d10+4 fire damage.

  Arcane Riposte . Melee Spell Attack. +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3d6+4 choice of damage.

  Staff. Melee Weapon Attack. +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6+1 bludgeoning damage; parrying, simple.

  Weapon Proficiencies Daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, longswords,rapiers


Spell Save DC 15; Spell Attack Bonus +7 (+8 with wand of the war mage)

Cantrips: Fire Bolt , Friends , Light , Mage Hand , Prestidigitation , Minor Illusion , Shield , Alarm ,
Unseen Servant , Grease

1st-level (4): Magic Missile Arcane Riposte , Detect Magic , Feather Fall , Mage Armor , Sleep , Searing Equation

2nd-level (3): Gust of Wind , Invisibility , Levitate Scorching Ray , Web , Knock

3rd-level (3): Lightning Bolt , Fly , Fireball

4th-level (1): Phantasmal Killer

Notes (see features for more details)

Arcane Recovery. On a short rest recover spell slots equal to half wizard level rounding up (4).

Bend Magic. Area damage spells can ignore creatures up to Intelligence modifier (4)

Rote Memorization. One non-damaging cantrip (can change each long rest) can be cast as a bonus action a number of times equal to proficiency bonus (3).

War Magic. Add Intelligence bonus (4) damage to evocation spells.

Signature spells. Magic missile is always prepared for free, and can be cast once per rest without using a spell slot.

Fauna & Flora. Plants and beasts have disadvantage when saving vs spells.

Proficiency Bonus (+3)



  • Arcana (forbidden knowledge*)
  • Culture
  • Deception
  • History
  • Investigation (trapfinding*)
  • Medicine


  • Cartographer’s tools

Saving Throws

  • Intelligence
  • Wisdom
* specialty (+1d4)    

Heritage Features

Fey Ancestry

You gain an expertise die on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.


Having your ancestral origins in the twilight realms, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. 


Elves don’t need to sleep. Instead, they meditate deeply, remaining conscious (the Common word for such meditation is “trance.”) While meditating, you can dream after a fashion; such dreams are actually mental exercises that became reflexive through years of practice. When you take a long rest, you spend 4 hours in your trance state (instead of sleeping for 6 hours). During the trance you suffer no penalty to passive Perception. A long rest remains 8 hours for you as normal, and the remainder of the time must be filled only with light activity. 

Arcane Sensitivity

You gain proficiency in Arcana. 

Arcane Empathy

Your sensitivity to the flow of magic lets you speak to the hearts of others. You have a limited ability to communicate telepathically with those within 30 feet of you. Though this grants the target no ability to respond telepathically, they can understand you as long as you share a language with them. 

Culture Features

Twilight Step

You have learned how to skip out of the Material Plane, fly through the Plane of Faerie, and land back in your native realm. You can forego your movement on your turn to teleport 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see. Once you have used this trait, you cannot do so again until you finish a short or long rest. 

Fey Sublimation

Your time in the Faerie Realm has suffused your being with its very energy. In addition to being humanoid, you also have the fey creature type. 

Knowledge of the Faerie Courts

You are proficient in one of the following skills: Arcana, Culture, Deception, History, Insight, Persuasion, Survival. 


You can speak, read, write, and sign in Common, Elvish, and Sylvan. 

Invocation of the Eladrin Lords (Minor Illusion)

Hierarchies among the fey often deploy pact magic and a ripple of that power is available to all eladrin subjects. You know one cantrip from Table: Eladrin Invocations, based on the aspect of nature you wish to manifest or that of your liege.

Your selected aspect also imparts minor changes of your choice to your appearance, such as to your eye and hair color, skin tone, or even the color of your clothing. At the end of a long rest, you can change your selected aspect. Your spellcasting ability for this cantrip is Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma (whichever is highest). 


Class Features

Bend Magic

When you cast a wizard spell with an instantaneous duration that deals damage to an area, you can choose a number of creatures equal to your Intelligence modifier (4) in the area that you can see. The chosen creatures take no damage from the spell.

Arcane Recovery

Once per day when you finish a short rest, you can choose expended spell slots to recover. The spell slots can have a combined level that is equal to or less than half your wizard level (rounded up), and none of the slots can be 6th-level or higher.

Rote Memorization

Choose one cantrip which has a casting time of 1 action and doesn’t deal damage. You can cast that cantrip as a bonus action without any seen or material components a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain all expended uses of this feature when you finish a long rest, and can switch the cantrip associated with this feature each time you gain a wizard level.

War Magic

When you deal damage with a wizard spell from your chosen school, you deal additional damage equal to your Intelligence modifier (4) on the first damage roll for that spell.

Signature Spells

Choose one 1st-level wizard spell that is in your spellbook. You always have this spell prepared, it doesn’t count toward your maximum prepared spells, and you can cast this spell at its lowest level without expending a spell slot. Once you have cast a Signature Spell in this way, you must finish a short or long rest before you can do so again. 

Scholarly Specialty (Evocation)

When you choose this archetype at 2nd level, choose one classical school of magic as your Scholarly Specialty: abjuration, conjuration, divination, enchantment, evocation, illusion, necromancy, or transmutation. The gold and time you must spend to copy spells from this school into your spellbook is halved. If a feature refers to your chosen school, it refers to the school selected in this feature.

Air Lift

You can use an action to increase your vertical jump distance to 15 feet until the end of your turn. When you jump in this way, you can also glide with the updraft, allowing you to move 10 feet horizontally for every 5 feet you descend vertically.

Fauna & Flora

Your research into plants, wildlife, and the natural workings of magic grants you superior insights into the magic of living creatures and flora. When a plant or beast makes a saving throw against a spell that you cast, it makes the saving throw with disadvantage.

Other Features

Forbidden LoreWhen you fail an Arcana or Religion check, you know what being or book holds the knowledge you seek—finding the book or paying the being’s price is another matter.

Destiny (Knowledge)

Source of Inspiration

LearningYou draw inspiration from research, understanding, and gaining new insights and data. You gain inspiration whenever you make an arcane, divine, scholastic, or scientific discovery.

Inspiration Feature

Critical Evaluation. Drawing upon a lifetime of study, you leap to accurate conclusions with only preliminary findings. As a bonus action you may spend your inspiration to quickly evaluate a creature or item you can see and accurately determine one objective attribute of your choice.

Fulfillment Feature

Converging Theories. Your understanding has bridged the gaps and you join what once was disparate into a unified scientific and spiritual theory. Your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores each increase by 2 and their maximums each become 22.


Supply 0 (max 8)

Quarterstaff, backpack, bedroll, clothes (traveler’s), component pouch, flask of oil, lantern (hooded), mess tin, spellbook

Ring of Protection +1, Pearl of Power (lvl 3), Wand of Magic Missile , Wand of the War Mage


   Gold 1,451



Class Bard ; Level 1 (XP 0/0)

Heritage  Dragonborn (white); Culture  Steamforged ;  Background  Farmer ; Destiny  Revenge

Size Medium; Speed 30 ft.

Languages Common, Draconic

Maneuver DC 12; Spell DC 11


12 (+1) 


14 (+2)* 


13 (+1)


10 (+0)


9 (+0)


16 (+3)*

  * saving throw proficiency (+2)



Hit Points 9 (Hit dice d8+1)

Fatigue 0; Strife 0

Armor Class 15 (scales)

Armor Proficiencies light armor



  Claws. Melee Weapon Attack:  +3 to hit, reach 5 ft/, one target. Hit: 1d4+1 slashing damage.

  Hand crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6 piercing damage; dual-wielding, loading.

  Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d4+1 piercing damage; dual-wielding, finesse, simple.

  Weapon Proficiencies Simple weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, shortswords


Spell Save DC 15; Spell Attack Bonus +5

Cantrips (3): Vicious MockeryLightFriends

1st-level (4): Speak with AnimalsSleepFaerie FireThunderwave

Notes (see features for more details)

Art specialty. When using voice as spell focus, gain advantage on concentration checks to maintain a spell.

Proficiency Bonus (+2)



  • Animal Handling
  • Culture (linguistics*)
  • Engineering
  • History
  • Nature
  • Performance
  • Persuasion (bribery*)


  • land vehicles
  • tinker's tools
  • cartographers tools
  • 2 musical instruments

Saving Throws

  • Dexterity
  • Charisma
* specialty (+1d4)    

Heritage Features

Dragon breath

You can use your dragon breath as an action to do cold damage in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in the breath’s area makes a Constitution saving throw. The DC for this saving throw equals 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus

A creature takes 2d6 damage on a failed saving throw, and half damage on a success. The damage increases to 3d6 at 4th level, 4d6 at 9th level, 5d6 at 14th level, and 6d6 at 19th level. After you use your dragon breath, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest .

Draconian armor. 

  • Claws. You grow retractable claws from the tips of your fingers. Extending or retracting the claws requires no action. The claws are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes that deal slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier. 

  • Resistance. You have resistance to cold damage.

  • Scales. You have tough interlocked draconic scales. While you aren’t wearing armor, your AC equals 13 + your Dexterity modifier. You can use a shield and still gain this benefit. 

Culture Features

Mind Like a Steel Trap

You have proficiency in either History, Investigation, or Nature, and you gain an expertise die on checks made using the chosen skill.

Tech Savvy

You have proficiency with tinker’s tools and Engineering, plus one other artisan’s tool of your choice. 

War Scholar

When you replace an attack or use an action to Disarm, Grapple, Overrun, Shove, or Tumble, you gain an expertise die. 


You can speak, read, write, and sign in Common and one other language.

Class Features

Art Speciality

Voice (Humming, Insults, Oration, Singing). When using this musical art as a spell focus, you have advantage on checks made to maintain concentration on a bard spell.

Bardic Inspiration

You have a preternatural ability to inspire those around you. You can use a bonus action to choose one creature other than yourself within 60 feet of you who can hear or see you. That creature gains one Bardic Inspiration die, a d6.

Once within the next 10 minutes, the creature can roll the die and add the number rolled to one ability check, attack roll, or saving throw it makes. The creature can wait until after it rolls the d20 before deciding to use the Bardic Inspiration die, but must decide before the Narrator says whether the roll succeeds or fails. Once the Bardic Inspiration die is rolled, it is lost. A creature can have only one Bardic Inspiration die at a time.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (3). You regain any expended uses when you finish a long rest.

At 5th level your Bardic Inspiration die increases to d8, at 10th level it increases to d10, and at 15th level it increases to d12.

Battle Hymn

Once at the start of your turn, you can activate a battle hymn by expending a use of Bardic Inspiration (no action is required). Performing a battle hymn requires your concentration, as though you were casting a spell. Once activated, a battle hymn continues until you lose concentration or the start of your next turn.

Overbearing Rhythm. An attacker targeting the creature has disadvantage on its attack roll.

Other Features

Bit and Bridle. You know how to stow and transport food. You and one animal under your care can each carry additional Supply equal to your proficiency bonus.


Source of Inspiration

Served Cold. You draw inspiration from the wails of those who have wronged you. You gain inspiration whenever you outwit a foe without the use of Deception or Persuasion checks.

Inspiration Feature

Cloak and Dagger. You know how to avert suspicion when danger closes in. Whenever you or an ally you can see fail a Sleight of Hand or Stealth check, you can use your reaction to spend your inspiration and undo any consequences of that failed check. 

Fulfillment Feature

Retaliatory Reputation. It has become apparent that wronging you is decidedly unwise and those without a death wish instinctively fear you. While you are not incapacitated, you can use a bonus action to direct a threatening stare at any hostile creature within 20 feet of you. The creature must make a Wisdom saving throw with a DC equal to your passive Intimidation score. On a failure, the creature is frightened until the end of its next turn. A creature that succeeds on its saving throw is immune to your Retaliatory Reputation for the next 24 hours.


Supply 0 (max 14)

Dagger, hand crossbow with 20 crossbow bolts, padded cloth armor, musical instrument, entertainer’s pack


   Gold 7










Zevites are a people trapped between worlds and sometimes find their own homes in unexpected places. Tall and lanky—even gangly—in appearance, zevite skin tones range from blues to greens to yellows, with different levels of brightness or darkness that can make their appearance anywhere from sunny yellow to midnight blue. Their hair is almost uniformly black or very dark blues, greens, and purples. The color of their eyes can range across the entire rainbow with variable intensities from stormy gray to almost neon pink. Zevites also have a unique pattern on their body, similar to that of a cat. It’s generally invisible to most eyes, but a zevite may ‘ignite’ their pattern to make it appear crimson, gold, or lilac. Any scar tissue a zevite has similarly lights up.

Zevite origins are a matter of some contention. It is known that in the distant past a prophet named Zev brought his people into the Astral Plane. Some believe he did so to save his people from a terrible calamity, others that it was by force as a tyrant-king looking to create his own immortal kingdom. Whatever the case, most zevites still spend the vast majority of their extensive on the timeless Astral Plane.

Because time does not pass normally on the Astral Plane, no zevite can be born there. Instead, zevites looking to bear a child travel to other planes of existence in order for their pregnancy to progress. Such children are cared for until young adulthood before their parents return to the Astral Plane to avoid aging too drastically. Those left behind must choose whether to live their lives on the plane they were born to or follow their parents into the Astral. Rarely, a parent will stay on the plane with their child or children, even to the point of death by aging.


Zevite Traits

Characters with the zevite heritage share a variety of traits in common with one another.

Age. Zevites are considered to be adults around 19 to 22 years after their birth and can live around 120 years on planes which have normal time.

Size. Zevites stand at least as tall as average humans, although most are a head or so taller. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base Speed is 30 feet.

Emotional Telepathy. You possess the ability to speak telepathically to any creature within 30 feet of you that you can see. The creature understands your words only if the two of you share a language, though you can instead choose to communicate a single emotion at a time in place of speech.

Iron Mind. You gain resistance to psychic damage.

Ideomorphic. Due to a connection to the Astral Plane, your biology is partially shaped by perspective, manifesting in full-body markings you can cause to light up in a color corresponding to your outlook on life. Igniting your markings requires a bonus action, lasts for 1 minute, and grants creatures advantage on their Perception checks against you, (unless it doesn’t use sight for its Perception checks) in addition to the benefits below. You can end this effect as a bonus action. Choose from the following options:

Cynical. Your crimson markings grant you expertise on Insight checks but you suffer disadvantage on Deception checks.

Hopeful. Your golden markings grant you expertise on Persuasion checks, but you suffer disadvantage on Insight checks.

Stoic. Your lilac markings mean you cannot suffer disadvantage on Perception checks due to environmental effects.

You can use this trait once per short or long rest . Zevites can ultimately change the color of their markings, but this takes a true, deep shift in personal outlook and is unaffected by a mere change in mood.

Zevite Gifts

Zevites are known for their psionic potential and iron will. It’s said it’s easier to convince a mountain to get out of your path than to turn a zevite from their goal. In addition to the traits all zevites get, choose one of the following gifts.


The roiling churn of the Astral Plane presents many possibilities, giving some zevites the ability to see potential outcomes. Zevites with this gift have the following trait:

Glimpse the Future. Once per short or long rest you can spend an action to look into the immediate future and ask the Narrator whether a specific choice you intend to make in the next minute is good, bad, or neutral. The reply does not account for possible circumstances that could change the outcome, such as making additional precaution, and may be cryptic.

In addition, you may ask your Narrator to provide you with a brief vision related to a choice. Such a vision gives you insight into what may happen if you make a specific choice within the next minute, though the answer may not be straightforward. You suffer one level of strife after this vision, but do not expend your use of Glimpse the Future.

Stubborn Streak

The strong will of the zevites is well known, but some are so stubborn and set that they give their entire people a reputation for it. You have the following traits:

Unreadable. Insight checks made against you have disadvantage .

Unmoved. When you make a saving throw against a charm or compulsion effect you may choose to make a Constitution saving throw.

Unbudging. You gain expertise on saving throws against maneuvers and other effects that would result in forced movement, such as the Shove basic maneuver.

Telepathic Empathy

All zevites have a degree of telepathy, but some are more sensitive to the minds of others than most. Zevites with the gift of telepathic empathy gain the following trait:

Empathic Bond. As an action, choose one willing creature within range of your telepathy you can see to bring into contact with your mindscape. So long as you both choose to remain connected, you are able to telepathically communicate with your target across any distance as long as you are on the same plane.

While bound in this way, as long as you can see the target, you can use your reaction when they take damage to take some onto yourself. The damage after their resistances and immunities is split evenly between you and the bonded creature, rounded up, and ignores resistances and immunities you possess. Once you have used this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest .

You may only be connected to one creature at a time, but the connection lasts until you or the other creature chooses to end it, which requires no action. Initiating this bond is very taxing, and you suffer one level of strife each time you do so.

Zevite Paragon

When you reach 10th level, you are an exemplar of what it is to be a zevite, and you gain one paragon gift from the following list.

Acute Telepathy

The range of your telepathy increases; you can now use it on any creature you can see. Additionally, choose up to 7 willing creatures of at least Intelligence 3 that you can see. You and the chosen creatures can communicate telepathically with each other regardless of language and across any distance, including other planes. Any of the chosen creatures can break this bond without an action, or you can end the effect for 1 or more creatures as a bonus action. Additionally, you can become aware of how many sapient minds (of at least Intelligence 3) are within 30 feet of you, as well as their direction (but not distance), once per short rest .

Psychic Inference

Choose three from Deception, Insight, Intimidation, and Persuasion. You gain an expertise die on checks with the chosen skills against creatures within range of your telepathy, including initiative checks, which can always be Insight checks for you.

Predictive Combat

Zevites often possess some measure of prescience, and your mastery of it is made clear with your ability to predict where creatures and objects will be. Your attack rolls ignore half cover , and an area being lightly obscured does not impose disadvantage on your ability checks . You do not have disadvantage from making ranged attacks at long range.

Zevite Culture

Zevites live in the shadow of their people’s past, and often feel disconnected and loosely tethered to the people around them—a fact that makes what family they find all the sweeter and more beloved.

While you can choose any culture for your zevite character, the following cultures are linked closely with this heritage: cosmopolitan , itinerant , nomad .

There are also two new cultures to suit zevites: Children of Zev and Zevanchist . While they are not bound to use these cultures and people of other heritages may be raised within them, it is vanishingly rare to meet a zevite of the Astral Plane that is neither a Child of Zev or a Zevanchist.
