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Airship Crew

Airship Crew

Those who ply the skies above many worlds travel further and longer than most, some even bringing their families aboard. Passing over not only vast seas, but forests, vales, and deserts just as vast—and just as unforgiving for those who fall. You were born into a life as unforgiving as the plummet.

Characters raised in the airship pirate culture share a variety of traits in common with one another.



Aeronauts are folk who ply the skies aboard airships of every description. Much as a sailor, an aeronaut must be quite familiar with their vessel, skilled with every role from pilot to navigator to engineer to ensure the ship gets from port to port in one piece.

What skip did you fly with? Was it a dirigible or did it have wings or rotors? Were you a deckhand, officer, or the captain of your ship?

Foundation (Destiny)

Foundation (Destiny)

Characters with the Foundation destiny wish to create something new, something big, something important; and to do it from scratch. This can mean founding a city, starting a large organization, or even their very own culture. What’s important is that it didn’t exist before they arrived, and it will continue to do so long after they are gone. The world will be changed, at least in some way, and it will have been thanks to them

Preservation (Destiny)

Preservation (Destiny)

The last remaining guardian of a sacred location, the keeper of an important relic, the only practitioner of an endangered tradition. Those with the Preservation destiny are the last bastion against something significant disappearing from the world. The reason and nature of what they are protecting can take many shapes, but one thing is certain: without them, it will be lost forever.

Keeper of the Land

Keeper of the Land

Keepers of the land inhabit ancient territories where crowded settlements and large-scale agriculture have not yet taken a foothold. These can be very different locations, like large swathes of grassland, cave systems deep underground, or thick and unexplored jungles, but they all share the same characteristic: a sense of an ancient, almost forgotten history that permeates through every corner.



Oxfolk are a tall, bovine-esque people with large, curving horns. Many have longer hair on their heads and about their shoulders and most have furry coats, the length and texture of which varies with the seasons, the climate they hail from, and their lineage. This fur is largely similar to that seen on oxen and domesticated cattle, with bands, splotches, and solid colors being equally common, though some might look more akin to bison, water buffalo, or yaks
