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Combat Maneuvers

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Name Points Degree Tradition Action Type Summary Source
Parrying Counter 1 2nd degree Rapid Current Reaction Increase your AC against one creature and gain a free attack if it misses you. Adventurer's Guide
Partner Fall 2 3rd degree Comedic Jabs Reaction Nothing impresses like taking somebody down with you Gate Pass Gazette
Perceptive Stance 1 1st degree Razor’s Edge Bonus Action (Stance) Enhance your perception. Adventurer's Guide
Perfect Assault 3 5th degree Unending Wheel Action Exhaust your exertion pool to transform all of your attacks into combat maneuvers. Adventurer's Guide
Perfect Edge Stance 2 4th degree Razor’s Edge Bonus Action (Stance) Focus on making your strikes as devastating as possible, increasing how often you score a critical hit. Adventurer's Guide
Perplexing Flurry 1 1st degree Mist and Shade Action Cause your enemy to suffer disadvantage while you focus all your attacks on them. Adventurer's Guide
Pickpocket 1 3rd degree Mist and Shade Reaction Use your reaction to make a Sleight of Hand check. Adventurer's Guide
Pie To The Face 2 1st degree Comedic Jabs Action Throw food to gain the edge in combat Gate Pass Gazette
Pilfer Object 3 5th degree Mist and Shade Reaction Move next to an enemy about to use an item and take it from their hands. Adventurer's Guide
Point Blank Shot 1 1st degree Biting Zephyr Bonus Action Use a bonus action to make ranged weapon attacks in melee without disadvantage. Adventurer's Guide
Practiced Roll 1 2nd degree Razor’s Edge Bonus Action Move 20 feet without provoking opportunity attacks. Adventurer's Guide
Pratfall Pull 2 2nd degree Comedic Jabs Reaction Quick footwork can make someone fall with you Gate Pass Gazette
Preternatural Strikes 1 2nd degree Unending Wheel Action Strike targets who normally require magic. Adventurer's Guide
Primal Intercept 2 2nd degree Tooth and Claw Reaction Attack a creature which grapples you. Adventurer's Guide
Prodigious Leap 3 4th degree Spirited Steed Reaction Use a reaction and spur your mount to jump impossible distances. Adventurer's Guide
Purge Magic 1 1st degree Tempered Iron Reaction Make a melee attack against an enemy casting a spell. Adventurer's Guide
Quick Spill 2 1st degree Comedic Jabs Bonus Action Throw things to gain the edge in combat Gate Pass Gazette
Quick Switch 2 3rd degree Beast Unity Reaction Your animal companion knows how to shuffle itself around the battlefield to better protect and position its allies—or put other creatures in a worse position. Gate Pass Gazette
Quick, Drink This 3 4th degree Comedic Jabs Action Splash a liquid down a creature's throat Gate Pass Gazette
Quickdraw 2 2nd degree Biting Zephyr Reaction Use your reaction to draw a weapon and make a ranged attack when initiative is rolled. Adventurer's Guide
Quickening 1 2nd degree Arcane Knight Reaction As enemies draw near, you summon magic to enhance your response time. Gate Pass Gazette
Rake 1 3rd degree Tooth and Claw Action Do extra damage when making multiple attacks. Adventurer's Guide
Raking Strikes 2 1st degree Tooth and Claw Action On a hit, hit the target again with disadvantage. Adventurer's Guide
Rallying Cry 3 5th degree Sanguine Knot Reaction Use a reaction to inspire an ally to fight onward when they take a hit. Adventurer's Guide
Rapid Drink 2 2nd degree Rapid Current Bonus Action Quickly consume or administer a potion. Adventurer's Guide
Rapid Strike 2 3rd degree Rapid Current Action Make an additional attack against a creature you have hit. Adventurer's Guide
Reactive Knockdown 1 2nd degree Adamant Mountain Reaction Trip your foe as an opportunity attack. Adventurer's Guide
Reactive Ward 1-3 3rd degree Arcane Knight Reaction At the sight of incoming danger, you briefly call up a warding shield around yourself and nearby allies. Gate Pass Gazette
Really Very Funny 4 4th degree Comedic Jabs Action A funny gesticulation to disorient enemies Gate Pass Gazette
Rearing Menace 3 2nd degree Spirited Steed Action Frighten nearby foes from atop your mount. Adventurer's Guide
