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Fatigued Bargain

Fatigued Bargain

-level (

Your magic suppresses a creature’s inhibitions, urging out its own self-destructive strength.

Enervating Light

Enervating Light

-level (

You conjure a mote of sickly light at a point within range.

Draining Nova

Draining Nova

-level (

Creatures in the area make a Constitution

Dementing Touch

Dementing Touch

-level (

Your touch implants a vile plague in a creature’s mind.

Consume Vigor

Consume Vigor

-level (

You rend the lifeforce from a creature to sustain yourself. The target of this spell takes 6d8 necrotic damage.

Burst of Strength

Burst of Strength

-level (

In a sudden eruption of fortitude, you break bonds in inhuman fashion.

Lunar Chrysalian

Lunar Chrysalian

Often painted as quiet observers, lunar chrysalians hold a particular affinity for nighttime and the moon. Because they are typically found in the darker reaches of the Dreaming, they have mastered the ability to move silently to avoid detection by the realm’s more unsavory folk. And, as they are often surrounded by hags or agents of the Unseen Court, they have a particular interest in occultism. Lunar chrysalians tend to adopt muted clothing and patterns, preferring to melt into a crowd or blend in with their surroundings rather than make a scene.

Solar Chrysalian

Solar Chrysalian

Raised in the warmth of the sun, solar chrysalians are often characterized by their boisterousness and joie de vivre. They often dress themselves in loud patterns and colors, and frequently favor sequins, feathers, bells, and other baubles that draw attention. Friendly and vivacious, they are attracted to bright colors and hubs of activity and are always on the lookout for the next new and exciting thing. As such, they tend to be more itinerant than other chrysalians, with many forming wandering groups or performing troupes that range all across the Dreaming and beyond.



Physically, chrysalians appear as humanoid butterflies or moths, with broad, soft wings that can be twice as large as their bodies. These wings are often brilliantly colored or strikingly patterned, with some chrysalians flaunting iridescent colors that shimmer in the light like jewels. They have a singular pair of arms and two legs, and while they have jaws and can speak, they lack any mandibles or teeth. Instead, they have a long, proboscis-like tongue that they use to drink their liquid diet.
